Source code for xmipp3.convert.dataimport

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin ( [1]
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************

from os.path import  basename, dirname

from pyworkflow.utils.path import (findRootFrom, copyTree, createLink,

from .convert import *

[docs]class XmippImport: """ Class used to import different kind of objects from Xmipp projects into Scipion. """ def __init__(self, protocol, mdFile): self.protocol = protocol self._mdFile = mdFile self.copyOrLink = protocol.getCopyOrLink()
[docs] def importMicrographs(self): """ Import a SetOfMicrographs from a given micrograph metadata. (usually the result "micrographs.xmd" from Xmipp protocols) If the CTF is found, a SetOfCTF will be also created. """ self._findPathAndCtf(label=md.MDL_MICROGRAPH) micSet = self.protocol._createSetOfMicrographs() micSet.setObjComment('Micrographs imported from Xmipp metadata:\n' '%s' % self._mdFile) # Update both samplingRate and acquisition with parameters # selected in the protocol form self.protocol.setSamplingRate(micSet) micSet.setIsPhaseFlipped(self.protocol.haveDataBeenPhaseFlipped.get()) self.protocol.fillAcquisition(micSet.getAcquisition()) # Read the micrographs from the 'self._mdFile' metadata # but fixing the filenames with new ones (linked or copy to extraDir) readSetOfMicrographs(self._mdFile, micSet, preprocessImageRow=self._preprocessMicrographRow, readAcquisition=False) self.protocol._defineOutputs(outputMicrographs=micSet) # Also create a SetOfCTF if the present if self._ctfPath: ctfSet = self.protocol._createSetOfCTF() for mic in micSet: ctf = mic.getCTF() ctf.copyObjId(mic) ctfSet.append(ctf) self.protocol._defineOutputs(outputCTF=ctfSet) self.protocol._defineCtfRelation(micSet, ctfSet)
[docs] def importParticles(self): """ Import particles from a metadata 'images.xmd' """ # Store which images stack have been linked/copied and the new path self._imgDict = {} # Keep a dictionary of which ctfparams have been found self._ctfDict = {} self._findPathAndCtf(label=md.MDL_IMAGE) if self._micIdOrName: # If MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID or MDL_MICROGRAPH then # create a set to link from particles self.micSet = self.protocol._createSetOfMicrographs() self.protocol.setSamplingRate(self.micSet) self.protocol.fillAcquisition(self.micSet.getAcquisition()) partSet = self.protocol._createSetOfParticles() partSet.setObjComment('Particles imported from Xmipp metadata:\n' '%s' % self._mdFile) # Update both samplingRate and acquisition with parameters # selected in the protocol form self.protocol.setSamplingRate(partSet) partSet.setIsPhaseFlipped(self.protocol.haveDataBeenPhaseFlipped.get()) self.protocol.fillAcquisition(partSet.getAcquisition()) # Read the micrographs from the 'self._mdFile' metadata # but fixing the filenames with new ones (linked or copy to extraDir) readSetOfParticles(self._mdFile, partSet, preprocessImageRow=self._preprocessParticleRow, readAcquisition=False) if self._micIdOrName: self.protocol._defineOutputs(outputMicrographs=self.micSet) self.protocol._defineOutputs(outputParticles=partSet) # Also create classes if MDL_REF or MDL_REF3D was found if self._classFunc is not None: clsSet = self._classFunc(partSet) fillClasses(clsSet) self.protocol._defineOutputs(outputClasses=clsSet) self.protocol._defineSourceRelation(partSet, clsSet)
def _findPathAndCtf(self, label, warnings=True): """ Find the relative path from which the micrographs exists repect to the metadata location. Also check if it contains CTF information and their relative root. """ row = md.getFirstRow(self._mdFile) if row is None: raise Exception("Can not import from an empty metadata: " "%s" % self._mdFile) if not row.containsLabel(label): raise Exception("Label *%s* is missing in metadata: " "%s" % (md.label2Str(label), self._mdFile)) # take only the filename part after the @ index, fn = xmippToLocation(row.getValue(label)) self._imgPath = findRootFrom(self._mdFile, fn) if warnings and self._imgPath is None: self.protocol.warning("Binary data was not found from metadata: " "%s" % self._mdFile) if row.containsLabel(md.MDL_CTF_MODEL): self._ctfPath = findRootFrom(self._mdFile, row.getValue(md.MDL_CTF_MODEL)) else: self._ctfPath = None # means no CTF info from micrographs metadata if row.containsLabel(md.MDL_REF): self._classFunc = self.protocol._createSetOfClasses2D elif row.containsLabel(md.MDL_REF3D): self._classFunc = self.protocol._createSetOfClasses3D else: self._classLabel = None self._classFunc = None # Check if the MetaData contains either MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID # or MDL_MICROGRAPH, this will be used when imported # particles to keep track of the particle's micrograph self._micIdOrName = (row.containsLabel(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID) or row.containsLabel(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH)) #init dictionary. It will be used in the preprocessing self.micDict = {} return row
