Source code for xmipp3.protocols.protocol_resolution_directional

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Jose Luis Vilas (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************

from pyworkflow import VERSION_2_0
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam, BooleanParam, FloatParam,
from pwem.protocols import ProtAnalysis3D
from pwem.objects import Volume
from pyworkflow.utils import getExt
import pwem.emlib.metadata as md

from pwem.emlib import (MDL_XCOOR, MDL_YCOOR, MDL_ZCOOR,
                      MDL_ANGLE_ROT, MDL_ANGLE_TILT,
                      MDL_MAX, MDL_MIN, MDL_INTSCALE)


OUTPUT_RADIAL_AVERAGES = 'Radial_averages.xmd'
OUTPUT_RESOLUTION_FILE = 'monoresResolutionMap.mrc'
OUTPUT_RESOLUTION_FILE_CHIMERA = 'monoresResolutionChimera.mrc'
OUTPUT_MASK_FILE = 'output_Mask.vol'
FN_MEAN_VOL = 'mean_volume.vol'
METADATA_ANGLES_FILE = 'angles_md.xmd'
OUTPUT_DOA_FILE = 'local_anisotropy.vol'
OUTPUT_VARIANCE_FILE = 'resolution_variance.vol'
OUTPUT_DIRECTIONS_FILE = 'ellipsoids.xmd'
OUTPUT_MD_RADIAL_FILE = 'radial_resolution.xmd'
OUTPUT_MD_AZIMUTHAL_FILE = 'azimuthal_resolution.xmd'
OUTPUT_DESCR = 'ellipsoid.descr'
OUTPUT_ELLIP = 'ellipsoid.vol'
OUTPUT_RADIAL_FILE = 'radial_resolution.vol'
OUTPUT_AZIMUTHAL_FILE = 'azimuthal_resolution.vol'
OUTPUT_MEANRES_FILE = 'mean_resolution.vol'
OUTPUT_HIGHESTRES_FILE = 'highestResolution.vol'
OUTPUT_DOA1_FILE = 'doaMetric.vol'
OUTPUT_DOA2_FILE = 'meanResdoa.vol'
OUTPUT_LOWESTRES_FILE = 'lowestResolution.vol'
OUTPUT_THRESHOLDS_FILE = 'thresholds.xmd'

