Source code for xmipp3.protocols.protocol_preprocess.protocol_crop_resize

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Josue Gomez Blanco   (
# *              Joaquin Oton   (
# *              Airen Zaldivar (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
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# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************
import os

import pyworkflow.protocol.constants as const
from pyworkflow.object import String
from pwem.convert.headers import setMRCSamplingRate
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (BooleanParam, EnumParam, FloatParam,
from pwem.objects import Volume, SetOfParticles, Mask

from .protocol_process import XmippProcessParticles, XmippProcessVolumes
from pyworkflow import BETA, UPDATED, NEW, PROD

[docs]class XmippResizeHelper: """ Common features to change dimensions of either SetOfParticles, Volume or SetOfVolumes objects. """ _devStatus = PROD RESIZE_SAMPLINGRATE = 0 RESIZE_DIMENSIONS = 1 RESIZE_FACTOR = 2 RESIZE_PYRAMID = 3 WINDOW_OP_CROP = 0 WINDOW_OP_WINDOW = 1 #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _defineProcessParams(cls, protocol, form): # Resize operation form.addParam('doResize', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Resize %s?' % protocol._inputLabel, help='If you set to *Yes*, you should provide a resize option.') form.addParam('resizeOption', EnumParam, choices=['Sampling Rate', 'Dimensions', 'Factor', 'Pyramid'], condition='doResize', default=cls.RESIZE_SAMPLINGRATE, label="Resize option", display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO, help='Select an option to resize the images: \n ' '_Sampling Rate_: Set the desire sampling rate to resize. \n' '_Dimensions_: Set the output dimensions. Resize operation can be done in Fourier space.\n' '_Factor_: Set a resize factor to resize. \n ' '_Pyramid_: Use positive level value to expand and negative to reduce. \n' 'Pyramid uses spline pyramids for the interpolation. All the rest uses normally interpolation\n' '(cubic B-spline or bilinear interpolation). If you set the method to dimensions, you may choose\n' 'between interpolation and Fourier cropping.') form.addParam('resizeSamplingRate', FloatParam, default=1.0, condition='doResize and resizeOption==%d' % cls.RESIZE_SAMPLINGRATE, allowsPointers=True, label='Resize sampling rate (Å/px)', help='Set the new output sampling rate.') form.addParam('doFourier', BooleanParam, default=False, condition='doResize and resizeOption==%d' % cls.RESIZE_DIMENSIONS, label='Use fourier method to resize?', help='If you set to *True*, the final dimensions must be lower than the original ones.') form.addParam('resizeDim', IntParam, default=0, condition='doResize and resizeOption==%d' % cls.RESIZE_DIMENSIONS, allowsPointers=True, label='New image size (px)', help='Size in pixels of the particle images <x> <y=x> <z=x>.') form.addParam('resizeFactor', FloatParam, default=0.5, condition='doResize and resizeOption==%d' % cls.RESIZE_FACTOR, allowsPointers=True, label='Resize factor', help='New size is the old one x resize factor.') form.addParam('resizeLevel', IntParam, default=0, condition='doResize and resizeOption==%d' % cls.RESIZE_PYRAMID, allowsPointers=True, label='Pyramid level', help='Use positive value to expand and negative to reduce.') form.addParam('hugeFile', BooleanParam, default=False, expertLevel=const.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Huge file', help='If the file is huge, very likely you may have problems doing the antialiasing filter ' '(because there is no memory for the input and its Fourier tranform). This option ' 'removes the antialiasing filter (meaning you will get aliased results), and performs ' 'a bilinear interpolation (to avoid having to produce the B-spline coefficients).') # Window operation form.addParam('doWindow', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Apply a window operation?', help='If you set to *Yes*, you should provide a window option.') form.addParam('windowOperation', EnumParam, choices=['crop', 'window'], condition='doWindow', default=cls.WINDOW_OP_WINDOW, label="Window operation", display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO, help='Select how to change the size of the particles.\n' '_cls.RESIZE_: provide the new size (in pixels) for your particles.\n' '_crop_: choose how many pixels to crop from each border.\n') form.addParam('cropSize', IntParam, default=0, condition='doWindow and windowOperation == %d' % cls.WINDOW_OP_CROP, allowsPointers=True, label='Crop size (px)', help='Amount of pixels cropped from each border.