Source code for reliontomo.protocols.protocol_refine_subtomograms

# *
# * Authors:     Scipion Team
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************
import glob
import re
from enum import Enum

from emtable import Table
from pwem.convert.headers import fixVolume
from pwem.objects import FSC
from pyworkflow import BETA
from reliontomo.objects import relionTomoMetadata, SetOfPseudoSubtomograms
from reliontomo.protocols.protocol_base_refine import ProtRelionRefineBase
from reliontomo import Plugin
from os.path import getmtime
from pyworkflow.protocol import PointerParam, LEVEL_ADVANCED, FloatParam, StringParam, BooleanParam, EnumParam
from pyworkflow.utils import createLink
from reliontomo.utils import getProgram, genRelionParticles, genOutputPseudoSubtomograms
from tomo.objects import AverageSubTomogram
from tomo.protocols import ProtTomoBase

[docs]class outputObjects(Enum): outputRelionParticles = relionTomoMetadata outputVolumes = SetOfPseudoSubtomograms outputAverage = AverageSubTomogram outputFSC = FSC
[docs]class ProtRelionRefineSubtomograms(ProtRelionRefineBase, ProtTomoBase): """Auto-refinement of subtomograms.""" _label = 'Auto-refinement of subtomograms' _devStatus = BETA _possibleOutputs = outputObjects FILE_KEYS = ['data', 'optimiser', 'sampling'] PREFIXES = ['half1_', 'half2_'] def __init__(self, **args): ProtRelionRefineBase.__init__(self, **args) # -------------------------- DEFINE param functions ----------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): self._defineInputParams(form) self._defineReferenceParams(form) self._defineCTFParams(form) self._defineOptimisationParamsCommon2All(form) self._defineAutoSamplingParams(form) self._defineComputeParams(form) ProtRelionRefineBase._defineAdditionalParams(form) @staticmethod def _defineInputParams(form): ProtRelionRefineBase._defineIOParams(form) form.addParam('referenceVolume', PointerParam, pointerClass='Volume', allowsNull=False, label='Reference volume', help='Initial reference 3D map, it should have the same dimensions and the same ' 'pixel size as your input particles.') form.addParam('solventMask', PointerParam, pointerClass='VolumeMask', label='Reference mask (optional)', allowsNull=True, help='A volume mask containing a (soft) mask with the same dimensions ' 'as the reference(s), and values between 0 and 1, with 1 being 100% protein ' 'and 0 being 100% solvent. The reconstructed reference map will be multiplied ' 'by this mask. If no mask is given, a soft spherical mask based on the <radius> ' 'of the mask for the experimental images will be applied.\n\n' 'In some cases, for example for non-empty icosahedral viruses, it is also useful ' 'to use a second mask. Check _Advaced_ parameters to select another volume mask.') form.addParam('solventMask2', PointerParam, pointerClass='VolumeMask', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, allowsNull=True, label='Second reference mask (optional)', help='For all white (value 1) pixels in this second mask the ' 'corresponding pixels in the reconstructed map are set to the average value of ' 'these pixels. Thereby, for example, the higher density inside the virion may be ' 'set to a constant. Note that this second mask should have one-values inside the ' 'virion and zero-values in the capsid and the solvent areas.') @staticmethod def _defineReferenceParams(form): form.addSection(label='Reference') form.addParam('isMapAbsoluteGreyScale', BooleanParam, default=True, label='Is initial 3D map on absolute greyscale?', help='Perform CC-calculation in the first iteration (use this if references are not on the ' 'absolute intensity scale). See detailed explanation below:\n\n ' 'Probabilities are calculated based on a Gaussian noise model,' 'which contains a squared difference term between the reference and the experimental ' 'image.\n\n This has a consequence that the reference needs to be on the same absolute ' 'intensity greyscale as the experimental images. RELION and XMIPP reconstruct maps at ' 'their absolute intensity greyscale. Other packages may perform internal normalisations of ' 'the reference density, which will result in incorrect grey-scales. But, if the map was' 'reconstructed in RELION or in XMIPP, set this option to Yes, otherwise set it to No.