Tomography in Scipion
Introduction to how Scipion integration and visualization capabilities can simplify your cryo electron tomography pipeline.
Guide: Tomography intro
Tomogram Reconstruction
The main goal of this tutorial is to illustrate the combination of different tomography software packages in the same Scipion project.
Guide: Tomogram Reconstruction
Manual Tomogram Reconstruction with etomo
This tutorial shows how Scipion incorporates etomo (scipion-em-imod) and how the tomograms can be manually reconstrutedthewith it, inside a Scipion project.
Tomogram reconstruction with SCIPION: from raw movies to a tomogram
This tutorial aims to familiarize you with initial steps of cryo-electron tomogra- phy (cryo-ET) analysis using Scipion framework. We assume you are familiar with Scipion GUI and have some experience with cryo-ET data processing. Here we will demonstrate the workflow starting from raw data up to the tomogram reconstruction, highlighting the features of our software framework. After that, you should be able to run Scipion with your own data.
Tomogram Reconstruction and Local Resolution Analysis with MonoTomo
This tutorial shows how to reconstruct a tomogram in Scipion evaluating its local resolution
Picking Tutorial
This page will present the different picking protocols and strategies available in Scipion for Tomography and the Plugins where the various programs can be found. The tutorial will cover from the picking step to the extraction of the coordinates selected in the tomogram, including some useful tools to complement the protocols involved in the picking workflows.
Guide: Picking tutorial
Denoising, Membrane Segmentation and Annotation and Directional Picking
This tutorial covers a part of the full data processing pipeline in cryo electron tomography, concretely from the tomogram to the initial model generation after having picked the particles.
Subtomogram Averaging Ribosome (Part I)
In this tutorial, we will describe a basic workflow that goes from a tomogram containing purified ribosomes to a subtomogram average of the ribosome. To achieve this task, we will import the data to Scipion and then, perform a picking, extraction, classification and subtomogram refinement.
Subtomogram Averaging HIV (Part II)
In this first part of the tutorial, we will follow a workflow from tomogram to subtomogram averaging. Our objective is to reconstruct a protein of the capsid of the HIV virus, so our particles will have to maintain the orientation with respect to the virus internal membrane.
Guide: Subtomogram Averaging HIV
Subtomogram Averaging Ribosome with EMAN plugin for Scipion
This tutorial illustrates how to carry out a subtomogram averaging (STA) with a per-particle per-tilt (PPPT) approach using EMAN plugin for Scipion combined with others
Tomography in streaming
This tutorial guide you in a streaming tomography acquisition using Scipion. To achieve this goal, we will import the tilts as a movie in SPA, we will align those with the align protocols of SPA, we will compose the tilt serie and as the last step we will generate the tomogram. All the steps running in streaming
Guide: Tomography in streaming