# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Amaya Jimenez Moreno (ajimenez@cnb.csic.es)
# * David Herreros Calero (dherreros@cnb.csic.es)
# *
# * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from scipy.stats import entropy
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
import os
import xmippLib
from pwem.protocols import ProtAnalysis3D
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
from pwem.objects import SetOfVolumes, Volume
from pyworkflow import VERSION_2_0
from pyworkflow.utils import cleanPath, copyFile, getExt
[docs]def mds(d, dimensions=2):
Multidimensional Scaling - Given a matrix of interpoint distances,
find a set of low dimensional points that have similar interpoint
# Distance matrix size
(n, n) = d.shape
# Centering Matrix
J = np.identity(n, float) - (1 / n) * np.ones([n, n], float)
# Center distance matrix
B = -0.5 * J @ d @ J
# Singular value decomposition
[U, S, V] = np.linalg.svd(B)
S = np.diag(S)
# Coordinates matrix from MDS
Y = U[:, 0:dimensions] @ np.power(S[0:dimensions, 0:dimensions], 0.5)
return Y
[docs]def rigidRegistration(X, Y):
Xcm = np.sum(X, axis=0) / X.shape[0]
Ycm = np.sum(Y, axis=0) / Y.shape[0]
Xc = np.transpose(X - Xcm)
Yc = np.transpose(Y - Ycm)
[U, S, V] = np.linalg.svd(Xc @ Yc.T)
R = V @ U.T
t = Ycm - R @ Xcm
return R, t
[docs]class XmippProtStructureMapZernike3D(ProtAnalysis3D):
""" Protocol for structure mapping based on Zernike3D. """
_label = 'struct map - Zernike3D'
_lastUpdateVersion = VERSION_2_0
OUTPUT_SUFFIX = '_%d_crop.mrc'
ALIGNED_VOL = 'vol%dAligned.mrc'
def __init__(self, **args):
ProtAnalysis3D.__init__(self, **args)
self.stepsExecutionMode = params.STEPS_PARALLEL
# --------------------------- DEFINE param functions --------------------------------------------
def _defineParams(self, form):
form.addHidden(params.USE_GPU, params.BooleanParam, default=True,
label="Use GPU for execution",
help="This protocol has both CPU and GPU implementation.\
Select the one you want to use.")
form.addHidden(params.GPU_LIST, params.StringParam, default='0',
label="Choose GPU IDs",
help="Add a list of GPU devices that can be used")
form.addParam('inputVolumes', params.MultiPointerParam,
label="Input volume(s)", important=True,
help='Select one or more volumes (Volume or SetOfVolumes)\n'
'for structure mapping.')
form.addParam('twoSets', params.BooleanParam, label='Compare two sets?', default=False,
help='Useful when two Sets are intended to be compared independently (e.g. '
'comparing EMDBS and Maps coming from PDBs).')
form.addParam('secondSet', params.MultiPointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfVolumes,Volume',
condition='twoSets==True', label='Second set of volumes', allowsNull=True,
help='Select one or more volumes (Volume or SetOfVolumes)\n'
'to compare to the first set.')
form.addParam('targetResolution', params.FloatParam, label="Target resolution",
help="In Angstroms, the images and the volume are rescaled so that this resolution is at "
"2/3 of the Fourier spectrum.")
form.addParam('sigma', params.NumericListParam, label="Multiresolution", default="1 2",
help="Perform the analysis comparing different filtered versions of the volumes. The values "
"specified here will determine the cutoff frequency of the filter in normalized units "
"(normalized to 1/2).")
form.addParam('Rmax', params.IntParam, default=0,
label='Sphere radius',
help='Radius of the sphere where the spherical harmonics will be computed (in voxels).')
form.addParam('l1', params.IntParam, default=3,
label='Zernike Degree',
help='Degree Zernike Polynomials of the deformation=1,2,3,...')
form.addParam('l2', params.IntParam, default=2,
label='Harmonical Degree',
help='Degree Spherical Harmonics of the deformation=1,2,3,...')
form.addParam('penalization', params.FloatParam, default=0.00025, label='Regularization',
help='Penalization to deformations (higher values penalize more the deformation).')
