Source code for topaz.protocols.protocol_topaz_picking

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Daniel Del Hoyo Gomez (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os
import time

import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
import pyworkflow.protocol.constants as cons
from pwem.protocols import ProtParticlePickingAuto

from topaz import convert, Plugin
from topaz.protocols.protocol_base import ProtTopazBase
from topaz.convert import (readSetOfCoordinates)

TOPAZ_COORDINATES_FILE = 'topaz_coordinates_file'
PICKING_DENOISE_FOLDER = 'picking_denoise_folder'
PICKING_PRE_FOLDER = 'picking_pre_folder'
PICKING_FOLDER = 'picking_folder'
MODEL_FOLDER = 'model_folder'

[docs]class TopazProtPicking(ProtParticlePickingAuto, ProtTopazBase): """ Perform a picking using a topaz model """ _label = 'topaz picking' ADD_MODEL_TRAIN_TYPES = ["TopazTrained", "TopazGeneral"] ADD_MODEL_PRETRAINED = 0 ADD_MODEL_GENERAL = 1 GENERAL_MODELS = ["resnet16_u64", "resnet16_u32", "resnet8_u64", "resnet8_u32"] MODEL_RESNET16_U64 = 0 MODEL_RESNET16_U32 = 1 MODEL_RESNET8_U64 = 2 MODEL_RESNET8_U32 = 3 def __init__(self, **args): ProtParticlePickingAuto.__init__(self, **args) self.stepsExecutionMode = cons.STEPS_PARALLEL # -------------------------- DEFINE param functions ----------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): ProtParticlePickingAuto._defineParams(self, form) form.addParam('modelInitialization', params.EnumParam, choices=self.ADD_MODEL_TRAIN_TYPES, default=self.ADD_MODEL_PRETRAINED, label='Select model type', help='If you set to *%s*, a topaz model object, ' 'within this project, will be employed. If you set to *%s* a ' 'pretrained model from topaz software will be used' % tuple(self.ADD_MODEL_TRAIN_TYPES)) form.addParam('prevTopazModel', params.PointerParam, pointerClass='TopazModel', condition='modelInitialization== %s' % self.ADD_MODEL_PRETRAINED, allowsNull=True, label='Select topaz model', help='Select a topaz model to continue from.') form.addParam('generalModel', params.EnumParam, choices=self.GENERAL_MODELS, default=self.MODEL_RESNET16_U64, condition='modelInitialization== %s' % self.ADD_MODEL_GENERAL, label='Topaz general model', help='A topaz NN model pretrained and provided in topaz sofware.' '\nMight not be optimized for specific particles') form.addSection('Picking') form.addParam('radius', params.IntParam, default=8, label='Particle radius (px)', help='Pixel radius around particle centers to consider.') form.addParam('boxSize', params.IntParam, default=-1, expertLevel=cons.LEVEL_ADVANCED, allowsPointers=True, label='Box size (px)', help='Box size in pixels. By default(-1): radius*2*scale') form.addParam('threshold', params.FloatParam, default=-6.0, label='Extraction threshold', help='log-likelihood score threshold at which to terminate region extraction. ' '\nValue -6 is p>=0.0025 (default: -6)' '\nHigher values will mean a more restrictive picking') form.addParallelSection(threads=1, mpi=1) self._definePreprocessParams(form) self._defineStreamingParams(form) form.getParam('streamingBatchSize').setDefault(32) # -------------------------- INSERT steps functions ----------------------- def _insertInitialSteps(self): self._defineFileDict() return [] def _defineFileDict(self): """ Centralize how files are called for iterations and references. """ pickingFolder = self._getTmpPath("micrographs%(min)s-%(max)s") pickingDenoiseFolder = os.path.join(pickingFolder, "denoise") pickingPreFolder = os.path.join(pickingFolder, "preprocess") myDict = { MODEL_FOLDER: self._getExtraPath("model"), PICKING_FOLDER: pickingFolder, PICKING_DENOISE_FOLDER: pickingDenoiseFolder, PICKING_PRE_FOLDER: pickingPreFolder, TOPAZ_COORDINATES_FILE: os.path.join(pickingPreFolder, "topaz_coordinates%(min)s-%(max)s.txt") } self._updateFilenamesDict(myDict) # --------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------ def _pickMicrograph(self, micrograph, *args): """Picking the given micrograph. """ self._pickMicrographList([micrograph], *args) def _pickMicrographList(self, micList, *args): # Link or convert the whole set of micrographs to "batch" folders workingDir = self.getPickingFileName(micList, PICKING_FOLDER) pwutils.makePath(workingDir) convert.convertMicrographs(micList, workingDir) if self.doDenoise: denoisedDir = self.getPickingFileName(micList, PICKING_DENOISE_FOLDER) pwutils.makePath(denoisedDir) # denoise the micrographs in the batch folder, output in denoisedDir args = self.getDenoiseArgs(workingDir, denoisedDir) Plugin.runTopaz(self, 'topaz denoise', args) workingDir = denoisedDir # create preprocessed folder under the workingDir. # Now in the extra folder should be replaced in tmp folder preprocessedDir = self.getPickingFileName(micList, PICKING_PRE_FOLDER) pwutils.makePath(preprocessedDir) # preprocess the micrographs in the batch folder, output in preprocessedDir args = self.getPreprocessArgs(workingDir, preprocessedDir) Plugin.runTopaz(self, 'topaz preprocess', args) # perform prediction on the preprocessed micrographs if self.modelInitialization.get() == self.ADD_MODEL_PRETRAINED: modelFn = self.prevTopazModel.get().getPath() elif self.modelInitialization.get() == self.ADD_MODEL_GENERAL: modelFn = self.getEnumText('generalModel') # Launch process called extract which is rather a prediction args = ' -t {}'.format(self.threshold.get()) args += ' -r %d' % self.radius.get() args += ' -m %s' % modelFn args += ' -o %s' % self.getPickingFileName(micList, TOPAZ_COORDINATES_FILE) args += ' --num-workers %d' % self.numberOfThreads args += ' --device %(GPU)s' # Add GPU that will be set by the executor args += ' %s/*.mrc' % preprocessedDir Plugin.runTopaz(self, 'topaz extract', args)
[docs] def readCoordsFromMics(self, outputDir, micDoneList, outputCoords): """ Read the coordinates from a given list of micrographs """ outputParticlesFn = self.getPickingFileName(micDoneList, TOPAZ_COORDINATES_FILE) scale = self.scale.get() readSetOfCoordinates(outputParticlesFn, outputCoords.getMicrographs(), outputCoords, scale) if self.boxSize.get() == -1: boxSize = self.radius.get() * 2 * scale else: boxSize = self.boxSize.get() outputCoords.setBoxSize(boxSize)
# --------------------------- UTILS functions --------------------------
[docs] def getPickingFileName(self, micList, key): return self._getFileName(key, **{"min": micList[0].strId(), 'max': micList[-1].strId()})
def _validate(self): validateMsgs = [] if self.modelInitialization.get() == self.ADD_MODEL_PRETRAINED: if self.prevTopazModel.get() is None: validateMsgs.append('Model not ready') return validateMsgs