Source code for relion.convert.dataimport

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. de la Rosa Trevin (
# *
# * SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from emtable import Table

from pyworkflow.object import Float
from pwem.constants import ALIGN_PROJ, ALIGN_2D, ALIGN_NONE
from pwem.objects import Micrograph
import pwem.emlib.metadata as md
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils

from .convert31 import OpticsGroups
from .convert_utils import relionToLocation

[docs]class FileTransform: """ Simple classes to handle input files. This classes will create a destination folder from which the input files will be accessible. The destination folder can be a symlink if the files are not required to be copied. """ def __init__(self, srcPath, dstPath, copyFiles=False): self._src = srcPath self._dst = dstPath self._processed = set() if copyFiles: pwutils.makePath(dstPath) self.transform = self._copyFile else: pwutils.makePath(os.path.dirname(srcPath)) pwutils.createLink(srcPath, dstPath) self.transform = self._addPrefix def _copyFile(self, inputFile): """ Copy file to the destination folder and return new filename. """ if inputFile not in self._processed: pwutils.copyFile(os.path.join(self._src, inputFile), self._dst) self._processed.add(inputFile) return os.path.join(self._dst, os.path.basename(inputFile)) def _addPrefix(self, inputFile): """ Just prepend the new symlink folder to the filename. """ return os.path.join(self._dst, inputFile)
[docs]class RelionImport: """ Protocol to import existing Relion runs. """ def __init__(self, protocol, starFile): self.protocol = protocol self._starFile = starFile self.copyOrLink = protocol.getCopyOrLink() self.version30 = False
[docs] def importParticles(self): """ Import particles from '' """ self.ignoreIds = self.protocol.ignoreIdColumn.get() self._imgDict = {} # store which images stack have been linked/copied and the new path self._findImagesPath('rlnImageName') if self._micIdOrName: # If rlnMicrographName or rlnMicrographId then # create a set to link from particles self.micSet = self.protocol._createSetOfMicrographs() self.protocol.setSamplingRate(self.micSet) self.micSet.setIsPhaseFlipped(self.protocol.haveDataBeenPhaseFlipped.get()) self.protocol.fillAcquisition(self.micSet.getAcquisition()) partSet = self.protocol._createSetOfParticles() partSet.setObjComment('Particles imported from Relion star file:\n%s' % self._starFile) # Update both samplingRate and acquisition with parameters # selected in the protocol form self.protocol.setSamplingRate(partSet) self._pixelSize = self.protocol.samplingRate.get() partSet.setIsPhaseFlipped(self.protocol.haveDataBeenPhaseFlipped.get()) self.protocol.fillAcquisition(partSet.getAcquisition()) # Read the micrographs from the 'self._starFile' metadata # but fixing the filenames with new ones (linked or copy to extraDir) if self.version30: from .convert_deprecated import readSetOfParticles readSetOfParticles( self._starFile, partSet, preprocessImageRow=self._preprocessImageRow30, postprocessImageRow=self._postprocessImageRow30, readAcquisition=False, alignType=self.alignType) else: from relion.convert import readSetOfParticles readSetOfParticles( self._starFile, partSet, preprocessImageRow=None, postprocessImageRow=self._postprocessImageRow, readAcquisition=False, alignType=self.alignType, pixelSize=self._pixelSize) if self._micIdOrName: self.protocol._defineOutputs(outputMicrographs=self.micSet) self.protocol._defineOutputs(outputParticles=partSet) if self._classesFunc is not None: self._createClasses(partSet)
