xmipp3.protocols.protocol_trigger_data module
- class xmipp3.protocols.protocol_trigger_data.XmippProtTriggerData(**kwargs)[source]
Waits until certain number of images is prepared and then send them to output. It can be done in 3 ways:
- If “Send all items to output?” is _No_:
Once the number of items is reached, a setOfImages is returned and the protocol finishes (ending the streaming from this point).
- If “Send all items to output?” is _Yes_ and:
- If “Split items to multiple sets?” is _Yes_:
Multiple closed outputs will be returned as soon as the number of items is reached.
- If “Split items to multiple sets?” is _No_:
Only one output is returned and it is growing up in batches of a certain number of items (completely in streaming).