Source code for xmipp3.protocols.protocol_split_volume_hierarchical_cluster

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     C.O.S. Sorzano (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
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# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# **************************************************************************

from os.path import join, exists
import math
import os
from shutil import copy

import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pyworkflow import BETA, UPDATED, NEW, PROD

from pyworkflow import VERSION_2_0
from pyworkflow.utils.path import makePath, cleanPattern, moveFile, cleanPath
from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
from pwem.constants import ALIGN_PROJ
from pwem.objects import Image, Volume
from pwem.protocols import ProtAnalysis3D
import pwem.emlib.metadata as md

from xmipp3.convert import (createItemMatrix, writeSetOfParticles,
                            rowToAlignment, setXmippAttributes, xmippToLocation)

from pwem import emlib
from xmipp3.base import findRow, writeInfoField, readInfoField, isXmippCudaPresent
from xmipp3.constants import SYM_URL, CUDA_ALIGN_SIGNIFICANT
import numpy as np

[docs]class XmippProtSplitVolumeHierarchical(ProtAnalysis3D): """ Construct image groups based on the angular assignment. All images assigned within a solid angle are assigned to a class. Classes are not exclusive and an image may be assigned to multiple classes """ _label = 'split volume hierarchical' _lastUpdateVersion = VERSION_2_0 _devStatus = BETA def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ProtAnalysis3D.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions ------------------------ def _defineParams(self, form): form.addHidden(params.USE_GPU, params.BooleanParam, default=True, label="Use GPU for execution", help="This protocol has both CPU and GPU implementation.\ Select the one you want to use.") form.addHidden(params.GPU_LIST, params.StringParam, default='0', expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Choose GPU IDs", help="Add a list of GPU devices that can be used") form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputVolume', params.PointerParam, pointerClass='Volume', label="Input volume", help='Select the input volume.') form.addParam('inputParticles', params.PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfParticles', pointerCondition='hasAlignmentProj', label="Input particles", help='Select the input experimental images with an ' 'angular assignment.') form.addParam('symmetryGroup', params.StringParam, default='c1', label="Symmetry group", help='See %s page for a description of the symmetries ' 'accepted by Xmipp' % SYM_URL) form.addParam('angularSampling', params.FloatParam, default=5, label='Angular sampling', expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, help="In degrees") form.addParam('angularDistance', params.FloatParam, default=10, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Angular distance', help="In degrees. An image belongs to a group if its " "distance is smaller than this value") form.addParam('maxShift', params.FloatParam, default=15, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Maximum shift', help="In pixels") form.addSection("Directional Classes") form.addParam('directionalClasses', params.IntParam, default=1, label='Number of directional classes', help="By default only one class will be computed for " "each projection direction. More classes could be" "computed and this is needed for protocols " "split-volume. ") form.addParam('homogeneize', params.IntParam, default=-1, label='Homogeneize groups', condition="directionalClasses==1", help="Set to -1 for no homogeneization. Set to 0 for homogeneizing " "to the minimum of class size. Set to any other number to " "homogeneize to that particular