Source code for xmipp3.protocols.protocol_movie_dose_analysis

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano (
# *              Daniel Marchán Torres (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import copy

from pyworkflow import VERSION_3_0
from pyworkflow.object import Set
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam, IntParam, FloatParam, LEVEL_ADVANCED)
from import Message
import pyworkflow.protocol.constants as cons
from pyworkflow import UPDATED
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils

from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
from pwem.objects import SetOfMovies
from pwem.protocols import ProtProcessMovies

from xmipp3.convert import getScipionObj

OUTPUT_MOVIES = "outputMovies"
OUTPUT_MOVIES_DISCARDED = "outputMoviesDiscarded"

[docs]class XmippProtMovieDoseAnalysis(ProtProcessMovies): """ Protocol for the dose analysis """ # FIXME: WITH .mrcs IT DOES NOT FILL THE LABELS _devStatus = UPDATED _label = 'movie dose analysis' _lastUpdateVersion = VERSION_3_0 _possibleOutputs = { OUTPUT_MOVIES: SetOfMovies, OUTPUT_MOVIES_DISCARDED: SetOfMovies } finished = False stats = {} meanDoseList = [] medianDoseTemporal = [] medianDifferences = [] meanGlobal = 0 usingExperimental = False PARALLEL_BATCH_SIZE = 8 def __init__(self, **args): ProtProcessMovies.__init__(self, **args) self.stepsExecutionMode = cons.STEPS_PARALLEL # -------------------------- DEFINE param functions ---------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label=Message.LABEL_INPUT) form.addParam('inputMovies', PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfMovies', label=Message.LABEL_INPUT_MOVS, help='Select one or several movies. A dose analysis ' 'be calculated for each one of them.') form.addParam('percentage_threshold', FloatParam, default=5, label="Maximum percentage difference (%)", help='By default, a difference of 5% against the median dose is used to ' 'assume that the dose has an incorrect value.') form.addParam('n_samples', IntParam, default=20, label="Samples to estimate the median dose", expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help='By default, 20 movies are used to ' 'compute the global median.') form.addParam('window', IntParam, default=50, label="Window step (movies)", expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help='By default, every 50 movies (window=50) we ' 'compute the percentage of incorrect dose analysis to check if there ' 'is any anomally in the dose.') form.addParam('percentage_window', FloatParam, default=30, label="Windows maximum faulty percentage (%)", expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help='By default, if 30% of the movies are discarded' 'it assume that the dose has an incorrect value that endures in time.') form.addParallelSection(threads=4, mpi=1) # -------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------ def _insertAllSteps(self): """ Insert the steps to perform movie dose evaluation """ self.initializeStep() self._insertFunctionStep(self.createOutputStep, prerequisites=[], wait=True, needsGPU=False)
[docs] def initializeStep(self): self.samplingRate = self.inputMovies.get().getSamplingRate() self.movsFn = self.inputMovies.get().getFileName() # Important to have both: self.insertedIds = [] # Contains images that have been inserted in a Step (checkNewInput). self.processedIds = [] # Contains images that have been processed in a Step (checkNewOutput). # Contains images that have been processed in a Step (checkNewOutput). self.isStreamClosed = self.inputMovies.get().isStreamClosed() self.framesRange = self.inputMovies.get().getFramesRange() dosePerFrame = self.inputMovies.get().getFirstItem().getAcquisition().getDosePerFrame() if dosePerFrame != 0 and dosePerFrame != None: self.dosePerFrame = dosePerFrame else: self.usingExperimental = True