form.addParallelSection(threads=1, mpi=1)
# --------------------------- INSERT steps functions --------------------------------------------
def _insertAllSteps(self):
volList = []
dimList = []
srList = []
volList, dimList, srList, _ = self._iterInputVolumes(self.inputVolumes, volList, dimList, srList, [])
if self.twoSets.get():
volList, dimList, srList, _ = self._iterInputVolumes(self.secondSet, volList, dimList, srList, [])
# Resize volumes according to new sampling rate
nVoli = 1
depsConvert = []
for _ in volList:
convert = self._insertFunctionStep('convertStep', volList[nVoli - 1],
dimList[nVoli - 1], srList[nVoli - 1],
min(dimList), max(srList), nVoli, prerequisites=[])
nVoli += 1
# Align all volumes to the first one (reference)
nVoli = 1
nVolj = 2
depsAlign = []
for _ in volList[1:]:
if nVolj != nVoli:
stepID = self._insertFunctionStep('alignStep', volList[nVolj - 1],
volList[nVoli - 1], nVoli - 1,
nVolj - 1, prerequisites=depsConvert)
nVolj += 1
# Zernikes3D
nVoli = 1
depsZernike = []
count = 1
for _ in volList:
nVolj = 1
for _ in volList:
if nVolj != nVoli:
stepID = self._insertFunctionStep('deformStep', volList[nVoli - 1],
volList[nVolj - 1], nVoli - 1,
nVolj - 1, count, prerequisites=depsAlign)
nVolj += 1
count += 1
nVoli += 1
self._insertFunctionStep('deformationMatrix', volList, prerequisites=depsZernike)
self._insertFunctionStep('correlationMatrix', volList, prerequisites=depsZernike)
# --------------------------- STEPS functions ---------------------------------------------------
[docs] def convertStep(self, volFn, volDim, volSr, minDim, maxSr, nVoli):
Xdim = volDim
Ts = volSr
newTs = self.targetResolution.get() * 1.0 / 3.0
newTs = max(maxSr, newTs)
newXdim = Xdim * Ts / newTs
newRmax = self.Rmax.get() * Ts / newTs
self.newRmax = min(newRmax, self.Rmax.get())
fnOut = os.path.splitext(volFn)[0]
fnOut = self._getExtraPath(os.path.basename(fnOut + self.OUTPUT_SUFFIX % nVoli))
ih = ImageHandler()
volFn = volFn if getExt(volFn) == '.vol' else volFn + ':mrc'
if Xdim != newXdim:
"-i %s -o %s --dim %d" % (volFn, fnOut, newXdim))
ih.convert(volFn, fnOut)
if newXdim>minDim:
self.runJob("xmipp_transform_window", " -i %s -o %s --crop %d" %
(fnOut, fnOut, (newXdim - minDim)))
[docs] def alignStep(self, inputVolFn, refVolFn, i, j):
inputVolFn = self._getExtraPath(os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(inputVolFn)[0]
+ self.OUTPUT_SUFFIX % (j+1)))
refVolFn = self._getExtraPath(os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(refVolFn)[0]
+ self.OUTPUT_SUFFIX % (i+1)))
fnOut = self._getTmpPath(self.ALIGNED_VOL % (j + 1))
params = ' --i1 %s --i2 %s --apply %s --local --dontScale' % \
(refVolFn, inputVolFn, fnOut)
self.runJob("xmipp_volume_align", params)
[docs] def correlationMatrix(self, volList):
numVol = len(volList)
self.corrMatrix = np.zeros((numVol, numVol))
for i in range(numVol):
for j in range(numVol):
if i != j:
path = self._getExtraPath('Pair_%d_%d_correlation.txt' % (i,j))
self.corrMatrix[i, j] = np.loadtxt(path)
[docs] def gatherResultsStepDef(self):
fnRoot = self._getExtraPath("DistanceMatrix.txt")
self.saveDeformation(self.distanceMatrix, fnRoot)
