# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano (coss@cnb.csic.es)
# J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (jmdelarosa@cnb.csic.es)
# *
# * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (IntParam, EnumParam, FloatParam,
from xmipp3.constants import *
[docs]class XmippGeometricalMask3D:
""" Basic class for protocols using geometrical masks 3D"""
[docs] def defineParams(self, form, isGeometry, addSize):
# For geometrical sources
if addSize:
form.addParam('size', IntParam, condition=isGeometry,
label="Mask size (px)",
help='Select the mask dimensions in voxels. The mask '
'will be size x size x size voxels')
form.addParam('geo', EnumParam, label='Mask type', default=MASK3D_SPHERE,
choices = ['Sphere', 'Box', 'Crown', 'Cylinder',
'Gaussian', 'Raised cosine', 'Raised crown'],
# TODO add wizard
form.addParam('radius', IntParam, default=-1,
condition='(geo==%d or geo==%d) and %s'
label="Radius (px)",
help="Mask radius, if -1, the radius will be MaskSize/2")
form.addParam('shiftCenter', BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Shift center of the mask?', condition="%s" % isGeometry)
line = form.addLine('Shift Center (px) :', condition='shiftCenter and %s' % isGeometry,
help='Shift Mask Center to a new origin.')
line.addParam('centerX', IntParam, default=0, label='X')
line.addParam('centerY', IntParam, default=0, label='Y')
line.addParam('centerZ', IntParam, default=0, label='Z')
form.addParam('boxSize', IntParam, default=-1,
condition='geo==%d and %s' % (MASK3D_BOX,isGeometry),
label="Box size",
help="Mask box size, if -1, the box size will be "
radiusCondition = '(geo==%d or geo==%d or geo==%d) and %s' % (MASK3D_CROWN,
# TODO add wizard
form.addParam('innerRadius', IntParam, default=0,
label="Inner radius (px)", help="Inner radius in pixels")
# TODO add wizard
form.addParam('outerRadius', IntParam, default=-1,
condition=radiusCondition, label="Outer radius (px)",
help="Outer radius in pixels, if -1, the outer radius "
"will be MaskSize/2")
form.addParam('height', IntParam, default=-1,
condition='geo==%d and %s' % (MASK3D_CYLINDER,isGeometry),
label="Height (px)",
help="Cylinder height in pixels. If -1, height will be "
form.addParam('sigma', FloatParam, default=-1, label="Sigma (px)",
condition='geo==%d and %s' % (MASK3D_GAUSSIAN,isGeometry),
help="Gaussian sigma in pixels. If -1, sigma will be "
form.addParam('borderDecay', IntParam, default=0,
label="Border decay (px)",
condition='geo==%d and %s' % (MASK3D_RAISED_CROWN,isGeometry),
help="This is the fall-off of the two borders of the crown")
[docs] def summary(self):
messages = []
geo = self.geo.get()
if geo == MASK3D_SPHERE:
messages.append(" Sphere of radius %d"%self.radius.get())
elif geo == MASK3D_BOX:
messages.append(" Box of size %d"%self.boxSize.get())
elif geo == MASK3D_CROWN:
messages.append(" Crown between %d and %d"
% (self.innerRadius.get(), self.outerRadius.get()))
elif geo == MASK3D_CYLINDER:
messages.append(" Cylinder of radius %f and height %f"
% (self.radius.get(), self.height.get()))
elif geo == MASK3D_GAUSSIAN:
messages.append(" Gaussian of sigma %f"%(self.sigma.get()))
messages.append(" Raised cosine between %f and %f"
% (self.innerRadius.get(), self.outerRadius.get()))
elif geo == MASK3D_RAISED_CROWN:
messages.append(" Raised crown between %f and %f (decay=%f)"
% (self.innerRadius.get(), self.outerRadius.get(),
return messages
[docs] def methods(self):
messages = []
geo = self.geo.get()
if geo == MASK3D_SPHERE:
messages.append("The mask represented a sphere of radius %d. "
% self.radius.get())
elif geo == MASK3D_BOX:
messages.append("The mask represented a box of size %d. "
% self.boxSize.get())
elif geo == MASK3D_CROWN:
messages.append("The mask represented a crown between %d and %d. "
% (self.innerRadius.get(), self.outerRadius.get()))
elif geo == MASK3D_CYLINDER:
messages.append("The mask represented a cylinder of radius %f "
"and height %f. " % (self.radius.get(),
elif geo == MASK3D_GAUSSIAN:
