Source code for xmipp3.protocols.protocol_extract_particles_movies

# *****************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Josue Gomez Blanco (
# *              J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (
# *
# *
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# *****************************************************************************

import os

from pwem.objects import SetOfCoordinates

from pyworkflow.protocol.constants import LEVEL_ADVANCED, STEPS_PARALLEL
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam, IntParam, BooleanParam,
                                        Positive, FloatParam, EnumParam)
from pyworkflow.utils.path import cleanPath, makePath

import pwem.emlib.metadata as md
from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
from pwem.protocols import ProtExtractMovieParticles, ProtProcessMovies

from xmipp3.convert import coordinateToRow
from xmipp3.convert import readSetOfMovieParticles, xmippToLocation

[docs]class XmippProtExtractMovieParticles(ProtExtractMovieParticles): """ Extract a set of Particles from each frame of a set of Movies. """ _label = 'extract movie particles' def __init__(self, **kwargs): ProtExtractMovieParticles.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.stepsExecutionMode = STEPS_PARALLEL def _createFilenameTemplates(self): """ Centralize how files are called for iterations and references. """ self.movieFolder = self._getTmpPath('movie_%(movieId)06d/') self.frameRoot = self.movieFolder + 'frame_%(frame)02d' myDict = { 'frameImages': self.frameRoot + '_images', 'frameMic': self.frameRoot + '.mrc', 'frameMdFile': self.frameRoot + '_images.xmd', 'frameCoords': self.frameRoot + '_coordinates.xmd', 'frameStk': self.frameRoot + '_images.stk' } self._updateFilenamesDict(myDict) #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions ------------------------ def _defineParams(self, form): ProtProcessMovies._defineParams(self, form) form.addParam('inputCoordinates', PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfCoordinates', important=True, label='Input coordinates') form.addParam('boxSize', IntParam, default=0, label='Particle box size (px)', validators=[Positive], help='In pixels. The box size is the size of the boxed ' 'particles, actual particles may be smaller than ' 'this.') form.addParam('applyAlignment', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Apply movie alignments to extract?', help='If the input movies contains frames alignment, ' 'you decide whether to use that information ' 'for extracting the particles taking into account ' 'the shifts between frames.') line = form.addLine('Frames range', help='Specify the frames range to extract particles. ' 'The first frame is 1. If you set 0 in the ' 'last frame, it means that you will use until the ' 'last frame of the movie. If you apply the ' 'previous alignment of the movies, you only can use ' 'a frame range equal or less as used to alignment.') line.addParam('frame0', IntParam, label='First') line.addParam('frameN', IntParam, label='Last') # TODO: implement this and extraction from movies, not frames #form.addParam('avgFrames', IntParam, default=1, # label='Average every so many frames', validators=[Positive], # help='Average over this number of individual movie frames. ' # 'For Relion movie refinement it is recommended to ' # 'adjust this value to have a dose of at least ' # 'approximately 1 e/A^2 in the averaged frames, ' # 'so use a value higher than 1 if you have a ' # 'dose of less than 0.5-1 e/A^2 in each ' # 'individual movie frame.') form.addParam('doBorders', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Fill pixels outside borders', help='Xmipp by default create blank particles whose boxes fall ' 'outside of the micrograph borders. Set this ' 'option to True if you want those pixels outside ' 'the borders to be filled with the closest pixel ' 'value available') form.addSection(label='Preprocess') form.addParam('doRemoveDust', BooleanParam, default=True, important=True, label='Dust removal (Recommended)', help='Sets pixels with unusually large values to random ' 'values from a Gaussian with zero-mean and ' 