Source code for xmipp3.protocols.protocol_preprocess.protocol_filter

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (
# *              Roberto Marabini (
# *
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
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# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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# **************************************************************************
Protocols for particles filter operations.

from pyworkflow.object import Float
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (FloatParam, EnumParam, DigFreqParam,
                                        BooleanParam, PointerParam)

from pwem.objects import ImageDim
from pwem.protocols import ProtFilterParticles, ProtFilterVolumes

from xmipp3.constants import (FILTER_SPACE_FOURIER, FILTER_SPACE_REAL,
from xmipp3.convert import writeCTFModel
from .protocol_process import XmippProcessParticles, XmippProcessVolumes

[docs]class XmippFilterHelper(): """ Filter operations such as: Fourier or Gaussian. """ # Some Filter Modes constants to be used locally # the special cases of low pass, high pass and band pass # should preserve the em.constants values 0, 1 and 2 respectively # for properly working of the wizards #Fourier filters FM_LOW_PASS = FILTER_LOW_PASS #0 FM_HIGH_PASS = FILTER_HIGH_PASS #1 FM_BAND_PASS = FILTER_BAND_PASS #2 FM_CTF = 3 # Real Space Filters FM_MEDIAN = 0 #Wavelets decomposition base FM_DAUB4 = 0 FM_DAUB12 = 1 FM_DAUB20 = 2 #Wavelet filters FM_REMOVE_SCALE = 0 FM_BAYESIAN = 1 FM_SOFT_THRESHOLDING = 2 FM_ADAPTIVE_SOFT = 3 FM_CENTRAL = 4 #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _defineProcessParams(cls, form, fourierChoices=['low pass', 'high pass', 'band pass', 'ctf']): form.addParam('filterSpace', EnumParam, choices=['fourier', 'real', 'wavelets'], default=FILTER_SPACE_FOURIER, label="Filter space") form.addParam('filterModeFourier', EnumParam, choices=fourierChoices, default=cls.FM_BAND_PASS, condition='filterSpace == %d' % FILTER_SPACE_FOURIER, label="Filter mode", help='Depending on the filter mode some frequency (freq.) components\n' 'are kept and some are removed.\n ' '_low pass_: components below *High freq.* are preserved.\n ' '_high pass_: components above *Low freq.* are preserved.\n ' '_band pass_: components between *Low freq.* and *High freq.* ' 'are preserved. \n' 'ctf: apply first CTF in CTFset to all the particles. This is normally for simulated data.\n' ' : This is not a CTF correction.' ) form.addParam('filterModeReal', EnumParam, choices=['median'], default=cls.FM_MEDIAN, condition='filterSpace == %d' % FILTER_SPACE_REAL, label="Filter mode", help='median: replace each pixel with the median of neighboring pixels.\n' ) form.addParam('filterModeWavelets', EnumParam, choices=['daub4','daub12','daub20'], default=cls.FM_DAUB4, condition='filterSpace == %d' % FILTER_SPACE_WAVELET, label="Filter mode", help='DAUB4: filter using the DAUB4 wavelet transform.\n ' ) #String that identifies filter in Fourier Space fourierCondition = 'filterSpace == %d and (%s)' % (FILTER_SPACE_FOURIER, cls.getModesCondition('filterModeFourier', cls.FM_LOW_PASS, cls.FM_HIGH_PASS, cls.FM_BAND_PASS)) #String that identifies filter in Real Space realCondition = 'filterSpace == %d and (%s)' % (FILTER_SPACE_REAL, cls.getModesCondition('filterModeReal', cls.FM_MEDIAN)) #String that identifies filter in Real Space waveletCondition = 'filterSpace == %d and (%s)' % (FILTER_SPACE_WAVELET, cls.getModesCondition('filterModeWavelets', cls.FM_DAUB4, cls.FM_DAUB12, cls.FM_DAUB20)) #fourier form.addParam('freqInAngstrom', BooleanParam, default=True, condition='filterSpace == %d and filterModeFourier != %d' % (FILTER_SPACE_FOURIER, cls.FM_CTF), label='Provide