Source code for xmipp3.protocols.protocol_validate_fscq

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Erney Ramirez Aportela (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************

import os, shutil, gzip
from pyworkflow import VERSION_3_0
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam, BooleanParam,
                                        IntParam, FileParam, FloatParam)
import pwem.emlib.metadata as md
from pwem.emlib.metadata import (MDL_VOLUME_SCORE1, MDL_VOLUME_SCORE2)
from pwem.protocols import ProtAnalysis3D
from pyworkflow.utils import getExt
from pyworkflow.object import (Float, Integer)
from pwem.objects import AtomStruct
from pwem.convert import Ccp4Header
from pwem.convert.atom_struct import toPdb, toCIF, AtomicStructHandler, addScipionAttribute
import xmipp3
from pyworkflow import BETA, UPDATED, NEW, PROD

BLOCRES_AVG_FILE = 'blocresAvg'
BLOCRES_HALF_FILE = 'blocresHalf'
RESTA_FILE = 'diferencia.vol'
MASK_FILE = 'mask.vol'
FN_VOL = ''
FN_HALF1 = ''
FN_HALF2 = ''
MD_MEANS = 'params.xmd'
MD2_MEANS = 'params2.xmd'
OUTPUT_CIF = 'fscq_struct.cif'

[docs]class XmippProtValFit(ProtAnalysis3D): """ The protocol assesses the quality of the fit. """ _label = 'validate fsc-q' _lastUpdateVersion = VERSION_3_0 _devStatus = UPDATED _ATTRNAME = 'fscq_score' _OUTNAME = 'outputAtomStruct' _possibleOutputs = {_OUTNAME: AtomStruct} def __init__(self, **args): ProtAnalysis3D.__init__(self, **args) self.stepsExecutionMode = 1 # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions ---------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') group = form.addGroup('Input') group.addParam('inputVolume', PointerParam, pointerClass='Volume', label="Input Volume", important=True, help='Select a volume.') group.addParam('fromFile', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Input PDB from file: ') group.addParam('inputPDBObj', PointerParam, pointerClass='AtomStruct', allowsNull=True, label="Refined PDB: ", important=True, condition='not fromFile', help='Specify the desired input structure.') group.addParam('inputPDB', FileParam, condition='fromFile', label="PDB File path: ", important=True, help='Specify a path to desired PDB structure.') group.addParam('pdbMap', PointerParam, pointerClass='Volume', label="Volume from PDB: ", allowsNull=True, help='Volume created from the PDB.' ' The volume should be aligned with the reconstruction map.' ' If the volume is not entered,' ' it is automatically created from the PDB.') group.addParam('inputMask', PointerParam, pointerClass='VolumeMask', allowsNull=True, label="Soft Mask", help='The mask determines which points are specimen' ' and which are not. If the mask is not passed,' ' the method creates an automatic mask from the PDB.') group = form.addGroup('Parameters') group.addParam('box', IntParam, default=20, label="window size", help='Kernel size (slidding window) for determining' ' local resolution (pixels/voxels).') group.addParam('setOrigCoord', BooleanParam, label="Set origin of coordinates", help="Option YES:\nA new volume will be created with " "the given ORIGIN of coordinates. ", default=False) group.addParam('xcoor', FloatParam, default=0, condition='setOrigCoord', label="x", help="offset along x axis") group.addParam('ycoor', FloatParam, default=0, condition='setOrigCoord', label="y", help="offset along y axis") group.addParam('zcoor', FloatParam, default=0, condition='setOrigCoord', label="z", help="offset along z axis") form.addParallelSection(threads=8, mpi=1) # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _createFilenameTemplates(self): """ Centralize how files are called """ myDict = { OUTPUT_PDBVOL_FILE: self._getTmpPath('pdb_volume'), OUTPUT_PDBMRC_FILE: self._getExtraPath(''), BLOCRES_AVG_FILE: self._getTmpPath(''), BLOCRES_HALF_FILE: self._getTmpPath(''), RESTA_FILE: self._getTmpPath('diferencia.vol'), RESTA_FILE_MRC: self._getExtraPath(''), RESTA_FILE_NORM: self._getExtraPath(''), MASK_FILE_MRC : self._getExtraPath(''), MASK_FILE: self._getTmpPath('mask.vol'), FN_VOL: self._getTmpPath(""), FN_HALF1: self._getTmpPath(""), FN_HALF2: self._getTmpPath(""), MD_MEANS: self._getExtraPath('params.xmd'), MD2_MEANS: self._getExtraPath('params2.xmd') } self._updateFilenamesDict(myDict) def _insertAllSteps(self): self._createFilenameTemplates() input = self._insertFunctionStep('convertInputStep') id = [] for i in range(2): id.append(self._insertFunctionStep('runBlocresStep', i, prerequisites=[input])) input1 = self._insertFunctionStep('substractBlocresStep',prerequisites=id) input2 = self._insertFunctionStep('assignPdbStep', prerequisites=[input1]) self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep', prerequisites=[input2])
[docs] def convertInputStep(self): """ Convert inputs to desired format.""" #Convert Input to pdb if self.isStructExtensionValid(): os.symlink(os.path.abspath(self.getInputStructFile()), self.getStructFile()) else: toPdb(self.getInputStructFile(), self.getStructFile()) """ Read the input volume.""" self.volume = self.inputVolume.get() """Read the Origin.""" if self.setOrigCoord.get(): self.x = self.xcoor.get() self.y = self.ycoor.get() self.z = self.zcoor.get() else: self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.z = 0 self.sampling = self.volume.getSamplingRate() self.origin = (-self.x*self.sampling, -self.y*self.sampling, -self.z*self.sampling) self.vol = self.volume.getFileName() self.half1, self.half2 = self.volume.getHalfMaps().split(',') extVol = getExt(self.vol) if (extVol == '.mrc') or (extVol == '.map'): self.vol_xmipp = self.vol + ':mrc' else: self.vol_xmipp = self.vol self.fnvol = self._getFileName(FN_VOL) self.fnvol1 = self._getFileName(FN_HALF1) self.fnvol2 = self._getFileName(FN_HALF2) Ccp4Header.fixFile(self.vol, self.fnvol, self.origin, self.sampling, Ccp4Header.START) Ccp4Header.fixFile(self.half1, self.fnvol1, self.origin, self.sampling, Ccp4Header.START) Ccp4Header.fixFile(self.half2, self.fnvol2, self.origin, self.sampling, Ccp4Header.START) """Create map from PDB """ if self.pdbMap.hasValue(): pdbvolume = self.pdbMap.get() self.pdbvol = pdbvolume.getFileName() self.pdbmap = self._getFileName(OUTPUT_PDBMRC_FILE) Ccp4Header.fixFile(self.pdbvol, self.pdbmap, self.origin, self.sampling, Ccp4Header.START) else: """ Convert PDB to Map """ params = ' --centerPDB ' params += ' -v 0 ' params += ' --sampling %f' % self.inputVolume.get().getSamplingRate() params += ' --size %d' % self.inputVolume.get().getXDim() params += ' -i %s' % self.getStructFile() params += ' -o %s' % self._getFileName(OUTPUT_PDBVOL_FILE) self.runJob('xmipp_volume_from_pdb', params) """ Align pdbMap to reconstruction Map """ params = ' --i1 %s' % self.vol_xmipp params += ' --i2 %s' % self._getFileName(OUTPUT_PDBVOL_FILE)+'.vol' params += ' --local --apply' params += ' %s' % self._getFileName(OUTPUT_PDBVOL_FILE)+'.vol' self.runJob('xmipp_volume_align', params) """ convert align vol to mrc format """ self.pdbvol = self._getFileName(OUTPUT_PDBVOL_FILE)+'.vol' self.pdbmap = self._getFileName(OUTPUT_PDBMRC_FILE) Ccp4Header.fixFile(self.pdbvol, self.pdbmap, self.origin, self.sampling, Ccp4Header.START) """ Create a mask""" if self.inputMask.hasValue(): self.maskIn = self.inputMask.get().getFileName() self.maskFn = self._getFileName(MASK_FILE_MRC) Ccp4Header.fixFile(self.maskIn, self.maskFn, self.origin, self.sampling, Ccp4Header.START) self.mask_xmipp = self.maskFn + ':mrc' else: self.maskFn = self._getFileName(MASK_FILE_MRC) self.mask_xmipp = self._getFileName(MASK_FILE) if (not self.pdbMap.hasValue()): params = ' -i %s' % self._getFileName(OUTPUT_PDBVOL_FILE)+'.vol' params += ' -o %s' % self.mask_xmipp params += ' --select below 0.02 --substitute binarize' self.runJob('xmipp_transform_threshold', params) params = ' -i %s' % self.mask_xmipp params += ' -o %s' % self.mask_xmipp params += ' --binaryOperation