Source code for xmipp3

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin ( [1]
# *              David Maluenda Niubo ( [2]
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# * [2] Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import json
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime

from pyworkflow import Config
import pwem
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils

from .base import *
from .constants import XMIPP_HOME, XMIPP_URL, XMIPP_DLTK_NAME

type_of_version = 'devel' #'release'
_logo = "xmipp_logo" + ("" if type_of_version == 'release' else '_devel') + '.png'

_references = ['delaRosaTrevin2013', 'Sorzano2013', 'Strelak2021']
_currentBinVersion = ''
__version__ = _currentBinVersion[2:] + ".0"  # Set this to ".0" on each xmipp binary release, otherwise increase it --> ".1", ".2", ...

# Requirement version variables

[docs]class Plugin(pwem.Plugin): _homeVar = XMIPP_HOME _pathVars = [XMIPP_HOME] _supportedVersions = [] _url = XMIPP_URL _condaRootPath = None @classmethod def _defineVariables(cls): cls._addVar(XMIPP_HOME, pwem.Config.XMIPP_HOME)
[docs] @classmethod def getEnviron(cls, xmippFirst=True): """ Create the needed environment for Xmipp programs. """ environ = pwutils.Environ(os.environ) pos = pwutils.Environ.BEGIN if xmippFirst else pwutils.Environ.END environ.update({ 'PATH': pwem.Config.CUDA_BIN, 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': pwem.Config.CUDA_LIB }, position=pwutils.Environ.END) if os.path.isfile(getXmippPath('xmippEnv.json')): with open(getXmippPath('xmippEnv.json'), 'r') as f: compilationEnv = json.load(f) environ.update(compilationEnv, position=pos) environ.update({ 'PATH': getXmippPath('bin'), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': getXmippPath('lib'), 'PYTHONPATH': getXmippPath('pylib') }, position=pos) environ['XMIPP_HOME'] = getXmippPath() # Add path to python lib folder environ.addLibrary(Config.getPythonLibFolder()) return environ
#TODO: Standardize to just: runProgram
[docs] @classmethod def runXmippProgram(cls, program, args=""): """ Internal shortcut function to launch a Xmipp program. """ pwutils.runJob(None, program, args, env=cls.getEnviron())
[docs] @classmethod def getMatlabEnviron(cls, *toolPaths): """ Return an Environment prepared for launching Matlab scripts using the Xmipp binding. """ env = pwutils.Environ(os.environ) env.set('PATH', os.environ.get('MATLAB_BINDIR', ''), pwutils.Environ.BEGIN) env.set('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', os.environ.get('MATLAB_LIBDIR', ''), pwutils.Environ.BEGIN) for toolpath in toolPaths: env.set('MATLABPATH', toolpath, pwutils.Environ.BEGIN) env.set('MATLABPATH', os.path.join(os.environ[XMIPP_HOME], 'libraries', 'bindings', 'matlab'), pwutils.Environ.BEGIN) return env
[docs] @classmethod def defineBinaries(cls, env): """ Define the Xmipp binaries/source available tgz. In addition, define extra software needed by some Xmipp methods such as deepLearningToolkit. Scipion-defined software can be used as dependencies by using its name as string. """ ## XMIPP SOFTWARE ## xmippDeps = [] # Deps should be at requirements.txt (old: scons, joblib, scikit_learn) # Installation vars for commands formating verToken = getXmippPath('v%s' % _currentBinVersion) confToken = getXmippPath("xmipp.conf") installVars = {'installedToken': "installation_finished", 'bindingsToken': "bindings_linked", 'verToken': verToken, 'nProcessors': env.getProcessors(), 'xmippHome': getXmippPath(), 'bindingsSrc': getXmippPath('bindings', 'python'), 'bindingsDst': Config.getBindingsFolder(), 'xmippLib': getXmippPath('lib', ''), 'coreLib': getXmippPath('lib', ''), 'libsDst': Config.getLibFolder(), 'confToken': confToken, 'strPlaceHolder': '%s', # to be replaced in the future 'currVersion': _currentBinVersion } ## Installation commands (removing bindingsToken) installCmd = ("cd {cwd} && {configCmd} && {compileCmd} N={nProcessors:d} && " "ln -srfn build {xmippHome} && cd - && " "touch {installedToken} && rm {bindingsToken} 2> /dev/null") installTgt = [getXmippPath('bin', 'xmipp_reconstruct_significant'), getXmippPath("lib/"), installVars['installedToken']] ## Linking bindings (removing installationToken) bindingsAndLibsCmd = ("find {bindingsSrc} -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 " r"! -name __pycache__ -exec ln -srfn {{}} {bindingsDst} \; && " "ln -srfn {coreLib} {libsDst} && " "touch {bindingsToken} && " "rm {installedToken} 2> /dev/null") bindingsAndLibsTgt = [os.path.join(Config.getBindingsFolder(), ''), os.path.join(Config.getBindingsFolder(), ''), os.path.join(Config.getLibFolder(), ''), installVars['bindingsToken']] sourceTgt = [getXmippPath('xmipp.bashrc')] # Target for xmippSrc and xmippDev ## Allowing xmippDev if devel mode detected # plugin = scipion-em-xmipp <-- xmipp3 <-- pluginDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # bundle = xmipp-bundle <- src <- scipion-em-xmipp bundleDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pluginDir)) isPypiDev = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pluginDir, '')) isXmippBu = (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(bundleDir, 'src')) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bundleDir, 'xmipp'))) develMode = isPypiDev and isXmippBu if develMode: env.addPackage('xmippDev', tar='void.tgz', commands=[(installCmd.format(**installVars, cwd=bundleDir, configCmd='pwd', compileCmd='./xmipp all'), installTgt+sourceTgt), (bindingsAndLibsCmd.format(**installVars), bindingsAndLibsTgt)], deps=xmippDeps, default=False) avoidConfig = os.environ.get('XMIPP_NOCONFIG', 'False') == 'True' alreadyCompiled = os.path.isfile(getXmippPath('v' + _currentBinVersion)) # compilation token (see the xmipp script) configSrc = ('./xmipp check_config' if avoidConfig else './xmipp config noAsk && ./xmipp check_config') env.addPackage('xmippSrc', version=_currentBinVersion, # adding 'v' before version to fix a package target (post-link) tar='xmippSrc-v' + _currentBinVersion + '.tgz', commands=[(installCmd.format(**installVars, cwd='.', configCmd=configSrc, compileCmd='./xmipp compileAndInstall'), installTgt + sourceTgt), (bindingsAndLibsCmd.format(**installVars), bindingsAndLibsTgt)], deps=xmippDeps, default=not (develMode or alreadyCompiled)) ## EXTRA PACKAGES ## installDeepLearningToolkit(cls, env)
[docs]def installDeepLearningToolkit(plugin, env): preMsgs = [] cudaMsgs = [] nvidiaDriverVer = None useGpu = False if os.environ.get('CUDA', 'True') == 'True': try: nvidiaDriverVer = subprocess.Popen(["nvidia-smi", "--query-gpu=driver_version", "--format=csv,noheader"], env=plugin.getEnviron(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE )'utf-8').split(".")[0] if int(nvidiaDriverVer) < NVIDIA_DRIVERS_MINIMUM_VERSION: preMsgs.append("Incompatible driver %s" % nvidiaDriverVer) cudaMsgs.append(f"Your NVIDIA drivers are too old (<{NVIDIA_DRIVERS_MINIMUM_VERSION}). " "Tensorflow was installed without GPU support. " "Just CPU computations enabled (slow computations)." f"To enable CUDA (drivers>{NVIDIA_DRIVERS_MINIMUM_VERSION} needed), " "set CUDA=True in 'scipion.conf' file") nvidiaDriverVer = None except (ValueError, TypeError): nvidiaDriverVer = None preMsgs.append("Not nvidia driver found. Type: " " nvidia-smi --query-gpu=driver_version --format=csv,noheader") preMsgs.append( "CUDA will NOT be USED. (not found or incompatible)") msg = ("Tensorflow installed without GPU. Just CPU computations " "enabled (slow computations).") cudaMsgs.append(msg) if nvidiaDriverVer is not None: preMsgs.append("CUDA support found. Driver version: %s" % nvidiaDriverVer) msg = "Tensorflow will be installed with CUDA SUPPORT." cudaMsgs.append(msg) useGpu = True # commands = [(command, target), (cmd, tgt), ...] cmdsInstall = list(CondaEnvManager.yieldInstallAllCmds(useGpu=useGpu)) now = installDLvars = {'modelsUrl': "", 'syncBin': plugin.getHome('bin/xmipp_sync_data'), 'modelsDir': plugin.getHome('models'), 'modelsPrefix': "models_UPDATED_on", 'xmippLibToken': 'xmippLibToken', 'libXmipp': plugin.getHome('lib/'), 'preMsgsStr': ' ; '.join(preMsgs), 'afterMsgs': ", > ".join(cudaMsgs)} installDLvars.update({'modelsTarget': "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (installDLvars['modelsPrefix'],, now.month, now.year)}) modelsDownloadCmd = ("rm %(modelsPrefix)s_* %(xmippLibToken)s 2>/dev/null ; " "echo 'Downloading pre-trained models...' ; " "%(syncBin)s update %(modelsDir)s %(modelsUrl)s DLmodels && " "touch %(modelsTarget)s && echo ' > %(afterMsgs)s'" % installDLvars, # End of command installDLvars['modelsTarget']) # Target xmippInstallCheck = ("if ls %(libXmipp)s > /dev/null ; " "then touch %(xmippLibToken)s; echo ' > %(preMsgsStr)s' ; " "else echo ; echo ' > Xmipp installation not found, " "please install it first (xmippSrc or xmippBin*).';echo;" " fi" % installDLvars, # End of command installDLvars['xmippLibToken']) # Target env.addPackage(XMIPP_DLTK_NAME, version='1.0', urlSuffix='external', commands=[xmippInstallCheck]+cmdsInstall+[modelsDownloadCmd], deps=[], tar=XMIPP_DLTK_NAME+'.tgz')