resolution in Angstroms?', help='If *Yes*, the resolution values for the filter\n' 'should be provided in Angstroms. If *No*, the\n' 'values should be in normalized frequencies (between 0 and 0.5).') # Resolution in Angstroms (inverse of frequencies) line = form.addLine('Resolution (A)', condition=fourierCondition + ' and freqInAngstrom', help='Range of resolutions to use in the filter') line.addParam('lowFreqA', FloatParam, default=60, condition='(' + cls.getModesCondition('filterModeFourier', cls.FM_BAND_PASS, cls.FM_HIGH_PASS) + ') and freqInAngstrom', label='Lowest') line.addParam('highFreqA', FloatParam, default=10, condition='(' + cls.getModesCondition('filterModeFourier', cls.FM_BAND_PASS, cls.FM_LOW_PASS) + ') and freqInAngstrom', label='Highest') form.addParam('freqDecayA', FloatParam, default=100, condition=fourierCondition + ' and freqInAngstrom', label='Decay length', help=('Amplitude decay in a [[' 'wiki/Raised-cosine_filter][raised cosine]]')) # Normalized frequencies ("digital frequencies") line = form.addLine('Frequency (normalized)', condition=fourierCondition + ' and (not freqInAngstrom)', help='Range of frequencies to use in the filter') line.addParam('lowFreqDig', DigFreqParam, default=0.02, condition='(' + cls.getModesCondition('filterModeFourier', cls.FM_BAND_PASS, cls.FM_HIGH_PASS) + ') and (not freqInAngstrom)', label='Lowest') line.addParam('highFreqDig', DigFreqParam, default=0.35, condition='(' + cls.getModesCondition('filterModeFourier', cls.FM_BAND_PASS, cls.FM_LOW_PASS) + ') and (not freqInAngstrom)', label='Highest') form.addParam('freqDecayDig', FloatParam, default=0.02, condition=fourierCondition + ' and (not freqInAngstrom)', label='Frequency decay', help=('Amplitude decay in a [[' 'wiki/Raised-cosine_filter][raised cosine]]')) form.addParam('inputCTF', PointerParam, allowsNull=True, condition='filterModeFourier == %d' % cls.FM_CTF, label='CTF Object', pointerClass='CTFModel', help='Object with CTF information if empty it will take the CTF information related with the first particle.\n' 'Note that this is normally used with simulated data.') #wavelets form.addParam('waveletMode', EnumParam, choices=['remove_scale', 'bayesian(not implemented)', 'soft_thresholding', 'adaptive_soft', 'central'], default=cls.FM_REMOVE_SCALE, condition='filterSpace == %d' % FILTER_SPACE_WAVELET, label='mode', help='filter mode to be applied in wavelet space')
[docs] @classmethod def getLowFreq(cls, protocol): if protocol.freqInAngstrom: return protocol.getInputSampling() / protocol.lowFreqA.get() else: return protocol.lowFreqDig.get()
[docs] @classmethod def getHighFreq(cls,protocol): if protocol.freqInAngstrom: return protocol.getInputSampling() / protocol.highFreqA.get() else: return protocol.highFreqDig.get()
[docs] @classmethod def getFreqDecay(cls,protocol): if protocol.freqInAngstrom: return protocol.getInputSampling() / protocol.freqDecayA.get() else: return protocol.freqDecayDig.get()
[docs] @classmethod def getModesCondition(cls, filterMode, *filterModes): return ' or '.join('%s==%d' % (filterMode,fm) for fm in filterModes)
# return ' or '.join(['%s==%d' % (fmKey,fmValue) for fmKey,fmValue in zip(filterMode,filterModes)]) #--------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _insertProcessStep(cls, protocol): if protocol.filterSpace == FILTER_SPACE_FOURIER: lowFreq = cls.getLowFreq(protocol) highFreq = cls.getHighFreq(protocol) freqDecay = cls.getFreqDecay(protocol) print("protocol.freqInAngstrom: ", protocol.freqInAngstrom.get()) print("lowFreq, highFreq, freqDecay: ", lowFreq, highFreq, freqDecay) mode = protocol.filterModeFourier.get() if mode == cls.FM_LOW_PASS: filterStr = " low_pass %f %f " % (highFreq, freqDecay) elif mode == cls.FM_HIGH_PASS: filterStr = " high_pass %f %f " % (lowFreq, freqDecay) elif mode == cls.FM_BAND_PASS: filterStr = " band_pass %f %f %f " % (lowFreq, highFreq, freqDecay) elif mode == cls.FM_CTF: ctfModel = protocol._getTmpPath(protocol.tmpCTF) sampling = protocol.getInputSampling() filterStr = " ctf %s --sampling %f" % (ctfModel,sampling) # Save CTF model too protocol._insertFunctionStep("convertCTFXmippStep", ctfModel) else: raise Exception("Unknown fourier filter mode: %d" % mode) args = " --fourier " + filterStr elif protocol.filterSpace == FILTER_SPACE_REAL: mode = protocol.filterModeReal.get() if mode == cls.FM_MEDIAN: filterStr = " --median " else: raise Exception("Unknown real filter mode: %d" % mode) args = filterStr elif protocol.filterSpace == FILTER_SPACE_WAVELET: filterMode = protocol.filterModeWavelets.get() filterStr = " --wavelet " if filterMode == cls.FM_DAUB4: filterStr += " DAUB4 " elif filterMode == cls.FM_DAUB12: filterStr += " DAUB12 " elif filterMode == cls.FM_DAUB20: filterStr += " DAUB20 " else: raise Exception("Unknown wavelets filter mode: %d" % filterMode) waveletMode = protocol.waveletMode.get() if waveletMode == cls.FM_REMOVE_SCALE: filterStr += " remove_scale " elif waveletMode == cls.FM_BAYESIAN: raise Exception("Bayesian filter not implemented") elif waveletMode == cls.FM_SOFT_THRESHOLDING: filterStr += " soft_thresholding " elif waveletMode == cls.FM_ADAPTIVE_SOFT: filterStr += " adaptive_soft " elif waveletMode == cls.FM_CENTRAL: filterStr += " central " args = filterStr else: raise Exception("Unknown filter space: %d" % protocol.filterSpace.get()) command = (protocol._args % {'inputFn': protocol.inputFn}) + args protocol._insertFunctionStep("filterStep", command) @classmethod def _summary(cls, protocol): summary = [] def add(x): summary.append(' ' + x) # short notation if protocol.filterSpace == FILTER_SPACE_FOURIER: add('Space: *Fourier*') Ts = protocol.getInputSampling() inA = protocol.freqInAngstrom # short notation lowA, highA = protocol.lowFreqA.get(), protocol.highFreqA.get() lowAN = Ts/lowA highAN = Ts/highA lowN, highN = protocol.lowFreqDig.get(), protocol.highFreqDig.get() lowNA = Ts/lowN highNA = Ts/highN mode = protocol.filterModeFourier.get() decayStr = ('*%g* A' % protocol.freqDecayA.get() if inA else '*%g*' % protocol.freqDecayDig.get()) if mode == cls.FM_LOW_PASS: add('Mode: *Low-pass* ( %s, decay at %s )' % ('resolution > *%g* A (normalized freq. %g)' % (highA,highAN) if inA else 'normalized frequency < *%g* (%g A)' % (highN,highNA), decayStr)) elif mode == cls.FM_HIGH_PASS: add('Mode: *High-pass* ( %s, decay at %s )' % ('resolution < *%g* A (normalized freq. %g)' % (lowA,lowAN) if inA else 'normalized frequency > *%g* (%g A)' % (lowN,lowNA), decayStr)) elif mode == cls.FM_BAND_PASS: add('Mode: *Band-pass* ( %s, decay at %s )' % ('*%g* A (normalized freq. %g) < resolution < *%g* A (normalized freq. %g)' % (highA, highAN, lowA, lowAN) if inA else '*%g* (%g A) < normalized frequency < *%g* (%g A)' % (lowN, lowNA, highN, highNA), decayStr)) elif protocol.filterSpace == FILTER_SPACE_REAL: add('Mode: *Median*') elif protocol.filterSpace == FILTER_SPACE_WAVELET: add('Space: *Wavelet*') filterMode = protocol.filterModeWavelets.get() if filterMode == cls.FM_DAUB4: add('Wavelet: *Daubechies 4*') elif filterMode == cls.FM_DAUB12: add('Wavelet: *Daubechies 12*') elif filterMode == cls.FM_DAUB20: add('Wavelet: *Daubechies 20*') fm = protocol.waveletMode.get() if fm == cls.FM_REMOVE_SCALE: add('Mode: *Remove scale*') elif fm == cls.FM_SOFT_THRESHOLDING: add('Mode: *Soft thresholding*') elif fm == cls.FM_ADAPTIVE_SOFT: add('Mode: *Adaptive soft*') elif fm == cls.FM_CENTRAL: add('Mode: *Central*') return summary @classmethod def _methods(cls, protocol): return ["We filtered the volume(s) using Xmipp [Sorzano2007a]."]
