# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Josue Gomez BLanco (josue.gomez-blanco@mcgill.ca) [1]
# * J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (delarosatrevin@scilifelab.se) [2]
# *
# * [1] Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, McGill University
# * [2] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
from numpy import deg2rad
from pwem.objects import CTFModel
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from cistem import Plugin
from ..constants import CTFFIND4_BIN
from ..convert import parseCtffind4Output, readCtfModel
[docs]class ProgramCtffind:
Wrapper of Ctffind4 program that will handle parameters definition
and also execution of the program with the proper arguments.
This class is not a Protocol, but somewhat related, since it can be used from
protocols that perform CTF estimation.
def __init__(self, protocol):
self._program = Plugin.getProgram(CTFFIND4_BIN) # Load program to use
self._findPhaseShift = protocol.findPhaseShift.get()
self._args, self._params = self._getArgs(protocol) # Load general arguments
[docs] @classmethod
def defineProcessParams(cls, form):
""" Define specific parameters. """
form.addParam('windowSize', params.IntParam, default=512,
label='FFT box size (px)', condition='not recalculate',
help='The dimensions (in pixels) of the amplitude '
'spectrum CTFfind will compute. Smaller box '
'sizes make the fitting process significantly '
'faster, but sometimes at the expense of '
'fitting accuracy. If you see warnings '
'regarding CTF aliasing, consider '
'increasing this parameter.')
group = form.addGroup('Search limits')
line = group.addLine('Resolution (A)', condition='not recalculate',
help='The CTF model will be fit to regions '
'of the amplitude spectrum corresponding '
'to this range of resolution.')
line.addParam('lowRes', params.FloatParam, default=30., label='Min')
line.addParam('highRes', params.FloatParam, default=5., label='Max')
line = group.addLine('Defocus search range (A)',
condition='not recalculate',
help='Select _minimum_ and _maximum_ values for '
'defocus search range (in A). Underfocus'
' is represented by a positive number.')
line.addParam('minDefocus', params.FloatParam, default=5000.,
line.addParam('maxDefocus', params.FloatParam, default=50000.,
group.addParam('stepDefocus', params.FloatParam, default=500.,
label='Defocus step (A)',
help='Step size for the defocus search.')
group.addParam('slowSearch', params.BooleanParam, default=False,
label="Slower, more exhaustive search?",
help="Select this option if CTF determination "
"fails on images that show clear Thon rings "
"and should therefore yield good CTF parameters, "
"or if you expect noticeably elliptical Thon "
"rings and high noise.")
group.addParam('fixAstig', params.BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Restrain astigmatism?',
help='Should the amount of astigmatism be restrained '
'during the parameter search and refinement? '
'This option should be selected when astigmatism '
'is expected to be small to produce more reliable '
'fits. Disable this option if you expect '
'large astigmatism.')
group.addParam('astigmatism', params.FloatParam,
default=100.0, condition='fixAstig',
label='Tolerated astigmatism (A)',
help='When restraining astigmatism, astigmatism values '
'much larger than this will be penalized. '
'Set to negative to remove this restraint. '
'In cases where the amplitude spectrum is '
'very noisy, such a restraint can help '
'achieve more accurate results.')
form.addSection(label='Phase shift')
form.addParam('findPhaseShift', params.BooleanParam,
label="Find additional phase shift?",
help='Was the data recorded using a phase plate '
'with variable phase shift that must be '
'determined together with the defocus '
form.addParam('minPhaseShift', params.FloatParam, default=0.,
label="Minimum phase shift (deg)",
help='If finding an additional phase shift, '
'this value sets the lower bound for the '
form.addParam('maxPhaseShift', params.FloatParam, default=180,
label="Maximum phase shift (deg)",
help='If finding an additional phase shift, '
'this value sets the upper bound for the '
form.addParam('stepPhaseShift', params.FloatParam, default=10,
label="Phase shift search step (deg)",
help='If finding an additional phase shift, '
'this value sets the step size for the '
form.addParallelSection(threads=2, mpi=1)
[docs] def getCommand(self, **kwargs):
:param kwargs: The input keywords argument should contain key-values
for one micrograph or group of micrographs.
:return: the program and arguments to be run
paramDict = dict(self._params)
return self._program, self._args % paramDict
[docs] def parseOutput(self, filename):
""" Retrieve defocus U, V and angle from the
output file of the program execution.
:param filename: input file to parse
:return: a tuple of CTF values
return parseCtffind4Output(filename)
[docs] def parseOutputAsCtf(self, filename, psdFile=None):
""" Parse the output file and build the CTFModel object
with the values.
:param filename: input file to parse
:param psdFile: if defined, set PSD for the CTF model
ctf = CTFModel()
readCtfModel(ctf, filename)
if psdFile:
return ctf
def _getArgs(self, protocol):
""" Update first the params dict.
:param protocol: input protocol instance
:return: args string and matching params dict
paramDict = protocol.getCtfParamsDict()
paramDict['step_focus'] = protocol.stepDefocus.get()
paramDict['fixAstig'] = "yes" if protocol.fixAstig else "no"
paramDict['astigmatism'] = protocol.astigmatism.get()
paramDict['lowRes'] = protocol.lowRes.get()
if paramDict['lowRes'] > 50:
paramDict['lowRes'] = 50
paramDict['highRes'] = protocol.highRes.get()
# defocus is in Angstroms now
paramDict['minDefocus'] = protocol.minDefocus.get()
paramDict['maxDefocus'] = protocol.maxDefocus.get()
if self._findPhaseShift:
paramDict['phaseShift'] = "yes"
paramDict['minPhaseShift'] = deg2rad(protocol.minPhaseShift.get())
paramDict['maxPhaseShift'] = deg2rad(protocol.maxPhaseShift.get())
paramDict['stepPhaseShift'] = deg2rad(protocol.stepPhaseShift.get())
paramDict['phaseShift'] = "no"
paramDict['slowSearch'] = "yes" if protocol.slowSearch else "no"
args = """ << eof > %(ctffindOut)s
if protocol.usePowerSpectra:
args = args.replace('<< eof > %(ctffindOut)s',
'--amplitude-spectrum-input << eof > %(ctffindOut)s')
args = args.replace('%(samplingRate)f',
if protocol.fixAstig:
args = args.replace('%(fixAstig)s',
if self._findPhaseShift:
args = args.replace('%(phaseShift)s',
return args, paramDict