Source code for chimera.protocols.protocol_contacts

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Marta Martinez (
# *              Roberto Marabini (
# *
# * L'Institut de genetique et de biologie moleculaire et cellulaire (IGBMC)
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************

from pwem.protocols import EMProtocol
from pyworkflow.object import Boolean
from pwem.constants import (SYM_DIHEDRAL_X)
from ..convert import CHIMERA_LIST
from ..constants import (CHIMERA_SYM_NAME, CHIMERA_I222)

from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (EnumParam,
                                        LEVEL_ADVANCED, BooleanParam)
import sqlite3
import json
import collections
import os
from pwem.viewers.viewer_chimera import Chimera
from .. import Plugin
from operator import itemgetter

from pyworkflow.utils import red

[docs]class ChimeraProtContacts(EMProtocol): """Identifies interatomic clashes and contacts based on van der Waals radii """ _label = 'contacts' _program = "" commandDropView = """DROP view IF EXISTS {viewName}""" TetrahedralOrientation = ['222', 'z3']
[docs] @classmethod def getClassPackageName(cls): return "chimerax"
def __init__(self, **args): EMProtocol.__init__(self, **args) self.SYMMETRY = Boolean(True) def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') # pdbFileToBeRefined name is needed by the wizard. Do not change it form.addParam('pdbFileToBeRefined', PointerParam, pointerClass="AtomStruct", label='Atomic Structure:', allowsNull=True, important=True, help="Input atomic structure.") form.addParam('chainStructure', StringParam, default="", label='Chain Labeling', help="Dictionary that maps chains to labels.\n" "Example: {'A':'h1', 'B':'h1', 'E':'h2'}\n" "Contacts are calculated between two chains with distinct " "labels. Two chains with the same label are considered as " "a group. Contacts will be computed between any chain included " "in this group and any other group/chain. However, no contacts " "among members of the group will be calculated.") form.addParam('applySymmetry', BooleanParam, label="Apply symmetry:", default=True, help="'Symmetry = Yes' indicates that symmetry will be applied, and then" " contacts will be computed between any two chains of the " "atomic structure (the unit cell) " "and between a chain of the unit cell and another chain of a " "neigbour unit cell. Output results will show only non " "redundant contatcs, i.e., contacts than you can infer by" " symmetry will not be shown.\n'Symmetry = No' indicates that " "symmetry will not be applied, and then " "contacts will only be calculated between chains within the " "atomic structure. Output results will show all contacts between" " any couple of interacting chains.\n") form.addParam('symmetryGroup', EnumParam, choices=CHIMERA_LIST, default=CHIMERA_I222, label="Symmetry", condition='applySymmetry', help="" "Symmetry for a description of the symmetry groups " "format in CHIMERA.\n" "If no symmetry is present, use _c1_." 'More information: \n' '' ) form.addParam('symmetryOrder', IntParam, default=1, condition='applySymmetry and symmetryGroup<=%d' % SYM_DIHEDRAL_X, label='Symmetry Order', help='Select the order of cyclic or dihedral symmetry.') group = form.addGroup('Fit params for clashes and contacts') group.addParam('cutoff', FloatParam, label="cutoff (Angstroms): ", default=-0.4, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help="Large positive cutoff identifies the more severe clashes, " "whereas negative cutoff indicates favorable contacts:\n" "default contact rule: -0.4 (from 0.0 to -1.0)\n" "default clash rule: 0.6 (from 0.4 to 1.0)\n" 'More information: \n' '' ) group.addParam('allowance', FloatParam, label="allowance (Angstroms): ", default=0.0, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help="default contact rule: 0.0\n" "default clash rule: 0.4\n" 'More information: \n' '' ) form.addLine('') # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self.sym = CHIMERA_SYM_NAME[self.symmetryGroup.get()] self.symOrder = self.symmetryOrder.get() if not self.applySymmetry: self.sym = "Cn" self.symOrder = 1 self.SYMMETRY = Boolean(False) elif (self.sym == "Cn" or self.sym == "Dn") and self.symOrder == 1: self.SYMMETRY = Boolean(False) # connect to database, delete table and recreate it # execute chimera findclash self._insertFunctionStep('chimeraClashesStep') self._insertFunctionStep('postProcessStep') self._store()
