Source code for pkpd.protocols.protocol_pkpd_dissolution_wagner_nelson

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Carlos Oscar Sorzano (
# *
# * Kinestat Pharma
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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# **************************************************************************

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline

import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from .protocol_pkpd import ProtPKPD
from pkpd.objects import PKPDExperiment, PKPDSample, PKPDVariable
from pkpd.pkpd_units import createUnit
from pkpd.utils import uniqueFloatValues, calculateAUC0t, smoothPchip

# tested in
# tested in

[docs]class ProtPKPDDeconvolutionWagnerNelson(ProtPKPD): """ Calculate the absorption profile of an in vivo concentration profile using the Wagner-Nelson approach. This is only valid for profiles that have been modelled with a monocompartment PK model. The formula is Fabs(t)=(Cp(t)+Ke*AUC0t(t))/(Ke*AUC0inf) where Ke=Cl/V In this implementation it is assumed that AUC0inf is the last AUC0t observed, meaning that Cp(t) has almost vanished in the last samples""" _label = 'deconvolution Wagner Nelson' SAME_INPUT = 0 ANOTHER_INPUT = 1 BIOAVAIL_NONE = 0 BIOAVAIL_MULT = 1 BIOAVAIL_DIV = 2 #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection('Input') form.addParam('inputExperiment', params.PointerParam, label="In-vivo profiles", pointerClass='PKPDExperiment', help='Make sure that it has a clearance parameter (Cl) and central volume (V)') form.addParam('externalIV', params.EnumParam, choices=['Get impulse response from the same input fit', 'Get impulse response from another fit'], label='Impulse response source', default=self.SAME_INPUT, help="The impulse response is an estimate of the intravenous response") form.addParam('externalIVODE', params.PointerParam, label="External impulse response ODE model", condition='externalIV==1', pointerClass='ProtPKPDMonoCompartment, ProtPKPDTwoCompartments,ProtPKPDODERefine,' \ ' ProtPKPDTwoCompartmentsClint, ProtPKPDTwoCompartmentsClintCl', help='Select a run of an ODE model. It should be ideally the intravenous response.') form.addParam('timeVar', params.StringParam, label="Time variable", default="t", help='Which variable contains the time stamps.') form.addParam('concVar', params.StringParam, label="Concentration variable", default="Cp", help='Which variable contains the plasma concentration.') form.addParam('normalize', params.BooleanParam, label="Normalize by dose", default=True, help='Normalize the output by AUC0inf, so that a total absorption is represented by 100.') form.addParam('saturate', params.BooleanParam, label="Saturate at 100%", default=True, condition='normalize', help='Saturate the absorption so that there cannot be values beyond 100') form.addParam('considerBioaval', params.EnumParam, label="Consider bioavailability", default=self.BIOAVAIL_NONE, choices=['Do not correct','Multiply deconvolution by bioavailability','Divide deconvolution by bioavailability'], help='Take into account the bioavailability') form.addParam('resampleT', params.FloatParam, label="Resample profiles (time step)", default=-1, help='Resample the input profiles at this time step (make sure it is in the same units as the input). ' 'Leave it to -1 for no resampling') form.addParam('smooth', params.BooleanParam, label="Monotonic smooth", default=True, help='Apply a Pchip interpolation to make sure that the Adissolved is monotonically increasing') #--------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('deconvolve',self.inputExperiment.get().getObjId()) self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep') #--------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------------------------
