# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Estrella Fernandez Gimenez (me.fernandez@cnb.csic.es)
# *
# * BCU, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, CSIC
# *
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
from pyworkflow import BETA
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import PointerParam, BooleanParam, IntParam, FloatParam
from pyworkflow.protocol.constants import LEVEL_ADVANCED
from pwem import ALIGN_3D
from pwem.emlib import MDL_IMAGE
import pwem.emlib.metadata as md
from pwem.protocols import EMProtocol
from tomo.protocols import ProtTomoBase
from xmipp3.convert import xmippToLocation, writeSetOfVolumes, alignmentToRow
[docs]class XmippProtSubtractionSubtomo(EMProtocol, ProtTomoBase):
""" This protocol subtracts a subtomogram average to a SetOfSubtomograms, which are internally aligned and
numerically adjusted in order to obtain reliable results. The adjustment and subtraction is perfomed by
xmipp_volume_subtraction program. A mask can be provided if the user wants to perform the subtraction in a
determined region."""
_label = 'subtomo subtraction'
_devStatus = BETA
# --------------------------- DEFINE param functions --------------------------------------------
def _defineParams(self, form):
form.addParam('inputSubtomos', PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfSubTomograms', label="Subtomograms ",
help='Select the SetOfSubTomograms with transform matrix which will be subtracted.')
form.addParam('average', PointerParam, pointerClass='SubTomogram', label="Average subtomogram ",
help='Select an average subtomogram to be subtracted.')
form.addParam('maskBool', BooleanParam, label='Mask subtomograms?', default=True,
help='The mask are not mandatory but highly recommendable.')
form.addParam('mask', PointerParam, pointerClass='VolumeMask', label="Average mask",
condition='maskBool', help='Specify a mask for the average.')
form.addParam('maskSub', PointerParam, pointerClass='VolumeMask', label="Subtraction mask", allowsNull=True,
condition='maskBool', help='Optional, specify a mask for the region of subtraction')
form.addParam('resol', FloatParam, label="Filter at resolution: ", default=3, allowsNull=True,
help='Resolution (A) at which subtraction will be performed, filtering the input volumes.'
'Value 0 implies no filtering.')
form.addParam('sigma', FloatParam, label="Decay of the filter (sigma): ", default=3, condition='resol',
help='Decay of the filter (sigma parameter) to smooth the mask transition',
form.addParam('iter', IntParam, label="Number of iterations: ", default=5, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED)
form.addParam('rfactor', FloatParam, label="Relaxation factor (lambda): ", default=1,
help='Relaxation factor for Fourier amplitude projector (POCS), it should be between 0 and 1, '
'being 1 no relaxation and 0 no modification of volume 2 amplitudes')
form.addParam('saveFiles', BooleanParam, label='Save intermediate files?', default=False,
expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help='Save input volume 1 (first subtomogram of the set) filtered '
'and input volume 2 (average) adjusted, which are the volumes '
'that are really subtracted.')
# --------------------------- INSERT steps functions --------------------------------------------
def _insertAllSteps(self):
# --------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------------------------
[docs] def applyAlignStep(self):
"""Align subtomograms to be in the same orientation as the reference"""
inputSet = self.inputSubtomos.get()
outputFn = self._getExtraPath('input_subtomos.xmd')
if inputSet.getFirstItem().getFileName().endswith('.mrc') or \
S = self._createSetOfSubTomograms()
for subtomo in inputSet:
s = subtomo.clone()
s.setFileName(subtomo.getFileName() + ':mrc')
writeSetOfVolumes(S, outputFn, alignType=ALIGN_3D)
writeSetOfVolumes(inputSet, outputFn, alignType=ALIGN_3D)
# Window subtomograms twice their size
windowedStk = self._getExtraPath('windowed_subtomograms.stk')
self.runJob('xmipp_transform_window', '-i %s -o %s --size %d --save_metadata_stack' %
(outputFn, windowedStk, 2 * inputSet.getFirstItem().getDim()[0]), numberOfMpi=1)
# Add input transform matrix to md generated by xmipp_transform_window
mdWindow = md.MetaData(self._getExtraPath('windowed_subtomograms.xmd'))