def _updateClass(self, item): classId = item.getObjId() if classId in self._classesDict: index, fn, row = self._classesDict[classId] if fn.endswith('.mrc'): fn += ':mrc' # Specify that are volumes to read them properly in xmipp item.getRepresentative().setLocation(index, fn) item._rlnclassDistribution = Float(row.get('rlnClassDistribution')) item._rlnAccuracyRotations = Float(row.get('rlnAccuracyRotations')) if self.version30: accInAngst = row.get('rlnAccuracyTranslations') * self._pixelSize item._rlnAccuracyTranslationsAngst = Float(accInAngst) else: item._rlnAccuracyTranslationsAngst = Float(row.get('rlnAccuracyTranslationsAngst')) def _createClasses(self, partSet): self._classesDict = {} # store classes info, indexed by class id pathDict = {}'Loading classes info from: %s' % self._modelStarFile) table = Table(fileName=self._modelStarFile, tableName='model_classes') for classNumber, row in enumerate(table): index, fn = relionToLocation(row.rlnReferenceImage) if fn in pathDict: newFn = pathDict.get(fn) else: clsPath = pwutils.findRootFrom(self._modelStarFile, fn) if clsPath is None: newFn = fn else: newFn = self.protocol._getExtraPath(os.path.basename(fn)) self.copyOrLink(os.path.join(clsPath, fn), newFn) pathDict[fn] = newFn self._classesDict[classNumber+1] = (index, newFn, row) clsSet = self._classesFunc(partSet) clsSet.classifyItems(updateClassCallback=self._updateClass) self.protocol._defineOutputs(outputClasses=clsSet) self.protocol._defineSourceRelation(partSet, clsSet) # -------------------------- INFO functions -------------------------------
[docs] def validateParticles(self): """ Should be overwritten in subclasses to return summary message for NORMAL EXECUTION. """ self._findImagesPath("rlnImageName", warnings=False)
[docs] def summaryParticles(self): """ Should be overwritten in subclasses to return summary message for NORMAL EXECUTION. """ return []
def _getModelFile(self, dataStar): """ Retrieve the model star file from a given file. """ modelStarFile = dataStar.replace('', '') if os.path.exists(modelStarFile): result = modelStarFile else: modelHalfStarFile = self._starFile.replace('', '') if os.path.exists(modelHalfStarFile): result = modelHalfStarFile else: result = None return result def _findImagesPath(self, label, warnings=True): # read the first table table = Table(fileName=self._starFile) acqRow = row = table[0] if row is None: raise Exception("Cannot import from empty metadata: %s" % self._starFile) if not row.get('rlnOpticsGroup', False): self.version30 = True self.protocol.warning("Import from Relion version < 3.1 ...") else: acqRow = OpticsGroups.fromStar(self._starFile).first() # read particles table table = Table(fileName=self._starFile, tableName='particles') row = table[0] if not row.get(label, False): raise Exception("Label *%s* is missing in metadata: %s" % (label, self._starFile)) index, fn = relionToLocation(row.get(label)) # Relion does not allow abs paths if fn.startswith("/"): raise Exception("ERROR: %s cannot be an absolute path: %s\n" "Please create a symlink to an abs path instead." % (label, fn)) self._imgPath = pwutils.findRootFrom(self._starFile, fn) if warnings and self._imgPath is None: self.protocol.warning("Binary data was not found from metadata: %s" % self._starFile) if (self._starFile.endswith('') and self._getModelFile(self._starFile)): self._modelStarFile = self._getModelFile(self._starFile) modelRow = Table(fileName=self._modelStarFile, tableName='model_general')[0] classDimensionality = int(modelRow.rlnReferenceDimensionality) self._optimiserFile = self._starFile.replace('', '') if not os.path.exists(self._optimiserFile): autoRefine = int(modelRow.rlnNrClasses) == 1 else: optimiserRow = Table(fileName=self._optimiserFile, tableName='optimiser_general')[0] autoRefine = optimiserRow.get('rlnModelStarFile2', False) self.alignType = ALIGN_PROJ if not autoRefine: if classDimensionality == 3: self._classesFunc = self.protocol._createSetOfClasses3D else: self._classesFunc = self.protocol._createSetOfClasses2D self.alignType = ALIGN_2D else: self._classesFunc = None else: self._classesFunc = None self._modelStarFile = None modelRow = None # Check if we have rot angle -> ALIGN_PROJ, # if only psi angle -> ALIGN_2D if (row.get('rlnAngleRot', False) and float(row.rlnAngleRot) != 0.0): self.alignType = ALIGN_PROJ elif (row.get('rlnAnglePsi', False) and float(row.rlnAnglePsi) != 0.0): self.alignType = ALIGN_2D else: self.alignType = ALIGN_NONE print("alignType: ", self.alignType) # Check if the MetaData contains either rlnMicrographName # or rlnMicrographId, this will be used when imported # particles to keep track of the particle's micrograph self._micIdOrName = (row.get('rlnMicrographName', False) or row.get('rlnMicrographId', False)) # init dictionary. It will be used in the preprocessing self.micDict = {} self._stackTrans = None self._micTrans = None return row, modelRow, acqRow def _preprocessImageRow30(self, img, imgRow): from .convert_deprecated import setupCTF, copyOrLinkFileName if self._imgPath is not None: copyOrLinkFileName(imgRow, self._imgPath, self.protocol._getExtraPath()) setupCTF(imgRow, self.protocol.samplingRate.get()) if self._micIdOrName: micId = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographId', None) micName = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographName', None) # Check which is the key to identify micrographs (id or name) if micId is not None: micKey = micId else: micKey = micName mic = self.micDict.get(micKey, None) # First time I found this micrograph (either by id or name) if mic is None: mic = Micrograph() mic.setObjId(micId) if micName is None: micName = self.protocol._getExtraPath('fake_micrograph%6d' % micId) mic.setFileName(micName) mic.setMicName(os.path.basename(micName)) self.micSet.append(mic) # Update dict with new Micrograph self.micDict[micKey] = mic # Update the row to set a MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID imgRow['rlnMicrographId'] = int(mic.getObjId()) def _postprocessImageRow30(self, img, imgRow): if self.ignoreIds: img.setObjId(None) # Force to generate a new id in Set if self._micIdOrName: micId = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographId', None) micName = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographName', None) if img.hasCoordinate(): coord = img.getCoordinate() coord.setMicId(micId) coord.setMicName(os.path.basename(micName)) def _postprocessImageRow(self, img, imgRow): # shortcut notation prot = self.protocol imgPath = self._imgPath if self.ignoreIds: img.setObjId(None) # Force to generate a new id in Set if imgPath is not None: if self._stackTrans is None: self._stackTrans = FileTransform(imgPath, prot._getExtraPath('Particles'), prot.copyFiles) img.setFileName(self._stackTrans.transform(img.getFileName())) if self._micIdOrName: micId = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographId', None) micName = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographName', None) # Check which is the key to identify micrographs (id or name) if micId is not None: micKey = micId else: micKey = micName mic = self.micDict.get(micKey, None) # First time I found this micrograph (either by id or name) if mic is None: mic = Micrograph() mic.setObjId(micId) if micName is None: micName = prot._getExtraPath('fake_micrograph%6d' % micId) else: if not len(self.micDict): # first time if os.path.exists(os.path.join(imgPath, micName)): micRoot = imgPath else: micRoot = pwutils.findRootFrom(self._starFile, micName) if micRoot is not None: self._micTrans = FileTransform( micRoot, prot._getExtraPath('Micrographs'), prot.copyFiles) if self._micTrans is not None: micName = self._micTrans.transform(micName) mic.setFileName(micName) mic.setMicName(os.path.basename(micName)) mic.setAcquisition(img.getAcquisition()) self.micSet.append(mic) # Update dict with new Micrograph self.micDict[micKey] = mic img.setMicId(mic.getObjId()) if img.hasCoordinate(): coord = img.getCoordinate() coord.setMicId(mic.getObjId()) coord.setMicName(os.path.basename(micName))
[docs] def loadAcquisitionInfo(self): """ Return a dictionary with acquisition values and the sampling rate information. In the case of Relion, they are stored in the optics table """ acquisitionDict = OrderedDict() try: _, modelRow, acqRow = self._findImagesPath('rlnImageName', warnings=False) if acqRow.get('rlnVoltage', False): acquisitionDict['voltage'] = acqRow.rlnVoltage if acqRow.get('rlnAmplitudeContrast', False): acquisitionDict['amplitudeContrast'] = acqRow.rlnAmplitudeContrast if acqRow.get('rlnSphericalAberration', False): acquisitionDict['sphericalAberration'] = acqRow.rlnSphericalAberration if modelRow is not None and modelRow.get('rlnPixelSize', False): acquisitionDict['samplingRate'] = modelRow.rlnPixelSize except Exception as ex: print("Error loading acquisition: ", str(ex)) return acquisitionDict
[docs] def importCoordinates(self, fileName, addCoordinate): from .convert_deprecated import rowToCoordinate for row in md.iterRows(fileName): coord = rowToCoordinate(row) addCoordinate(coord)