Source code for continuousflex.protocols.protocol_subtomograms_classify

# **************************************************************************
# * Author:  Mohamad Harastani          (
# * IMPMC, UPMC Sorbonne University
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# **************************************************************************
from pyworkflow.object import String
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam, EnumParam, IntParam)
from pwem.protocols import ProtAnalysis3D
from pwem.convert import cifToPdb
from pyworkflow.utils.path import makePath, copyFile, removeBaseExt
from pyworkflow.protocol import params

from .protocol_subtomogram_averaging import FlexProtSubtomogramAveraging
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering, KMeans
import time
import os
from sh_alignment.tompy.transform import fft, ifft, fftshift, ifftshift
import pwem.emlib.metadata as md
from continuousflex.protocols.utilities.spider_files3 import save_volume, open_volume
import xmipp3

from pwem.objects import Volume
import numpy as np
import glob
from sklearn import decomposition
from joblib import dump, load
from pwem.utils import runProgram

[docs]class FlexProtSubtomoClassify(ProtAnalysis3D): """ Protocol applying post alignment classification on subtomograms. """ _label = 'classify subtomograms' # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('SubtomoSource', EnumParam, default=0, label='Source of Subtomograms', choices=['After subtomogram synthesis', 'After subtomogram averaging'], help='Choose the source of the subtomograms that you want to classify') form.addParam('ProtSynthesize', params.PointerParam, pointerClass='FlexProtSynthesizeSubtomo', condition='SubtomoSource == 0', label="Subtomogram synthesis", help='All PDBs should have the same size') form.addParam('StA',params.PointerParam, condition='SubtomoSource == 1', pointerClass='FlexProtSubtomogramAveraging', label="StA protocol", help='Choose a subtomogram averaging previous run') form.addParam('classifyTechnique', EnumParam, default=0, label='Classification techinque', choices=['Hierarchical clustering', 'Dimentionality reduction then Clustering'], help='Choose a classification techinque') form.addParam('ClusteringLinkage', EnumParam, default=0, label='Linkage', condition='classifyTechnique == 0', choices=['ward']) form.addParam('dimredMethod', EnumParam, default=0, condition='classifyTechnique == 1', choices=['Scikit-Learn PCA'], label='Dimensionality reduction method', help='This method will be used to reduce the dimensions of the covariance matrix') form.addParam('applyMask', params.BooleanParam, label='Use a mask?', default=False, help='This mask will be applied on the aligned particles before finding the cross correlation' ', a proper mask is a mask derived from the subtomogram average (tight), that can be ' 'applied on it without cropping any part.') form.addParam('Mask', params.PointerParam, condition='applyMask', pointerClass='Volume', allowsNull=True, label="Select mask") form.addParam('reducedDim', IntParam, default=2, condition='classifyTechnique == 1', label='Reduced dimension') form.addParam('numOfClasses', IntParam, default=2, label='Number of classes') # form.addParallelSection(threads=0, mpi=8) # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): mdSubtomo = self.getSubtomoMetaData() self._insertFunctionStep('subtomo_wedge_align',mdSubtomo) self._insertFunctionStep('find_covariance_matrix') if self.classifyTechnique.get() == 0: self._insertFunctionStep('performHierarchicalClustering') else: self._insertFunctionStep('performKmeansClustering') self._insertFunctionStep('findTotalAverage') self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep') # --------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------------------------