[docs]class XmippProtMonoDir(ProtAnalysis3D): """ Given a map the protocol assigns local resolutions to each voxel of the map. """ _label = 'directional resolution MonoDir' _lastUpdateVersion = VERSION_2_0 def __init__(self, **args): ProtAnalysis3D.__init__(self, **args) # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputVolumes', PointerParam, pointerClass='Volume', label="Input Volume", important=True, help='Select a volume for determining its local resolution.') form.addParam('Mask', PointerParam, pointerClass='VolumeMask', label="Binary Mask", allowsNull=True, help='The mask determines which points are specimen and which ones not') group = form.addGroup('Extra parameters') # group.addParam('angularsampling', FloatParam, default=15, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, # label="Angular Sampling", # help='Angular sampling to cover the projection sphere') group.addParam('significance', FloatParam, default=0.95, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Significance", help='Relution is computed using hipothesis tests, this value determines' 'the significance of that test') group.addParam('resstep', FloatParam, default=0.5, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Resolution Step", help='The resolution will be sought in steps of this values, ' 'with step = 0.3, then 1A, 1.3A, 1.6A,...') group.addParam('fast', BooleanParam, default=False, label="Fast Computation", help='Fast computation is recommended for large volumes.') group.addParam('isPremasked', BooleanParam, default=False, label="Is the original premasked?", help='Sometimes the original volume is masked inside a spherical mask. In this case' 'please select yes') group.addParam('volumeRadius', FloatParam, default=-1, label="Spherical mask radius (px)", condition = 'isPremasked', help='When the original volume is originally premasked, the noise estimation ought' 'to be performed inside that premask, and out of the provieded mask asked in the previus' 'box. The radius value, determines the radius of the spherical premask. By default' 'radius = -1 use the half of the volume size as radius') form.addParallelSection(threads=4, mpi=0) # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self.micsFn = self._getPath() self.vol0Fn = self.inputVolumes.get().getFileName() self.maskFn = self.Mask.get().getFileName() # Convert input into xmipp Metadata format convertId = self._insertFunctionStep('convertInputStep') self._insertFunctionStep('MonoResStep') self._insertFunctionStep('directionalResolutionStep', prerequisites=[convertId]) self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep') # self._insertFunctionStep("createEllipsoid") self._insertFunctionStep("createHistrogramStep")
[docs] def convertInputStep(self): """ Read the input volume. """ extVol0 = getExt(self.vol0Fn) if (extVol0 == '.mrc') or (extVol0 == '.map'): self.vol0Fn = self.vol0Fn + ':mrc' extMask = getExt(self.maskFn) if ((extMask == '.mrc') or (extMask == '.map')): self.maskFn = self.maskFn + ':mrc'
[docs] def directionalResolutionStep(self): if self.isPremasked: if self.volumeRadius == -1: xdim, _ydim, _zdim = self.inputVolumes.get().getDim() xdim = xdim*0.5 else: xdim = self.volumeRadius.get() else: xdim, _ydim, _zdim = self.inputVolumes.get().getDim() xdim = xdim*0.5 # Number of frequencies #Nfreqs = xdim params = ' --vol %s' % self.vol0Fn params += ' --mask %s' % self.maskFn params += ' -o %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_RESOLUTION_FILE) params += ' --sampling_rate %f' % self.inputVolumes.get().getSamplingRate() params += ' --volumeRadius %f' % xdim params += ' --significance %f' % self.significance.get() params += ' --resStep %f' % self.resstep.get() params += ' --radialRes %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_RADIAL_FILE) params += ' --azimuthalRes %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_AZIMUTHAL_FILE) params += ' --highestResolutionVol %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_HIGHESTRES_FILE) params += ' --lowestResolutionVol %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_LOWESTRES_FILE) params += ' --doa1 %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_DOA1_FILE) params += ' --doa2 %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_DOA2_FILE) params += ' --radialAzimuthalThresholds %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_THRESHOLDS_FILE) params += ' --radialAvG %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_RADIAL_AVERAGES) params += ' --prefMin %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_MD_MINDIRECTIONAL_FILE) params += ' --zScoremap %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_ZSCOREMAP_FILE) params += ' --threads %i' % self.numberOfThreads.get() params += ' --monores %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_RESOLUTION_FILE) if ( is True): params += ' --fast' self.runJob('xmipp_resolution_directional', params)
#TODO: Take a metadata and set maxRes minRes, idem with azimuthal and tangencial
[docs] def MonoResStep(self): params = ' --vol %s' % self.vol0Fn params += ' --mask %s' % self.maskFn params += ' -o %s' % self._getExtraPath() params += ' --sampling_rate %f' % self.inputVolumes.get().getSamplingRate() params += ' --step %f' % 0.25 params += ' --minRes %f' % (2.0*self.inputVolumes.get().getSamplingRate()) params += ' --maxRes %f' % 18.0 params += ' --significance %f' % self.significance.get() params += ' --threads %i' % self.numberOfThreads.get() self.runJob('xmipp_resolution_monogenic_signal', params)
[docs] def createEllipsoid(self): xdim, ydim, zdim = self.inputVolumes.get().getDim() f = open(self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_DESCR),'w') str_ = '%i %i %i 0\n' %(xdim, ydim, zdim) f.write(str_) mtd = md.MetaData() for objId in mtd: xcoor = mtd.getValue(MDL_XCOOR, objId) ycoor = mtd.getValue(MDL_YCOOR, objId) zcoor = mtd.getValue(MDL_ZCOOR, objId) rot = mtd.getValue(MDL_ANGLE_ROT, objId) tilt = mtd.getValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT, objId) len_max = mtd.getValue(MDL_MAX, objId) len_min = mtd.getValue(MDL_MIN, objId) doa = mtd.getValue(MDL_INTSCALE, objId) str_ = 'ell = %f %i %i %i %f %f %f %f %f 0\n' %(doa, xcoor, ycoor, zcoor, len_max, len_min, len_min, rot, tilt) f.write(str_) f.close() params = ' -i %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_DESCR) params += ' -o %s' % self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_ELLIP) self.runJob('xmipp_phantom_create', params)
[docs] def createHistrogram(self, fnVol, fnOut, doa): params = ' -i %s' % fnVol params += ' --mask binary_file %s' % self.maskFn params += ' --steps %f' % 30 params += ' -o %s' % fnOut if doa is True: params += ' --range %f %f' % (0, 1)#(self.minRes.get(), self.maxRes.get()) else: params += ' --range %f %f' % (0, 30) self.runJob('xmipp_image_histogram', params)
[docs] def createHistrogramStep(self): self.createHistrogram(self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_DOA1_FILE), self._getExtraPath('hist_DoA.xmd'), True) self.createHistrogram(self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_DOA2_FILE), self._getExtraPath('hist_DoA2.xmd'), False) self.createHistrogram(self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_RADIAL_FILE), self._getExtraPath('hist_radial.xmd'), False) self.createHistrogram(self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_AZIMUTHAL_FILE), self._getExtraPath('hist_azimuthal.xmd'), False)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): volume=Volume() volume.setFileName(self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_DOA1_FILE)) volume.setSamplingRate(self.inputVolumes.get().getSamplingRate()) self._defineOutputs(outputVolume_doa=volume) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputVolumes, volume) volume.setFileName(self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_AZIMUTHAL_FILE)) volume.setSamplingRate(self.inputVolumes.get().getSamplingRate()) self._defineOutputs(azimuthalVolume=volume) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputVolumes, volume) volume.setFileName(self._getExtraPath(OUTPUT_RADIAL_FILE)) volume.setSamplingRate(self.inputVolumes.get().getSamplingRate()) self._defineOutputs(radialVolume=volume) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputVolumes, volume)
# --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------ def _methods(self): messages = [] if hasattr(self, 'doaVol'): messages.append( 'Information about the method/article in ' + MONORES_METHOD_URL) return messages def _summary(self): summary = [] return summary def _citations(self): return ['Not yet']