xmipp3.protocols.protocol_screen_deepConsensus module
Deep Consensus picking protocol
- class xmipp3.protocols.protocol_screen_deepConsensus.XmippProtDeepConsSubSet(**args)[source]
Create subsets from the GUI for the Deep Consensus protocol. This protocol will be executed mainly calling the script ‘pw_create_image_subsets.py’ from the ShowJ gui. The enabled/disabled changes will be stored in a temporary sqlite file that will be read to create the new subset.
- class xmipp3.protocols.protocol_screen_deepConsensus.XmippProtScreenDeepConsensus(**args)[source]
Protocol to compute a smart consensus between different particle picking algorithms. The protocol takes several Sets of Coordinates calculated by different programs and/or different parameter settings. Let’s say: we consider N independent pickings. Then, a neural network is trained using different subset of picked and not picked cooridantes. Finally, a coordinate is considered to be a correct particle according to the neural network predictions. In streaming, the network is trained and used to predict in batches. The network is trained until the number of particles set is reached, meanwhile, a preliminary output is generated. Once the threshold is reached, the final output is produced by batches.
- ADD_DATA_TRAIN_CUSTOM_OPT = ['Particles', 'Coordinates']
- ADD_DATA_TRAIN_TYPES = ['None', 'Precompiled', 'Custom']
- ADD_MODEL_TRAIN_TYPES = ['New', 'Pretrained', 'PreviousRun']
- CONSENSUS_COOR_PATH_TEMPLATE = 'consensus_coords_%s'
- CONSENSUS_PARTS_PATH_TEMPLATE = 'consensus_parts_%s'
- ENDED = False
- EXTRACTING = {'AND': False, 'NOISE': False, 'OR': False}
- LAST_ROUND = False
- NET_TEMPLATE = 'nnetData{}'
- PARTICLES_TEMPLATE = 'particles{}.xmd'
- PRE_PROC_MICs_PATH = 'preProcMics'
- TRAINED_PARAMS_PATH = 'trainedParams.pickle'
- TRAINING = False
- allFree()[source]
Kind of “traficlight” that specifies if there is not extraction, training or prediction going on, which would alterate the states of the protocol
- calculateCoorConsensusStep(outCoordsDataPath, mode)[source]
Calculates the consensus coordinates from micrographs whose particles haven’t been extracted yet in “mode”
- checkIfParentsFinished()[source]
Check the streamState of the coordinates input to check if the parent protocols are finsihed
- counter = 0
- doTraining()[source]
Prepares the positive (AND) and negative (NOISE) coordinates for the training and executes it
- extractParticles(mode)[source]
Extract the particles from a set of micrographs with their corresponding coordinates
- getAllCoordsInputMicrographs(shared=False)[source]
Returns a dic {micFn: mic} with the input micrographs present associated with all the input coordinates sets. If shared, the list contains only those micrographs present in all input coordinates sets, else the list contains all microgrpah present in any set (Intersection vs Union) Do not create a set, because of concurrency in the database
- getExtractedMicFns(mode)[source]
Return the list of extracted micrograph filenames (micrographs where particles of type “mode” have been extracted)
- getMicrographFnsWithCoordinates(shared=True)[source]
Return a list with the filenames of those microgrpahs which already have coordinates associated in the input sets. If shared, it must be in all the sets, if not shared, at least in one
- getPredictedMicFns()[source]
Return the list of microgrpahs whose particles have been used for prediction
- getTrainedMicFns()[source]
Return the list of microgrpahs whose particles have been used for training
- insertCaculateConsensusSteps(mode, prerequisites)[source]
Insert the steps neccessary for calculating the consensus coordinates of type “mode”
- insertExtractPartSteps(mode, prerequisites)[source]
Inserts the steps necessary for extracting the particles from the micrographs
- joinSetOfParticlesStep(mode, micFns='', trainingPass='', clean=False)[source]
Stores the particles extracted from a set of micrographs in a images.xmd metadata file
- lastRoundStep()[source]
Starts the last round of training and predictions with the remainign microgrpahs when all the inputs have arrived
- loadTrainedParams()[source]
Load the dictionary stored in pickle format which stores the trained parameters. Creates a initial one if it does not exist yet
- networkReadyToPredict()[source]
Returns true if the CNN is trained or the user specified it does not need to be trained
- pickNoise()[source]
Find noise coordinates from micrographs in order to use them as negatives in the training process
- predictCNN()[source]
Predict the particles from the micrographs and calificates the consensus coordinates
- predictionsOn()[source]
Return a boolean for whether to perform a prediction. True if there must be a preliminar prediction or if the training process has finished (trainingPass==’‘)
- readyPreliminarPrediction()[source]
Return a boolean for whether to perform a preliminar predition. True if the user set it and the current trained network has not been used yet
- readyToExtractMicFns(mode)[source]
Return the list of micrograph filenames which are ready to be extracted (preprocessed and common for all inputs) and have not or are not being extracted yet
- readyToPredictMicFns()[source]
Return the list of micrograph filenames which are ready to be used for prediction and have not or are not being predicted yet
- readyToPreprocessMics(shared)[source]
Return the list of micrograph filenames which are ready to be preprocessed and have not been preprocessed yet
- readyToTrainMicFns()[source]
Return the list of micrograph filenames which are ready to be used for training and have not or are not being trained yet
- retrievePreviousPassModel(trPass, lastTrPass='')[source]
Retrieves a previous CNN model and copies its folders to used the network in a new location
- retrievePreviousRunModel(prevProt, trPass='')[source]
Retrieves a CNN model from other protocol and copies its folders to used the network in a new location
- retrieveTrainSets()[source]
Retrieve, link and return a setOfParticles corresponding to the NegativeTrain DeepConsensus trainning set with certain extraction conditions (phaseFlip/invContrast)
- trainCNN(toTrainMicFns)[source]
Trains the CNN with the particles from the ready to train micrographs
- trainingOn()[source]
Return a boolean for whether to perform training. True if the training must not be skipped and if the finish training criteria has not been reached yet