Source code for xmipp3.protocols.protocol_metaprotocol_create_output

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Amaya Jimenez (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# **************************************************************************

from shutil import copy

from pyworkflow import VERSION_2_0
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import MultiPointerParam, PointerParam
from pwem.protocols import EMProtocol
from pwem.objects import Volume, Class3D

[docs]class XmippMetaProtCreateOutput(EMProtocol): """ Metaprotocol to run together all the protocols to discover discrete heterogeneity in a set of particles """ _label = 'metaprotocol heterogeneity output' _lastUpdateVersion = VERSION_2_0 #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions ------------------------ def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputMetaProt', PointerParam, important=True, label="Input MetaProtocol", pointerClass='XmippMetaProtDiscreteHeterogeneity', help='Select the metaprotocol heterogeneity ' 'to create the final setOfVolumes and setOfClasses3D.') form.addParam('inputSignifProts', MultiPointerParam, important=True, label="Input Significant protocols", pointerClass='XmippProtReconstructHeterogeneous', help='Select several protocols of significant heterogeneity ' 'to create the final setOfVolumes and setOfClasses3D.') #--------------------------- INSERT steps functions ------------------------ def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep') #--------------------------- STEPS functions -------------------------------
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): classListProtocols=[] classListIds=[] classListSizes=[] fnOutFile = self.inputMetaProt.get()._getExtraPath('auxOutputFile.txt') outFile = open(fnOutFile, 'r') nameRead = outFile.readline() while nameRead!='': nameRead = nameRead[:-1] for i, item in enumerate(self.inputSignifProts): if nameRead==self.inputSignifProts[i].get()._objLabel: classListProtocols.append(self.inputSignifProts[i].get()) idRead = outFile.readline() classListIds.append(int(idRead)) sizeRead = outFile.readline() classListSizes.append(int(sizeRead)) break nameRead = outFile.readline() # print(classListProtocols) # print(classListIds) # print(classListSizes) inputVolume = self.inputMetaProt.get().inputVolume myVolList=[] # outputVolumes = self._createSetOfVolumes('Def') # outputVolumes.setDim(inputVolume.get().getDim()) # outputVolumes.setSamplingRate(inputVolume.get().getSamplingRate()) origDim = inputVolume.get().getDim()[0] for i, prot in enumerate(classListProtocols): # print("createOutputStep ", i) classItem = prot.outputClasses[classListIds[i]] volFn = str(classItem._representative._filename) volFnOut = self._getExtraPath('outVol%d.mrc'%(i+1)) volDim = classItem._representative.getDim()[0] if volDim!=origDim: self.runJob("xmipp_image_resize", "-i %s -o %s --fourier %d" % (volFn, volFnOut, origDim), numberOfMpi=self.numberOfMpi.get() * self.numberOfThreads.get()) else: copy(volFn, volFnOut) vol = Volume() vol.setLocation(volFnOut) vol.setSamplingRate(inputVolume.get().getSamplingRate()) myVolList.append(vol) # outputVolumes.append(vol) # self._defineOutputs(** {'outputVolumesDef': outputVolumes}) # self._store(outputVolumes) inputParticles = self.inputMetaProt.get().inputParticles outputDefClasses = self._createSetOfClasses3D(inputParticles.get(), 'Def') for i, prot in enumerate(classListProtocols): classItem = prot.outputClasses[classListIds[i]] signifInputParts = inputParticles.get() partIds = classItem.getIdSet() newClass = Class3D() newClass.copyInfo(signifInputParts) newClass.setAcquisition(signifInputParts.getAcquisition()) newClass.setRepresentative(myVolList[i]) outputDefClasses.append(newClass) enabledClass = outputDefClasses[newClass.getObjId()] enabledClass.enableAppend() for itemId in partIds: enabledClass.append(signifInputParts[itemId]) outputDefClasses.update(enabledClass) self._defineOutputs(**{'outputClasses3DDef': outputDefClasses}) self._store(outputDefClasses)
#--------------------------- INFO functions -------------------------------- def _validate(self): errors = [] return errors def _summary(self): summary = [] return summary