Source code for pkpd.protocols.protocol_pkpd_dose_escalation

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Carlos Oscar Sorzano (
# *
# * Kinestat Pharma
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
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# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# **************************************************************************

import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from .protocol_pkpd import ProtPKPD
from pkpd.objects import PKPDDoseResponse
import scipy.stats
from pyworkflow.protocol.constants import LEVEL_ADVANCED

[docs]def ClopperPearson(k,n,alpha=0.05): # lo = scipy.stats.beta.ppf(alpha / 2, k, n - k + 1) hi = scipy.stats.beta.ppf(1 - alpha / 2, k + 1, n - k) if np.isnan(lo): lo = 0.0 if np.isnan(hi): hi = 1.0 return [lo,hi]
[docs]class ProtPKPDDoseEscalation(ProtPKPD): """ Given a set of binary responses (toxicity, response/not response, ...), estimate the next dose for a target response\n Protocol created by\n""" _label = 'dose escalation' #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form, fullForm=True): form.addSection('Input') form.addParam('prot1ptr', params.PointerParam, label="Previous dose response", pointerClass='ProtPKPDSimulateDoseEscalation,ProtPKPDDoseEscalation',allowsNull=True, help='Optional. You may link this simulation to a previous dose simulation or analysis, so that you may know the sequence') form.addParam('measurements', params.TextParam, height=12, width=80, label="Measurements", default="", help="If you give a previous dose response, these doses will be added to the previous ones. If you are coming from a escalation simulation, it is not necessary to fill this field.\n"\ "Each dose should occupy a line. The dose amount goes first, then semicolon and 0 or 1 depending on the response. Example\n" \ "0.05: 0 0 0\n" \ "0.10: 0 0 0\n" \ "0.167: 0 1 0\n" \ ) form.addParam('scaleFactorsForm', params.StringParam, label="Dose scale factors", default="1, 2, 1.67, 1.4, 1.33", expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help="Dose escalation sequence. The default value is d1=1*d1, d2=2*d1, d3=1.67*d2, d4=1.4*d3, d5=1.33*d4, d6=1.33*d5, ..., dn=1.33*dn-" \ ) #--------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('runEstimate') #--------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------------------------
[docs] def runEstimate(self): self.parseInput() self.threePlusThree() self.bestOfFive() self.upAndDown() self.storerC() self.storerBC() self.dr.write(self._getPath("dose_response.txt"))
[docs] def getPreviousDose(self,n0=1): n = self.findDose(self.dr.doses[-1]) if n>=n0: return self.doseList[n-n0] else: return self.doseList[0]
[docs] def getCurrentDose(self): return self.dr.doses[-1]
[docs] def getNextDose(self): return self.doseList[self.findDose(self.dr.doses[-1])+1]
[docs] def findDose(self,dose): for n in range(len(self.doseList)): if abs(self.doseList[n]-dose)<1e-6: return n return None
[docs] def getLastResponse(self): return self.dr.responses[-1].split(" ")[-1]
[docs] def getBeforeLastResponse(self): allResponses = " ".join(self.dr.responses) tokens = allResponses.split(" ") if len(tokens)>=2: return tokens[-2] else: return None
[docs] def parseInput(self): self.dr=PKPDDoseResponse() if self.prot1ptr.get() is not None:"dose_response.txt"),True) print("Current responses ===============================================================") for i in range(len(self.dr.doses)): print("Dose %f DLT Responses: %s"%(self.dr.doses[i],self.dr.responses[i])) print("\n\nAnalysis of confidence intervals ================================================") for i in range(len(self.dr.doses)): k=self.dr.Nresponses[i] n=self.dr.Npatients[i] lo,hi=ClopperPearson(k,n) print("Dose=%f Prob=%d/%d=%f. 95%% Confidence interval: [%f,%f]" % (self.dr.doses[i],k,n,float(k)/float(n),lo,hi)) self.scaleFactors=[] for token in self.scaleFactorsForm.get().split(','): self.scaleFactors.append(float(token.strip())) self.doseList=[] # Append all doses that have been administered so far for dose in self.dr.doses: if self.findDose(dose) is None: self.doseList.append(dose) # Append one more dose self.doseList = sorted(self.doseList) scaleFactor = self.scaleFactors[min(len(self.scaleFactors)-1,len(self.doseList))] self.doseList.append(self.doseList[-1]*scaleFactor)
[docs] def threePlusThree(self): print("\n\n3+3 Strategy ====================================================================") Nresponse=self.dr.Nresponses[-1] Npatients=self.dr.Npatients[-1] if Npatients==3: if Nresponse==0: print("0 DLTs in 3. Go to next Dose=%f"%self.getNextDose()) elif Nresponse==1: print("1 DLT in 3. Try 3 more patients at this Dose=%f"%self.getCurrentDose()) else: print("Discontinue escalation. Maximum Tolerable Dose=%f"%self.getPreviousDose()) elif Npatients==6: if Nresponse==1: print("1 DLT in 6. Go to next Dose=%f"%self.getNextDose()) else: print("Discontinue escalation. Maximum Tolerable Dose=%f"%self.getPreviousDose()) else: print("This strategy does not know how to handle this situation")
