# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Grigory Sharov (gsharov@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) [1]
# *
# * [1] MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC-LMB
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
import os
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pyworkflow.protocol import STEPS_PARALLEL
from pyworkflow.constants import PROD
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pyworkflow.utils.properties import Message
from pwem.constants import RELATION_CTF
from pwem.protocols import ProtParticlePickingAuto
from pwem import emlib
from cistem import Plugin
from ..convert import readSetOfCoordinates, writeReferences
from ..constants import *
[docs]class CistemProtFindParticles(ProtParticlePickingAuto):
""" Protocol to pick particles (ab-initio or reference-based) using cisTEM. """
_label = 'find particles'
_devStatus = PROD
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
ProtParticlePickingAuto.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.stepsExecutionMode = STEPS_PARALLEL
# --------------------------- DEFINE param functions ------------------------
def _defineParams(self, form):
ProtParticlePickingAuto._defineParams(self, form)
form.addParam('ctfRelations', params.RelationParam,
label='CTF estimation',
help='Choose some CTF estimation related to the '
'input micrographs.')
form.addParam('pickType', params.EnumParam, default=0,
label='Picking algorithm',
choices=['Ab-initio', 'Reference-based'],
form.addParam('inputRefs', params.PointerParam,
condition='pickType==1', important=True,
pointerClass='SetOfClasses2D, SetOfAverages',
label='Input references',
help='Provide a set of 2D templates to use in '
'the search.')
form.addParam('maxradius', params.FloatParam, default=120.0,
label='Max particle radius (A)',
help='In Angstroms, the maximum radius of the '
'particles to be found. This also determines '
'the minimum distance between picks.')
form.addParam('radius', params.FloatParam, default=80.0,
label='Characteristic particle radius (A)',
help='In Angstroms, the radius within which most '
'of the density is enclosed. The template '
'for picking is a soft-edge disc, where '
'the edge is 5 pixels wide and this '
'parameter defines the radius at which '
'the cosine-edge template reaches 0.5.')
form.addParam('threshold', params.FloatParam, default=6.0,
label='Threshold peak height',
help='Particle coordinates will be defined as '
'the coordinates of any peak in the search '
'function which exceeds this threshold. '
'In numbers of standard deviations '
'above expected noise variations in '
'the scoring function. See Sigworth '
'(2004) for definition.')
form.addParam('avoidHighVar', params.BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Avoid high variance areas',
help='Avoid areas with abnormally high local variance. '
'This can be effective in avoiding edges '
'of support films or contamination.')
form.addParam('ptclWhite', params.BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Particles are white on a dark background?')
form.addSection(label='Expert options')
form.addParam('highRes', params.FloatParam, default=30.0,
label='Highest resolution used in picking (A)',
help='The template and micrograph will be resampled '
'(by Fourier cropping) to a pixel size of half '
'the resolution given here. Note that the '
'information in the corners of the Fourier '
'transforms (beyond the Nyquist frequency) '
'remains intact, so that there is some small '
'risk of bias beyond this resolution.')
form.addParam('minDist', params.IntParam, default=0,
label='Minimum distance from edges (px)',
help='No particle shall be picked closer than '
'this distance from the edges of the micrograph. '
'In pixels.')
form.addParam('useRadAvg', params.BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Use radial averages of templates',
help='Say yes if the templates should be '
'rotationally averaged')
form.addParam('rotateRef', params.IntParam, default=0,
condition='pickType==1 and not useRadAvg',
label='Rotate each template this many times',
help='If > 0, each template image will be '
'rotated this number of times and the '
'micrograph will be searched for the rotated '
form.addParam('avoidLocMean', params.BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Avoid areas with abnormal local mean',
help='Avoid areas with abnormally low or high '
'local mean. This can be effective to avoid '
'picking from, e.g., contaminating ice crystals, '
'support film.')
form.addParam('bgBoxes', params.IntParam, default=30,
label='Number of background boxes',
help='Number of background areas to use in estimating '
'the background spectrum. The larger the number '
'of boxes, the more accurate the estimate should '
'be, provided that none of the background boxes '
'contain any particles to be picked.')