dilation --size 3' self.runJob('xmipp_transform_morphology', params) """ convert mask.vol to mrc format """ self.maskFn = self._getFileName(MASK_FILE_MRC) Ccp4Header.fixFile(self.mask_xmipp, self.maskFn, self.origin, self.sampling, Ccp4Header.START) else: """ create mask from pdbMap """ params = ' -i %s' % self._getFileName(OUTPUT_PDBMRC_FILE)+':mrc' params += ' -o %s' % self.mask_xmipp params += ' --select below 0.02 --substitute binarize' self.runJob('xmipp_transform_threshold', params) params = ' -i %s' % self.mask_xmipp params += ' -o %s' % self.mask_xmipp params += ' --binaryOperation dilation --size 3' self.runJob('xmipp_transform_morphology', params) """ convert mask.vol to mrc format """ self.maskFn = self._getFileName(MASK_FILE_MRC) Ccp4Header.fixFile(self.mask_xmipp, self.maskFn, self.origin, self.sampling, Ccp4Header.START)
[docs] def runBlocresStep(self, i): # Local import to prevent discovery errors import bsoft if (i==0): """ Calculate FSC map-PDB """ params = ' -nofill -smooth -pad 1 ' params += ' -cutoff 0.67' params += ' -maxresolution 0.5 ' params += ' -step 1 ' params += ' -box %d ' % params += ' -sampling %f,%f,%f' % (self.inputVolume.get().getSamplingRate(), self.inputVolume.get().getSamplingRate(), self.inputVolume.get().getSamplingRate()) # params += ' -origin %f,%f,%f' % ((self.shifts[0], self.shifts[1], self.shifts[2])) params += ' -Mask %s' % self.maskFn params += ' %s %s' % (self.fnvol, self._getFileName(OUTPUT_PDBMRC_FILE)) params += ' %s' % self._getFileName(BLOCRES_AVG_FILE) self.runJob(bsoft.Plugin.getProgram('blocres'), params) else: """ Calculate FSC half1-half2 """ params = ' -nofill -smooth -pad 1 ' params += ' -cutoff 0.5' params += ' -maxresolution 0.5 ' params += ' -step 1 ' params += ' -box %d ' % params += ' -sampling %f,%f,%f' % (self.inputVolume.get().getSamplingRate(), self.inputVolume.get().getSamplingRate(), self.inputVolume.get().getSamplingRate()) # params += ' -origin %f,%f,%f' % ((self.shifts[0], self.shifts[1], self.shifts[2])) params += ' -Mask %s' % self.maskFn params += ' %s %s' % (self.fnvol1, self.fnvol2) params += ' %s' % self._getFileName(BLOCRES_HALF_FILE) self.runJob(bsoft.Plugin.getProgram('blocres'), params)
[docs] def substractBlocresStep(self): params = ' -i %s' % self._getFileName(BLOCRES_AVG_FILE)+':mrc' params += ' --minus %s' % self._getFileName(BLOCRES_HALF_FILE)+':mrc' params += ' -o %s ' % self._getFileName(RESTA_FILE) self.runJob('xmipp_image_operate', params) Ccp4Header.fixFile(self._getFileName(RESTA_FILE), self._getFileName(RESTA_FILE_MRC), self.origin, self.sampling, Ccp4Header.START) """Diveded by resolution""" Vx = xmipp3.Image(self._getFileName(RESTA_FILE)) V=Vx.getData() Vmask = xmipp3.Image(self._getFileName(MASK_FILE_MRC)+':mrc').getData() Vres = xmipp3.Image(self._getFileName(BLOCRES_HALF_FILE)+':mrc').getData() Vt = V Zdim, Ydim, Xdim = V.shape for z in range(0,Zdim): for y in range(0,Ydim): for x in range(0,Xdim): if (Vmask[z,y,x] > 0.001 and Vres[z,y,x]>0.001): Vt[z,y,x] = (V[z,y,x]/Vres[z,y,x]) Vx.setData(Vt) Vx.write(self._getFileName(RESTA_FILE_NORM)) Ccp4Header.fixFile(self._getFileName(RESTA_FILE_NORM), self._getFileName(RESTA_FILE_NORM), self.origin, self.sampling, Ccp4Header.START)
[docs] def assignPdbStep(self): params = ' --pdb %s ' % self.getStructFile() params += ' --vol %s ' % self._getFileName(RESTA_FILE_MRC) params += ' --mask %s ' % self.mask_xmipp params += ' -o %s ' % self.getFSCQFile() params += ' --sampling %f' % self.inputVolume.get().getSamplingRate() params += ' --origin %f %f %f' %(self.x, self.y, self.z) params += ' --radius 0.8' params += ' --md %s' % self._getFileName(MD_MEANS) self.runJob('xmipp_pdb_label_from_volume', params) """Diveded by resolution""" params = ' --pdb %s ' % self.getStructFile() params += ' --vol %s ' % self._getFileName(RESTA_FILE_NORM) params += ' --mask %s ' % self.mask_xmipp params += ' -o %s ' % self.getNormFSCQFile() params += ' --sampling %f' % self.inputVolume.get().getSamplingRate() params += ' --origin %f %f %f' %(self.x, self.y, self.z) params += ' --radius 0.8' params += ' --md %s' % self._getFileName(MD2_MEANS) self.runJob('xmipp_pdb_label_from_volume', params)