[docs] def validate(self, label): """ Try to find errors on import. """ errors = [] try: self._findPathAndCtf(label, warnings=False) except Exception as ex: errors.append(str(ex)) return errors
[docs] def validateMicrographs(self): return self.validate(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH)
[docs] def validateParticles(self): return self.validate(md.MDL_IMAGE)
def _preprocessMicrographRow(self, img, imgRow): if self._imgPath: # Create a link or copy files to extraPath # and update the Row properly micFile = imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH) micBase = basename(micFile) micDst = self.protocol._getExtraPath(micBase) self.copyOrLink(join(self._imgPath, micFile), micDst) imgRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH, micDst) self._fillMicName(img, micBase) if self._ctfPath: # Read Xmipp ctfModel parameters and add # to the original micrograph row ctfFile = imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_CTF_MODEL) ctfPath = join(self._imgPath, ctfFile) ctfRow = md.Row() ctfRow.readFromFile(ctfPath) imgRow.copyFromRow(ctfRow) # Also copy or link to the result micrograph # folder output by Xmipp containing the PSD and other images ctfSrcDir = dirname(ctfPath) ctfBaseDir = basename(ctfSrcDir) ctfDstDir = self.protocol._getExtraPath(ctfBaseDir) if self.copyOrLink == createLink: createLink(ctfSrcDir, ctfDstDir) else: # use copyTree instead of copyFile copyTree(ctfSrcDir, ctfDstDir) # Fix the path to psd files for label in CTF_PSD_DICT.values(): filePath = imgRow.getValue(label) # Take the last part of the path including # the filename and the folder up to that fileName = basename(filePath) newFilePath = join(ctfDstDir, fileName) imgRow.setValue(label, newFilePath) def _preprocessParticleRow(self, img, imgRow): if self._imgPath: # Create a link or copy files to extraPath # and update the Row properly index, fn = xmippToLocation(imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE)) imgBase = basename(fn) imgDst = self.protocol._getExtraPath(imgBase) if not exists(imgDst): self.copyOrLink(join(self._imgPath, fn), imgDst) imgRow.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, locationToXmipp(index, imgDst)) if self._micIdOrName: micId = imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID, None) micName = imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH, None) # Check which is the key to identify micrographs (id or name) if micId is not None: micKey = micId else: micKey = micName mic = self.micDict.get(micKey, None) # First time I found this micrograph (either by id or name) if mic is None: mic = Micrograph() mic.setObjId(micId) if micName is None: micName = self.protocol._getExtraPath('fake_micrograph%6d' % micId) mic.setFileName(micName) self.micSet.append(mic) # Update dict with new Micrograph self.micDict[micKey] = mic # Update the row to set a MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID imgRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID, int(mic.getObjId())) # JMRT: This means that the metadata contains MDL_CTF_MODEL # and the files path were found from some root # In Xmipp 3.1 the ctfparam metadata in particles # was replaced with directly seeting the CTF values # so we need to fill those in the particle row if self._ctfPath: ctfModel = imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_CTF_MODEL) if ctfModel in self._ctfDict: ctfRow = self._ctfDict[ctfModel] else: ctfRow = md.Row() ctfRow.readFromFile(join(self._ctfPath, ctfModel)) self._ctfDict[ctfModel] = ctfRow imgRow.copyFromRow(ctfRow)
[docs] def loadAcquisitionInfo(self): """ Return a dictionary with acquisition values and the sampling rate information. In the case of Xmipp, they are stored in files: acquisition_info.xmd and microscope.xmd """ acqDict = OrderedDict() if exists(self._mdFile): dirName = dirname(self._mdFile) acquisitionFile = join(dirName, 'acquisition_info.xmd') microscopeFile = join(dirName, 'microscope.xmd') if exists(microscopeFile): row = md.getFirstRow(microscopeFile) acqDict['voltage'] = row.getValue(md.MDL_CTF_VOLTAGE) acqDict['sphericalAberration'] = row.getValue(md.MDL_CTF_CS) if exists(acquisitionFile): row = md.getFirstRow(acquisitionFile) acqDict['samplingRate'] = row.getValue(md.MDL_SAMPLINGRATE) return acqDict
[docs] def importCoordinates(self, fileName, addCoordinate): posMd = readPosCoordinates(fileName) for objId in posMd: coord = rowToCoordinate(rowFromMd(posMd, objId)) addCoordinate(coord)
[docs] def getBoxSize(self, coordFile): """ Try to infer the box size from the given coordinate file. """ configFile = join(dirname(coordFile), 'config.xmd') if exists(configFile): firstRow = md.getFirstRow('properties@' + configFile) return firstRow.getValue(md.MDL_PICKING_PARTICLE_SIZE) return None
[docs] def importCTF(self, mic, fileName): ctf = readCTFModel(fileName, mic) ctf.setPsdFile(replaceExt(fileName, 'psd')) return ctf
def _fillMicName(self, mic, filename): micName = filename.replace("/", "_") mic.setMicName(micName)