\n' 'e.g: if you set 10 pixels, the dimensions of the\n' 'object (SetOfParticles, Volume or SetOfVolumes) will be\n' 'reduced in 20 pixels (2 borders * 10 pixels)') form.addParam('windowSize', IntParam, default=0, allowsPointers=True, condition='doWindow and windowOperation == %d' % cls.WINDOW_OP_WINDOW, label='Window size (px)', help='Size in pixels of the output object. It will be ' 'expanded or cutted in all directions such that the ' 'origin remains the same.') #--------------------------- INSERT steps functions ------------------------ @classmethod def _insertProcessStep(cls, protocol): isFirstStep = True if protocol.doResize: args = protocol._resizeArgs() if protocol.samplingRate>protocol.samplingRateOld and not protocol.hugeFile: protocol._insertFunctionStep("filterStep", isFirstStep, protocol._filterArgs()) isFirstStep = False protocol._insertFunctionStep("resizeStep", isFirstStep, args) isFirstStep = False if protocol.doWindow: protocol._insertFunctionStep("windowStep", isFirstStep, protocol._windowArgs()) #--------------------------- INFO functions -------------------------------- @classmethod def _validate(cls, protocol): errors = [] if (protocol.doResize and protocol.doFourier and protocol.resizeOption == cls.RESIZE_SAMPLINGRATE): size = protocol._getSetSize() if protocol.resizeDim > size: errors.append('Fourier resize method cannot be used to ' 'increase the dimensions') return errors #--------------------------- STEP functions --------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def filterStep(cls, protocol, args): protocol.runJob("xmipp_transform_filter", args)
[docs] @classmethod def resizeStep(cls, protocol, args): protocol.runJob("xmipp_image_resize", args)
[docs] @classmethod def windowStep(cls, protocol, args): protocol.runJob("xmipp_transform_window", args, numberOfMpi=1)
#--------------------------- UTILS functions ------------------------------- @classmethod def _filterCommonArgs(cls, protocol): return "--fourier low_pass %f"%\ (protocol.samplingRateOld/(2*protocol.samplingRate)) @classmethod def _resizeCommonArgs(cls, protocol): samplingRate = protocol._getSetSampling() if protocol.resizeOption == cls.RESIZE_SAMPLINGRATE: newSamplingRate = protocol.resizeSamplingRate.get() factor = samplingRate / newSamplingRate args = " --factor %(factor)f" elif protocol.resizeOption == cls.RESIZE_DIMENSIONS: size = protocol.resizeDim.get() dim = protocol._getSetSize() factor = float(size) / float(dim) newSamplingRate = samplingRate / factor if protocol.doFourier and not protocol.hugeFile: args = " --fourier %(size)d" else: args = " --dim %(size)d" elif protocol.resizeOption == cls.RESIZE_FACTOR: factor = protocol.resizeFactor.get() newSamplingRate = samplingRate / factor args = " --factor %(factor)f" elif protocol.resizeOption == cls.RESIZE_PYRAMID: level = protocol.resizeLevel.get() factor = 2**level newSamplingRate = samplingRate / factor args = " --pyramid %(level)d" if protocol.hugeFile: args+=" --interp linear" protocol.samplingRate = newSamplingRate protocol.samplingRateOld = samplingRate protocol.factor = factor return args % locals() @classmethod def _windowCommonArgs(cls, protocol): op = protocol.getEnumText('windowOperation') if op == "crop": cropSize2 = protocol.cropSize.get() * 2 protocol.newWindowSize = protocol._getSetSize() - cropSize2 return " --crop %d " % cropSize2 elif op == "window": windowSize = protocol.windowSize.get() protocol.newWindowSize = windowSize return " --size %d " % windowSize
def _getSize(imgSet): """ get the size of an object""" if isinstance(imgSet, Volume): Xdim = imgSet.getDim()[0] else: Xdim = imgSet.getDimensions()[0] return Xdim def _getSampling(imgSet): """ get the sampling rate of an object""" samplingRate = imgSet.getSamplingRate() return samplingRate
[docs]class XmippProtCropResizeParticles(XmippProcessParticles): """ Crop or resize a set of particles """ # Protocol constants OUTPUT_PARTICLES_NAME = 'outputParticles' OUTPUT_MASK_NAME = 'outputMask' _label = 'crop/resize particles' _inputLabel = 'particles' _possibleOutputs = {OUTPUT_PARTICLES_NAME: SetOfParticles, OUTPUT_MASK_NAME: Mask} def __init__(self, **kwargs): XmippProcessParticles.__init__(self, **kwargs) #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): # Creating super form super()._defineParams(form) # Obtaining input particles param to accept also a mask inputParticles = form.getParam('inputParticles') inputParticles.pointerClass = String(str(inputParticles.pointerClass) + ',Mask') inputParticles.label = String(str(inputParticles.label) + '/Mask') = String('Input particles or 2D Mask to be cropped/resized.') def _defineProcessParams(self, form): XmippResizeHelper._defineProcessParams(self, form) form.addParallelSection(threads=0, mpi=8) def _insertProcessStep(self): XmippResizeHelper._insertProcessStep(self) #--------------------------- STEPS functions ---------------------------------------------------