[docs] def bestOfFive(self): print("\n\nBest of 5 Strategy ==============================================================") Nresponse=self.dr.Nresponses[-1] Npatients=self.dr.Npatients[-1] if Npatients==3: if Nresponse==0: print("0 DLTs in 3. Go to next Dose=%f"%self.getNextDose()) elif Nresponse==1: print("1 DLT in 3. Try 1 more patient at this Dose=%f"%self.getCurrentDose()) else: print("Discontinue escalation. Maximum Tolerable Dose=%f"%self.getPreviousDose()) elif Npatients==4: if Nresponse==1: print("1 DLT in 4. Go to next dose d=%f"%self.getNextDose()) elif Nresponse == 2: print("2 DLTs in 3. Try 1 more patient at this Dose=%f"%self.getCurrentDose()) else: print("Discontinue escalation. Maximum Tolerable Dose=%f"%self.getPreviousDose()) elif Npatients==5: if Nresponse==2: print("2 DLTs in 5. Go to next Dose=%f"%self.getNextDose()) else: print("Discontinue escalation. Maximum Tolerable Dose=%f"%self.getPreviousDose()) else: print("This strategy does not know how to handle this situation")
[docs] def upAndDown(self): print("\n\nUp And Down Strategy ============================================================") lastResponse = self.getLastResponse() NTotalPatients = np.sum(self.dr.Npatients) print("Current number of patients: %d"%NTotalPatients) if lastResponse=="0": doseNextIndividual = self.getNextDose() print("Last individual did not have DLT. Go to next Dose=%f"%doseNextIndividual) else: doseNextIndividual = self.getPreviousDose() print("Last individual had DLT. Go to previous Dose=%f"%doseNextIndividual) print("Current Maximum Tolerable Dose=%f"%doseNextIndividual) print("This strategy should be run up to a prespecified total number of patients")
[docs] def storerC(self): print("\n\nStorer's C Strategy ============================================================") lastResponse = self.getLastResponse() NTotalPatients = np.sum(self.dr.Npatients) print("Current number of patients: %d"%NTotalPatients) if lastResponse=="0": if self.dr.Npatients[-1]==1: doseNextIndividual = self.getCurrentDose() print("Last patient with no DLT. Try 1 more patient at this Dose=%f" % doseNextIndividual) elif self.dr.Npatients[-1]>=2: beforeLastResponse = self.getBeforeLastResponse() if beforeLastResponse=="0": doseNextIndividual = self.getNextDose() print("Last 2 patients did not have DLT. Go to next Dose d=%f" % doseNextIndividual) else: doseNextIndividual = -1 print("This strategy cannot handle this situation") else: doseNextIndividual = self.getPreviousDose() print("Last individual had DLT. Go to previous Dose=%f"%doseNextIndividual) print("Current Maximum Tolerable Dose=%f"%doseNextIndividual) print("This strategy should be run up to a prespecified total number of patients")
[docs] def storerBC(self): print("\n\nStorer's Two-stage (BC) Strategy ================================================") responsesToThisDose = self.dr.responses[-1].split(" ") lastResponse = self.getLastResponse() NTotalPatients = np.sum(self.dr.Npatients) NTotalResponses = np.sum(self.dr.Nresponses) print("Current number of patients: %d"%NTotalPatients) if NTotalResponses==0: # Stage 1 doseNextIndividual = self.getNextDose() print("Last patient did not have DLT. Go to next Dose d=%f" % doseNextIndividual) elif NTotalResponses==1 and lastResponse=="1": # End of stage 1 doseNextIndividual = self.getPreviousDose() print("Last patient had DLT. Go to next Dose d=%f" % doseNextIndividual) else: # Stage 2 if lastResponse=="0": if self.dr.Npatients[-1]==1: doseNextIndividual = self.getCurrentDose() print("Last patient with no DLT. Try 1 more patient at this Dose=%f" % doseNextIndividual) elif self.dr.Npatients[-1]>=2: beforeLastResponse = self.getBeforeLastResponse() if beforeLastResponse=="0": doseNextIndividual = self.getNextDose() print("Last 2 patients did not have DLT. Go to next Dose d=%f" % doseNextIndividual) else: doseNextIndividual = -1 print("This strategy cannot handle this situation") else: beforeLastResponse = self.getBeforeLastResponse() if beforeLastResponse=="1": doseNextIndividual = self.getPreviousDose(2) print("Last two patients had DLT. Go to previous Dose=%f" % doseNextIndividual) else: doseNextIndividual = self.getPreviousDose() print("Last individual had DLT. Go to previous Dose=%f"%doseNextIndividual) print("Current Maximum Tolerable Dose=%f"%doseNextIndividual) print("This strategy should be run up to a prespecified total number of patients")
# bcrm, CRM, dfcrm, crmpack #--------------------------- INFO functions -------------------------------------------- def _summary(self): return [self.measurements.get()]