Source code for xmipptomo.viewers.monotomo_tree_provider

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# * Authors:     Scipion Team
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import pyworkflow.viewer as pwviewer
from pyworkflow.gui import *

from pyworkflow.gui.dialog import ListDialog

[docs]class MonoTomoTreeProvider(TreeProvider): """ Model class that will retrieve the information from Tomogram and prepare the columns/rows models required by the TreeDialog GUI. """ COL_TS = 'Tomogram' COL_INFO = 'Info' ORDER_DICT = {COL_TS: 'id'} def __init__(self, parent, protocol, objs): self.title = 'Tomograms display' self.parent = parent self.protocol = protocol self.objs = objs TreeProvider.__init__(self, sortingColumnName=self.COL_TS) self.selectedDict = {} self.mapper = protocol.mapper self.maxNum = 200
[docs] def getObjects(self): # Retrieve all objects of type className objects = [] orderBy = self.ORDER_DICT.get(self.getSortingColumnName(), 'id') direction = 'ASC' if self.isSortingAscending() else 'DESC' for obj in self.objs.iterItems(orderBy=orderBy, direction=direction): item = obj.clone() item._allowsSelection = True item._parentObject = None objects.append(item) return objects
[docs] def getColumns(self): cols = [ (self.COL_TS, 100), (self.COL_INFO, 350)] return cols
[docs] def getObjectInfo(self, obj): itemId = obj.getTsId() if itemId is None: itemId = str(obj.getObjId()) key = obj.getObjId() text = itemId values = [str(obj)] tags = '' opened = True item = { 'key': key, 'text': text, 'values': tuple(values), 'open': opened, 'selected': False, 'tags': tags } return item
[docs] def getObjectActions(self, obj): pass
[docs]class MonoTomoListDialog(ListDialog): def __init__(self, parent, title, provider, itemDoubleClick=False, **kwargs): self.parent = parent self.provider = provider self._itemDoubleClick = itemDoubleClick ListDialog.__init__(self, parent, title, provider, message=None, allowSelect=True, cancelButton=True, selectOnDoubleClick=True, **kwargs)
[docs] def body(self, bodyFrame): bodyFrame.config() gui.configureWeigths(bodyFrame) dialogFrame = tk.Frame(bodyFrame) dialogFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=5) dialogFrame.config() gui.configureWeigths(dialogFrame, row=1) self._createFilterBox(dialogFrame) self._col = 0 self._createTree(dialogFrame) self.initial_focus = self.tree if self._itemDoubleClick: self.tree.itemDoubleClick = self.doubleClickOnItem self.tree.focus(self.tree.getFirst())
[docs] def doubleClickOnItem(self, e=None): pass
[docs]class MonotomoViewer(pwviewer.View): """ This class implements a view using Tkinter ListDialog and the ImodTreeProvider. """ def __init__(self, parent, protocol, objs, **kwargs): self._tkParent = parent self._protocol = protocol self._provider = MonoTomoTreeProvider(parent, protocol, objs) self.title = self._provider.title
[docs] def show(self): return MonoTomoListDialog(self._tkParent, self.title, self._provider)