[docs] def filterStep(self, isFirstStep, args): XmippResizeHelper.filterStep(self, self._ioArgs(isFirstStep)+args)
[docs] def resizeStep(self, isFirstStep, args): XmippResizeHelper.resizeStep(self, self._ioArgs(isFirstStep)+args)
[docs] def windowStep(self, isFirstStep, args): XmippResizeHelper.windowStep(self, self._ioArgs(isFirstStep)+args)
[docs] def convertInputStep(self): """ convert if necessary""" if self.isMask(): # If input is a Mask, modify filter params self.inputFn = self.inputParticles.get().getFileName() inputName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.inputFn))[0] # Set output mask path self.outputStk = self._getExtraPath(os.path.basename(inputName + '.mrc')) self.outputMd = self._getTmpPath('tmp.xmd') else: # If input is not Mask, keep default behaviour super().convertInputStep()
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): if self.isMask(): # If input is a Mask, create output Mask outputMask = Mask(self.outputStk) outputMask.copyInfo(self.inputParticles.get()) self._preprocessOutput(outputMask) self._defineOutputs(**{self.OUTPUT_MASK_NAME: outputMask}) self._defineTransformRelation(self.inputParticles.get(), outputMask) else: # If input is not Mask, keep default behaviour super().createOutputStep()
def _preprocessOutput(self, output): """ We need to update the sampling rate of the particles if the Resize option was used. """ if not self.isMask(): self.inputHasAlign = self.inputParticles.get().hasAlignment() if self.doResize: output.setSamplingRate(self.samplingRate) setMRCSamplingRate(self.outputStk, self.samplingRate) def _updateItem(self, item, row): """ Update also the sampling rate and the alignment if needed. """ XmippProcessParticles._updateItem(self, item, row) if self.doResize: if item.hasCoordinate(): item.scaleCoordinate(self.factor) item.setSamplingRate(self.samplingRate) if self.inputHasAlign: item.getTransform().scaleShifts(self.factor) #--------------------------- INFO functions ---------------------------------------------------- def _summary(self): summary = [] if not hasattr(self, 'outputParticles'): summary.append("Output images not ready yet.") else: sampling = _getSampling(self.outputParticles) size = _getSize(self.outputParticles) if self.doResize: summary.append(u"Output particles have a different sampling " u"rate (pixel size): *%0.3f* Å/px" % sampling) summary.append("Resizing method: *%s*" % self.getEnumText('resizeOption')) if self.doWindow: if self.getEnumText('windowOperation') == "crop": summary.append("The particles were cropped.") else: summary.append("The particles were windowed.") summary.append("New size: *%s* px" % size) return summary def _methods(self): if not hasattr(self, 'outputParticles'): return [] methods = ["We took input particles %s of size %d " % (self.getObjectTag('inputParticles'), len(self.inputParticles.get()))] if self.doWindow: if self.getEnumText('windowOperation') == "crop": methods += ["cropped them"] else: methods += ["windowed them"] if self.doResize: outputParticles = getattr(self, 'outputParticles', None) if outputParticles is None or outputParticles.getDim() is None: methods += ["Output particles not ready yet."] else: methods += ['resized them to %d px using the "%s" method%s' % (outputParticles.getDim()[0], self.getEnumText('resizeOption'), " in Fourier space" if self.doFourier else "")] if not self.doResize and not self.doWindow: methods += ["did nothing to them"] str = "%s and %s. Output particles: %s" % (", ".join(methods[:-1]), methods[-1], self.getObjectTag('outputParticles')) return [str] def _validate(self): """ This function validates the input parameters so only allowed operations take place. """ # Getting default errors errors = XmippResizeHelper._validate(self) # Checking if at least one of the operations has been selected if not self.doResize and not self.doWindow.get(): errors.append('At least one of the possible operations needs to be selected.') # Returning errors return errors #--------------------------- UTILS functions ---------------------------------------------------
[docs] def isMask(self): """ This function returns True if the input object is a Mask. False otherwise. """ return isinstance(self.inputParticles.get(), Mask)
def _ioArgs(self, isFirstStep): if isFirstStep: return "-i %s -o %s --save_metadata_stack %s --keep_input_columns " % (self.inputFn, self.outputStk, self.outputMd) else: return "-i %s " % self.outputStk def _filterArgs(self): return XmippResizeHelper._filterCommonArgs(self) def _resizeArgs(self): return XmippResizeHelper._resizeCommonArgs(self) def _windowArgs(self): return XmippResizeHelper._windowCommonArgs(self) def _getSetSize(self): """ get the size of SetOfParticles object""" imgSet = self.inputParticles.get() return _getSize(imgSet) def _getSetSampling(self): """ get the sampling rate of SetOfParticles object""" imgSet = self.inputParticles.get() return _getSampling(imgSet) def _getDefaultParallel(self): """ Return the default value for thread and MPI for the parallel section definition. """ return (0, 1)
