Source code for xmipp3.viewers.viewer_volume_deform_zernike3d

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:  Amaya Jimenez Moreno  (
# *           David Herreros Calero (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************
from pyworkflow.object import Set
from pyworkflow.viewer import DESKTOP_TKINTER, WEB_DJANGO, ProtocolViewer
from pwem.viewers import ChimeraView
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pyworkflow.utils import getExt, removeExt
from os.path import abspath
from xmipp3.protocols.protocol_volume_deform_zernike3d import XmippProtVolumeDeformZernike3D
from xmipp3.protocols.protocol_apply_zernike3d import XmippApplyZernike3D

[docs]class XmippVolumeDeformZernike3DViewer(ProtocolViewer): """ Visualize the output of protocol volume strain """ _label = 'viewer volume deform sph' _targets = [XmippProtVolumeDeformZernike3D, XmippApplyZernike3D] _environments = [DESKTOP_TKINTER, WEB_DJANGO] OPEN_FILE = "open %s\n" VOXEL_SIZE = "volume #%d voxelSize %s\n" VOL_HIDE = "vol #%d hide\n" VIEW = "view\n" def _defineParams(self, form): if isinstance(self.protocol, XmippApplyZernike3D): self.only_apply = True self.deformed = self.protocol.deformed.get() self.have_set = isinstance(self.deformed, Set) else: self.have_set = False form.addSection(label='Show deformation') form.addParam('idChoice', params.EnumParam, condition='self.have_set==True', choices=list(self.deformed.getIdSet()), default=0, label='Structure to display', display=params.EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO, help='Select which volume to display from the IDs of the set') form.addParam('doShowStrain', params.LabelParam, condition='self.only_apply==False', label="Display the strain deformation") form.addParam('doShowRotation', params.LabelParam, condition='self.only_apply==False', label="Display the rotation deformation") form.addParam('doShowMorphOrigRef', params.LabelParam, condition='self.only_apply==False', label="Display the morphing between original and reference volumes") form.addParam('doShowMorphDeformedRef', params.LabelParam, label="Display the morphing between deformed and reference volumes") def _getVisualizeDict(self): if isinstance(self.protocol, XmippApplyZernike3D): if self.have_set==True: self.inputVol = self.protocol.volume[list(self.deformed.getIdSet())[self.pdbIdChoice]] self.chosen = self.deformed[list(self.deformed.getIdSet())[self.pdbIdChoice]] else: self.inputVol = self.protocol.volume self.chosen = self.deformed myDict = { 'fnRefVol': self.inputVol.getFileName(), 'fnOutVol': self.chosen.getFileName() } self.protocol._updateFilenamesDict(myDict) self.protocol._createFilenameTemplates() return {'doShowStrain': self._doShowStrain, 'doShowRotation': self._doShowRotation, 'doShowMorphOrigRef': self._doShowMorphOrigRef, 'doShowMorphDeformedRef': self._doShowDeformedOrigRef } def _doShowStrain(self, param=None): scriptFile = self.protocol._getPath('strain_chimera.cxc') fhCmd = open(scriptFile, 'w') fnbase = removeExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnInputVol')) ext = getExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnInputVol')) fninput = abspath(fnbase + ext[0:4]) smprt = self.protocol.outputVolume.getSamplingRate() fnbase2 = removeExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnOutVol')) fnStrain = abspath(fnbase2) fhCmd.write(self.OPEN_FILE % fninput) fhCmd.write(self.OPEN_FILE % (fnStrain+"_strain.mrc")) counter = 1 fhCmd.write(self.VOXEL_SIZE % (counter, str(smprt))) counter += 1 fhCmd.write(self.VOXEL_SIZE % (counter, str(smprt))) fhCmd.write(self.VOL_HIDE % counter) fhCmd.write('color sample #%d map #%d palette rainbow\n' % (counter - 1, counter)) fhCmd.write(self.VIEW) fhCmd.close() view = ChimeraView(scriptFile) return [view] def _doShowRotation(self, param=None): scriptFile = self.protocol._getPath('rotation_chimera.cxc') fhCmd = open(scriptFile, 'w') fnbase = removeExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnInputVol')) ext = getExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnInputVol')) fninput = abspath(fnbase + ext[0:4]) smprt = self.protocol.outputVolume.getSamplingRate() fnbase2 = removeExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnOutVol')) fnStrain = abspath(fnbase2) fhCmd.write(self.OPEN_FILE % fninput) fhCmd.write(self.OPEN_FILE % (fnStrain+"_rotation.mrc")) counter = 1 fhCmd.write(self.VOXEL_SIZE % (counter, str(smprt))) counter += 1 fhCmd.write(self.VOXEL_SIZE % (counter, str(smprt))) fhCmd.write(self.VOL_HIDE % (counter)) fhCmd.write('color sample #%d map #%d palette rainbow\n' % (counter - 1, counter)) fhCmd.write(self.VIEW) fhCmd.close() view = ChimeraView(scriptFile) return [view] def _doShowMorphOrigRef(self, param=None): scriptFile = self.protocol._getPath('morph_orig_ref_chimera.cxc') fhCmd = open(scriptFile, 'w') fnbase = removeExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnInputVol')) ext = getExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnInputVol')) fninput = abspath(fnbase + ext[0:4]) smprt = self.protocol.outputVolume.getSamplingRate() fnbase2 = removeExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnRefVol')) ext2 = getExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnRefVol')) fnref = abspath(fnbase2 + ext2[0:4]) fhCmd.write(self.OPEN_FILE % fninput) fhCmd.write(self.OPEN_FILE % fnref) counter = 1 fhCmd.write(self.VOXEL_SIZE % (counter, str(smprt))) fhCmd.write(self.VOL_HIDE % (counter)) counter += 1 fhCmd.write(self.VOXEL_SIZE % (counter, str(smprt))) fhCmd.write(self.VOL_HIDE % (counter)) fhCmd.write("volume morph #%d,%d frames 500\n" % (counter - 1, counter)) fhCmd.write(self.VIEW) fhCmd.close() view = ChimeraView(scriptFile) return [view] def _doShowDeformedOrigRef(self, param=None): if self.apply_only == True and self.protocol.applyPDB.get() == True: raise ValueError("This viewer is only for volumes, not atomic structures") scriptFile = self.protocol._getPath('morph_deformed_ref_chimera.cxc') fhCmd = open(scriptFile, 'w') fnbase = removeExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnOutVol')) ext = getExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnOutVol')) fninput = abspath(fnbase + ext[0:4]) smprt = self.protocol.outputVolume.getSamplingRate() fnbase2 = removeExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnRefVol')) ext2 = getExt(self.protocol._getFileName('fnRefVol')) fnref = abspath(fnbase2 + ext2[0:4]) fhCmd.write(self.OPEN_FILE % fninput) fhCmd.write(self.OPEN_FILE % fnref) counter = 1 fhCmd.write(self.VOXEL_SIZE % (counter, str(smprt))) fhCmd.write(self.VOL_HIDE % counter) counter += 1 fhCmd.write(self.VOXEL_SIZE % (counter, str(smprt))) # fhCmd.write("focus\n") fhCmd.write(self.VOL_HIDE % counter) fhCmd.write("volume morph #%d,%d frames 500\n" % (counter-1, counter)) fhCmd.write(self.VIEW) fhCmd.close() view = ChimeraView(scriptFile) return [view]