ccp4.bibtex module¶
- @article{Winn_2011,
Author=”Winn, M. D. and Ballard, C. C. and Cowtan, K. D. and Dodson, E. J. and Emsley, P. and Evans, P. R. and Keegan, R. M. and Krissinel, E. B. and Leslie, A. G. and McCoy, A. and McNicholas, S. J. and Murshudov, G. N. and Pannu, N. S. and Potterton, E. A. and Powell, H. R. and Read, R. J. and Vagin, A. and Wilson, K. S. “, Title=”{{O}verview of the {C}{C}{P}4 suite and current developments}”, Journal=”Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr.”, Year=”2011”, Volume=”67”, Number=”Pt 4”, Pages=”235–242”, Month=”Apr”, doi = “”, url = “”
} @article{Emsley_2004,
Author=”Emsley, P. and Cowtan, K. “, Title=”{{C}oot: model-building tools for molecular graphics}”, Journal=”Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr.”, Year=”2004”, Volume=”60”, Number=”Pt 12 Pt 1”, Pages=”2126–2132”, Month=”Dec”, doi = “”, url = “”
} @article{Vagin_2004,
Author=”Vagin, A. A. and Steiner, R. A. and Lebedev, A. A. and Potterton, L. and McNicholas, S. and Long, F. and Murshudov, G. N. “, Title=”{{R}{E}{F}{M}{A}{C}5 dictionary: organization of prior chemical knowledge and guidelines for its use}”, Journal=”Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr.”, Year=”2004”, Volume=”60”, Number=”Pt 12 Pt 1”, Pages=”2184–2195”, Month=”Dec”, doi = “”, url = “”