[docs] def subtomo_wedge_align(self,mdSubtomo): # we align the subtomograms but we align also a missing wedge mask for each one tilt = self.getTiltRange() # Creating a missing wedge mask: start_ang = tilt[0] end_ang = tilt[1] leg = self.getVolumeSize() size = (leg, leg, leg) MW_mask = np.ones(size) x, z = np.mgrid[0.:size[0], 0.:size[2]] x -= size[0] / 2 ind = np.where(x) z -= size[2] / 2 angles = np.zeros(z.shape) angles[ind] = np.arctan(z[ind] / x[ind]) * 180 / np.pi angles = np.reshape(angles, (size[0], 1, size[2])) angles = np.repeat(angles, size[1], axis=1) MW_mask[angles > -start_ang] = 0 MW_mask[angles < -end_ang] = 0 MW_mask[size[0] // 2, :, :] = 0 MW_mask[size[0] // 2, :, size[2] // 2] = 1 fnmask = self._getExtraPath('missing_wedge.spi') save_volume(np.float32(MW_mask), fnmask) args = ' -i ' + fnmask + ' --rotate_volume euler 0 90 0' runProgram('xmipp_transform_geometry',args) # Now aligning each subtomogram and its missing wedge version mw_path = self._getExtraPath('mw_masks/') subtom_aligned_path = self._getExtraPath('aligned_subtomograms/') makePath(mw_path) makePath(subtom_aligned_path) subtomogramMD = md.MetaData(mdSubtomo) subtomogaligneMD = md.MetaData() mwalignedMD = md.MetaData() for i in subtomogramMD: fnsubtomo = subtomogramMD.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, i) bnsubtomo = os.path.basename(fnsubtomo) bnwedge = removeBaseExt(bnsubtomo)+'_wedge.spi' fnalignedsubtomo = self._getExtraPath('aligned_subtomograms/'+bnsubtomo) fnalignedmask = self._getExtraPath('mw_masks/'+bnwedge) # print(fnalignedsubtomo) # print(fnalignedmask) rot = str(subtomogramMD.getValue(md.MDL_ANGLE_ROT, i)) tilt = str(subtomogramMD.getValue(md.MDL_ANGLE_TILT, i)) psi = str(subtomogramMD.getValue(md.MDL_ANGLE_PSI, i)) shiftx = str(subtomogramMD.getValue(md.MDL_SHIFT_X, i)) shifty = str(subtomogramMD.getValue(md.MDL_SHIFT_Y, i)) shiftz = str(subtomogramMD.getValue(md.MDL_SHIFT_Z, i)) # align the subtomogram if self.getAngleY() == 90: args = '-i ' + fnsubtomo + ' -o ' + fnalignedsubtomo + ' --rotate_volume euler 0 90 0' runProgram('xmipp_transform_geometry', args) params = '-i ' + fnalignedsubtomo + ' -o ' + fnalignedsubtomo + ' ' else: params = '-i ' + fnsubtomo + ' -o ' + fnalignedsubtomo + ' ' params += ' --inverse ' params += '--rotate_volume euler ' + rot + ' ' + tilt + ' ' + psi + ' ' params += '--shift ' + shiftx + ' ' + shifty + ' ' + shiftz + ' ' runProgram('xmipp_transform_geometry', params) # align the mask (no shift should be applied only angles) if self.getAngleY() == 90: args = '-i ' + fnmask + ' -o ' + fnalignedmask + ' --rotate_volume euler 0 90 0' runProgram('xmipp_transform_geometry', args) params = '-i ' + fnalignedmask + ' -o ' + fnalignedmask + ' ' else: params = '-i ' + fnmask + ' -o ' + fnalignedmask + ' ' params += ' --inverse ' params += '--rotate_volume euler ' + rot + ' ' + tilt + ' ' + psi + ' ' runProgram('xmipp_transform_geometry', params) if (self.applyMask): maskfn = self.Mask.get().getFileName() params = '-i ' + fnalignedsubtomo + ' -o ' + fnalignedsubtomo + ' --mult ' + maskfn runProgram('xmipp_image_operate', params) subtomogaligneMD.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, fnalignedsubtomo, subtomogaligneMD.addObject()) mwalignedMD.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, fnalignedmask, mwalignedMD.addObject()) subtomogaligneMD.write(self._getExtraPath('aligned_subtomograms.xmd')) mwalignedMD.write(self._getExtraPath('aligned_masks.xmd'))
[docs] def find_covariance_matrix(self): # if the covariance matrix exists, we should not re-evaluate it (it takes long time) fn_covarmat = self._getExtraPath('covar_mat.pkl') if os.path.exists(fn_covarmat): pass subtomogaligneMD= md.MetaData(self._getExtraPath('aligned_subtomograms.xmd')) mwalignedMD= md.MetaData(self._getExtraPath('aligned_masks.xmd')) N = subtomogaligneMD.size() X = np.zeros([N, N]) print(N) A = time.time() for i in subtomogaligneMD: if i == 2: B = time.time()-A print('estimated time to finish is ', B*N/2) name_i = subtomogaligneMD.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, i) wedge_i = mwalignedMD.