form.addParam('bgAlgo', params.EnumParam, default=LOW_VARIANCE,
choices=['Lowest variance', 'Variance near mode'],
label='Algorithm to find background areas',
help='Testing so far suggests that areas of lowest '
'variance in experimental micrographs should be '
'used to estimate the background spectrum. '
'However, when using synthetic micrographs this '
'can lead to bias in the spectrum estimation '
'and the alternative (areas with local variances '
'near the mean of the distribution of local '
'variances) seems to perform better')
form.addParallelSection(threads=1, mpi=1)
# -------------------------- INSERT steps functions -----------------------
def _insertAllSteps(self):
self.inputStreaming = self.getInputMicrographs().isStreamOpen()
if self.streamingBatchSize > 0 or self.inputStreaming:
# If the input is in streaming, follow the base class policy
# about inserting new steps and discovery new input/output
self.createOutputStep = self._doNothing
# If not in streaming, then we will just insert a single step to
# pick all micrographs at once since it is much faster
# Disable streaming functions:
self._insertFinalSteps = self._doNothing
self._stepsCheck = self._doNothing
def _insertInitialSteps(self):
""" Convert the input micrographs to mrc. """
inputRefs = self.getInputReferences()
refsId = inputRefs.strId() if inputRefs is not None else None
convertId = self._insertFunctionStep('convertInputStep',
return [convertId]
def _doNothing(self, *args):
pass # used to avoid some streaming functions
def _loadInputList(self):
""" This function is re-implemented in this protocol, because it has
a SetOfCTF as input, so for streaming, we only want to report the
micrographs for which the CTF is ready.
micDict, micClose = self._loadMics(self.getInputMicrographs())
ctfDict, ctfClosed = self._loadCTFs(self.ctfRelations.get())
# Keep the micrographs that have CTF
# and set the CTF property for those who have it
readyMics = dict()
for micKey, mic in micDict.items():
if micKey in ctfDict:
readyMics[micKey] = mic
# Return the updated micDict and the closed status
return readyMics, micClose and ctfClosed
# --------------------------- STEPS functions -------------------------------
[docs] def convertInputStep(self, micsId, refsId):
""" Match ctf information against the micrographs. """
self.ctfDict = {}
if self.ctfRelations.get() is not None:
for ctf in self.ctfRelations.get():
self.ctfDict[ctf.getMicrograph().getMicName()] = ctf.clone()
ih = emlib.image.ImageHandler()
for mic in self.getInputMicrographs():
micName = mic.getFileName()
# We convert the input micrographs if they are not .mrc
outMic = os.path.join(self._getTmpPath(),
pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micName, 'mrc'))
if micName.endswith('.mrc'):
pwutils.createAbsLink(os.path.abspath(micName), outMic)
ih.convert(micName, outMic, emlib.DT_FLOAT)
if refsId is not None:
def _pickMicrograph(self, mic, *args):
self._pickMicrographStep([mic], *args)
def _pickMicrographList(self, micList, *args):
self._pickMicrographStep(micList, *args)
def _pickMicrographStep(self, mics, args):
""" Main func that runs the picking job.
:param mics: micrograph list
:param args: programs args
for mic in mics:
micName = mic.getFileName()
outMic = os.path.join(self._getTmpPath(),
pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micName, 'mrc'))
ctf = self.ctfDict[mic.getMicName()]
args.update({'micName': outMic,
'logFn': self._getLogFn(mic),
'outStack': self._getStackFn(mic),
'phaseShift': ctf.getPhaseShift() or 0.0,
'defocusU': ctf.getDefocusU(),
'defocusV': ctf.getDefocusV(),
'defocusAngle': ctf.getDefocusAngle()
if self.pickType == 1:
'refsFn': self._getExtraPath('references.mrc'),
'useRadAvg': 'YES' if self.useRadAvg else 'NO',
'rotateRef': self.rotateRef.get(),
argsStr = self._getArgsStr()
cmdArgs = argsStr % args
self.runJob(self._getProgram(), cmdArgs,
# Move output coords from tmp to extra
pltFn = pwutils.replaceExt(self._getStackFn(mic), 'plt')
pwutils.moveFile(pltFn, self._getPltFn(mic))
# Clean tmp folder
except Exception as e:
self.error("ERROR: Picking has failed for %s. %s" % (
outMic, self._getErrorFromPickerTxt(mic, e)))
def _getErrorFromPickerTxt(self, mic, e):
""" Parse output log for errors.