[docs] def getInputSampling(self): """ Function to return the sampling rate of input objects. Should be implemented for filter volumes and particles. """ pass
[docs]class XmippProtFilterParticles(ProtFilterParticles, XmippProcessParticles): """ Apply Fourier filters to a set of particles """ _label = 'filter particles' tmpCTF = "ctf.xmd" def __init__(self, **kwargs): ProtFilterParticles.__init__(self, **kwargs) XmippProcessParticles.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._program = "xmipp_transform_filter" self.allowMpi = False self.allowThreads = False #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineProcessParams(self, form): XmippFilterHelper._defineProcessParams(form) def _insertProcessStep(self): XmippFilterHelper._insertProcessStep(self) #--------------------------- RETURN digital or analog freq
[docs] def getLowFreq(self): return XmippFilterHelper.getLowFreq(self)
[docs] def getHighFreq(self): return XmippFilterHelper.getHighFreq(self)
[docs] def getFreqDecay(self): return XmippFilterHelper.getFreqDecay(self)
#--------------------------- STEPS functions ---------------------------------------------------
[docs] def convertCTFXmippStep(self, ctfModel): #defocus comes from here inputSet = self.inputParticles.get() if self.inputCTF.hasValue(): ctf = self.inputCTF.get() mic = ctf.getMicrograph() acquisition = mic.getAcquisition() sampling = mic.getSamplingRate() else: ctf = inputSet.getFirstItem().getCTF() acquisition = inputSet.getAcquisition() sampling = inputSet.getSamplingRate() # Spherical aberration in mm ctf._xmipp_ctfVoltage = Float(acquisition.getVoltage()) ctf._xmipp_ctfSphericalAberration = Float(acquisition.getSphericalAberration()) ctf._xmipp_ctfQ0 = Float(acquisition.getAmplitudeContrast()) ctf._xmipp_ctfSamplingRate = Float(sampling) writeCTFModel(ctf, ctfModel) ##ROB writeCTFModel(ctf, '/tmp/ctf.xmd')
#--------------------------- STEPS functions ---------------------------------------------------
[docs] def filterStep(self, args): args += " -o %s --save_metadata_stack %s --keep_input_columns" % (self.outputStk, self.outputMd) self.runJob("xmipp_transform_filter", args)
[docs] def getInputSampling(self): return self.inputParticles.get().getSamplingRate()
def _validate(self): if self.filterSpace != FILTER_SPACE_WAVELET: return [] # nothing to check for n in self.inputParticles.get().getDim(): while n > 1: # check if math.log(n, 2) is int, more rudimentary if n % 2 != 0: return ["To use the wavelet filter, the input particles", "must have dimensions which are a power of 2,", "but their dimensions are %s." % ImageDim(*self.inputParticles.get().getDim())] n /= 2 return [] def _summary(self): if not hasattr(self, "outputParticles"): return ["Protocol has not finished yet."] return (["Filtered %d particles using:" % self.outputParticles.getSize()] + XmippFilterHelper._summary(self)) def _methods(self): return XmippFilterHelper._methods(self)
[docs]class XmippProtFilterVolumes(ProtFilterVolumes, XmippProcessVolumes): """ Apply Fourier filters to a set of volumes """ _label = 'filter volumes' #--------------------------- UTILS functions --------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, **kwargs): ProtFilterVolumes.__init__(self, **kwargs) XmippProcessVolumes.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._program = "xmipp_transform_filter" self.allowThreads = False self.allowMpi = False #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineProcessParams(self, form): XmippFilterHelper._defineProcessParams(form, fourierChoices=['low pass', 'high pass', 'band pass']) def _insertProcessStep(self): XmippFilterHelper._insertProcessStep(self) #--------------------------- STEPS functions ---------------------------------------------------
[docs] def filterStep(self, args): if self._isSingleInput(): args += " -o %s" % self.outputStk else: args += " -o %s --save_metadata_stack %s --keep_input_columns" % (self.outputStk, self.outputMd) self.runJob("xmipp_transform_filter", args)
[docs] def getInputSampling(self): return self.inputVolumes.get().getSamplingRate()
def _validate(self): if self.filterSpace != FILTER_SPACE_WAVELET: return [] # nothing to check for n in self.inputVolumes.get().getDim(): while n > 1: # check if math.log(n, 2) is int, more rudimentary if n % 2 != 0: return ["To use the wavelet filter, the input volumes", "must have dimensions which are a power of 2," "but their dimensions are %s." % ImageDim(*self.inputVolumes.get().getDim())] n /= 2 return [] def _summary(self): if not hasattr(self, "outputVol"): return ["Protocol has not finished yet."] if hasattr(self.outputVol, "getSize"): summary = ["Filtered %d volumes using:" % self.outputVol.getSize()] else: summary = ["Filtered one volume using:"] return summary + XmippFilterHelper._summary(self) def _methods(self): return XmippFilterHelper._methods(self) #--------------------------- RETURN digital or analog freq
[docs] def getLowFreq(self): return XmippFilterHelper.getLowFreq(self)
[docs] def getHighFreq(self): return XmippFilterHelper.getHighFreq(self)
[docs] def getFreqDecay(self): return XmippFilterHelper.getFreqDecay(self)