Source code for xmipp3.protocols.protocol_preprocess.protocol_image_operate

# *****************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:  Carlos Oscar Sanchez Sorzano (, Sep 2013
# * Ported to Scipion:
# *           Vahid Abrishami (, Oct 2014
# *
# * Refactored/Updated: Josue Gomez-Blanco (, Jun 2016
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# *****************************************************************************

from collections import OrderedDict

from pwem.constants import ALIGN_NONE
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pwem.protocols import ProtOperateParticles, ProtOperateVolumes

from xmipp3.convert import (writeSetOfParticles, writeSetOfVolumes,
from .protocol_process import XmippProcessParticles, XmippProcessVolumes

# Operands enum
OP_LOG = 7
OP_LOG10 = 8
OP_ABS = 10
OP_POW = 11
OP_ROW = 14

OP_CHOICES = OrderedDict() #[-1]*(OP_RESET+1)

OP_CHOICES[OP_DOTPRODUCT]  = 'dot product'
OP_CHOICES[OP_LOG10] = 'log10'
OP_CHOICES[OP_RADIAL] = 'radial average'

binaryCondition = ('(operation == %d or operation == %d or operation == %d or '
                   'operation == %d or operation == %d or operation == %d) ' %
                   (OP_PLUS, OP_MINUS, OP_MULTIPLY,
                    OP_DIVIDE, OP_MINIMUM, OP_MAXIMUM))

#noValueCondition = '(operation == 7 or operation == 8 or operation == 9 or '\
#                   'operation == 10 or operation == 15 or operation == 16) '
noValueCondition = '(operation == %d or operation == %d or operation == %d or '\
                   'operation == %d or operation == %d or operation == %d) '%\
                   (OP_LOG, OP_LOG10, OP_SQRT,\
                    OP_ABS, OP_POW, OP_RESET)

intValueCondition = '(operation == %d or operation == %d)'%(OP_COLUNM, OP_ROW)

dotCondition = 'operation == %d'%OP_DOTPRODUCT
powCondition = 'operation == %d'%OP_POW

operationDict = {OP_PLUS : ' --plus ', OP_MINUS : ' --minus ',
                 OP_MULTIPLY : ' --mult ', OP_DIVIDE : ' --divide ',
                 OP_MINIMUM : ' --min ', OP_MAXIMUM : ' --max ',
                 OP_DOTPRODUCT : ' --dot_product ', OP_LOG : ' --log ',
                 OP_LOG10 : ' --log10', OP_SQRT : ' --sqrt ',
                 OP_ABS : ' --abs ', OP_POW : ' --pow ',
                 OP_SLICE : ' --slice ',  OP_RADIAL : ' --radial_avg ',
                 OP_RESET : ' --reset ', OP_COLUNM: '--column',
                 OP_ROW: '--row'}