[docs] def addSample(self, sampleName, t, y): newSample = PKPDSample() newSample.sampleName = sampleName newSample.variableDictPtr = self.outputExperiment.variables newSample.descriptors = {} newSample.addMeasurementPattern(["A"]) newSample.addMeasurementColumn("t", t) newSample.addMeasurementColumn("A",y) self.outputExperiment.samples[sampleName] = newSample
[docs] def estimateAUCrightTail(self, t, Cp, Cl, V): idx = Cp>0 x = t[idx] y = np.log10(Cp[idx]) ydiff = np.diff(y) idx = -1 while ydiff[idx]<0: idx-=1 if idx<-3: p = np.polyfit(x[idx:], y[idx:], 1) Ke = Cl/V lastCt=np.power(10,p[0]*x[-1]+p[1]) return lastCt/np.abs(Ke) else: return 0
[docs] def deconvolve(self, objId1): self.experiment = self.readExperiment(self.inputExperiment.get().fnPKPD) # Create output object self.outputExperiment = PKPDExperiment() tvar = PKPDVariable() tvar.varName = "t" tvar.varType = PKPDVariable.TYPE_NUMERIC tvar.role = PKPDVariable.ROLE_TIME tvar.units = createUnit(self.experiment.getTimeUnits().unit) Avar = PKPDVariable() Avar.varName = "A" Avar.varType = PKPDVariable.TYPE_NUMERIC Avar.role = PKPDVariable.ROLE_MEASUREMENT Avar.units = createUnit("none") self.outputExperiment.variables[tvar.varName] = tvar self.outputExperiment.variables[Avar.varName] = Avar self.outputExperiment.general["title"]="Deconvolution of the amount released" self.outputExperiment.general["comment"]="Amount released at any time t" # Get the input sample from another experiment if necessary sampleFrom = None if self.externalIV.get() == self.ANOTHER_INPUT: anotherExperiment = self.readExperiment(self.externalIVODE.get().outputExperiment.fnPKPD) for _, sampleFrom in anotherExperiment.samples.items(): # Take the first sample from the reference break timeRange = self.experiment.getRange(self.timeVar.get()) for sampleName, sample in self.experiment.samples.items(): # Get t, Cp t=np.asarray(sample.getValues(self.timeVar.get()),dtype=np.float64) Cp=np.asarray(sample.getValues(self.concVar.get()),dtype=np.float64) Cp=np.clip(Cp,0.0,None) t=np.insert(t,0,0) # Add (0,0) to the profile Cp=np.insert(Cp,0,0) t, Cp = uniqueFloatValues(t, Cp) if self.resampleT.get()>0: B = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t, Cp, k=1) t = np.arange(np.min(t),np.max(t)+self.resampleT.get(),self.resampleT.get()) Cp = B(t) # Calculate AUC0t AUC0t=calculateAUC0t(t,Cp) # Deconvolve if self.externalIV.get()==self.SAME_INPUT: sampleFrom = sample Cl=float(sampleFrom.descriptors['Cl']) V=float(sampleFrom.descriptors['V']) Ke=Cl/V AUC0inf = float(AUC0t[-1])+self.estimateAUCrightTail(t,Cp, Cl, V) A = (Cp + Ke * AUC0t) / Ke if self.normalize.get(): A *= 100/AUC0inf if self.saturate.get(): A = np.clip(A,None,100.0) A = np.clip(A,0,None) if self.smooth: if t[0]>0: t = np.insert(t, 0, 0) A = np.insert(A, 0, 0) if self.saturate.get() and self.normalize.get(): A = np.clip(A, None, 100.0) A = np.clip(smoothPchip(t, A),0,None) if self.saturate.get() and self.normalize.get(): A = np.clip(A, None, 100.0) if self.considerBioaval.get()==self.BIOAVAIL_DIV: A /= sample.getBioavailability() elif self.considerBioaval.get()==self.BIOAVAIL_MULT: A *= sample.getBioavailability() self.addSample(sampleName,t,A) self.outputExperiment.write(self._getPath("experiment.pkpd"))
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): self._defineOutputs(outputExperiment=self.outputExperiment) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputExperiment.get(), self.outputExperiment)
def _validate(self): retval = [] if self.externalIV.get() == self.ANOTHER_INPUT: sample = self.readExperiment(self.externalIVODE.get().outputExperiment.fnPKPD).getFirstSample() else: sample = self.readExperiment(self.inputExperiment.get().fnPKPD).getFirstSample() if sample is None: reval.append('Cannot find a sample in the input experiment') else: if sample.getDescriptorValue('Cl') is None: retval.append('Cannot find Cl in the input experiment') if sample.getDescriptorValue('V') is None: retval.append('Cannot find V in the input experiment') return retval def _summary(self): retval = [] return retval