:param mic: input mic object
:return: the error string
file = self._getLogFn(mic)
with open(file, "r") as fh:
for line in fh.readlines():
if line.startswith("Error"):
return line.replace("Error:", "")
return e
[docs] def createOutputStep(self):
""" Read the coordinates and define outputs."""
micSet = self.getInputMicrographs()
coordSet = self._createSetOfCoordinates(micSet)
self.readCoordsFromMics(self._getExtraPath(), micSet,
self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputMicrographs, coordSet)
# --------------------------- INFO functions --------------------------------
def _summary(self):
summary = list()
summary.append("Number of input micrographs: %d"
% self.getInputMicrographs().getSize())
if self.getOutputsSize() > 0:
summary.append("Number of particles picked: %d"
% self.getCoords().getSize())
summary.append("Particle size: %d" % self.getCoords().getBoxSize())
summary.append("Threshold: %0.2f" % self.threshold)
return summary
def _citations(self):
return ['Sigworth2004']
def _methods(self):
methodsMsgs = []
if self.getInputMicrographs() is not None:
methodsMsgs.append("Input micrographs %s of size %d."
% (self.getObjectTag(self.getInputMicrographs()),
if self.getOutputsSize() > 0:
output = self.getCoords()
methodsMsgs.append('%s: User picked %d particles with a particle '
'size of %d and threshold %0.2f.'
% (self.getObjectTag(output), output.getSize(),
output.getBoxSize(), self.threshold))
return methodsMsgs
# --------------------------- UTILS functions -------------------------------
def _getProgram(self):
""" Return program binary. """
return Plugin.getProgram(FIND_PARTICLES_BIN)
def _getPickArgs(self):
""" Format arguments to call find_particles program. """
inputMics = self.getInputMicrographs()
acq = inputMics.getAcquisition()
sampling = inputMics.getSamplingRate()
self.argsDict = {'samplingRate': sampling,
'voltage': acq.getVoltage(),
'cs': acq.getSphericalAberration(),
'ampContrast': acq.getAmplitudeContrast(),
'templates': 'NO' if self.pickType == 0 else 'YES',
'radius': self.radius.get(),
'maxradius': self.maxradius.get(),
'highRes': self.highRes.get(),
'boxSize': int(self.maxradius.get() / sampling),
'minDist': self.minDist.get(),
'threshold': self.threshold.get(),
'avoidHighVar': 'YES' if self.avoidHighVar else 'NO',
'avoidLocMean': 'YES' if self.avoidLocMean else 'NO',
'algorithm': self.bgAlgo.get(),
'bgBoxes': self.bgBoxes.get(),
'ptclWhite': 'YES' if self.ptclWhite else 'NO'
return [self.argsDict]
def _getArgsStr(self):
argsStr = """ << eof > %(logFn)s
if self.pickType == 0:
argsStr += """
else: # ref-based picking
argsStr += """
if self.useRadAvg:
argsStr += """
if self.rotateRef > 0:
argsStr += """
argsStr += """
return argsStr
[docs] def readCoordsFromMics(self, extraDir, micList, coordSet):
""" Overwrite base class function. """
if coordSet.getBoxSize() is None:
readSetOfCoordinates(self._getExtraPath(), micList, coordSet)
def _getMicrographDir(self, mic):
""" Return an unique dir name for results of the micrograph. """
return self._getTmpPath('mic_%06d' % mic.getObjId())
[docs] def getInputMicrographs(self):
return self.inputMicrographs.get()
def _getLogFn(self, mic):
""" Return output log file. """
micName = mic.getFileName()
return os.path.join(self._getTmpPath(),
pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micName, 'log'))
def _getStackFn(self, mic):
return self._getTmpPath('mic_%06d.mrc' % mic.getObjId())
def _getPltFn(self, mic):
""" Return output plt coords file. """
micName = mic.getFileName()
return os.path.join(self._getExtraPath(),
pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micName, 'plt'))
[docs] def getInputReferences(self):
return self.inputRefs.get() if self.inputRefs.hasValue() else None