def _setMetrics(self): """ Internal method to compute some metrics. """ # mean values of FSC-Q mtd = md.MetaData() mean = mtd.getValue(MDL_VOLUME_SCORE1, 1) meanA = mtd.getValue(MDL_VOLUME_SCORE2, 1) # means value for map divided by resolution (FSC-Qr) mtd2 = md.MetaData() mean2 = mtd2.getValue(MDL_VOLUME_SCORE1, 1) meanA2 = mtd2.getValue(MDL_VOLUME_SCORE2, 1) # statistic from fnal pdb with fsc-q # Number of atoms greater or less than 0.5 totalAtom = 0 fscqGreater = 0 fscqLess = 0 # Reading FCSQ's value file atStHandler = AtomicStructHandler() # Reading value stored in occupancy field for each atom for model in atStHandler.structure: for atom in model.get_atoms(): totalAtom += 1 fscqAtom = atom.get_occupancy() if (fscqAtom > 0.5): fscqGreater += 1 if (fscqAtom < -0.5): fscqLess += 1 porcGreater = (fscqGreater * 100) / totalAtom porcLess = (fscqLess * 100) / totalAtom self.mean = Float(mean) self.meanA = Float(meanA) self.mean2 = Float(mean2) self.meanA2 = Float(meanA2) self.total_atom = Integer(totalAtom) self.fscq_greater = Integer(fscqGreater) self.fscq_less = Integer(fscqLess) self.porc_greater = Float(porcGreater) self.porc_less = Float(porcLess) self._store()
[docs] def getFscqAttrDic(self): fscqDic = {} # Reading FCSQ's value file atStHandler = AtomicStructHandler() # Reading value stored in occupancy field for each atom for model in atStHandler.structure: for atom in model.get_atoms(): fId = atom.get_full_id() chainName, resNumber, atomName = fId[2], fId[3][1], fId[4][0] resId = '{}:{}@{}'.format(chainName, resNumber, atomName) fscqDic[resId] = atom.get_occupancy() # FCSQ value (stored in occupancy variable) return fscqDic
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): self._setMetrics() fscqDic = self.getFscqAttrDic() AS = self.getInputStruct() ASCIF = self.getInputStructCIF() ASH = AtomicStructHandler() cifDic = ASH.readLowLevel(ASCIF) cifDic = addScipionAttribute(cifDic, fscqDic, self._ATTRNAME, recipient='atoms') ASH._writeLowLevel(self._getPath(OUTPUT_CIF), cifDic) outAS = AS.clone() outAS.setFileName(self._getPath(OUTPUT_CIF)) outAS.setVolume(self.inputVolume.get()) self._defineOutputs(outputAtomStruct=outAS) if not self.fromFile: self._defineTransformRelation(self.inputPDBObj, outAS)
# --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------ def _methods(self): messages = [] if hasattr(self, 'resolution_Volume'): messages.append( 'Information about the method/article in ' + VALIDATE_METHOD_URL) return messages def _summary(self): summary = [] summary.append("Deviation from the signal of the Half Maps") if self.hasAttribute('mean'): summary.append("Mean FSC-Q: %.2f" % (self.mean.get())) if self.hasAttribute('meanA'): summary.append("Absotute Mean FSC-Q: %.2f" % (self.meanA.get())) summary.append(" ") summary.append("Deviation from the signal of the Half Maps divided by local resolution") if self.hasAttribute('mean2'): summary.append("Mean FSC-Qr: %.2f" % (self.mean2.get())) if self.hasAttribute('meanA2'): summary.append("Absotute Mean FSC-Qr: %.2f" % (self.meanA2.get())) summary.append("------------------------------------------") if self.hasAttribute('total_atom'): summary.append("Total number of atoms analyzed: %d" % (self.total_atom.get())) if (self.hasAttribute('fscq_greater') and self.hasAttribute('porc_greater')): summary.append("Number of atoms with FSC-Q>0.5: %d. Percentage of total: %.2f." % (self.fscq_greater.get(), self.porc_greater.get())) if (self.hasAttribute('fscq_less') and self.hasAttribute('porc_less')): summary.append("Number of atoms with FSC-Q<-0.5: %d. Percentage of total: %.2f." % (self.fscq_less.get(), self.porc_less.get())) return summary def _validate(self): errors = [] if self.inputVolume.hasValue(): #FIX CSVList: # volume.hasHalfMaps() does not work unless you call # getHalfMaps() or something else that triggers the CSVList.get() # that, populates the objValue. Just a print vol.getHalfMaps() will # change the behaviour of hasValue() # To review when migrating to Scipion3 if not self.inputVolume.get().getHalfMaps(): errors.append("Input Volume needs to have half maps. " "If you have imported the volume, be sure to import the half maps.") if self.fromFile and not self.inputPDB.get(): errors.append('You have to provide a PDB file as input') elif not self.fromFile and not self.inputPDBObj.get(): errors.append('You have to provide a PDB object as input') try: import bsoft if bsoft.__version__ in ["3.0.0", "3.0.1", "3.0.4"]: errors.append("This protocol requires bsoft plugin 3.0.5 or above to run." " You have %s. Update it using the plugin manager or command line" % bsoft.__version__) except Exception as e: errors.append("This protocol requires bsoft plugin 3.0.5 or above to run. Update it using the plugin manager or command line") return errors def _citations(self): return ['Ramirez-Aportela 2020']
[docs] def getInputStructFile(self): if self.fromFile: return self.inputPDB.get() else: return self.inputPDBObj.get().getFileName()
[docs] def getInputStructCIF(self) -> str: """ ### This function returns the full path for the input Atom Struct file in cif format. #### If file is not in cif format, it is converted to it. #### Returns: - (str): Input Atom Struct's file's path. """ # Get raw input filename structFile = self.getInputStructFile() if '.cif' not in structFile: # If file is not in cif format, convert it structFile = toCIF(structFile, self._getTmpPath('inputStruct.cif')) elif structFile.endswith('.cif.gz'): # If file is cif but compressed as a gz, extract it oFile = self._getTmpPath('inputStruct.cif') with, 'rb') as fIn: with open(oFile, 'wb') as fOut: shutil.copyfileobj(fIn, fOut) structFile = oFile # Return input cif file return structFile
[docs] def getStructFile(self) -> str: """ ### This function returns the full path for the Atom Struct file. #### Returns: - (str): Atom Struct's file's path. """ return self._getExtraPath('inputStruct' + self.getStructExtension())
[docs] def getInputStruct(self): if self.fromFile: return AtomStruct(filename=self.inputPDB.get()) else: return self.inputPDBObj.get()
[docs] def isStructExtensionValid(self) -> bool: """ ### This function returns True if the input struct extension is one of the accepted types. #### Returns: - (bool): True if the input struct has an accepted extension. False otherwise. """ # Getting file's natural extension extension = os.path.splitext(self.getInputStructFile())[-1] # Return extension validity return extension == '.pdb' or extension == '.ent' or extension == '.cif' or extension == ".mmcif" or extension == ".cif.gz"
[docs] def getStructExtension(self) -> str: """ ### This function returns the expected extension for the Atom Struct file. #### Returns: - (str): Atom Struct's file's extension. """ # Getting file's natural extension extension = os.path.splitext(self.getInputStructFile())[-1] # If extension is a maintainable type, return as is (not all valid types are maintainable) # .pdb is not considered "maintainable" type as it is the default if extension == '.cif' or extension == ".mmcif" or extension == ".cif.gz": return extension # Return .pdb by default return '.pdb'
[docs] def getFSCQFile(self) -> str: """ ### This function returns the filename for FSCQ's value file. #### Returns: - (str): FSCQ's value file's full name with extension. """ return self._getExtraPath(f'pdb_fsc-q{self.getStructExtension()}')
[docs] def getNormFSCQFile(self) -> str: """ ### This function returns the filename for FSCQ's norm file. #### Returns: - (str): FSCQ's norm file's full name with extension. """ return self._getExtraPath(f'pdb_fsc-q_norm{self.getStructExtension()}')