\n\n' 'If set to No, RELION will use a (grey-scale invariant) cross-correlation criterion in the ' 'first iteration, and prior to the second iteration the map will be filtered again using ' 'the initial low-pass filter. This procedure is relatively quick and typically does not ' 'negatively affect the outcome of the subsequent map refinement. Therefore, if in doubt it ' 'is recommended to set this option to No.') form.addParam('initialLowPassFilterA', FloatParam, default=30, label='Initial low-pass filter (A)', help='It is recommended to strongly low-pass filter your initial reference map. ' 'If it has not yet been low-pass filtered, it may be done internally using this option. ' 'If set to 0, no low-pass filter will be applied to the initial reference(s).') ProtRelionRefineBase._insertSymmetryParam(form) @staticmethod def _defineOptimisationParamsCommon2All(form): ProtRelionRefineSubtomograms._insertOptimisationSection(form) ProtRelionRefineBase._insertMaskDiameterParam(form) ProtRelionRefineBase._insertZeroMaskParam(form) form.addParam('solventCorrectFSC', BooleanParam, default=False, condition='solventMask', label='Use solvent-flattened FSCs?', help="If set to Yes, then instead of using unmasked maps to calculate the gold-standard FSCs " "during refinement, masked half-maps are used and a post-processing-like correction of " "the FSC curves (with phase-randomisation) is performed every iteration.\n\n" "This only works when a reference mask is provided. This may yield " "higher-resolution maps, especially when the mask contains only a relatively small " "volume inside the box.") @staticmethod def _defineAutoSamplingParams(form): form.addSection(label='Auto-sampling') ProtRelionRefineBase._insertAngularCommonParams(form) form.addParam('localSearchAutoSampling', EnumParam, default=4, choices=ANGULAR_SAMPLING_LIST, label='Local searches from auto-sampling', help="Minimum healpix order (before oversampling) from which autosampling procedure will " "use local searches.\n\n" "In the automated procedure to increase the angular samplings, local angular " "searches of -6/+6 times the sampling rate will be used from this angular sampling rate " "onwards. For most lower-symmetric particles a value of 1.8 degrees will be sufficient. " "Perhaps icosahedral symmetries may benefit from a smaller value such as 0.9 degrees.") ProtRelionRefineSubtomograms._insertRelaxSymmetry(form) form.addParam('useFinerAngularSampling', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Use finer angular sampling faster?', help="If set to Yes, then let auto-refinement proceed faster with finer angular samplings. " "Two additional conditions will be considered:\n\n " "\t-Angular sampling will go down despite changes still happening in the angles.\n" "\t-Angular sampling will go down if the current resolution already requires that sampling\n" "\t at the edge of the particle.\n\nThis option will make the computation faster, but " "hasn't been tested for many cases for potential loss in reconstruction quality upon " "convergence.") @staticmethod def _defineComputeParams(form): ProtRelionRefineBase._defineComputeParams(form) form.addParam('skipPadding', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Skip padding?', help="If set to Yes, the calculations will not use padding in Fourier space for better " "interpolation in the references. Otherwise, references are padded 2x before Fourier " "transforms are calculated. Skipping padding (i.e. use --pad 1) gives nearly as good " "results as using --pad 2, but some artifacts may appear in the corners from signal " "that is folded back.") @staticmethod def _insertRelaxSymmetry(form, condition=True): form.addParam('relaxSym', StringParam, allowsNull=True, condition=condition, label='Symmetry to be relaxed', help="With this option, poses related to the standard local angular search range by the given " "point group will also be explored. For example, if you have a pseudo-symmetric dimer A-A', " "refinement or classification in C1 with symmetry relaxation by C2 might be able to improve " "distinction between A and A'. Note that the reference must be more-or-less aligned to the " "convention of (pseudo-)symmetry operators. For details, see Ilca et al 2019 and Abrishami " "et al 2020 cited in the About dialog.\n\n%s" % SYMMETRY_HELP_MSG) # -------------------------- INSERT steps functions ----------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._initialize() self._insertFunctionStep(self._autoRefine) self._insertFunctionStep(self.createOutputStep) # -------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------ def _initialize(self): """ This function is mean to be called after the working dir for the protocol have been set. (maybe after recovery from mapper) """ self._createFilenameTemplates() self._createIterTemplates() def _createFilenameTemplates(self): """ Centralize how files are called for iterations and references. """ self.extraIter = self._getExtraPath('_it%(iter)03d_') myDict = { 'input_star': self._getPath(''), 'input_mrcs': self._getPath('input_particles.mrcs'), 'data_scipion': self.extraIter + 'data_scipion.sqlite', 'projections': self.extraIter + '%(half)sclass%(ref3d)03d_projections.sqlite', 