# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (jmdelarosa@cnb.csic.es)
# * Josue Gomez Blanco (josue.gomez-blanco@mcgill.ca)
# *
# * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
from pwem.protocols import ProtMaskParticles, ProtMaskVolumes
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import EnumParam, PointerParam, IntParam
from xmipp3.convert import getImageLocation
from xmipp3.constants import *
from .geometrical_mask import XmippGeometricalMask3D, XmippGeometricalMask2D
from .protocol_process import XmippProcessParticles, XmippProcessVolumes
from .protocol_create_mask3d import XmippProtCreateMask3D
[docs]class XmippProtMask:
""" This class implement the common features for applying a mask with Xmipp either SetOfParticles, Volume or SetOfVolumes objects.
def __init__(self, **args):
self._program = "xmipp_transform_mask"
#--------------------------- DEFINE param functions --------------------------------------------
def _defineProcessParams(self, form):
""" Add common mask parameters that can be used
in several protocols definitions.
form: the Definition instance.
form.addParam('source', EnumParam,
label='Mask source',
default=SOURCE_GEOMETRY, choices=['Geometry','Created mask'],
help='Select which type of mask do you want to apply. \n ')
form.addParam('inputMask', PointerParam, pointerClass=self.MASK_CLASSNAME,
condition='source==%d' % SOURCE_MASK,
label="Input mask")
args['isGeometry'] = 'source==%d' % SOURCE_GEOMETRY
args['addSize'] = False
if isinstance (self, XmippProtCreateMask3D):
args['isFeatureFile'] = 'source==%d' % SOURCE_FEATURE_FILE
self.GEOMETRY_BASECLASS.defineParams(self, form, **(args))
form.addParam('fillType', EnumParam,
choices=['value', 'min', 'max', 'avg'],
condition='source==%d' % SOURCE_GEOMETRY,
label="Fill with ", display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO,
help='Select how are you going to fill the pixel values outside the mask. ')
form.addParam('fillValue', IntParam, default=0,
condition='fillType == %d and source==%d' % (MASK_FILL_VALUE,SOURCE_GEOMETRY),
label='Fill value',
help='Value to fill the pixel values outside the mask. ')
#--------------------------- INSERT steps functions --------------------------------------------
def _insertProcessStep(self):
inputFn = self.inputFn
if self.source == SOURCE_MASK:
inputMaskFile = getImageLocation(self.inputMask.get())
outputMaskFile = self._getTmpPath(self.MASK_FILE)
self._insertFunctionStep('copyMaskFileStep', inputMaskFile, outputMaskFile)
if self.fillType == MASK_FILL_VALUE:
fillValue = self.fillValue.get()
fillValue = self.getEnumText('fillType')
if self.source == SOURCE_GEOMETRY:
self._program = "xmipp_transform_mask"
self._args += self._getGeometryCommand()
self._args += " --substitute %(fillValue)s "
elif self.source == SOURCE_MASK:
self._program = "xmipp_image_operate"
self._args += (" --mult %s" % outputMaskFile)
raise Exception("Unrecognized mask type: %d" % self.source)
self._insertFunctionStep("maskStep", self._args % locals())
#--------------------------- STEPS functions ---------------------------------------------------
[docs] def copyMaskFileStep(self, inputMaskFile, outputMaskFile):
""" Create a local copy of the mask.
We use ImageHandler.convert instead of copyFile
because the mask could be inside an stack.
ImageHandler().convert(self.inputMask.get(), outputMaskFile)
[docs] def maskStep(self, args):
args += self._getExtraMaskArgs()
self.runJob(self._program, args)
#--------------------------- UTILS functions ---------------------------------------------------
def _getExtraMaskArgs(self):
""" Return some extra arguments for the mask program.
