pyworkflow.utils.utils module
- class pyworkflow.utils.utils.Environ[source]
Some utilities to handle environment settings.
- BEGIN = 1
- END = 2
- addLibrary(libraryPath, position=1)[source]
Adds a path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH at the requested position if the provided paths exist.
- getFirst(keys, mandatory=False)[source]
Return the value of the first key present in the environment. If none is found, returns the ‘defaultValue’ parameter.
- set(varName, varValue, position=0)[source]
Modify the value for some variable.
- Parameters
varName – for example LD_LIBRARY_PATH
varValue – the value to set, prefix or suffix.
position – controls how the value will be changed. If REPLACE, it will overwrite the value of the var. BEGIN or END will preserve the current value and will add, at the beginning or end, the new value.
- class pyworkflow.utils.utils.LazyDict(callback=<class 'dict'>)[source]
Dictionary to be initialized at the moment it is accessed for the first time. Initialization is done by a callback passed at instantiation
- Parameters
callback – method to initialize the dictionary. Should return a dictionary
- class pyworkflow.utils.utils.Timer(message='')[source]
Simple Timer base in and timedelta.
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.ansi(n, bold=False)[source]
Return function that escapes text with ANSI color n.
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.blackB(txt)
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.blueB(txt)
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.cyan(txt)
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.cyanB(txt)
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.dateStr(dt=None, time=True, secs=False, dateFormat=None)[source]
Get a normal string representation of datetime. If dt is None, use NOW.
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.envVarOn(varName, env=None)[source]
Is variable set to True in the environment?
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.environAdd(varName, newValue, valueFirst=False)[source]
Add a new value to some environ variable. If valueFirst is true, the new value will be at the beginning.
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.existsVariablePaths(variableValue)[source]
Check if the path (or paths) in variableValue exists. Multiple paths are allowed if separated by os.
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.getBoolListFromValues(valuesStr, length=None)[source]
Convert a string to a list of booleans
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.getColorStr(text, color, bold=False)[source]
Add ANSI color codes to the string if there is a terminal sys.stdout.
- Parameters
text – text to be colored
color – red or green
bold – bold the text
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.getEnvVariable(variableName, default=None, exceptionMsg=None)[source]
Returns the value of an environment variable or raise an exception message. Useful when adding variable to the config file and report accurate messages
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.getFloatListFromValues(valuesStr, length=None)[source]
Convert a string to a list of floats
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.getHostFullName()[source]
Return the fully-qualified name of the local machine.
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.getLineInFile(text, fileName)[source]
Find the line where the given text is located in the given file.
- Parameters
text – Text to check.
filePath – File path to check.
:return line number where the text was located.
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.getListFromRangeString(rangeStr)[source]
Create a list of integers from a string with range definitions. Examples: “1,5-8,10” -> [1,5,6,7,8,10] “2,6,9-11” -> [2,6,9,10,11] “2 5, 6-8” -> [2,5,6,7,8]
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.getListFromValues(valuesStr, length=None, caster=<class 'str'>)[source]
Convert a string representing list items into a list. The items should be separated by spaces or commas and a multiplier ‘x’ can be used. If length is not None, then the last element will be repeated until the desired length is reached.
Examples: ‘1 1 2x2 4 4’ -> [‘1’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘2’, ‘4’, ‘4’] ‘2x3, 3x4, 1’ -> [‘3’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘4’, ‘4’, ‘1’]
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.getLocalUserName()[source]
Recover local machine user name. returns: Local machine user name.
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.getStringListFromValues(valuesStr, length=None)[source]
Convert a string to a list of booleans
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.getUniqueItems(originalList)[source]
Method to remove repeated items from one list originalList – Original list with repeated items, or not. returns – New list with the content of original list without repeated items
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.greenB(txt)
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.hasAnyFileChanged(files, time)[source]
Returns true if any of the files in files list has been changed after ‘time’
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.hasFileChangedSince(file, time)[source]
Returns true if the file has changed after ‘time’
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.isInFile(text, filePath)[source]
Checks if given text is in the given file.
- Parameters
text – Text to check.
filePath – File path to check.
- :returns True if the given text is in the given file,
False if it is not in the file.
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.lighter(color, percent)[source]
assumes color is rgb between (0, 0, 0) and (255, 255, 255)
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.magenta(txt)
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.magentaB(txt)
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.parseHyperText(text, matchCallback)[source]
Parse the text recognizing Hyper definitions below.
- Parameters
matchCallback – a callback function to processing each matching, it should accept the type of match (HYPER_BOLD, ITALIC or LINK)
:return The input text with the replacements made by matchCallback
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.prettyDate(time=False)[source]
Get a datetime object or a int() Epoch timestamp and return a pretty string like ‘an hour ago’, ‘Yesterday’, ‘3 months ago’, ‘just now’, etc
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.prettyTime(dt=None, time=True, secs=False, dateFormat=None)
Get a normal string representation of datetime. If dt is None, use NOW.
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.prettyXml(elem, level=0)[source]
Add indentation for XML elements for more human readable text.
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.redB(txt)
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.sortListByList(inList, priorityList)[source]
Returns a list sorted by some elements in a second priorityList
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.strToBoolean(string)[source]
Converts a string into a Boolean if the string is on of true, yes, on, 1. Case insensitive.
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.strToDuration(durationStr)[source]
Converts a string representing an elapsed time to seconds E.g.: for “1m 10s” it’ll return 70
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.timeit(func)[source]
Decorator function to have a simple measurement of the execution time of a given function. To use it
@timeit def func(...) ...
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.trace(nlevels, separator=' --> ', stream=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)[source]
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.valueToList(value)[source]
Returns a list containing value, unless value is already a list. If value is None returns an empty list
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.weakImport(package, msg=None)[source]
This method can be used to tolerate imports that may fail.
from .protocol_ctffind import CistemProtCTFFind with weakImport('tomo'): from .protocol_ts_ctffind import CistemProtTsCtffind
In this case CistemProtTsCtffind should fail if tomo package is missing, but exception is captured and all the imports above should be available
- Parameters
package – name of the package that is expected to fail
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.white(txt)
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.whiteB(txt)
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.yellow(txt)
- pyworkflow.utils.utils.yellowB(txt)