[docs]class XmippOperateHelper(): """ Some image operations such as: Dot product or Summation. """ _label = 'image operate' def __init__(self, **args): self._program = "xmipp_image_operate" #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions ----------------------- def _defineProcessParams(self, form): form.addParam('operation', params.EnumParam, choices=list(OP_CHOICES.values()), default=OP_PLUS, label="Operation", help="Binary operations: \n" "*plus*: Sums two images, volumes or adds a " "numerical value to an image. \n" "*minus*: Subtracts two images, volumes or " "subtracts a numerical value to an image. \n" "*multiply*: Multiplies two images, volumes, or " "multiplies per a given number. \n" "*divide*: Divides two images, volumes, or divides " "per a given number. \n" "*minimum*: Minimum of two images, volumes, or " "number (pixel-wise). \n" "*maximum*: Maximum of two images, volumes, or " "number (pixel-wise). \n" "*dot product*: Dot product between two images or" " volumes. \n" "Unary operations: \n" "*log*: Computes the natural logarithm of an " "image. \n" "*log10*: Computes the decimal logarithm of " "an image. \n" "*sqrt*: Computes the square root of an image \n" "*abs*: Computes the absolute value of an image. \n" "*pow*: Computes the power of an image. \n" "*slice*: Extracts a given slice from a volume " "(first slice=0). \n" "*column*: Extracts a given column from a image " "or volume. \n" "*row*: Extracts a given row from a image or " "volume. \n" "*radial average*: Compute the radial average of " "an image. \n" "*reset*: Set the image to 0") form.addParam('isValue', params.BooleanParam, default=False, label="Second operand is a value?", condition=binaryCondition, help="Set to true if you want to use a " "value of the second operand") self._defineSpecificParams(form) form.addParam('value', params.FloatParam, allowNull=True, condition='isValue and %s or %s' % (binaryCondition, powCondition), label='Input value ', help = 'Set the desire float value') form.addParam('intValue', params.IntParam, allowNull=True, condition=intValueCondition, label='Input value ', help = 'This value must be integer') #--------------------------- INSERT STEPS functions ------------------------ def _insertProcessStep(self): operationStr = operationDict[self.operation.get()] self._insertFunctionStep("operationStep", operationStr) #--------------------------- UTILS functions ------------------------------ def _isBinaryCond(self): operation = self.operation.get() return (operation == OP_PLUS or operation == OP_MINUS or operation == OP_MULTIPLY or operation == OP_DIVIDE or operation == OP_MINIMUM or operation == OP_MAXIMUM) def _isNoValueCond(self): operation = self.operation.get() return (operation == OP_LOG or operation == OP_LOG10 or operation == OP_SQRT or operation == OP_ABS or operation == OP_RADIAL or operation == OP_RESET) def _isPowCond(self): operation = self.operation.get() return operation == OP_POW def _isDotCond(self): operation = self.operation.get() return operation == OP_DOTPRODUCT def _isintValueCond(self): operation = self.operation.get() return (operation == OP_SLICE or operation == OP_COLUNM or operation == OP_ROW) def _getSecondSetFn(self): return self._getTmpPath("images_to_apply.xmd")
[docs]class XmippProtImageOperateParticles(ProtOperateParticles, XmippProcessParticles, XmippOperateHelper): """ Apply an operation to two sets of particles """ _label = 'operate particles' def __init__(self, **args): ProtOperateParticles.__init__(self, **args) XmippProcessParticles.__init__(self) XmippOperateHelper.__init__(self, **args) self.allowMpi = False self.allowThreads = False #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions ----------------------- def _defineProcessParams(self, form): XmippOperateHelper._defineProcessParams(self, form) def _defineSpecificParams(self, form): form.addParam('inputParticles2', params.PointerParam, allowNull=True, condition=(binaryCondition+' and (not isValue) or ' +dotCondition), label='Input Particles (2nd)', help = 'Set a SetOfParticles. The particles must be ' 'the same dimensions as the input particles.', pointerClass='SetOfParticles') #--------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------
[docs] def convertInputStep(self): """ convert to Xmipp image model""" writeSetOfParticles(self.inputParticles.get(), self.inputFn, alignType=ALIGN_NONE) if self.inputParticles2.get() is not None: writeSetOfParticles(self.inputParticles2.get(), self._getSecondSetFn(), alignType=ALIGN_NONE)
