Graphical interface manuals
The following guides show you how to perform certain actions using the GUI:
Image processing resources
Very complete Youtube list about cryoem image processing videos
These tutorials provides a quick introduction to processing with Scipion.
Single particle tutorials
Tomography tutorials
- Tomography in Scipion
- Tomogram Reconstruction
- Manual Tomogram Reconstruction with etomo
- Tomogram reconstruction with SCIPION: from raw movies to a tomogram
- Tomogram Reconstruction and Local Resolution Analysis with MonoTomo
- Picking Tutorial
- Denoising, Membrane Segmentation and Annotation and Directional Picking
- Subtomogram Averaging Ribosome
- Subtomogram Averaging HIV
- Subtomogram Averaging Ribosome with EMAN plugin for Scipion
- Tomography in streaming
Model building
Flexibility hub
Processing How To’s
Importing data
Importing Data: Importing data is the first step for any Scipion project. Find out how to import movies, micrographs, CTFs, and particles and which are the formats currently supported.
Creating subsets
Creating subsets: Find out how to create subsets from micrographs, particles, volumes or from 2D/3D classifications. This tool is valid for results from any package.
Threads, mpis and GPUs
Understanding these common execution parameters it is always important but at the same time confusing. We try to explain them here
Relion in Scipion
Relion in Scipion: Check how to use Relion inside Scipion. Some of the original Relion FAQ are addressed.