number") form.addParam('targetResolution', params.FloatParam, default=10, condition="directionalClasses > 1", label='Target resolution (A)') form.addParam('class2dIterations', params.IntParam, default=5, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, condition="directionalClasses > 1", label='Number of 2D classification iterations') form.addParam('maxCLimgs', params.IntParam, default=5000, condition="directionalClasses > 1", expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Max. Number of images per cone', help='If there are more than this number of images in a cone, ' 'then a random subset of this size is taken. Set to -1' 'to disable this option.') form.addSection("Split volume") form.addParam('splitVolume', params.BooleanParam, label="Split volume", condition="directionalClasses > 1", default=False, help='If desired, the protocol can use the directional classes calculated in this protocol to divide the input volume ' 'into 2 distinct 3D classes as measured by PCA. If the PCA component is just noise, it means that the algorithm ' 'does not find a difference between the 2D classes') form.addParam('Niter', params.IntParam, label="Number of iterations", default=5000, condition="splitVolume", expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, help="Number of iterations to perform the volume splitting.") form.addParam('Nrec', params.IntParam, label="Number of reconstructions", default=5, condition="splitVolume", expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, help="Number of reconstructions to perform the hierarchical clustering.") form.addParam('fr_approx', params.BooleanParam, label="Approximative reconstruction", default=True, condition="splitVolume", expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, help="If on, an approximation of the Fourier reconstruction algorithm will be used. " \ "This will result in faster processing times, but (slightly) less precise result") form.addParam('fr_gpu_mpi', params.IntParam, label="Reconstruction GPU MPI", default=1, validators=[params.GE(1,'Error must be greater than 1')], condition="splitVolume", expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, help="Number of MPI processes used for the GPU version of the Fourier Reconstruction") form.addParam('fr_gpu_threads', params.IntParam, label="Reconstruction threads", default=1, validators=[params.GE(1,'Error must be greater than 1')], condition="splitVolume", expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, help="Number of threads used for the GPU version of the Fourier Reconstruction") form.addParallelSection(threads=0, mpi=8) # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions ------------------------ def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('convertInputStep', self.inputParticles.get().getObjId(), self.inputVolume.get().getObjId()) self._insertFunctionStep('constructGroupsStep', self.inputParticles.get().getObjId(), self.angularSampling.get(), self.angularDistance.get(), self.symmetryGroup.get()) self._insertFunctionStep('classifyGroupsStep') if self.directionalClasses.get() == 1 and self.homogeneize.get() >= 0: self._insertFunctionStep('homogeneizeStep') self._insertFunctionStep('refineAnglesStep') if self.splitVolume and self.directionalClasses.get() > 1: self._insertFunctionStep("splitVolumeStep") self._insertFunctionStep('cleaningStep') self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep') # --------------------------- STEPS functions -------------------------------