This function will varies when masking particles or volumes.
args = " -o %s --save_metadata_stack %s --keep_input_columns" % (self.outputStk, self.outputMd)
return args
#--------------------------- INFO functions --------------------------------------------
def _summary(self, geoClass):
messages = []
messages.append("*Mask application*")
if self.source.get() == SOURCE_GEOMETRY:
messages.append(' Used geometrical mask:')
messages += geoClass.summary(self)
messages.append(' Used created mask: %s' % self.inputMask.get().getNameId())
if self.fillType.get() == MASK_FILL_VALUE:
messages.append(' Filled with %s value' % self.fillValue.get())
messages.append(' Filled with %s value' % self.getEnumText('fillType'))
return messages
def _methods(self, geoClass):
messages = []
if self.inputMask.get() is None:
return messages
messages.append("*Mask application*")
if self.source.get() == SOURCE_GEOMETRY:
messages.append("We applied a geometrical mask:")
messages.append('We applied a created mask: %s' % self.inputMask.get().getNameId())
if self.fillType.get() == MASK_FILL_VALUE:
messages.append('filled with %s value' % self.fillValue.get())
messages.append('filled with %s value' % self.getEnumText('fillType'))
return messages
def _validateDimensions(self, inputSetName, inputMaskName, errorMsg):
""" Validate that input set (either particles or volumens) have the same
dimension than the input mask.
errors = []
if self.source == SOURCE_MASK:
px, py, _ = self.getAttributeValue(inputSetName).getDim()
mx, my, _ = self.getAttributeValue(inputMaskName).getDim()
if px != mx or py != my:
return errors
[docs]class XmippProtMaskParticles(ProtMaskParticles, XmippProcessParticles,
XmippProtMask, XmippGeometricalMask2D):
""" Apply mask to a set of particles """
_label = 'apply 2d mask'
MASK_FILE = 'mask.spi'
GEOMETRY_BASECLASS = XmippGeometricalMask2D
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
ProtMaskParticles.__init__(self, **kwargs)
XmippProcessParticles.__init__(self, **kwargs)
XmippProtMask.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.allowThreads = False
self.allowMpi = False
#--------------------------- DEFINE param functions --------------------------------------------
def _defineProcessParams(self, form):
XmippProtMask._defineProcessParams(self, form)
#--------------------------- UTILS functions ---------------------------------------------------
def _getGeometryCommand(self):
Xdim = self.inputParticles.get().getDimensions()[0]
self.ndim = self.inputParticles.get().getSize()
args = XmippGeometricalMask2D.argsForTransformMask(self, Xdim)
return args
#--------------------------- INFO functions --------------------------------------------
def _summary(self):
messages = []
messages += XmippProtMask._summary(self, XmippGeometricalMask2D)
return messages
def _methods(self):
messages = []
messages += XmippProtMask._methods(self, XmippGeometricalMask2D)
return messages
def _validate(self):
return XmippProtMask._validateDimensions(self,
'inputParticles', 'inputMask',
'Input particles and mask should '
'have same dimensions.')
[docs]class XmippProtMaskVolumes(ProtMaskVolumes, XmippProcessVolumes, XmippProtMask, XmippGeometricalMask3D):
""" Apply mask to a volume """
_label = 'apply 3d mask'
MASK_FILE = 'mask.vol'
GEOMETRY_BASECLASS = XmippGeometricalMask3D
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
ProtMaskVolumes.__init__(self, **kwargs)
XmippProcessVolumes.__init__(self, **kwargs)
XmippProtMask.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.allowMpi = False
self.allowThreads = False
#--------------------------- DEFINE param functions --------------------------------------------
def _defineProcessParams(self, form):
XmippProtMask._defineProcessParams(self, form)
#--------------------------- UTILS functions ---------------------------------------------------
def _getGeometryCommand(self):
if self._isSingleInput():
Xdim = self.inputVolumes.get().getDim()[0]
Xdim = self.inputVolumes.get().getDimensions()[0]
args = XmippGeometricalMask3D.argsForTransformMask(self, Xdim)
return args
def _getExtraMaskArgs(self):
if self._isSingleInput():
return " -o %s" % self.outputStk
return XmippProtMask._getExtraMaskArgs(self)
#--------------------------- INFO functions --------------------------------------------
def _summary(self):
messages = []
messages += XmippProtMask._summary(self, XmippGeometricalMask3D)
return messages
def _methods(self):
messages = []
messages += XmippProtMask._methods(self, XmippGeometricalMask3D)
return messages
def _validate(self):
return XmippProtMask._validateDimensions(self,
'inputVolumes', 'inputMask',
'Input volumes and mask should '
'have same dimensions.')