# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Carlos Oscar Sorzano (coss@cnb.csic.es)
# * Tomas Majtner (tmajtner@cnb.csic.es) -- streaming version
# *
# * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'coss@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
Consensus picking protocol
import os
import enum
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
from pyworkflow.object import Set, String, Pointer
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pwem.protocols import ProtParticlePicking
from pyworkflow.protocol.constants import *
from pwem.objects import SetOfCoordinates, Coordinate
from pyworkflow.utils import getFiles, removeBaseExt, moveFile
[docs]class ProtPickingConsensusOutput(enum.Enum):
""" Possible outputs for particle picking protocols
consensusCoordinates = SetOfCoordinates
[docs]class XmippProtConsensusPicking(ProtParticlePicking):
Protocol to estimate the agreement between different particle picking
algorithms. The protocol takes several Sets of Coordinates calculated
by different programs and/or different parameter settings. Let's say:
we consider N independent pickings. Then, a coordinate is considered
to be a correct particle if M pickers have selected the same particle
(within a radius in pixels specified in the form).
If you want to be very strict, then set M=N; that is, a coordinate
represents a particle if it has been selected by all particles (this
is the default behaviour). Then you may relax this condition by setting
M=N-1, N-2, ...
If you want to be very flexible, set M=1, in this way it suffices that
1 picker has selected the coordinate to be considered as a particle. Note
that in this way, the cleaning of the dataset has to be performed by other
means (screen particles, 2D and 3D classification, ...).
_label = 'picking consensus'
_possibleOutputs = ProtPickingConsensusOutput
outputName = ProtPickingConsensusOutput.consensusCoordinates.name
FN_PREFIX = 'consensusCoords_'
def __init__(self, **args):
ProtParticlePicking.__init__(self, **args)
self.stepsExecutionMode = STEPS_SERIAL
def _defineParams(self, form):
form.addParam('inputCoordinates', params.MultiPointerParam,
label="Input coordinates", important=True,
help='Select the set of coordinates to compare')
form.addParam('consensusRadius', params.IntParam, default=10,
label="Radius", allowsPointers=True, allowsNull=True,
help="All coordinates within this radius (in pixels) "
"are presumed to correspond to the same particle")
form.addParam('consensus', params.IntParam, default=-1,
help="How many times need a particle to be selected to "
"be considered as a consensus particle.\n"
"*Set to -1* to indicate that it needs to be selected "
"by all algorithms: *AND* operation.\n"
"*Set to 1* to indicate that it suffices that only "
"1 algorithm selects the particle: *OR* operation.")
form.addParam('mode', params.EnumParam, label='Consensus mode',
choices=['>=', '='], default=PICK_MODE_LARGER,
help='If the number of votes to progress to the output '
'must be either (=) strictly speaking equals to '
'the consensus number or (>=) at least equals.')