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): self._closeOutputSet()
def _loadInputSet(self, movsFn): """ Load the input set of movies and create a list. """ self.debug("Loading input db: %s" % movsFn) movSet = SetOfMovies(filename=movsFn) movSet.loadAllProperties() self.isStreamClosed = movSet.isStreamClosed() movSet.close() self.debug("Closed db.") return movSet def _checkNewInput(self): # Check if there are new micrographs to process from the input set self.lastCheck = getattr(self, 'lastCheck', mTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.movsFn)) self.debug('Last check: %s, modification: %s' % (pwutils.prettyTime(self.lastCheck), pwutils.prettyTime(mTime))) # If the input micrographs.sqlite have not changed since our last check, # it does not make sense to check for new input data if self.lastCheck > mTime and self.insertedIds: # If this is empty it is due to a static "continue" action or it is the first round return None # Open input micrographs.sqlite and close it as soon as possible movSet = self._loadInputSet(self.movsFn) movSetIds = movSet.getIdSet() newIds = [idMov for idMov in movSetIds if idMov not in self.insertedIds] self.isStreamClosed = movSet.isStreamClosed() self.lastCheck = movSet.close() outputStep = self._getFirstJoinStep() if self.isContinued() and not self.insertedIds: # For "Continue" action and the first round doneIds, _, _, _ = self._getAllDoneIds() skipIds = list(set(newIds).intersection(set(doneIds))) newIds = list(set(newIds).difference(set(doneIds)))"Skipping Mics with ID: %s, seems to be done" % skipIds) self.insertedIds = doneIds # During the first round of "Continue" action it has to be filled if newIds: fDeps = self._insertNewMoviesSteps(newIds) if outputStep is not None: outputStep.addPrerequisites(*fDeps) self.updateSteps() def _insertNewMoviesSteps(self, newIds): """ Insert the processMovieStep for a given movie. """ deps = [] # Loop through the image IDs in batches for i in range(0, len(newIds), self.PARALLEL_BATCH_SIZE): batchIds = newIds[i:i + self.PARALLEL_BATCH_SIZE] stepId = self._insertFunctionStep(self._processMovies, batchIds, needsGPU=False, prerequisites=[]) for movId in batchIds: self.insertedIds.append(movId) deps.append(stepId) return deps def _processMovies(self, movieIds): inputMovies = self._loadInputSet(self.movsFn) fnMonitorSummary = self._getPath("summaryForMonitor.txt") for movieId in movieIds: movie = inputMovies.getItem("id", movieId).clone() movieId = movie.getObjId() stats = self.estimatePoissonCount(movie) self.stats[movieId] = stats self.processedIds.append(movieId) if not os.path.exists(fnMonitorSummary): fhMonitorSummary = open(fnMonitorSummary, "w") else: fhMonitorSummary = open(fnMonitorSummary, "a") fhMonitorSummary.write("movie_%06d_poisson_count: mean=%f stdev=%f [min=%f,max=%f]\n" % (movieId, stats['mean'], stats['std'], stats['min'], stats['max'])) fhMonitorSummary.close()
[docs] def estimatePoissonCount(self, movie): mean_frames = [] n = movie.getNumberOfFrames() frames = [1, n/2, n] for frame in frames: frame_image = ImageHandler().read("%d@%s" % (frame, movie.getFileName())).getData() mean_dose_per_pixel = np.mean(frame_image) mean_dose_per_angstrom2 = mean_dose_per_pixel/ self.samplingRate**2 mean_frames.append(mean_dose_per_angstrom2) stats = computeStats(np.asarray(mean_frames)) self.meanDoseList.append(stats['mean']) return stats
