pyworkflow.viewer module

class pyworkflow.viewer.CommandView(cmd, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: View

View for calling an external command.


This method should be overwritten to implement how this particular view will be displayed in desktop.

class pyworkflow.viewer.MessageView(msg, title='', msgType=0, tkParent=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: View

View for some message.


This method should be overwritten to implement how this particular view will be displayed in desktop.

class pyworkflow.viewer.ProtocolViewer(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: Viewer, Protocol

Special kind of viewer that have a Form to organize better complex visualization associated with protocol results. If should provide a mapping between form params and the corresponding functions that will return the corresponding Views.


Set the protocol instance to the viewer and call the definition of the parameters.


Check if the installation of this protocol is correct. By default, we will check if the protocols’ package provide a validateInstallation function and use it. Returning an empty list means that the installation is correct and there are not errors. If some errors are found, a list with the error messages will be returned.

visualize(obj, **args)[source]

Open the Protocol GUI Form given a Protocol instance

class pyworkflow.viewer.TextView(filelist, title='', tkParent=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: View

View for display some text file.


This method should be overwritten to implement how this particular view will be displayed in desktop.

class pyworkflow.viewer.View[source]

Bases: object

Represents a visualization result for some object or file. Views can be plots, table views, chimera scripts, commands or messages.


This method should be overwritten to implement how this particular view will be displayed in desktop.


If the view have web implementation, this method should be implemented to build the url with parameters that will be used to respond.

class pyworkflow.viewer.Viewer(tmpPath='./Tmp', **args)[source]

Bases: object

A Viewer will provide several Views to visualize the data associated to data objects or protocol.

The _targets class property should contain a list of string with the class names that this viewer is able to visualize. For example: _targets = [‘Image’, ‘SetOfImages’]

errorList(errors, views, title='Visualization errors')[source]

Convert an error list in a single Error message.

errorMessage(msg, title='')[source]

Build a message View of type INFO.

classmethod getName()[source]

Get the Tk parent widget.


This method should return the string value of the view in web that will respond to this viewer. This method only should be implemented in those viewers that have WEB_DJANGO environment defined.

infoMessage(msg, title='')[source]

Build a message View of type INFO.

textView(filelist, title='')[source]
tkWindow(windowClass, **kwargs)[source]
visualize(obj, **kwargs)[source]

Display each of the views, by default the implementation is for desktop.

warnMessage(msg, title='')[source]

Build a message View of type INFO.