ccp4.protocols.protocol_refmac module¶
- class ccp4.protocols.protocol_refmac.CCP4ProtRunRefmac(**kwargs)[source]¶
Automatic refinement program in Fourier space of macromolecule structures regarding electron density maps. Generates files for volumes and FSCs to submit structures to EMDB
- OutPdbFileName = 'refmac-refined.pdb'¶
- PDBSET = 'pdbset'¶
- REFMAC = 'refmac5'¶
- createMaskLogFileName = 'mask.log'¶
- refineLogFileName = 'refine.log'¶
- refmacMap2MtzScriptFileName = ''¶
- refmacRefineScriptFileName = ''¶
- classmethod validateInstallation()[source]¶
Check if the installation of this protocol is correct. By default, we will check if the protocols’ package provide a validateInstallation function and use it. Returning an empty list means that the installation is correct and there are not errors. If some errors are found, a list with the error messages will be returned.