[docs] def convertInputStep(self, particlesId, volId): """ Write the input images as a Xmipp metadata file. particlesId: is only need to detect changes in input particles and cause restart from here. """ inputParticles = self.inputParticles.get() inputVolume = self.inputVolume.get() writeSetOfParticles(inputParticles, self._getExpParticlesFn()) img = ImageHandler() img.convert(inputVolume, self._getInputVolFn()) if self._useSeveralClasses(): # Scale particles Xdim = inputParticles.getXDim() Ts = inputParticles.getSamplingRate() newTs = self.targetResolution.get() * 0.4 newTs = max(Ts, newTs) newXdim = int(Xdim * Ts / newTs) writeInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "sampling", emlib.MDL_SAMPLINGRATE, newTs) writeInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "size", emlib.MDL_XSIZE, newXdim) self.runJob("xmipp_image_resize", "-i %s -o %s --save_metadata_stack %s --fourier %d" % (self._getExpParticlesFn(), self._getTmpPath('scaled_particles.stk'), self._getTmpPath('scaled_particles.xmd'), newXdim)) # Scale volume Xdim = inputVolume.getXDim() if Xdim != newXdim: self.runJob("xmipp_image_resize", "-i %s --dim %d" % (self._getInputVolFn(), newXdim), numberOfMpi=1)
[docs] def constructGroupsStep(self, particlesId, angularSampling, angularDistance, symmetryGroup): args = '-i %s ' % self._getInputVolFn() args += '-o %s ' % self._getExtraPath("gallery.stk") args += '--sampling_rate %f ' % self.angularSampling args += '--sym %s ' % self.symmetryGroup args += '--method fourier 1 0.25 bspline --compute_neighbors ' args += '--angular_distance %f ' % self.angularDistance args += '--experimental_images %s ' % self._getInputParticlesFn() args += '--max_tilt_angle 90 ' # Create a gallery of projections of the input volume # with the given angular sampling self.runJob("xmipp_angular_project_library", args) args = '--i1 %s ' % self._getInputParticlesFn() args += '--i2 %s ' % self._getExtraPath("gallery.doc") args += '-o %s ' % self._getExtraPath("neighbours.xmd") args += '--dist %f ' % self.angularDistance args += '--sym %s ' % self.symmetryGroup args += '--check_mirrors ' # Compute several groups of the experimental images into # different angular neighbourhoods self.runJob("xmipp_angular_neighbourhood", args, numberOfMpi=1)
[docs] def classifyOneGroup(self, projNumber, projMdBlock, projRef, mdClasses, mdImages): """ Classify one of the neighbourhood groups if not empty. Class information will be stored in output metadata: mdOut """ blockSize = md.getSize(projMdBlock) fnToUse = projMdBlock if self.maxCLimgs>0 and blockSize>self.maxCLimgs: fnToUSe = self._getTmpPath("coneImages.xmd") self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities","-i %s -o %s --operate random_subset %d"\ %(projMdBlock,fnToUSe,self.maxCLimgs),numberOfMpi=1) Nclasses = self.directionalClasses.get() Nlevels = int(math.ceil(math.log(Nclasses) / math.log(2))) # Skip projection directions with not enough images to # create a given number of classes if blockSize / Nclasses < 10: return if self.useGpu.get(): count=0 GpuListCuda='' if self.useQueueForSteps() or self.useQueue(): GpuList = os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] GpuList = GpuList.split(",") for elem in GpuList: GpuListCuda = GpuListCuda+str(count)+' ' count+=1 else: GpuList = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in self.getGpuList()]) GpuListAux = '' for elem in self.getGpuList(): GpuListCuda = GpuListCuda+str(count)+' ' GpuListAux = GpuListAux+str(elem)+',' count+=1 os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = GpuListAux fnDir = self._getExtraPath("direction_%s" % projNumber) if not exists(fnDir): makePath(fnDir) for i in range(self.class2dIterations.get()): mdRefName = join(fnDir, 'reference.xmd') if i==0: mdRef = md.MetaData() for j in range(2): row = md.Row() row.setValue(md.MDL_REF, j+1) row.