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, i) Vi = open_volume(name_i) Wi = open_volume(wedge_i) print('line is', str(i),' out of ',str(N)) for j in range(i,N+1): name_j = subtomogaligneMD.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, j) wedge_j = mwalignedMD.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, j) Vj = open_volume(name_j) Wj = open_volume(wedge_j) Omega = Wi * Wj FVi = fft(Vi) FVi = fftshift(FVi) * Omega FVi = ifftshift(FVi) Vi_p = ifft(FVi) FVj = fft(Vj) FVj = fftshift(FVj) * Omega FVj = ifftshift(FVj) Vj_p = ifft(FVj) Vi_p = np.array(Vi_p, dtype=np.float32) Vj_p = np.array(Vj_p, dtype=np.float32) X[i-1, j-1] =, Vj_p) X[j-1, i-1] =, Vi_p) # save the covariance matrix: dump(X, fn_covarmat)
[docs] def performHierarchicalClustering(self): fn_covarmat = self._getExtraPath('covar_mat.pkl') data = load(fn_covarmat) # 1 - CCCij (to keep with the literature) data = np.ones_like(data) - data clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=self.numOfClasses.get(), linkage='ward') clustering_class = clustering.fit_predict(data) labels = clustering.labels_ # for l in np.unique(label): # print(len(data[label == l])) dump(labels, filename=self._getExtraPath('hierarchical_clustering_labels.pkl')) print(clustering_class) # creating a metadate of subtomograms for each class and an average N = self.getVolumeSize() Averages = np.zeros([N, N, N, self.numOfClasses.get()]) subtomogaligneMD = md.MetaData(self._getExtraPath('aligned_subtomograms.xmd')) # creating a metadata for each class classesMD = [md.MetaData() for i in range(self.numOfClasses.get())] for i in subtomogaligneMD: name = subtomogaligneMD.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, i) # the metadata index start from 1, we should subtract one to match the matrix label = labels[i-1] vol = open_volume(name) Averages[:, :, :, label] += vol classesMD[label].setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, name, classesMD[label].addObject()) for i in range(self.numOfClasses.get()): name = self._getExtraPath('class_'+str(i).zfill(2)+'.xmd') classesMD[i].write(name) # creating a metadata for all class averages: md_averages = md.MetaData() makePath(self._getExtraPath('class_averages/')) for j in range(self.numOfClasses.get()): num = len(labels[labels == j]) print('Number of subtomograms in class #', j, 'is ', num) name = self._getExtraPath('class_averages/') + 'cluster' + str(j).zfill(2) + '.spi' ave = np.array(Averages[:, :, :, j] / num, dtype=np.float32) save_volume(ave, name) md_averages.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE,name,md_averages.addObject()) md_averages.write(self._getExtraPath('averages.xmd'))
[docs] def performKmeansClustering(self): X = load(self._getExtraPath('covar_mat.pkl')) pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=self.reducedDim.get()) data = pca.transform(X) pca_pickled = self._getExtraPath('pca_pickled.pkl') np.savetxt(self._getExtraPath('dimred_mat.txt'),data) dump(pca,pca_pickled) # clustering now clustering = KMeans(n_clusters=self.numOfClasses.get()).fit(data) clustering_class = clustering.fit_predict(data) labels = clustering.labels_ # for l in np.unique(label): # print(len(data[label == l])) dump(clustering, filename=self._getExtraPath('kmeans_algo.pkl')) dump(labels, filename=self._getExtraPath('kmeans_clustering_labels.pkl')) print(clustering_class) # creating a metadate of subtomograms for each class and an average N = self.getVolumeSize() Averages = np.zeros([N, N, N, self.numOfClasses.get()]) subtomogaligneMD = md.MetaData(self._getExtraPath('aligned_subtomograms.xmd')) # creating a metadata for each class classesMD = [md.MetaData() for i in range(self.numOfClasses.get())] for i in subtomogaligneMD: name = subtomogaligneMD.