'unity-standard deviation.') form.addParam('thresholdDust', FloatParam, default=3.5, condition='doRemoveDust', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Threshold for dust removal', help='Pixels with a signal higher or lower than this ' 'value times the standard deviation of the image ' 'will be affected. For cryo, 3.5 is a good value. ' 'For high-contrast negative stain, the signal ' 'itself may be affected so that a higher value may ' 'be preferable.') form.addParam('doInvert', BooleanParam, default=None, label='Invert contrast', help='Invert the contrast if your particles are black ' 'over a white background.') form.addParam('doNormalize', BooleanParam, default=True, label='Normalize (Recommended)', help='It subtract a ramp in the gray values and ' 'normalizes so that in the background there is 0 ' 'mean and standard deviation 1.') form.addParam('normType', EnumParam, choices=['OldXmipp', 'NewXmipp', 'Ramp'], default=2, condition='doNormalize', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO, label='Normalization type', help='OldXmipp (mean(Image)=0, stddev(Image)=1). \n' 'NewXmipp (mean(background)=0, ' 'stddev(background)=1)\n' 'Ramp (subtract background+NewXmipp).') form.addParam('backRadius', IntParam, default=-1, condition='doNormalize', label='Background radius (px)', help='Pixels outside this circle are assumed to be ' 'noise and their stddev is set to 1. Radius for ' 'background circle definition (in pix.). If this ' 'value is 0, then half the box size is used.', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED) form.addParallelSection(threads=3, mpi=1) # ------------------------- INSERT steps functions ------------------------ def _insertAllSteps(self): self._createFilenameTemplates() # Build the list of all processMovieStep ids by # inserting each of the steps for each movie self.insertedDict = {} makePath(self._getExtraPath('DONE')) # Conversion step is part of processMovieStep. movieSteps = self._insertNewMoviesSteps(self.insertedDict, self.inputMovies.get()) # Do not use the extract particles finalStep method: wait = true. # finalSteps = self._insertFinalSteps(movieSteps) self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep', prerequisites=movieSteps, wait=False) def _insertMovieStep(self, movie): # Redefine this function to add the shifts and factor to the # processMovieStep function and run properly in parallel with threads # retrieve shifts here so there is no conflict # if the object is accessed inside at the same time by multiple threads movieDict = movie.getObjDict(includeBasic=True) movieStepId = self._insertFunctionStep('processMovieStep', movieDict, movie.hasAlignment(), prerequisites=[]) return movieStepId # -------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------- def _processMovie(self, movie): movId = movie.getObjId() x, y, n = movie.getDim() iniFrame, lastFrame, _ = movie.getFramesRange() frame0, frameN = self._getRange(movie) boxSize = self.boxSize.get() if movie.hasAlignment() and self.applyAlignment: shiftX, shiftY = movie.getAlignment().getShifts() # lists. else: shiftX = [0] * (lastFrame-iniFrame+1) shiftY = shiftX stkIndex = 0 movieStk = self._getMovieName(movie, '.stk') movieMdFile = self._getMovieName(movie, '.xmd') movieMd = md.MetaData() frameMd = md.MetaData() frameMdImages = md.MetaData() frameRow = md.Row() if self._hasCoordinates(movie): imgh = ImageHandler() for frame in range(frame0, frameN+1): indx = frame-iniFrame frameName = self._getFnRelated('frameMic',movId, frame) frameMdFile = self._getFnRelated('frameMdFile',movId, frame) coordinatesName = self._getFnRelated('frameCoords',movId, frame) frameImages = self._getFnRelated('frameImages',movId, frame) frameStk = self._getFnRelated('frameStk', movId, frame) self._writeXmippPosFile(movie, coordinatesName, shiftX[indx], shiftY[indx])"Writing frame: %s" % frameName) # TODO: there is no need to write the frame and then operate # the input of the first operation should be the movie movieName = imgh.fixXmippVolumeFileName(movie) imgh.convert((frame, movieName), frameName) if self.doRemoveDust:"Removing Dust") self._runNoDust(frameName)"Extracting particles") args = '-i %(frameName)s --pos %(coordinatesName)s ' \ '-o %(frameImages)s --Xdim %(boxSize)d' % locals() if self.doInvert: args += " --invert" if self.doBorders: args += " --fillBorders" args += " --downsampling %f " % self.getBoxScale() self.runJob('xmipp_micrograph_scissor', args) cleanPath(frameName)"Combining particles into one stack.")'particles@%s' % coordinatesName) frameMd.merge(frameMdImages) for objId in frameMd: stkIndex += 1 frameRow.readFromMd(frameMd, objId) location = xmippToLocation(frameRow.