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, projRef) row.addToMd(mdRef) mdRef.write(mdRefName, emlib.MD_APPEND) else: mdRefName = join(fnDir,"level_%02d"%(i-1), "class_classes.xmd") if not exists(join(fnDir,"level_%02d"%i)): makePath(join(fnDir,"level_%02d"%i)) args = '-i %s -r %s -o images.xmd --odir %s' \ ' --keepBestN 1 --oUpdatedRefs %s ' % (fnToUse, mdRefName, join(fnDir,"level_%02d"%i), 'class_classes') args += ' --dev %s ' %GpuListCuda self.runJob(CUDA_ALIGN_SIGNIFICANT, args, numberOfMpi=1) copy(join(fnDir,"level_%02d"%(self.class2dIterations.get()-1), "images.xmd"), join(fnDir,"images.xmd")) # After classification the stk and xmd files should be produced classesXmd = join(fnDir, "level_%02d/class_classes.xmd" % (self.class2dIterations.get()-1)) classesStk = join(fnDir, "level_%02d/class_classes.stk" % (self.class2dIterations.get()-1)) else: fnDir = self._getExtraPath("direction_%s" % projNumber) if not exists(join(fnDir,"level_00")): makePath(fnDir) # Run CL2D classification for the images assigned to one direction args = "-i %s " % fnToUse args += "--odir %s " % fnDir args += "--ref0 %s --iter %d --nref %d " % \ (projRef, self.class2dIterations, Nclasses) args += "--distance correlation --classicalMultiref " args += "--maxShift %f " % self.maxShift try: self.runJob("xmipp_classify_CL2D", args, numberOfMpi=self.numberOfMpi.get() * self.numberOfThreads.get()) except: return # After CL2D the stk and xmd files should be produced classesXmd = join(fnDir, "level_%02d/class_classes.xmd" % Nlevels) classesStk = join(fnDir, "level_%02d/class_classes.stk" % Nlevels) # Let's check that the output was produced if not exists(classesStk): return # Run align of the class average and the projection representative fnAlignRoot = join(fnDir, "classes") args = "-i %s " % classesStk args += "--ref %s " % projRef args += " --oroot %s --iter 1" % fnAlignRoot self.runJob("xmipp_image_align", args, numberOfMpi=1) # Apply alignment args = "-i %s_alignment.xmd --apply_transform" % fnAlignRoot self.runJob("xmipp_transform_geometry", args, numberOfMpi=1) for classNo in range(1, Nclasses + 1): localImagesMd = emlib.MetaData("class%06d_images@%s" % (classNo, classesXmd)) # New class detected self.classCount += 1 # Check which images have not been assigned yet to any class # and assign them to this new class for objId in localImagesMd: imgId = localImagesMd.getValue(emlib.MDL_ITEM_ID, objId) # Add images not classify yet and store their class number if imgId not in self.classImages: self.classImages.add(imgId) newObjId = mdImages.addObject() mdImages.setValue(emlib.MDL_ITEM_ID, imgId, newObjId) mdImages.setValue(emlib.MDL_REF2, self.classCount, newObjId) newClassId = mdClasses.addObject() mdClasses.setValue(emlib.MDL_REF, projNumber, newClassId) mdClasses.setValue(emlib.MDL_REF2, self.classCount, newClassId) mdClasses.setValue(emlib.MDL_IMAGE, "%d@%s" % (classNo, classesStk), newClassId) mdClasses.setValue(emlib.MDL_IMAGE1, projRef, newClassId) mdClasses.setValue(emlib.MDL_CLASS_COUNT, localImagesMd.size(), newClassId)
[docs] def classifyGroupsStep(self): # Create two metadatas, one for classes and another one for images mdClasses = emlib.MetaData() mdImages = emlib.MetaData() fnNeighbours = self._getExtraPath("neighbours.xmd") fnGallery = self._getExtraPath("gallery.stk") self.classCount = 0 self.classImages = set() for block in emlib.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fnNeighbours): # Figure out the projection number from the block name projNumber = int(block.split("_")[1]) self.classifyOneGroup(projNumber, projMdBlock="%s@%s" % (block, fnNeighbours), projRef="%06d@%s" % (projNumber, fnGallery), mdClasses=mdClasses, mdImages=mdImages) galleryMd = emlib.MetaData(self._getExtraPath("gallery.doc")) # Increment the reference number to starts from 1 galleryMd.operate("ref=ref+1") mdJoined = emlib.MetaData() # Add extra information from the gallery metadata mdJoined.join1(mdClasses, galleryMd, emlib.MDL_REF) # Remove unnecessary columns md.keepColumns(mdJoined, "ref", "ref2", "image", "image1", "classCount", "angleRot", "angleTilt") # Write both classes and images fnDirectional = self._getDirectionalClassesFn()"Writting classes info to: %s" % fnDirectional) mdJoined.write(fnDirectional) fnDirectionalImages = self._getDirectionalImagesFn()"Writing images info to: %s" % fnDirectionalImages) mdImages.write(fnDirectionalImages)
