relion.convert.dataimport module

class relion.convert.dataimport.FileTransform(srcPath, dstPath, copyFiles=False)[source]

Bases: object

Simple classes to handle input files. This classes will create a destination folder from which the input files will be accessible. The destination folder can be a symlink if the files are not required to be copied.

class relion.convert.dataimport.RelionImport(protocol, starFile)[source]

Bases: object

Protocol to import existing Relion runs.

importCoordinates(fileName, addCoordinate)[source]

Import particles from ‘’


Return a dictionary with acquisition values and the sampling rate information. In the case of Relion, they are stored in the optics table


Should be overwritten in subclasses to return summary message for NORMAL EXECUTION.


Should be overwritten in subclasses to return summary message for NORMAL EXECUTION.