# FIXME: It's not using more than one since
# self.stepsExecutionMode = STEPS_SERIAL
# form.addParallelSection(threads=4, mpi=0)
#--------------------------- INSERT steps functions ---------------------------
def _insertAllSteps(self):
self.checkedMics = set() # those mics ready to be processed (micId)
self.processedMics = set() # those mics already processed (micId)
self.sampligRates = []
coorSteps = self.insertNewCoorsSteps([])
prerequisites=coorSteps, wait=True)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self):
def _getFirstJoinStepName(self):
# This function will be used for streaming, to check which is
# the first function that need to wait for all mics
# to have completed, this can be overriden in subclasses
# (e.g., in Xmipp 'sortPSDStep')
return 'createOutputStep'
def _getFirstJoinStep(self):
for s in self._steps:
if s.funcName == self._getFirstJoinStepName():
return s
return None
def _stepsCheck(self):
def _checkNewInput(self):
# If continue from an stopped run, don't repeat what is done
if not self.checkedMics:
for fn in getFiles(self._getExtraPath()):
fn = removeBaseExt(fn)
if fn.startswith(self.FN_PREFIX):
streamClosed = []
readyMics = None
allMics = set()
for coordSet in self.inputCoordinates:
currentPickMics, isSetClosed = getReadyMics(coordSet.get())
if not readyMics: # first time
readyMics = currentPickMics
else: # available mics are those ready for all pickers
allMics = allMics.union(currentPickMics)
self.streamClosed = all(streamClosed)
if self.streamClosed:
# for non streaming do all and in the last iteration of streaming do the rest
newMicIds = allMics.difference(self.checkedMics)
else: # for streaming processing, only go for the ready mics in all pickers
if readyMics is not None:
newMicIds = readyMics.difference(self.checkedMics)
if newMicIds:
inMics = self.getMainInput().getMicrographs()
newMics = [inMics[micId].clone() for micId in newMicIds]
fDeps = self.insertNewCoorsSteps(newMics)
outputStep = self._getFirstJoinStep()
if outputStep is not None:
def _checkNewOutput(self):
if getattr(self, 'finished', False):
self.finished = self.streamClosed and self.checkedMics == self.processedMics
streamMode = Set.STREAM_CLOSED if self.finished else Set.STREAM_OPEN
newFiles = getFiles(self._getTmpPath())
if newFiles or self.finished: # when finished to close the output set
outSet = self._loadOutputSet(SetOfCoordinates, 'coordinates.sqlite')
for fnTmp in newFiles:
coords = np.loadtxt(fnTmp)
moveFile(fnTmp, self._getExtraPath())
if coords.size == 2: # special case with only one coordinate
coords = [coords]
for coord in coords:
newCoord = Coordinate()
micrographs = self.getMainInput().getMicrographs()
newCoord.setPosition(coord[0], coord[1])
firstTime = not self.hasAttribute(self.outputName)
self._updateOutputSet(self.outputName, outSet, streamMode)
if firstTime:
if self.finished: # Unlock createOutputStep if finished all jobs
outputStep = self._getFirstJoinStep()
if outputStep and outputStep.isWaiting():
[docs] def defineRelations(self, outputSet):
for inCorrds in self.inputCoordinates:
self._defineTransformRelation(inCorrds, outputSet)
def _loadOutputSet(self, SetClass, baseName):
setFile = self._getPath(baseName)
if os.path.exists(setFile):
outputSet = SetClass(filename=setFile)
outputSet = SetClass(filename=setFile)
inMicsPointer = self.getMainInput().getMicrographs(asPointer=True)
return outputSet
[docs] def calculateConsensusStep(self, micId, micName):
print("Consensus calculation for micrograph %d: '%s'"
% (micId, micName))
# Take the sampling rates just once
if not self.sampligRates:
for coordinates in self.inputCoordinates:
micrograph = coordinates.get().getMicrographs()
# Get all coordinates for this micrograph
coords = []
for idx, coordinates in enumerate(self.inputCoordinates):
coordArray = np.asarray([x.getPosition() for x in
coordArray *= float(self.sampligRates[idx]) / float(self.sampligRates[0])
coords.append(np.asarray(coordArray, dtype=int))
consensusWorker(coords, self.consensus.get(), self.consensusRadius.get(),
self._getTmpPath('%s%s.txt' % (self.FN_PREFIX, micId)),
self._getExtraPath('jaccard.txt'), self.mode.get())
def _validate(self):
errors = []
# Only for Scipion 2.0, next versions should have the default
# PointerList validation and this can be removed
if len(self.inputCoordinates) == 0:
errors.append('inputCoordinates cannot be EMPTY.')