[docs] def homogeneizeStep(self): minClass = self.homogeneize.get() fnNeighbours = self._getExtraPath("neighbours.xmd") # Look for the block with the minimum number of images if minClass == 0: minClass = 1e38 for block in emlib.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fnNeighbours): projNumber = int(block.split("_")[1]) fnDir = self._getExtraPath("direction_%d" % projNumber, "level_00", "class_classes.xmd") if exists(fnDir): blockSize = md.getSize("class000001_images@" + fnDir) if blockSize < minClass: minClass = blockSize # Construct the homogeneized metadata mdAll = emlib.MetaData() mdSubset = emlib.MetaData() mdRandom = emlib.MetaData() for block in emlib.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fnNeighbours): projNumber = int(block.split("_")[1]) fnDir = self._getExtraPath("direction_%d" % projNumber, "level_00", "class_classes.xmd") if exists(fnDir): mdDirection = emlib.MetaData("class000001_images@" + fnDir) mdRandom.randomize(mdDirection) mdSubset.selectPart(mdRandom, 0, min(mdRandom.size(), minClass)) mdAll.unionAll(mdSubset) mdAll.removeDuplicates(md.MDL_ITEM_ID) mdAll.sort(md.MDL_ITEM_ID) mdAll.fillConstant(md.MDL_PARTICLE_ID, 1) fnHomogeneous = self._getExtraPath("images_homogeneous.xmd") mdAll.write(fnHomogeneous) self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities", '-i %s --operate modify_values "particleId=itemId"' % fnHomogeneous, numberOfMpi=1)
[docs] def refineAnglesStep(self): fnTmpDir = self._getTmpPath() fnDirectional = self._getDirectionalClassesFn() inputParticles = self.inputParticles.get() newTs = readInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "sampling", emlib.MDL_SAMPLINGRATE) newXdim = readInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "size", emlib.MDL_XSIZE) # Generate projections fnGallery = join(fnTmpDir, "gallery.stk") fnGalleryMd = join(fnTmpDir, "gallery.doc") fnVol = self._getInputVolFn() args = "-i %s -o %s --sampling_rate %f --sym %s" % \ (fnVol, fnGallery, 5.0, self.symmetryGroup) args += " --compute_neighbors --angular_distance -1 --experimental_images %s" % fnDirectional self.runJob("xmipp_angular_project_library", args, numberOfMpi=self.numberOfMpi.get() * self.numberOfThreads.get()) # Global angular assignment maxShift = 0.15 * newXdim fnAngles = join(fnTmpDir, "angles_iter001_00.xmd") if not self.useGpu.get(): args = '-i %s --initgallery %s --maxShift %d --odir %s --dontReconstruct --useForValidation 0' % \ (fnDirectional, fnGalleryMd, maxShift, fnTmpDir) self.runJob('xmipp_reconstruct_significant', args, numberOfMpi=self.numberOfMpi.get() * self.numberOfThreads.get()) else: count=0 GpuListCuda='' if self.useQueueForSteps() or self.useQueue(): GpuList = os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] GpuList = GpuList.split(",") for elem in GpuList: GpuListCuda = GpuListCuda+str(count)+' ' count+=1 else: GpuList = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in self.getGpuList()]) GpuListAux = '' for elem in self.getGpuList(): GpuListCuda = GpuListCuda+str(count)+' ' GpuListAux = GpuListAux+str(elem)+',' count+=1 os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = GpuListAux args = '-i %s -r %s -o %s --dev %s ' % (fnDirectional, fnGalleryMd, fnAngles, GpuListCuda) self.runJob(CUDA_ALIGN_SIGNIFICANT, args, numberOfMpi=1) self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities", "-i %s --operate drop_column ref" % fnAngles, numberOfMpi=1) self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities", "-i %s --set join %s ref2" % (fnAngles, fnDirectional), numberOfMpi=1) # Local angular assignment fnAnglesLocalStk = self._getPath("directional_local_classes.stk") args = "-i %s -o %s --sampling %f --Rmax %d --padding %d --ref %s --max_resolution %f --applyTo image1 " % \ (fnAngles, fnAnglesLocalStk, newTs, newXdim / 2, 2, fnVol, self.targetResolution) args += " --optimizeShift --max_shift %f" % maxShift args += " --optimizeAngles --max_angular_change %f" % self.angularDistance self.runJob("xmipp_angular_continuous_assign2", args, numberOfMpi=self.numberOfMpi.get() * self.numberOfThreads.get()) moveFile(self._getPath("directional_local_classes.xmd"), self._getDirectionalClassesFn()) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath("direction_*"))