'classes_scipion': self.extraIter + 'classes_scipion.sqlite', 'data': self.extraIter + '', 'model': self.extraIter + '', 'optimiser': self.extraIter + '', 'angularDist_xmipp': self.extraIter + 'angularDist_xmipp.xmd', 'all_avgPmax': self._getPath(''), 'all_changes': self._getPath(''), 'selected_volumes': self._getPath('selected_volumes_xmipp.xmd'), 'dataFinal': self._getExtraPath(""), 'modelFinal': self._getExtraPath(""), 'finalvolume': self._getExtraPath("_class%(ref3d)03d.mrc"), 'final_half1_volume': self._getExtraPath("_half1_class%(ref3d)03d_unfil.mrc"), 'final_half2_volume': self._getExtraPath("_half2_class%(ref3d)03d_unfil.mrc"), 'finalSGDvolume': self._getExtraPath("r_it%(iter)03d_class%(ref3d)03d.mrc"), 'preprocess_particles': self._getPath("preprocess_particles.mrcs"), 'preprocess_particles_star': self._getPath(""), 'preprocess_particles_prefix': "preprocess_particles" } # add to keys,, and for key in self.FILE_KEYS: myDict[key] = self.extraIter + '' % key key_xmipp = key + '_xmipp' myDict[key_xmipp] = self.extraIter + '%s.xmd' % key # add other keys that depends on prefixes for p in self.PREFIXES: myDict['%smodel' % p] = self.extraIter + '' % p myDict['%svolume' % p] = self.extraIter + p + 'class%(ref3d)03d.mrc' self._updateFilenamesDict(myDict) def _createIterTemplates(self): """ Setup the regex on how to find iterations. """ self._iterTemplate = self._getFileName('data', iter=0).replace('000', '???') # Iterations will be identify by _itXXX_ where XXX is the iteration number # and is restricted to only 3 digits. self._iterRegex = re.compile('_it(\d{3})_') def _autoRefine(self): nMpi = self.numberOfMpi.get() Plugin.runRelionTomo(self, getProgram('relion_refine', nMpi), self._genAutoRefineCommand(), numberOfMpi=nMpi)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): # Rename the particles file generated ( to follow the name convention createLink(self._getExtraPath(''), self._getExtraPath(OUT_PARTICLES_STAR)) # Output RelionParticles relionParticles = genRelionParticles(self._getExtraPath(), self.inOptSet.get()) # Output pseudosubtomograms --> set of volumes for visualization purposes outputSet = genOutputPseudoSubtomograms(self, relionParticles.getCurrentSamplingRate()) # Output volume vol = AverageSubTomogram() volName = self._getExtraPath('_class001.mrc') fixVolume(volName) # Fix header for xmipp to consider it a volume instead of a stack vol.setFileName(volName) vol.setSamplingRate(relionParticles.getCurrentSamplingRate()) pattern = '*it*half%s_class*.mrc' half1 = self._getLastFileName(self._getExtraPath(pattern % 1)) half2 = self._getLastFileName(self._getExtraPath(pattern % 2)) vol.setHalfMaps([half1, half2]) # Output FSC fsc = FSC(objLabel=self.getRunName()) fn = self._getExtraPath("") table = Table(fileName=fn, tableName='model_class_1') resolution_inv = table.getColumnValues('rlnResolution') frc = table.getColumnValues('rlnGoldStandardFsc') fsc.setData(resolution_inv, frc) outputDict = { relionParticles, outputSet, vol, fsc} self._defineOutputs(**outputDict)
# -------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------- def _validate(self): pass # --------------------------- UTILS functions ----------------------------- def _genAutoRefineCommand(self): cmd = self._genBaseCommand() cmd += ' --auto_refine --split_random_halves --low_resol_join_halves 40 --norm --scale --flatten_solvent ' # I/O args cmd += '--ref %s ' % self.referenceVolume.get().getFileName() if self.solventMask.get(): cmd += '--solvent_mask %s ' % self.solventMask.get().getFileName() if self.solventMask2.get(): cmd += '--solvent_mask2 %s ' % self.solventMask2.get().getFileName() # Reference args if not self.isMapAbsoluteGreyScale.get(): cmd += '--firstiter_cc ' if self.initialLowPassFilterA.get(): cmd += '--ini_high %.2f ' % self.initialLowPassFilterA.get() cmd += '--sym %s ' % self.symmetry.get() # Optimisation args if self.solventCorrectFSC.get(): cmd += '--solvent_correct_fsc ' if self.zeroMask.get(): cmd += '--zero_mask ' # Angular sampling args cmd += '--healpix_order %i ' % self.angularSamplingDeg.get() # - self.oversampling.get()) cmd += '--offset_range %i ' % self.offsetSearchRangePix.get() cmd += '--offset_step %i ' % (self.offsetSearchStepPix.get() * 2 ** self.oversampling.get()) cmd += '--auto_local_healpix_order %i ' % self.localSearchAutoSampling.get() # - self.oversampling.get()) if self.relaxSym.get(): cmd += '--relax_sym %s ' % self.relaxSym.get() if self.useFinerAngularSampling.get(): cmd += '--auto_ignore_angles --auto_resol_angles ' # Compute args cmd += '--pad %i ' % (1 if self.skipPadding.get() else 2) return cmd @staticmethod def _getLastFileName(pattern): files = glob.glob(pattern) files.sort(key=getmtime) return files[-1]