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE)) newLocation = (stkIndex, movieStk) imgh.convert(location, newLocation) # Fix the name to be accessible from the Project directory # so we know that the movie stack file will be moved # to final particles folder newImageName = '%d@%s' % newLocation frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, newImageName) frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID, int(movId)) frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH, str(movId)) frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_FRAME_ID, int(frame)) frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_PARTICLE_ID, frameRow.getValue(md.MDL_ITEM_ID)) frameRow.writeToMd(movieMd, movieMd.addObject()) movieMd.addItemId() movieMd.write(movieMdFile) cleanPath(frameStk) if self.doNormalize: numberOfFrames = frameN - frame0 + 1 self._runNormalize(movieStk, numberOfFrames) def _runNoDust(self, frameName): args = (" -i %s -o %s --bad_pixels outliers %f" % (frameName, frameName, self.thresholdDust.get())) self.runJob("xmipp_transform_filter", args) def _runNormalize(self, stack, frames): import math program = "xmipp_transform_normalize" args = "-i %(stack)s " normType = self.normType.get() bgRadius = self.backRadius.get() size, _, _ , _ = ImageHandler().getDimensions(stack) if bgRadius <= 0: bgRadius = int(size/2) if normType == "OldXmipp": args += "--method OldXmipp" elif normType == "NewXmipp": args += "--method NewXmipp --background circle %(bgRadius)d" else: args += "--method Ramp --background circle %(bgRadius)d" self.runJob(program, args % locals()) # The background's stddev of the movie # particles must be equal to sqrt(NoOfFrames) # for the background's stddev of the # average particle be equal to 1. val = math.sqrt(frames) opArgs = "-i %s --mult %f" % (stack, val) self.runJob("xmipp_image_operate", opArgs)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): inputMovies = self.inputMovies.get() particleSet = self._createSetOfMovieParticles() particleSet.copyInfo(inputMovies) # Create a folder to store the resulting micrographs # particleFolder = self._getPath('particles') # makePath(particleFolder) mData = md.MetaData() mdAll = md.MetaData() self._micNameDict = {} for movie in inputMovies: self._micNameDict[movie.getObjId()] = movie.getMicName() movieName = self._getMovieName(movie) movieStk = movieName.replace('.mrc', '.stk') movieMdFile = movieName.replace('.mrc', '.xmd') # Store particle stack and metadata files in final particles folder if os.path.exists(movieStk): mdAll.unionAll(mData) particleMd = self._getPath('movie_particles.xmd') mdAll.addItemId() mdAll.write(particleMd) readSetOfMovieParticles(particleMd, particleSet, removeDisabled=False, postprocessImageRow=self._postprocessImageRow) self._defineOutputs(outputParticles=particleSet) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputMovies, particleSet)
# --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------ def _validate(self): errors = [] if self.doNormalize and self.backRadius > self.boxSize.get() / 2: errors.append("Background radius for normalization should " "be equal or less than the box size.") inputSet = self.inputMovies.get() # Although getFirstItem is not recommended in general, here it is # used only once, for validation purposes, so performance # problems should not appear. movie = inputSet.getFirstItem() if (not movie.hasAlignment()) and self.applyAlignment: errors.append("Your movies has not alignment. Please, set *No* " "the parameter _Apply movie alignments to extract?