if self.twoSets.get():
half = int(self.distanceMatrix.shape[0] / 2)
subMatrixes = self.split(self.distanceMatrix, half, half)
for idm in range(4):
fnRoot = self._getExtraPath("DistanceSubMatrix_%d.txt" % (idm + 1))
self.saveDeformation(subMatrixes[idm], fnRoot, 'Sub_%d_' % (idm + 1))
[docs] def computeCorr(self, vol1, vol2, i, j):
vol = xmippLib.Image(vol1)
defVol = xmippLib.Image(vol2)
corr = vol.correlation(defVol)
corr = 1-corr
outFile = self._getExtraPath('Pair_%d_%d_correlation.txt' % (i, j))
with open(outFile, 'w') as f:
f.write('%f' % corr)
[docs] def gatherResultsStepCorr(self):
fnRoot = self._getExtraPath("CorrMatrix.txt")
self.saveCorrelation(self.corrMatrix, fnRoot)
if self.twoSets.get():
half = int(self.distanceMatrix.shape[0] / 2)
subMatrixes = self.split(self.corrMatrix, half, half)
for idm in range(4):
fnRoot = self._getExtraPath("CorrSubMatrix_%d.txt" % (idm + 1))
self.saveCorrelation(subMatrixes[idm], fnRoot, 'Sub_%d_' % (idm + 1))
[docs] def saveCorrelation(self, matrix, fnRoot, label=''):
np.savetxt(fnRoot, matrix, "%f")
corr = np.asarray(matrix)
for i in range(1, 4):
embed = mds(corr, i)
embedExtended = np.pad(embed, ((0, 0), (0, i - embed.shape[1])),
"constant", constant_values=0)
np.savetxt(self._defineResultsName2(i, label), embedExtended)
[docs] def rigidAlignmentMapping(self, i):
X1 = np.loadtxt(self._defineResultsName(i))
X2 = np.loadtxt(self._defineResultsName2(i))
# Normalize the matrices
[_, S, _] = np.linalg.svd(X1)
X1 = X1 / np.amax(np.abs(S))
[_, S, _] = np.linalg.svd(X2)
X2 = X2 / np.amax(np.abs(S))
# Register the points (taking mirrors into account)
for idf in range(4):
if idf == 0:
R, t = rigidRegistration(X1, X2)
X1 = t + np.transpose(R @ X1.T)
cost = np.sum(pdist(X1 - X2))
elif idf == 1:
X1_attempt = np.fliplr(X1)
R, t = rigidRegistration(X1_attempt, X2)
X1_attempt = t + np.transpose(R @ X1_attempt.T)
cost_attempt = np.sum(pdist(X1_attempt - X2))
if cost_attempt < cost:
cost = cost_attempt
X1 = X1_attempt
elif idf == 2:
X1_attempt = np.flipud(X1)
R, t = rigidRegistration(X1_attempt, X2)
X1_attempt = t + np.transpose(R @ X1_attempt.T)
cost_attempt = np.sum(pdist(X1_attempt - X2))
if cost_attempt < cost:
cost = cost_attempt
X1 = X1_attempt
elif idf == 3:
X1_attempt = np.fliplr(X1)
X1_attempt = np.flipud(X1_attempt)
R, t = rigidRegistration(X1_attempt, X2)
X1_attempt = t + np.transpose(R @ X1_attempt.T)
cost_attempt = np.sum(pdist(X1_attempt - X2))
if cost_attempt < cost:
cost = cost_attempt
X1 = X1_attempt
return X1, X2
[docs] def gaussianKernel(self, sigma, i):
lbox = int(6 * sigma)
if lbox % 2 == 0:
lbox += 1
mid = int((lbox - 1) / 2 + 1)
if i == 2:
kernel = np.zeros((lbox, lbox))
kernel[mid, mid] = 1
kernel = gaussian_filter(kernel, sigma=sigma)
kernel = np.zeros((lbox, lbox, lbox))
kernel[mid, mid, mid] = 1
kernel = gaussian_filter(kernel, sigma=sigma)
return kernel, lbox, mid
[docs] def convolution(self, Xr, kernel, sigma, R, C, D):
# Create the grid
lbox = int(6 * sigma)
if lbox % 2 == 0:
lbox += 1
mid = int((lbox - 1) / 2 + 1)
S_shape = [d + lbox for d in R.shape]
S = np.zeros(S_shape)
# Place rounded points on the grid
for p in range(Xr.shape[0]):