[docs] def operationStep(self, operationStr): dictImgFn = {"inputFn" : self.inputFn} args = self._args % dictImgFn + operationStr if self._isBinaryCond(): if self.isValue: args += ' %f' % self.value.get() else: args += ' %s' % self._getSecondSetFn() elif self._isPowCond(): args += ' %f' % self.value.get() elif self._isDotCond(): args += ' %s' % self._getSecondSetFn() elif self._isintValueCond(): args += ' %d' % self.intValue.get() args += " -o %s --save_metadata_stack %s" % (self.outputStk, self.outputMd) args += " --keep_input_columns" self.runJob(self._program, args)
#--------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------- def _validate(self): errors = [] def _errorDimensions(): if not (self.inputParticles.get() is None and self.inputParticles2.get() is None): dim1 = self.inputParticles.get().getDimensions() dim2 = self.inputParticles2.get().getDimensions() if dim1 != dim2: errors.append("The number of images in two operands are " "not the same. ") def _errorSize(): if not (self.inputParticles.get() is None and self.inputParticles2.get() is None): size1 = self.inputParticles.get().getSize() size2 = self.inputParticles2.get().getSize() if size1 != size2: errors.append("Size of both *SetOfParticles* are not the" " same. ") if self._isBinaryCond(): if not self.isValue: if not self.inputParticles2.get() is None: _errorSize() _errorDimensions() elif self._isDotCond(): if not self.inputParticles2.get() is None: _errorDimensions() return errors
[docs]class XmippProtImageOperateVolumes(ProtOperateVolumes, XmippProcessVolumes, XmippOperateHelper): """ Apply an operation to two sets of volumes """ _label = 'operate volumes' def __init__(self, **args): ProtOperateVolumes.__init__(self, **args) XmippProcessVolumes.__init__(self) XmippOperateHelper.__init__(self, **args) self.allowMpi = False self.allowThreads = False #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions ----------------------- def _defineProcessParams(self, form): XmippOperateHelper._defineProcessParams(self, form) def _defineSpecificParams(self, form): form.addParam('inputVolumes2', params.PointerParam, allowNull=True, condition=(binaryCondition + ' and (not isValue) or ' + dotCondition), label='Input Volumes (2nd)', help = 'This parameter depends of the input volume(s). ' 'If it is set a volume (or a SetOfVolumes) as ' 'input, this must be a *Volume* (or ' '*SetOfVolumes*) object.', pointerClass='Volume, SetOfVolumes') #--------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------
[docs] def convertInputStep(self): """ convert to Xmipp image model""" if not self._isSingleInput(): writeSetOfVolumes(self.inputVolumes.get(), self.inputFn) if self.inputVolumes2.get() is not None: writeSetOfVolumes(self.inputVolumes2.get(), self._getSecondSetFn())
[docs] def operationStep(self, operationStr): dictImgFn = {"inputFn" : self.inputFn} args = self._args % dictImgFn + operationStr if self._isBinaryCond(): if self.isValue: args += ' %f' % self.value.get() else: args += ' %s' % self._getSecondVolumeFn() elif self._isPowCond(): args += ' %f' % self.value.get() elif self._isDotCond(): args += ' %s' % self._getSecondVolumeFn() elif self._isintValueCond(): args += ' %d' % self.intValue.get() args += " -o %s " % self.outputStk if not self._isSingleInput(): args += " --save_metadata_stack %s" \ " --keep_input_columns" % self.outputMd self.runJob(self._program, args)
#--------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------- def _validate(self): errors = [] def _errorDimensions(): if not (self.inputVolumes.get() is None and self.inputVolumes2.get() is None): dim1 = self.inputVolumes.get().getDimensions() dim2 = self.inputVolumes2.get().getDimensions() if dim1 != dim2: errors.append("The number of volumes in two operands are " "not the same. ") def _errorSize(): if (not (self.inputVolumes.get() is None and self.inputVolumes2.get() is None) and not self._isSingleInput()): size1 = self.inputVolumes.get().getSize() size2 = self.inputVolumes2.get().getSize() if size1 != size2: errors.append("Size of both volumes are not the same. ") if self._isBinaryCond(): if not self.isValue: if not self.inputVolumes2.get() is None: _errorSize() _errorDimensions() elif self._isDotCond(): if not self.inputVolumes2.get() is None: _errorDimensions() return errors #--------------------------- UTILS functions ------------------------------ def _getSecondVolumeFn(self): if self._isSingleInput(): return getImageLocation(self.inputVolumes2.get()) else: return self._getSecondSetFn()