[docs] def postProcessStep(self): c, conn = connectDB(self.getDataBaseName(), None) self.removeDuplicates(c)
[docs] def chimeraClashesStep(self): labelDictAux = json.loads(self.chainStructure.get(), object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) labelDict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(labelDictAux.items(), key=itemgetter(1))) # labelDict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(list(labelDictAux.items()), key=itemgetter(1))) pdbFileName = os.path.abspath(self.pdbFileToBeRefined.get().getFileName()) # first element of dictionary firstValue = labelDict[list(labelDict)[0]] outFiles = [] f = open(self.getChimeraScriptFileName1(), "w") f.write("from chimerax.core.commands import run\n") f.write("run(session, 'open {}')\n".format(pdbFileName)) if self.sym == "Cn" and self.symOrder != 1: f.write("run(session,'sym #1 C%d copies t')\n" % self.symOrder) elif self.sym == "Dn" and self.symOrder != 1: f.write("run(session,'sym #1 d%d copies t')\n" % self.symOrder) elif self.sym == "T222" or self.sym == "TZ3": f.write("run(session,'sym #1 t,%s copies t')\n" % self.sym[1:]) elif self.sym == "O": f.write("run(session,'sym #1 O copies t')\n") elif self.sym == "I222" or self.sym == "I222r" or self.sym == "In25" or \ self.sym == "In25r" or self.sym == "I2n3" or self.sym == "I2n3r" or \ self.sym == "I2n5" or self.sym == "I2n5r": f.write("run(session,'sym #1 i,%s copies t')\n" % self.sym[1:]) self.SYMMETRY = self.SYMMETRY.get() if self.SYMMETRY: f.write("run(session,'delete #2 & #1 #>3')\n") f.write("run(session,'save {symmetrizedModelName} #2')\n".format( symmetrizedModelName=self.getSymmetrizedModelName())) f.write("run(session, 'close #1')\n") f.write("run(session, 'rename #2 id #1')\n") self.endChimeraScript(firstValue, labelDict, outFiles, f) f.write("run(session, 'exit')\n") f.close() args = " --nogui --script " + self.getChimeraScriptFileName1()'Launching: ' + Plugin.getProgram() + ' ' + args) Chimera.runProgram(Plugin.getProgram(), args) if self.SYMMETRY and not os.path.exists(self.getSymmetrizedModelName()): # When self.SYMMETRY = TRUE and no one neighbor unit cell has not been # generated at less than 3 Angstroms, probably because the symmetry # center is not equal to the origin of coordinates, at least we have the # contacts that are within the unit cell. print(red("Error: No neighbor unit cells are available. " "Is the symmetry center equal to the origin of " "coordinates?")) self.SYMMETRY = False f = open(self.getChimeraScriptFileName2(), "w") f.write("from chimerax.core.commands import run\n") f.write("session, run('open {}')\n".format(pdbFileName)) self.endChimeraScript(firstValue, labelDict, outFiles, f) f.write("run(session, 'exit')\n") f.close() args = " --nogui --script " + self.getChimeraScriptFileName2()'Launching: ' + Plugin.getProgram() + ' ' + args) Chimera.runProgram(Plugin.getProgram(), args) # parse all files created by chimera c, conn = self.prepareDataBase() self.parseFiles(outFiles, c) conn.commit() conn.close()
# return outFiles
[docs] def prepareDataBase(self, drop=True): if drop: return connectDB(self.getDataBaseName(), self.getTableName()) else: return connectDB(self.getDataBaseName())