_") firstFrame, lastFrame, _ = inputSet.getFramesRange() if lastFrame == 0: # Although getFirstItem is not recommended in general, here it is # used only once, for validation purposes, so performance # problems should not appear. frames = inputSet.getFirstItem().getNumberOfFrames() lastFrame = frames else: frames = lastFrame - firstFrame + 1 if frames is not None: # Avoid validation when the range is not defined if not (hasattr(self, 'frame0') or hasattr(self, 'frameN')): return f0, fN = self._getRange(movie) if fN < firstFrame or fN > lastFrame: errors.append("Check the selected last frame. " "Last frame (%d) should be in range: %s " % (fN, (firstFrame, lastFrame))) if f0 < firstFrame or f0 > lastFrame: errors.append("Check the selected first frame. " "First frame (%d) should be in range: %s " % (f0, (firstFrame, lastFrame))) if fN < f0: errors.append("Check the selected frames range. Last frame " "(%d) should be greater than first frame (%d)" % (fN, f0)) return errors def _methods(self): methods = [] return methods def _summary(self): summary = [] return summary # -------------------------- UTILS functions ------------------------------ def _getFnRelated(self, keyFile, movId, frameIndex): return self._getFileName(keyFile, movieId=movId, frame=frameIndex) def _writeXmippPosFile(self, movie, coordinatesName, shiftX, shiftY): """ Create Xmipp coordinate files to be extracted from the frames of the movie. """ coordSet = self.getCoords() mData = md.MetaData() coordRow = md.Row() for coord in coordSet.iterCoordinates(movie.getObjId()): coord.shiftX(int(round(float(shiftX)))) coord.shiftY(int(round(float(shiftY)))) coordinateToRow(coord, coordRow) coordRow.writeToMd(mData, mData.addObject())"Writing coordinates metadata: %s, with shifts: %s %s" % (coordinatesName, shiftX, shiftY)) mData.write('particles@' + coordinatesName) def _filterMovie(self, movie): """ Check if process or not this movie. If there are coordinates or not to this movie, is checked in _processMovie step. """ movieId = movie.getObjId() coordinates = self.getCoords() micSet = coordinates.getMicrographs() micrograph = micSet[movieId] if micrograph is not None: return True else: self.warning("Micrograph with id %d was not found in " "SetOfCoordinates!!!" % movieId) return False def _postprocessImageRow(self, img, imgRow): img.setFrameId(imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_FRAME_ID)) img.setParticleId(imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_PARTICLE_ID)) micName = self._micNameDict[imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID)] img.getCoordinate().setMicName(micName) def _useAlignToSum(self): return self.getAttributeValue('useAlignToSum', False) def _getRange(self, movie): n = self._getNumberOfFrames(movie) iniFrame, _, indxFrame = movie.getFramesRange() first = self.getAttributeValue('frame0') last = self.getAttributeValue('frameN') if first <= 1: first = 1 if last <= 0: last = n if iniFrame != indxFrame: first -= (iniFrame - 1) last -= (iniFrame - 1) return first, last def _getNumberOfFrames(self, movie): _, lstFrame, _ = movie.getFramesRange() if movie.hasAlignment(): _, lastFrmAligned = movie.getAlignment().getRange() if lastFrmAligned != lstFrame: return lastFrmAligned else: return movie.getNumberOfFrames() else: return movie.getNumberOfFrames()
[docs] def getBoxScale(self): """ Computing the sampling factor between input and output. We should take into account the differences in sampling rate between micrographs used for picking and the ones used for extraction. The downsampling factor could also affect the resulting scale. """ samplingPicking = self.getCoordSampling() samplingExtract = self.inputMovies.get().getSamplingRate() return samplingPicking / samplingExtract
[docs] def getCoordSampling(self): return self.getCoords().getMicrographs().getSamplingRate()
[docs] def getCoords(self): # to support multiple access to db coordSet = self.inputCoordinates.get() coordSet.loadAllProperties() coordSet.close() return coordSet
def _stepsCheck(self): # Streaming is not implemented yet for this protocol. pass def _hasCoordinates(self, movie): coordSet = self.getCoords() len = 0 for coord in coordSet.iterCoordinates(movie.getObjId()): len += 1 break if len > 0: return True else: return False