messages.append("The mask represented a Gaussian of sigma %f. "
% (self.sigma.get()))
messages.append("The mask represented a raised cosine between %f "
"and %f. " % (self.innerRadius.get(),
elif geo == MASK3D_RAISED_CROWN:
messages.append("The mask represented a raised crown between %f "
"and %f (decay=%f)" % (self.innerRadius.get(),
return messages
[docs]class XmippGeometricalMask2D:
""" Basic class for protocols using geometrical masks2D """
[docs] def defineParams(self, form, isGeometry, addSize):
# For geometrical sources
if addSize:
form.addParam('size', IntParam, condition=isGeometry,
label="Mask size (px)",
help='Select the mask dimensions in pixels. The mask '
'will be size x size pixels')
form.addParam('geo', EnumParam, label='Mask type',
default=MASK2D_CIRCULAR, condition=isGeometry,
choices = ['Circular', 'Box', 'Crown', 'Gaussian',
'Raised cosine', 'Raised crown'])
# TODO add wizard
form.addParam('radius', IntParam, default=-1, label="Radius (px)",
condition='geo==%d and %s' %(MASK2D_CIRCULAR, isGeometry),
help="Mask radius, if -1, the radius will be MaskSize/2")
form.addParam('boxSize', IntParam, default=-1, label="Box size",
condition='geo==%d and %s' % (MASK2D_BOX, isGeometry),
help="Mask box size, if -1, the box size will be MaskSize/2")
radiusCondition = '(geo==%d or geo==%d or geo==%d) and %s' % (MASK2D_CROWN,
# TODO add wizard
form.addParam('innerRadius', IntParam, default=0,
label="Inner radius (px)", help="Inner radius in pixels")
# TODO add wizard
form.addParam('outerRadius', IntParam, default=-1,
condition=radiusCondition, label="Outer radius (px)",
help='Outer radius in pixels, if -1, '
'the outer radius will be MaskSize/2')
form.addParam('sigma', FloatParam, default=-1, label="Sigma (px)",
condition='geo==%d and %s' % (MASK2D_GAUSSIAN,isGeometry),
help="Gaussian sigma in pixels. If -1, sigma will be MaskSize/6")
form.addParam('borderDecay', IntParam, default=0, label="Border decay (px)",
condition='geo==%d and %s' % (MASK2D_RAISED_CROWN,isGeometry),
help="This is the fall-off of the two borders of the crown")
form.addParam('shiftCenter', BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Shift Center',
help='Shift Mask Center to a new origin.')
form.addParam('centerX', IntParam, default=0, label='X center offset',
condition='shiftCenter', help='New x center coordinate')
form.addParam('centerY', IntParam, default=0, label='Y center offset',
condition='shiftCenter', help='New y center coordinate')
[docs] def summary(self):
messages = []
geo = self.geo.get()
if geo == MASK2D_CIRCULAR:
messages.append(" Circle of radius %d"%self.radius.get())
elif geo == MASK2D_BOX:
messages.append(" Box of size %d"%self.boxSize.get())
elif geo == MASK2D_CROWN:
messages.append(" Crown between %d and %d"
% (self.innerRadius.get(), self.outerRadius.get()))
elif geo == MASK2D_GAUSSIAN:
messages.append(" Gaussian of sigma %f" % (self.sigma.get()))
messages.append(" Raised cosine between %f and %f"
% (self.innerRadius.get(), self.outerRadius.get()))
elif geo == MASK2D_RAISED_CROWN:
messages.append(" Raised crown between %f and %f (decay=%f)"
% (self.innerRadius.get(), self.outerRadius.get(),
return messages
[docs] def methods(self):
messages = []
geo = self.geo.get()
if geo == MASK2D_CIRCULAR:
messages.append("The mask represented a sphere of radius %d. "
% self.radius.get())
elif geo == MASK2D_BOX:
messages.append("The mask represented a box of size %d. "
% self.boxSize.get())
elif geo == MASK2D_CROWN:
messages.append("The mask represented a crown between %d and %d. "
% (self.innerRadius.get(), self.outerRadius.get()))
elif geo == MASK2D_GAUSSIAN:
messages.append("The mask represented a Gaussian of sigma %.2f. "
% (self.sigma.get()))
messages.append("The mask represented a raised cosine between %.2f and %.2f. "
% (self.innerRadius.get(), self.outerRadius.get()))
elif geo == MASK2D_RAISED_CROWN:
messages.append("The mask represented a raised crown between %.2f and %.2f (decay=%.2f)"
% (self.innerRadius.get(), self.outerRadius.get(),
return messages