def _loadOutputSet(self, SetClass, baseName): """ Load the output set if it exists or create a new one. fixSampling: correct the output sampling rate if binning was used, except for the case when the original movies are kept and shifts refers to that one. """ setFile = self._getPath(baseName) if os.path.exists(setFile) and os.path.getsize(setFile) > 0: outputSet = SetClass(filename=setFile) outputSet.loadAllProperties() outputSet.enableAppend() else: outputSet = SetClass(filename=setFile) outputSet.setStreamState(outputSet.STREAM_OPEN) inputMovies = self.inputMovies.get() outputSet.copyInfo(inputMovies) return outputSet def _checkNewOutput(self): if len(self.meanDoseList) >= self.n_samples.get() and not hasattr(self, 'mu'): medianDoseExperimental = np.median(self.meanDoseList) if hasattr(self, 'dosePerFrame'): refDose = self.dosePerFrame diff = abs((medianDoseExperimental/refDose)-1) * 100 if diff < THRESHOLD: = refDose else: = medianDoseExperimental self.usingExperimental = True"The given dose per frame %f does not match with the experimental one %f" " having a difference of %f percent. " "Therefore, using the experimental as global median." %(refDose, medianDoseExperimental, diff)) else: = medianDoseExperimental if hasattr(self, 'mu'): # load if first time in order to make dataSets relations doneListIds, _, _, _ = self._getAllDoneIds() processedIds = self.processedIds newDone = [micId for micId in processedIds if micId not in doneListIds] allDone = len(doneListIds) + len(newDone) maxMicSize = self._loadInputSet(self.movsFn).getSize() # We have finished when there is not more input movies # (stream closed) and the number of processed movies is # equal to the number of inputs self.finished = self.isStreamClosed and allDone == maxMicSize streamMode = Set.STREAM_CLOSED if self.finished else Set.STREAM_OPEN if not self.finished and not newDone: # If we are not finished and no new output have been produced # it does not make sense to proceed and updated the outputs # so we exit from the function here return # Update the file with the newly done movies # or exit from the function if no new done movies self.debug('_checkNewOutput: ') self.debug(' doneList: %s, newDone: %s' % (len(doneListIds), len(newDone))) self.debug(' self.isStreamClosed (%s) AND' % self.isStreamClosed) self.debug(' streamMode: %s' % streamMode) # Find the acceptance intervals lower, upper = self.getLimitIntervals()"Acceptance interval: ({lower:.4f}, {upper:.4f})")"Global median: ({})") acceptedMovies = [] discardedMovies = [] inputMovieSet = self._loadInputSet(self.movsFn) for movieId in newDone: newMovie = inputMovieSet.getItem("id", movieId).clone() newMovie.setFramesRange(self.framesRange) movieId = newMovie.getObjId() stats = self.stats[movieId] mean = stats['mean'] std = stats['std'] minDose = stats['min'] maxDose = stats['max'] diff_median = ((mean/*100 setAttribute(newMovie, '_DIFF_TO_DOSE_PER_ANGSTROM2', abs(diff_median)) setAttribute(newMovie, '_MEAN_DOSE_PER_ANGSTROM2', mean) setAttribute(newMovie, '_STD_DOSE_PER_ANGSTROM2', std) setAttribute(newMovie, '_MIN_DOSE_PER_FRAME', minDose) setAttribute(newMovie, '_MAX_DOSE_PER_FRAME', maxDose) self.medianDifferences.append(diff_median) self.medianDoseTemporal.append(mean)'Movie with id %d has a mean dose per frame of %f and a diff of %f percent' %(movieId, mean, diff_median)) if lower <= mean <= upper:'accepted') acceptedMovies.append(newMovie) else:'discarded') discardedMovies.append(newMovie) if len(self.medianDifferences) % self.window.get() == 0: if self.usingExperimental: # Update the median global = np.median(self.meanDoseList)'Updating median global to %f' windowList = self.medianDoseTemporal[-self.window.get():] percentage = (1 - (len([dose for dose in windowList if lower < dose < upper]) / len(windowList)))*100'The faulty percentage of this window is %f' %percentage) if percentage > self.percentage_window.get(): with open(self._getExtraPath('WARNING.TXT'), 'a') as f:'Percentage of wrong dose in a window surpass the threshold: {}% > {}%' .format(percentage, self.percentage_window.get())) f.write('Percentage of wrong dose in a window surpass the threshold: {}% > {}% \n' .format(percentage, self.percentage_window.get())) f.close() if len(acceptedMovies)>0: moviesSet = self._loadOutputSet(SetOfMovies, 'movies.sqlite') for movie in acceptedMovies: moviesSet.append(movie) self._updateOutputSet(OUTPUT_MOVIES, moviesSet, streamMode) if len(discardedMovies)>0: moviesSetDiscarded = self._loadOutputSet(SetOfMovies, 'movies_discarded.sqlite') for movie in discardedMovies: moviesSetDiscarded.append(movie) self._updateOutputSet(OUTPUT_MOVIES_DISCARDED, moviesSetDiscarded, streamMode) tmpMeanDoseList = copy.deepcopy(self.meanDoseList) tmpMedianDifferences = copy.deepcopy(self.medianDifferences) plotDoseAnalysis(self.getDosePlot(), tmpMeanDoseList,, lower, upper) plotDoseAnalysisDiff(self.getDoseDiffPlot(), tmpMedianDifferences) if self.finished: # Unlock createOutputStep if finished all jobs outputStep = self._getFirstJoinStep() if outputStep and outputStep.isWaiting(): outputStep.setStatus(cons.STATUS_NEW) self._store() # ------------------------- UTILS functions -------------------------------- def _getAllDoneIds(self): doneIds = [] acceptedIds = [] discardedIds = [] sizeOutput = 0 if hasattr(self, OUTPUT_MOVIES): sizeOutput += self.outputMovies.getSize() acceptedIds.extend(list(self.outputMovies.getIdSet())) doneIds.extend(acceptedIds) if hasattr(self, OUTPUT_MOVIES_DISCARDED): sizeOutput += self.outputMoviesDiscarded.getSize() discardedIds.extend(list(self.outputMoviesDiscarded.getIdSet())) doneIds.extend(discardedIds) return doneIds, sizeOutput, acceptedIds, discardedIds
[docs] def getLimitIntervals(self): """ Funtion to obtain the acceptance interval limits.""" lower = - * (self.percentage_threshold.get()/100) upper = + * (self.percentage_threshold.get()/100) return lower, upper
[docs] def getDosePlot(self): return self._getExtraPath('dose_analysis_plot.png')
[docs] def getDoseDiffPlot(self): return self._getExtraPath('dose_analysis_diff_plot.png')
# --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------- def _validate(self): errors = [] if errors: errors.append("") return errors def _summary(self): fnSummary = self._getPath("summary.txt") if not os.path.exists(fnSummary): summary = ["No summary information yet."] else: fhSummary = open(fnSummary, "r") summary = [] for line in fhSummary.readlines(): summary.append(line.rstrip()) fhSummary.close() return summary
# --------------------- WORKERS --------------------------------------
[docs]def setAttribute(obj, label, value): if value is None: return setattr(obj, label, getScipionObj(value))
[docs]def computeStats(mean_frames): mean = np.mean(mean_frames) std = np.std(mean_frames) max_dose = np.max(mean_frames) min_dose = np.min(mean_frames) stats = {'mean': mean, 'std': std, 'max': max_dose, 'min': min_dose, } return stats
[docs]def plotDoseAnalysis(filename, doseValues, medianGlobal, lower, upper): x = np.arange(start=1, stop=len(doseValues)+1, step=1) plt.figure() plt.scatter(x, doseValues,s=10) plt.axhline(y=medianGlobal, color='r', linestyle='-', label='Median dose') plt.axhline(y=upper, color='b', linestyle='-.', label='Upper limit dose') plt.axhline(y=lower, color='g', linestyle='-.', label='Lower limit dose') plt.xlabel("Movies ID") plt.ylabel("Dose (electrons impacts per angstrom**2 )") plt.title('Dose vs time') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig(filename)
[docs]def plotDoseAnalysisDiff(filename, medianDifferences): medianDiff = np.median(medianDifferences) x = np.arange(start=1+1, stop=len(medianDifferences)+2, step=1) plt.figure() plt.scatter(x, medianDifferences, s=10) plt.axhline(y=medianDiff, color='r', linestyle='-', label='Median dose difference') plt.xlabel("Movies ID") plt.ylabel("Dose differences (%)") plt.title('Dose differences with respect to the global median vs time') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig(filename)