if D is None:
indy = np.argmin(np.abs(R[:, 0] - Xr[p, 0]))
indx = np.argmin(np.abs(C[0, :] - Xr[p, 1]))
S[indx:indx + 2 * mid - 1, indy:indy + 2 * mid - 1] += kernel
indx = np.argmin(np.abs(R[:, 0, 0] - Xr[p, 0]))
indy = np.argmin(np.abs(C[0, :, 0] - Xr[p, 1]))
indz = np.argmin(np.abs(D[0, 0, :] - Xr[p, 2]))
S[indx:indx + 2 * mid - 1, indy:indy + 2 * mid - 1, indz:indz + 2 * mid - 1] += kernel
return S
[docs] def entropyConsensus(self):
for i in range(2, 4):
# Rigid alignment of mappings (considering mirrors as well)
X1, X2 = self.rigidAlignmentMapping(i)
# Round point to place them in a grid
Xr1 = np.round(X1, decimals=3)
Xr2 = np.round(X2, decimals=3)
size_grid = 2.5 * max((np.amax(Xr1), np.amax(Xr2)))
# Parameters needed for future convolution
grid_coords = np.linspace(-size_grid, size_grid, num=400)
if i == 2:
R, C = np.meshgrid(grid_coords, grid_coords, indexing='ij')
D = None
R, C, D = np.meshgrid(grid_coords, grid_coords, grid_coords, indexing='ij')
sigma = R.shape[0] / 20
# Create Gaussian Kernel
kernel, lbox, mid = self.gaussianKernel(sigma, i)
# Consensus
alpha_vect = np.arange(0, 1.01, 0.01)
entropy_vect = []
X_matrices = []
for alpha in alpha_vect:
X = alpha * X1 + (1 - alpha) * X2
# Round points to place them in a grid
Xr = np.round(X, decimals=3)
# Convolve grid and kernel
S = self.convolution(Xr, kernel, sigma, R, C, D)
# Compute the Shannon entropy associated to the convolved grid
_, counts = np.unique(S, return_counts=True)
entropy_vect.append(entropy(counts, base=2))
# Find optimal entropy value (minimum)
entropy_vect = np.asarray(entropy_vect)
id_peaks, _ = find_peaks(-entropy_vect)
if id_peaks.size > 1:
peaks = entropy_vect[id_peaks]
id_optimal = id_peaks[np.argmin(peaks)]
elif id_peaks.size == 1:
id_optimal = id_peaks[0]
id_optimal = 0
X_optimal = X_matrices[id_optimal]
np.savetxt(self._defineResultsName3(i), X_optimal)
# --------------------------- UTILS functions --------------------------------------------
def _iterInputVolumes(self, volumes, volList, dimList, srList, idList):
""" Iterate over all the input volumes. """
count = 1
for pointer in volumes:
item = pointer.get()
if item is None:
if isinstance(item, Volume):
elif isinstance(item, SetOfVolumes):
for vol in item:
count += 1
count += 1
return volList, dimList, srList, idList
[docs] def split(self, array, nrows, ncols):
"""Split a matrix into sub-matrices."""
r, h = array.shape
return (array.reshape(h // nrows, nrows, -1, ncols)
.swapaxes(1, 2)
.reshape(-1, nrows, ncols))
def _defineResultsName(self, i, label=''):
return self._getExtraPath('Coordinate%sMatrix%d.txt' % (label, i))
def _defineResultsName2(self, i, label=''):
return self._getExtraPath('Coordinate%sMatrixCorr%d.txt' % (label, i))
def _defineResultsName3(self, i):
return self._getExtraPath('ConsensusMatrix%d.txt' % i)
# ------------------------- VALIDATE functions -----------------------------
[docs] def validate(self):
""" Try to find errors on define params. """
errors = []
l1 = self.l1.get()
l2 = self.l2.get()
if (l1 - l2) < 0:
errors.append('Zernike degree must be higher than '
'SPH degree.')
return errors