mdWindowTransform = md.MetaData()
idList = list(inputSet.getIdSet())
for row in md.iterRows(mdWindow):
rowOut = md.Row()
id = row.getValue(MDL_IMAGE)
id = id.split('@')[0]
id = id.strip('0')
alignmentToRow(inputSet[(idList[int(id) - 1])].getTransform(), rowOut, ALIGN_3D)
# Align subtomograms
self.runJob('xmipp_transform_geometry', '-i %s -o %s --apply_transform --dont_wrap' %
# Window subtomograms to their original size
alignStk = self._getExtraPath('aligned_subtomograms.stk')
outputStk = self._getExtraPath('output_subtomograms.stk')
self.runJob('xmipp_transform_window', '-i %s -o %s --size %d ' %
(alignStk, outputStk, inputSet.getFirstItem().getDim()[0]),
self.alignedSet = self._createSetOfSubTomograms()
inputMd = self._getExtraPath('output_subtomograms.stk')
itemDataIterator=md.iterRows(inputMd, sortByLabel=md.MDL_ITEM_ID))
[docs] def subtractionStep(self):
"""Subtract reference to each of the subtomogram in the input Set"""
average = self.average.get().getFileName()
if average.endswith('.mrc'):
average += ':mrc'
resol = self.resol.get()
iter = self.iter.get()
program = "xmipp_volume_subtraction"
args = '--i2 %s --iter %s --lambda %s --sub' % \
(average, iter, self.rfactor.get())
if resol:
fc = self.inputSubtomos.get().getSamplingRate() / resol
args += ' --cutFreq %f --sigma %d' % (fc, self.sigma.get())
if self.maskBool:
args += ' --mask1 %s' % (self.mask.get().getFileName())
maskSub = self.maskSub.get()
if maskSub:
args += ' --maskSub %s' % maskSub.getFileName()
mdOrig = md.MetaData(self._getExtraPath('window_with_original_geometry.xmd'))
for subtomo, row in zip(self.alignedSet.iterItems(), md.iterRows(mdOrig)):
ix = subtomo.getObjId()
fnOutSubtomo = self._getExtraPath("output_subtomo%06d.mrc" % ix)
argsSubtomo = ' --i1 %06d@%s -o % s' % (ix, subtomo.getFileName(), fnOutSubtomo)
if self.saveFiles and ix == 1:
argsSubtomo += ' --saveV1 %s --saveV2 %s' % (self._getExtraPath('vol1_filtered.mrc'),
print('\n-----Subtomogram %d-----' % ix)
self.runJob(program, args + argsSubtomo)
# Apply inverse transform for the output to have the original orientation
'-i %s -o %s --rotate_volume euler %d %d %d --shift %d %d %d --inverse --dont_wrap' %
(fnOutSubtomo, fnOutSubtomo,
row.getValue('angleRot'), row.getValue('angleTilt'), row.getValue('anglePsi'),
row.getValue('shiftX'), row.getValue('shiftY'), row.getValue('shiftZ')))
[docs] def createOutputStep(self):
inputSubtomos = self.inputSubtomos.get()
outputSet = self._createSetOfSubTomograms()
outputSet.copyItems(inputSubtomos, updateItemCallback=self._updateItemOutput)
self._defineSourceRelation(inputSubtomos, outputSet)
# --------------------------- INFO functions --------------------------------------------
def _summary(self):
summary = []
if not hasattr(self, 'outputSubtomograms'):
summary.append("Output subtomograms not ready yet.")
summary.append("Subtraction performed to %s subtomograms." % self.inputSubtomos.get().getSize())
summary.append("Average subtomogram subtracted: %s" % self.average.get().getFileName())
if self.maskBool:
summary.append("Mask: %s" % self.mask.get().getFileName())
if self.resol.get() != 0:
summary.append("Subtraction at resolution %f A" % self.resol.get())
return summary
def _methods(self):
methods = []
if not hasattr(self, 'outputSubtomograms'):
methods.append("Output subtomograms not ready yet.")
methods.append("Subtraction of average %s performed to %s subtomograms" %
(self.average.get().getFileName(), self.inputSubtomos.get().getSize()))
if self.resol.get() != 0:
methods.append(" at resolution %f A" % self.resol.get())
return methods
def _validate(self):
validateMsgs = []
rfactor = self.rfactor.get()
if rfactor < 0 or rfactor > 1:
validateMsgs.append('Relaxation factor (lambda) must be between 0 and 1')
for subtomo in self.inputSubtomos.get().iterItems():
if not subtomo.hasTransform():
'Please provide subtomograms which have transformation matrix.')
return validateMsgs
# --------------------------- UTLIS functions --------------------------------------------
def _updateItemAlign(self, item, row):
newFn = row.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE)
newLoc = xmippToLocation(newFn)
def _updateItemOutput(self, item, row):
item.setFileName(self._getExtraPath("output_subtomo%06d.mrc" % item.getObjId()))