[docs] def parseFiles(self, outFiles, c): labelDictAux = json.loads(self.chainStructure.get(), object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) labelDict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(labelDictAux.items(), key=itemgetter(1))) # labelDict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(list(labelDictAux.items()), key=itemgetter(1))) d = {} d1 = {} d2 = {} anyResult = False for inFile in outFiles: print("processing file", inFile) if not os.path.exists(inFile): continue else: anyResult = True counter = 0 # parse contact files. Note that C1 symmetry file is different from the rest for line in open(inFile): if counter < 8: # print ("skip line", line counter += 1 else: # if not self.SYMMETRY: if not self.SYMMETRY or line.split()[0].startswith("/"): # Second option (line.split()[0].startswith("/") stands for # cases in which the result of applying symmetry is identical # to the starting structure (see test testContactsSymC2_b # where after deleting the #2 submodel far more than 3 A from # the input model, the resulting model is the same as the initial one. info = line.split() # ['/A002', 'HEM', '1', 'ND', '/A', 'HIS', '87', 'NE2', '0.620', '2.660'] d1['modelId'] = "'" + "#1" + "'" d1['aaName'] = "'" + info[1][0] + info[1][1:].lower() + "'" # 'Hem' d1['aaNumber'] = info[2] # '1' d1['chainId'] = "'" + info[0].split("/")[1] + "'" # 'A002' d1['atomId'] = "'" + info[3] + "'" # 'ND' d1['protId'] = "'" + labelDict[info[0].split("/")[1]] + "'" d2['modelId'] = "'" + "#1" + "'" d2['aaName'] = "'" + info[5][0] + info[5][1:].lower() + "'" # 'His' d2['aaNumber'] = info[6] # '87' d2['chainId'] = "'" + info[4].split("/")[1] + "'" # 'A' d2['protId'] = "'" + labelDict[info[4].split("/")[1]] + "'" d2['atomId'] = "'" + info[7] + "'" # 'NE2' d['overlap'] = info[8] # '0.620' d['distance'] = info[9] # '2.660' else: info = line.split() # 5ni1_unit_cell_HEM.cif #1.2/A002 HEM 1 ND 5ni1_unit_cell_HEM.cif #1.2/A HIS 87 NE2 0.620 2.660 d1['modelId'] = "'" + info[1].split("/")[0] + "'" # '#1.2' d1['aaName'] = "'" + info[2][0] + info[2][1:].lower() + "'" # 'Hem' d1['aaNumber'] = info[3] # '1' d1['chainId'] = "'" + info[1].split("/")[1] + "'" # 'A002' d1['atomId'] = "'" + info[4] + "'" # 'ND' d1['protId'] = "'" + labelDict[info[1].split("/")[1]] + "'" # 'HEM_A' d2['modelId'] = "'" + info[6].split("/")[0] + "'" # '#1.2' d2['aaName'] = "'" + info[7][0] + info[7][1:].lower() + "'" # 'His' d2['aaNumber'] = info[8] # '87' d2['chainId'] = "'" + info[6].split("/")[1] + "'" # N d2['protId'] = "'" + labelDict[info[6].split("/")[1]] + "'" # 'chainA' d2['atomId'] = "'" + info[9] + "'" # 'NE2' d['overlap'] = info[10] # '0.620' d['distance'] = info[11] # '2.660' if d1['modelId'] == d2['modelId']: if d1['protId'] <= d2['protId']: for k in d1.keys(): # for k in list(d1.keys()): d[k + '_1'] = d1[k] d[k + '_2'] = d2[k] else: for k in d1.keys(): # for k in list(d1.keys()): d[k + '_1'] = d2[k] d[k + '_2'] = d1[k] else: if d1['modelId'] <= d2['modelId']: for k in d1.keys(): # for k in list(d1.keys()): d[k + '_1'] = d1[k] d[k + '_2'] = d2[k] else: for k in d1.keys(): # for k in list(d1.keys()): d[k + '_1'] = d2[k] d[k + '_2'] = d1[k] command = "INSERT INTO contacts " keys = "(" values = " (" for key, value in d.items(): keys += key + ", " values += str(value) + ", " keys = keys[:-2] + ")" values = values[:-2] + ")" command += keys + " VALUES " + values # print(command) c.execute(command) return anyResult
# --------- util functions -----
[docs] def getDataBaseName(self): return self._getExtraPath("overlaps.sqlite")
[docs] def getSymmetrizedModelName(self): return os.path.abspath(self._getExtraPath("symModel.cif"))
# return self._getExtraPath("symModel.pdb")
[docs] def getTableName(self): return "contacts"
[docs] def getView2Name(self): return "view_ND_2"
[docs] def getView1Name(self): return "view_ND_1"
[docs] def getChimeraScriptFileName1(self): return os.path.abspath(self._getTmpPath("chimera1.cxc"))
[docs] def getChimeraScriptFileName2(self): return os.path.abspath(self._getTmpPath("chimera2.cxc"))