[docs] def runReconstruction(self, fnXmd, fnVol): args = "-i %s -o %s --max_resolution 0.25 --sym %s -v 0" % \ (fnXmd, fnVol, self.symmetryGroup.get()) if self.fr_approx.get(): args += " --fast" if self.useGpu.get(): #AJ to make it work with and without queue system if self.numberOfMpi.get()>1: N_GPUs = len((self.gpuList.get()).split(',')) args += ' -gpusPerNode %d' % N_GPUs args += ' -threadsPerGPU %d' % max(self.numberOfThreads.get(),4) count=0 GpuListCuda='' if self.useQueueForSteps() or self.useQueue(): GpuList = os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] GpuList = GpuList.split(",") for elem in GpuList: GpuListCuda = GpuListCuda+str(count)+' ' count+=1 else: GpuListAux = '' for elem in self.getGpuList(): GpuListCuda = GpuListCuda+str(count)+' ' GpuListAux = GpuListAux+str(elem)+',' count+=1 os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = GpuListAux if self.numberOfMpi.get()==1: args += ' --device %s' % GpuListCuda args += ' --thr %d' % self.fr_gpu_threads.get() if self.numberOfMpi.get()>1: self.runJob('xmipp_cuda_reconstruct_fourier', args, numberOfMpi=len((self.gpuList.get()).split(','))+1) else: self.runJob('xmipp_cuda_reconstruct_fourier', args) else: self.runJob('xmipp_reconstruct_fourier_accel', args)
[docs] def splitVolumeStep(self): # TODO: This should be in a dedicated job: self.runJob(, args) mdDirectional = md.MetaData(self._getDirectionalClassesFn()) ref2vals = mdDirectional.getColumnValues(emlib.MDL_REF2) ref2Max = max(ref2vals) matrixCoOc=np.zeros((ref2Max, ref2Max)) mpiCommand = self.getHostConfig().mpiCommand.get() mpiCommand2 = mpiCommand % {'JOB_NODES': self.numberOfMpi.get() * self.numberOfThreads.get(), 'COMMAND': ''} # print(mpiCommand2) # print(self.numberOfMpi.get()) # print(self.numberOfThreads.get()) fails = 0 for i in range(self.Nrec.get()): fnRoot = self._getExtraPath("split%06d"%i) args = "-i %s --oroot %s --Niter %d --sym %s --mpiCommand '%s'" % \ (self._getDirectionalClassesFn(), fnRoot, self.Niter.get(), self.symmetryGroup.get(), mpiCommand2) try: self.runJob("xmipp_classify_first_split3", args, numberOfMpi=1) except: fails+=1 continue ########### build co-ocurrence matrix ############## outMd = md.MetaData(fnRoot+'_avg1.xmd') listObjRef1=[] for id1 in outMd: refObj = outMd.getValue(emlib.MDL_REF2, id1) listObjRef1.append(refObj) for val1 in listObjRef1: for val2 in listObjRef1: #print("MD1: val1= ", val1, " val2= ", val2) matrixCoOc[val1-1][val2-1]+=1 #print("matrixCoOc ", matrixCoOc) outMd = md.MetaData(fnRoot + '_avg2.xmd') listObjRef2 = [] for id1 in outMd: refObj = outMd.getValue(emlib.MDL_REF2, id1) listObjRef2.append(refObj) for val1 in listObjRef2: for val2 in listObjRef2: #print("MD1: val1= ", val1, " val2= ", val2) matrixCoOc[val1 - 1][val2 - 1] += 1 #print("matrixCoOc ", matrixCoOc) #Changing from co-ocurrence matrix to distance matrix (avoiding divide by zero) if fails==self.Nrec: #AJ revisar esto raise Exception('xmipp_classify_first_split3 has failed') for i in range(ref2Max): for j in range(ref2Max): if matrixCoOc[i][j]==0: matrixCoOc[i][j]+=0.001 matrixCoOc[i][j] = 1.0/matrixCoOc[i][j] np.savetxt(self._getExtraPath('coocurrenceMatrix.txt'), matrixCoOc, fmt='%.4e') ##### hierarchical clustering algorithm ######### from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering model = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=2, linkage="complete", affinity="euclidean") listLabels = model.labels_ #print(model.labels_) ####### build the final volumes with the selected images by clustering ######### defMd1 = md.MetaData() defMd2 = md.MetaData() origMd = md.MetaData(self._getDirectionalClassesFn()) for row in md.iterRows(origMd): refIdx = origMd.getValue(emlib.MDL_REF2, row.getObjId()) if(listLabels[refIdx-1]==0): row.addToMd(defMd1) else: row.addToMd(defMd2) defMd1.write(self._getExtraPath("split1.xmd")) defMd2.write(self._getExtraPath("split2.xmd")) self.runReconstruction(self._getExtraPath("split1.xmd"), self._getExtraPath("split1.vol")) self.runReconstruction(self._getExtraPath("split2.xmd"), self._getExtraPath("split2.vol"))
[docs] def cleaningStep(self): cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath("gallery*")) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath("mask.vol")) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath("neighbours.xmd")) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath("split00*"))
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): inputParticles = self.inputParticles.get() # if not self._useSeveralClasses(): # newTs = inputParticles.getSamplingRate() # else: # newTs = readInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "sampling", # xmipp.MDL_SAMPLINGRATE) self.mdClasses = emlib.MetaData(self._getDirectionalClassesFn()) self.mdImages = emlib.MetaData(self._getDirectionalImagesFn()) origTs = inputParticles.getSamplingRate() lastTs = readInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "sampling", emlib.MDL_SAMPLINGRATE) if origTs!=lastTs: newXdim=inputParticles.getXDim() self.runJob("xmipp_image_resize", "-i %s -o %s --save_metadata_stack %s --fourier %d" % (self._getDirectionalClassesFn(), self._getPath("aux_directional_local_classes.stk"), self._getPath("aux_directional_classes.xmd"), newXdim), numberOfMpi=1) from shutil import copy copy(self._getPath("aux_directional_local_classes.stk"), self._getPath("directional_local_classes.stk")) copy(self._getPath("aux_directional_classes.xmd"), self._getPath("directional_classes.xmd")) cleanPattern(self._getPath("aux_directional*")) classes2D = self._createSetOfClasses2D(inputParticles) #classes2D.getImages().setSamplingRate(newTs) classes2D.getImages().setSamplingRate(origTs) self.averageSet = self._createSetOfAverages() self.averageSet.copyInfo(inputParticles) self.averageSet.setAlignmentProj() #self.averageSet.setSamplingRate(newTs) self.averageSet.setSamplingRate(origTs) # Let's use a SetMdIterator because it should be less particles # in the metadata produced than in the input set iterator = md.SetMdIterator(self.mdImages, sortByLabel=md.MDL_ITEM_ID, updateItemCallback=self._updateParticle, skipDisabled=True) fnHomogeneous = self._getExtraPath("images_homogeneous.xmd") if exists(fnHomogeneous): if origTs != lastTs: newXdim = inputParticles.getXDim() self.runJob("xmipp_image_resize", "-i %s --dim %d" % (fnHomogeneous, newXdim), numberOfMpi=1) homogeneousSet = self._createSetOfParticles() homogeneousSet.copyInfo(inputParticles) #homogeneousSet.getImages().setSamplingRate(newTs) homogeneousSet.getImages().setSamplingRate(origTs) homogeneousSet.setAlignmentProj() self.iterMd = md.iterRows(fnHomogeneous, md.MDL_PARTICLE_ID) self.lastRow = next(self.iterMd) homogeneousSet.copyItems(inputParticles, updateItemCallback=self._updateHomogeneousItem) self._defineOutputs(outputHomogeneous=homogeneousSet) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputParticles, homogeneousSet) #AJ testing #AJ por que desaparece una clase que tiene imagenes asignadas listRefId=[] for row in md.iterRows(self.mdClasses, emlib.MDL_REF2): refId = row.getValue(emlib.MDL_REF2, row.getObjId()) if len(listRefId)>0 and refId != listRefId[-1]+1: whereEnd = listRefId[-1]+1 for i in range(refId-whereEnd): rowNew = row rowNew.setValue(emlib.MDL_REF2, listRefId[-1]+i+1) rowNew.setValue(emlib.MDL_IMAGE, 'None') rowNew.setValue(emlib.MDL_IMAGE1, 