[docs]class XmippProtCropResizeVolumes(XmippProcessVolumes): """ Crop or resize a set of volumes """ _label = 'crop/resize volumes' _inputLabel = 'volumes' def __init__(self, **kwargs): XmippProcessVolumes.__init__(self, **kwargs) #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineProcessParams(self, form): XmippResizeHelper._defineProcessParams(self, form) def _insertProcessStep(self): XmippResizeHelper._insertProcessStep(self) #--------------------------- STEPS functions ---------------------------------------------------
[docs] def filterStep(self, isFirstStep, args): XmippResizeHelper.filterStep(self, self._ioArgs(isFirstStep)+args)
[docs] def resizeStep(self, isFirstStep, args): XmippResizeHelper.resizeStep(self, self._ioArgs(isFirstStep)+args)
[docs] def windowStep(self, isFirstStep, args): XmippResizeHelper.windowStep(self, self._ioArgs(isFirstStep)+args)
def _preprocessOutput(self, volumes): # We use the preprocess only when input is a set # we do not use postprocess to setup correctly # the samplingRate before each volume is added if not self._isSingleInput(): if self.doResize: volumes.setSamplingRate(self.samplingRate) def _postprocessOutput(self, volume:Volume): # We use the postprocess only when input is a volume if self._isSingleInput(): if self.doResize: volume.setSamplingRate(self.samplingRate) # we have a new sampling so origin need to be adjusted iSampling = self.inputVolumes.get().getSamplingRate() oSampling = self.samplingRate xdim_i, ydim_i, zdim_i = self.inputVolumes.get().getDim() xdim_o, ydim_o, zdim_o = volume.getDim() xOrig, yOrig , zOrig = \ self.inputVolumes.get().getShiftsFromOrigin() xOrig += (xdim_i*iSampling-xdim_o*oSampling)/2. yOrig += (ydim_i*iSampling-ydim_o*oSampling)/2. zOrig += (zdim_i*iSampling-zdim_o*oSampling)/2. volume.setShiftsInOrigin(xOrig, yOrig, zOrig) volume.setSamplingRate(oSampling) setMRCSamplingRate(volume.getFileName(), oSampling) #--------------------------- INFO functions ---------------------------------------------------- def _summary(self): summary = [] if not hasattr(self, 'outputVol'): summary.append("Output volume(s) not ready yet.") else: sampling = _getSampling(self.outputVol) size = _getSize(self.outputVol) if self.doResize: summary.append(u"Output volume(s) have a different sampling " u"rate (pixel size): *%0.3f* Å/px" % sampling) summary.append("Resizing method: *%s*" % self.getEnumText('resizeOption')) if self.doWindow.get(): if self.getEnumText('windowOperation') == "crop": summary.append("The volume(s) were cropped.") else: summary.append("The volume(s) were windowed.") summary.append("New size: *%s* px" % size) return summary def _methods(self): if not hasattr(self, 'outputVol'): return [] if self._isSingleInput(): methods = ["We took one volume"] pronoun = "it" else: methods = ["We took %d volumes" % self.inputVolumes.get().getSize()] pronoun = "them" if self.doWindow.get(): if self.getEnumText('windowOperation') == "crop": methods += ["cropped %s" % pronoun] else: methods += ["windowed %s" % pronoun] if self.doResize: outputVol = getattr(self, 'outputVol', None) if outputVol is None or self.outputVol.getDim() is None: methods += ["Output volume not ready yet."] else: methods += ['resized %s to %d px using the "%s" method%s' % (pronoun, self.outputVol.getDim()[0], self.getEnumText('resizeOption'), " in Fourier space" if self.doFourier else "")] if not self.doResize and not self.doWindow: methods += ["did nothing to %s" % pronoun] # TODO: does this case even work in the protocol? return ["%s and %s." % (", ".join(methods[:-1]), methods[-1])] def _validate(self): return XmippResizeHelper._validate(self) #--------------------------- UTILS functions --------------------------------------------------- def _ioArgs(self, isFirstStep): if isFirstStep: if self._isSingleInput(): return "-i %s -o %s " % (self.inputFn, self.outputStk) else: return "-i %s -o %s --save_metadata_stack %s --keep_input_columns " % (self.inputFn, self.outputStk, self.outputMd) else: return "-i %s" % self.outputStk def _filterArgs(self): return XmippResizeHelper._filterCommonArgs(self) def _resizeArgs(self): return XmippResizeHelper._resizeCommonArgs(self) def _windowArgs(self): return XmippResizeHelper._windowCommonArgs(self) def _getSetSize(self): """ get the size of either Volume or SetOfVolumes objects""" imgSet = self.inputVolumes.get() size = _getSize(imgSet) return size def _getSetSampling(self): """ get the sampling rate of either Volume or SetOfVolumes objects""" imgSet = self.inputVolumes.get() samplingRate = _getSampling(imgSet) return samplingRate