# Consider empty pointers:
for pointer in self.inputCoordinates:
obj = pointer.get()
if obj is None:
errors.append('%s is empty.' % obj)
return errors
def _summary(self):
message = []
for i, coordinates in enumerate(self.inputCoordinates):
protocol = self.getMapper().getParent(coordinates.get())
message.append("Method %d %s" % (i + 1, protocol.getClassLabel()))
message.append("Radius = %d" % self.consensusRadius)
message.append("Consensus = %d" % self.consensus)
return message
def _methods(self):
return []
[docs] def getMainInput(self):
return self.inputCoordinates[0].get()
[docs] @classmethod
def getMicId(self, fn):
return int(removeBaseExt(fn).lstrip(self.FN_PREFIX))
[docs]def consensusWorker(coords, consensus, consensusRadius, posFn, jaccFn=None,
""" Worker for calculate the consensus of N picking algorithms of
M_n coordinates each one.
coords: Array of N numpy arrays of M_n coordinates each one.
consensus: Minimum number of votes to get a consensus coordinate
consensusRadius: Tolerance to see two coordinates as the same (in pixels)
posFn: Where to write the consensus coordinates
jaccFN: Where to write the Jaccard index per micrograph
if len(coords) == 1: # self consensus (remove duplicates)
N0 = 0
firstInput = 0
else: # in regular consensus all first coords are directly added to allCoords
N0 = coords[0].shape[0]
firstInput = 1
# initializing arrays
Ninputs = len(coords)
Ncoords = sum([x.shape[0] for x in coords])
allCoords = np.zeros([Ncoords, 2])
votes = np.zeros(Ncoords)
inAllMicrographs = consensus <= 0 or consensus >= Ninputs
# if nothing in the first and it should be in all, nothing to do
if (not all([coords[idx].shape[0] for idx in range(Ninputs)])
and inAllMicrographs):
print("Returning from worker: doing AND consensus and, at least, one "
"picker is empty for this micrograph (%s)." % posFn)
# Add all the first coordinates to 'allCoords' and 'votes' lists
if N0 > 0:
allCoords[0:N0, :] = coords[0]
votes[0:N0] = 1
# Add the rest of coordinates to 'allCoords' and 'votes' lists
Ncurrent = N0
for n in range(firstInput, Ninputs):
for coord in coords[n]:
if Ncurrent > 0:
dist = np.sum((coord - allCoords[0:Ncurrent]) ** 2, axis=1)
imin = np.argmin(dist)
if sqrt(dist[imin]) < consensusRadius:
newCoord = (votes[imin] * allCoords[imin,] + coord) / (
votes[imin] + 1)
allCoords[imin,] = newCoord
votes[imin] += 1
allCoords[Ncurrent, :] = coord
votes[Ncurrent] = 1
Ncurrent += 1
allCoords[Ncurrent, :] = coord
votes[Ncurrent] = 1
Ncurrent += 1
# Select those in the consensus
if consensus <= 0 or consensus > Ninputs:
consensus = Ninputs
elif not isinstance(consensus, int):
consensus = consensus.get()
consensusCoords = allCoords[votes >= consensus, :]
consensusCoords = allCoords[votes == consensus, :]
if jaccFn:
jaccardIdx = float(len(consensusCoords)) / (
float(len(allCoords)) / Ninputs)
# COSS: Possible problem with concurrent writes
with open(jaccFn, "a") as fhJaccard:
fhJaccard.write("%s \t %f\n" % (posFn, jaccardIdx))
except Exception as exc:
print("Some error occurred during Jaccard index calculation or "
"writing it's file. Maybe a concurrence issue:\n%s" % exc)
# Write the consensus file only if there
# are some coordinates (size > 0)
if consensusCoords.size:
np.savetxt(posFn, consensusCoords)
[docs]def getReadyMics(coordSet):
coorSet = SetOfCoordinates(filename=coordSet.getFileName())
coorSet._xmippMd = String()
setClosed = coorSet.isStreamClosed()
currentPickMics = {micAgg["_micId"] for micAgg in
coordSet.aggregate(["MAX"], "_micId", ["_micId"])}
return currentPickMics, setClosed