Source code for xmipp3.protocols.protocol_volume_strain

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Carlos Oscar Sorzano (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os

from pyworkflow.protocol.params import PointerParam, StringParam
from pwem.protocols import ProtAnalysis3D

import xmipp3

[docs]class XmippProtVolumeStrain(ProtAnalysis3D): """Compare two states of a volume to analyze the local strains and rotations""" _label = 'calculate strain' def __init__(self, **args): ProtAnalysis3D.__init__(self, **args) #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputVolume0', PointerParam, label="Initial state", important=True, pointerClass='Volume', help='Initial state of the structure, it will be deformed to fit into the final state') form.addParam('inputVolumeF', PointerParam, label="Final state", important=True, pointerClass='Volume', help='Initial state of the structure, it will be deformed to fit into the final state') form.addParam('inputMask', PointerParam, label="Mask for the final state", important=True, pointerClass='VolumeMask', help='Binary mask that defines where the strains and rotations will be calculated') form.addParam('symmetryGroup', StringParam, default="c1", label='Symmetry group', help='See for a description of the symmetry groups format' 'If no symmetry is present, give c1') #--------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _getFileName(self, fnRoot, key, **kwargs): return "%s_%s.mrc"%(fnRoot,key) def _insertAllSteps(self): fnVol0 = self.inputVolume0.get().getFileName() fnVolF = self.inputVolumeF.get().getFileName() fnMask = self.inputMask.get().getFileName() self._insertFunctionStep("calculateStrain",fnVol0,fnVolF,fnMask) self._insertFunctionStep("prepareOutput") self._insertFunctionStep("createChimeraScript") #--------------------------- STEPS functions ---------------------------------------------------
[docs] def calculateStrain(self, fnVol0, fnVolF, fnMask): fnRoot=self._getExtraPath('result') mirtDir = xmipp3.base.getXmippPath('external', 'mirt') # -wait -nodesktop args=('''-r "diary('%s'); xmipp_calculate_strain('%s','%s','%s','%s'); exit"''' % (fnRoot+"_matlab.log",fnVolF,fnVol0,fnMask,fnRoot)) self.runJob("matlab", args, env=xmipp3.Plugin.getMatlabEnviron(mirtDir))
[docs] def prepareOutput(self): volDim = self.inputVolume0.get().getDim()[0] Ts=self.inputVolume0.get().getSamplingRate() fnRoot=self._getExtraPath('result') def symmetrize(key): self.runJob("xmipp_transform_symmetrize", "-i %s --sym %s --dont_wrap" % \ (self._getFileName(fnRoot, key), self.symmetryGroup.get())) def changeSamplingRate(key): self.runJob("xmipp_image_header", "-i %s --sampling_rate %f" % (self._getFileName(fnRoot, key), Ts)) def convert(key): self.runJob("xmipp_image_convert", "-i %s_%s.raw#%d,%d,%d,0,float -o %s" % (fnRoot, key, volDim, volDim, volDim, self._getFileName(fnRoot, key))) self.runJob("xmipp_transform_mirror", "-i %s --flipX" % self._getFileName(fnRoot, key)) changeSamplingRate(key) convert("initial") convert("final") convert("initialDeformedToFinal") convert("strain") convert("localrot") self.runJob("rm","-f "+self._getExtraPath('result_*.raw')) if self.symmetryGroup!="c1": symmetrize("strain") symmetrize("localrot") changeSamplingRate("strain") changeSamplingRate("localrot")
[docs] def createChimeraScript(self): fnRoot = "extra/result" scriptFile = self._getPath('result') + '_strain_chimera.cmd' openStr = "open %s\n" fhCmd = open(scriptFile, 'w') fhCmd.write(openStr % self._getFileName(fnRoot,"final")) fhCmd.write(openStr % self._getFileName(fnRoot,"strain")) fhCmd.write("vol #1 hide\n") fhCmd.write("scolor #0 volume #1 cmap rainbow reverseColors True\n") fhCmd.close() scriptFile = self._getPath('result') + '_localrot_chimera.cmd' fhCmd = open(scriptFile, 'w') fhCmd.write(openStr % self._getFileName(fnRoot,"final")) fhCmd.write(openStr % self._getFileName(fnRoot,"localrot")) fhCmd.write("vol #1 hide\n") fhCmd.write("scolor #0 volume #1 cmap rainbow reverseColors True\n") fhCmd.close() scriptFile = self._getPath('result') + '_morph_chimera.cmd' fhCmd = open(scriptFile, 'w') fhCmd.write(openStr % self._getFileName(fnRoot,"initial")) fhCmd.write(openStr % self._getFileName(fnRoot,"final")) fhCmd.write("vol #0 hide\n") fhCmd.write("vol #1 hide\n") fhCmd.write("vop morph #0,1 frames 50\n") fhCmd.close()
#--------------------------- INFO functions -------------------------------------------- def _validate(self): errors = [] xdim0 = self.inputVolume0.get().getDim()[0] xdimF = self.inputVolumeF.get().getDim()[0] if xdim0 != xdimF: errors.append("Make sure that the two volumes have the same size") return errors