'None') rowNew.addToMd(self.mdClasses) listRefId.append(listRefId[-1]+i+1) listRefId.append(refId) else: listRefId.append(refId) self.mdClasses.write(self._getDirectionalClassesFn()) self.mdClasses = emlib.MetaData(self._getDirectionalClassesFn()) #END AJ classes2D.classifyItems(updateItemCallback=iterator.updateItem, updateClassCallback=self._updateClass) self._defineOutputs(outputClasses=classes2D) self._defineOutputs(outputAverages=self.averageSet) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputParticles, classes2D) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputParticles, self.averageSet) if self.splitVolume and self.directionalClasses.get() > 1: volumesSet = self._createSetOfVolumes() #volumesSet.setSamplingRate(newTs) volumesSet.setSamplingRate(origTs) for i in range(2): vol = Volume() fnVol = self._getExtraPath("split%d.vol" % (i + 1)) if origTs != lastTs: newXdim = inputParticles.getXDim() self.runJob("xmipp_image_resize", "-i %s --dim %d" % (fnVol, newXdim), numberOfMpi=1) fnMrc = self._getExtraPath("split%d.mrc" % (i + 1)) self.runJob("xmipp_image_convert", "-i %s -o %s -t vol" % (fnVol, fnMrc), numberOfMpi=1) self.runJob("xmipp_image_header", "-i %s --sampling_rate %f" % (fnMrc, origTs), numberOfMpi=1) cleanPath(fnVol) vol.setLocation(1, fnMrc) volumesSet.append(vol) self._defineOutputs(outputVolumes=volumesSet) self._defineSourceRelation(inputParticles, volumesSet)
def _updateHomogeneousItem(self, particle, row): count = 0 while self.lastRow and particle.getObjId() == self.lastRow.getValue( md.MDL_PARTICLE_ID): count += 1 if count: createItemMatrix(particle, self.lastRow, align=ALIGN_PROJ) try: self.lastRow = next(self.iterMd) except StopIteration: self.lastRow = None particle._appendItem = count > 0 def _updateParticle(self, item, row): item.setClassId(row.getValue(emlib.MDL_REF2)) def _updateClass(self, item): classId = item.getObjId() classRow = findRow(self.mdClasses, emlib.MDL_REF2, classId) if classRow is not None: representative = item.getRepresentative() representative.setTransform(rowToAlignment(classRow, ALIGN_PROJ)) representative.setLocation( xmippToLocation(classRow.getValue(emlib.MDL_IMAGE))) setXmippAttributes(representative, classRow, emlib.MDL_ANGLE_ROT) setXmippAttributes(representative, classRow, emlib.MDL_ANGLE_TILT) setXmippAttributes(representative, classRow, emlib.MDL_CLASS_COUNT) self.averageSet.append(representative) reprojection = Image() reprojection.setLocation( xmippToLocation(classRow.getValue(emlib.MDL_IMAGE1))) item.reprojection = reprojection # --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------- def _validate(self): validateMsgs = ProtAnalysis3D._validate(self) # if there are Volume references, it cannot be empty. if self.inputVolume.get() and not self.inputVolume.hasValue(): validateMsgs.append('Please provide an input reference volume.') if self.inputParticles.get() and not self.inputParticles.hasValue(): validateMsgs.append('Please provide input particles.') if self.angularSampling.get()>40: validateMsgs.append("The angular sampling must be <= 40") if self.useGpu and not isXmippCudaPresent(): validateMsgs.append("You have asked to use GPU, but I cannot find the Xmipp GPU programs") return validateMsgs def _summary(self): summary = [] return summary # ----------------------- UTILITY FUNCTIONS --------------------------------- def _useSeveralClasses(self): return self.directionalClasses > 1 def _getExpParticlesFn(self): return self._getPath('input_particles.xmd') def _getInputParticlesFn(self): if self._useSeveralClasses(): return self._getTmpPath('scaled_particles.xmd') else: return self._getExpParticlesFn() def _getInputVolFn(self): return self._getTmpPath('volume.vol') def _getDirectionalClassesFn(self): return self._getPath("directional_classes.xmd") def _getDirectionalImagesFn(self): return self._getPath("directional_images.xmd")