[docs] def endChimeraScript(self, firstValue, labelDict, outFiles, f): protId = firstValue chains = "" comma = '' for k, v in labelDict.items(): if protId == v: # chains += "{}/{}".format(comma, k) chains += "{}{}".format(comma, k) comma = ',' outFileBase = v else: outFile = os.path.abspath(self._getExtraPath("{}.over".format(outFileBase))) # outFile = self._getExtraPath("{}.over".format(outFileBase)) outFiles.append(outFile) f.write("run(session,'echo {}')\nrun(session, 'contacts #1{} " "intersubmodel true " "intramol False " "restrict any " "saveFile {} overlapCutoff {} hbondAllowance {} namingStyle simple')\n". format(chains, chains, outFile, self.cutoff, self.allowance)) protId = v # chains = "/{}".format(k) chains = "{}".format(k) outFileBase = v chains = "/" + chains.split("/")[-1] outFile = os.path.abspath(self._getExtraPath("{}.over".format(outFileBase))) # outFile = self._getExtraPath("{}.over".format(outFileBase)) outFiles.append(outFile) f.write( "run(session,'echo {}')\nrun(session, 'contacts #1{} " "intersubmodel true " "intramol False " "restrict any " "savefile {} overlap {} hbond {} namingStyle simple')\n".format( chains, chains, outFile, self.cutoff, self.allowance))
# f.write("run('save %s')\n" % os.path.abspath(self._getExtraPath(sessionFile)))
[docs] def removeDuplicates(self, c): # Remove duplicate contacts # that is, given chains A,B # we have contact A-B and B-A commandEliminateDuplicates = """CREATE VIEW {} AS SELECT DISTINCT modelId_1, protId_1, chainId_1, aaName_1, aaNumber_1, atomId_1, modelId_2, protId_2, chainId_2, aaName_2, aaNumber_2, atomId_2, overlap, distance FROM {} """ commandEliminateDuplicates2 = """ CREATE VIEW {} AS SELECT * FROM {} EXCEPT -- Each bound appears two times, delete one of them SELECT ca.* FROM {} ca, {} cb WHERE ca.protId_1 = cb.protId_2 AND cb.protId_1 = ca.protId_2 AND cb.chainId_1 = ca.chainId_2 AND ca.aaNumber_1 = cb.aaNumber_2 AND cb.aaNumber_1 = ca.aaNumber_2 AND ca.atomId_1 = cb.atomId_2 AND cb.atomId_1 = ca.atomId_2 AND ca.modelId_2 > cb.modelId_2 EXCEPT -- Interprotein bounds in the same model are not allowed SELECT ca.* FROM {} ca WHERE ca.modelId_1 = ca.modelId_2 AND ca.protId_1 = ca.protId_2 """ if self.SYMMETRY: sqlCommand = """ SELECT count(*) FROM {} ca WHERE ca.modelId_1 = '#1.1' """.format(self.getTableName()) c.execute(sqlCommand) row = c.fetchone() if int(row[0]) == 0: self.SYMMETRY = False else: commandEliminateDuplicates2 +=""" EXCEPT -- One of the atoms must belong to the input unit cell SELECT ca.* FROM {} ca WHERE ca.modelId_1 != '#1.1' AND ca.modelId_2 != '#1.1' """.format(self.getView1Name()) # # Remove duplicate contacts # that is, given chains A,B # we have contact A.a-B.b and B.b-A.a c.execute(self.commandDropView.format(viewName="view_ND_1")) # TODO: remove second contacts c.execute(commandEliminateDuplicates.format("view_ND_1", "contacts", "contacts", "contacts")) # remove duplicate contacts due to symmetry # h1-h1p, h1-h2p c.execute(self.commandDropView.format(viewName="view_ND_2")) c.execute(commandEliminateDuplicates2.format("view_ND_2", "view_ND_1", "view_ND_1", "view_ND_1", "view_ND_1"))
def _validate(self): errors = [] if self.symmetryOrder.get() <= 0: errors.append("Error: Symmetry Order should be a positive integer") return errors
[docs]def connectDB(sqliteFN, tableName=None): conn = sqlite3.connect(sqliteFN) c = conn.cursor() if tableName is not None: commandDropTable = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}""" commandCreateTable = """ CREATE TABLE {}( id integer primary key autoincrement, modelId_1 char(8), protId_1 char(8), chainId_1 char(8), aaName_1 char(3), aaNumber_1 int, atomId_1 char(8), modelId_2 char(8), protId_2 char(8), chainId_2 char(8), aaName_2 char(3), aaNumber_2 int, atomId_2 char(8), overlap float, distance float );""" c.execute(commandDropTable.format(tableName)) c.execute(commandCreateTable.format(tableName)) return c, conn