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, i) # the metadata index start from 1, we should subtract one to match the matrix label = labels[i - 1] vol = open_volume(name) Averages[:, :, :, label] += vol classesMD[label].setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, name, classesMD[label].addObject()) for i in range(self.numOfClasses.get()): name = self._getExtraPath('class_' + str(i).zfill(2) + '.xmd') classesMD[i].write(name) # creating a metadata for all class averages: md_averages = md.MetaData() makePath(self._getExtraPath('class_averages/')) for j in range(self.numOfClasses.get()): num = len(labels[labels == j]) print('Number of subtomograms in class #', j, 'is ', num) name = self._getExtraPath('class_averages/') + 'cluster' + str(j).zfill(2) + '.spi' ave = np.array(Averages[:, :, :, j] / num, dtype=np.float32) save_volume(ave, name) md_averages.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, name, md_averages.addObject()) md_averages.write(self._getExtraPath('averages.xmd')) pass
[docs] def findTotalAverage(self): N = self.getVolumeSize() Average = np.zeros([N, N, N]) subtomogaligneMD = md.MetaData(self._getExtraPath('aligned_subtomograms.xmd')) count = 0 for i in subtomogaligneMD: name = subtomogaligneMD.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, i) vol = open_volume(name) Average[:, :, :] += vol count+=1 name = self._getExtraPath('global_average.spi') save_volume(np.array(Average[:, :, :] / count, dtype=np.float32), name) pass
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): out_mdfn = self._getExtraPath('averages.xmd') partSet = self._createSetOfVolumes('Averages') xmipp3.convert.readSetOfVolumes(out_mdfn, partSet) partSet.setSamplingRate(self.getSamplingRate()) outvolume = Volume() outvolume.setSamplingRate(self.getSamplingRate()) outvolume.setFileName(self._getExtraPath('global_average.spi')) self._defineOutputs(ClassAvarages=partSet, GlobalAverage=outvolume) pass
# --------------------------- INFO functions -------------------------------------------- def _summary(self): summary = [] return summary def _validate(self): errors = [] return errors def _citations(self): return ['harastani2020hybrid','Jin2014'] def _methods(self): pass # --------------------------- UTILS functions -------------------------------------------- def _printWarnings(self, *lines): """ Print some warning lines to 'warnings.xmd', the function should be called inside the working dir.""" fWarn = open("warnings.xmd", 'w') for l in lines: print >> fWarn, l fWarn.close()
[docs] def getSubtomoMetaData(self): if self.SubtomoSource.get()==0: return self.ProtSynthesize.get()._getExtraPath('GroundTruth.xmd') if self.SubtomoSource.get()==1: return self.StA.get()._getExtraPath('final_md.xmd')
[docs] def getTiltRange(self): if self.SubtomoSource.get()==0: return [self.ProtSynthesize.get().tiltLow.get(), self.ProtSynthesize.get().tiltHigh.get()] if self.SubtomoSource.get()==1: return [self.StA.get().tiltLow.get(), self.StA.get().tiltHigh.get()]
[docs] def getAngleY(self): if self.SubtomoSource.get() == 0: return 0 if self.SubtomoSource.get() == 1: temp = md.MetaData(self.StA.get()._getExtraPath('final_md.xmd')) return temp.getValue(md.MDL_ANGLE_Y, 1)
[docs] def getSamplingRate(self): if self.SubtomoSource.get()==0: return self.ProtSynthesize.get().samplingRate.get() if self.SubtomoSource.get()==1: return self.StA.get().inputVolumes.get().getSamplingRate()
[docs] def getVolumeSize(self): if self.SubtomoSource.get() == 0: return self.ProtSynthesize.get().volumeSize.get() if self.SubtomoSource.get() == 1: return self.StA.get().SubtomogramAverage.getDim()[0]
[docs] def getOutputMatrixFile(self): return self._getExtraPath('output_matrix.txt')
[docs] def getDeformationFile(self): return self._getExtraPath('pdbs_mat.txt')
[docs] def normalize(self,v): """Normalize a volume. @param v: input volume. @return: Normalized volume. """ m = np.mean(v) v = v - m s = np.std(v) v = v / s return v
[docs] def cc(self, v1, v2): """Compute the Normalized Cross Correlation between the two volumes. @param v1: volume 1. @param v2: volume 2. @return: NCC. """ vv1 = self.normalize(v1) vv2 = self.normalize(v2) score = np.sum(vv1 * vv2) / vv1.size return score