Source code for xmipp3.protocols.protocol_deep_align

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Amaya Jimenez
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

from pyworkflow import VERSION_3_0
from pyworkflow.protocol import STEPS_PARALLEL
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam, StringParam, FloatParam,
                                        IntParam, BooleanParam, GPU_LIST)
from pyworkflow.protocol.constants import LEVEL_ADVANCED
from pyworkflow.utils.path import moveFile, cleanPattern
from pwem.protocols import ProtRefine3D
from xmipp3.base import writeInfoField, readInfoField
from pwem.emlib.metadata import iterRows, getFirstRow
import pwem.emlib.metadata as md
from xmipp3.convert import createItemMatrix, setXmippAttributes, readSetOfParticles
from pwem import ALIGN_PROJ
from pwem import emlib
from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import math
from shutil import copy
from os import remove
from os.path import exists, join
import xmipp3

[docs]class XmippProtDeepAlign(ProtRefine3D, xmipp3.XmippProtocol): """Performs an angular assignment using deep learning""" _label = 'deep align' _lastUpdateVersion = VERSION_3_0 _conda_env = 'xmipp_DLTK_v0.3' _ih = ImageHandler() _cond_modelPretrainTrue = 'modelPretrain==True' _cond_modelPretrainFalse = 'modelPretrain==False' _fnCorrectedParticlesStk = 'corrected_particles.stk' _fnCorrectedParticlesXmd = 'corrected_particles.xmd' _fnVolumeVol = 'volume.vol' _fnConeCenterDoc = 'coneCenters.doc' _tempNumXmd = '%d.xmd' def __init__(self, **args): ProtRefine3D.__init__(self, **args) self.stepsExecutionMode = STEPS_PARALLEL # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addHidden(GPU_LIST, StringParam, default='0', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Choose GPU IDs", help="GPU may have several cores. Set it to zero" " if you do not know what we are talking about." " First core index is 0, second 1 and so on.") form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputSet', PointerParam, label="Input images", pointerClass='SetOfParticles') form.addParam('inputVolume', PointerParam, label="Volume", pointerClass='Volume') form.addParam('modelPretrain', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Choose your if you want to use pretrained models', help='Setting "yes" you can choose previously trained models. ' 'If you choose "no" new models will be trained.') form.addParam('pretrainedModels', PointerParam, pointerClass=self.getClassName(), condition=self._cond_modelPretrainTrue, label='Set pretrained models', help='Choose the protocol where your models were trained. ' 'Be careful with using proper models for your new prediction.') form.addParam('inputTrainSet', PointerParam, label="Input training set", pointerClass='SetOfParticles', pointerCondition='hasAlignmentProj', help='The set of particles previously aligned to be used as training set', condition=self._cond_modelPretrainFalse) form.addParam('targetResolution', FloatParam, label="Target resolution", default=3.0, help="In Angstroms, the images and the volume are rescaled so that this resolution is at " "2/3 of the Fourier spectrum.") form.addParam('symmetryGroup', StringParam, default="c1", label='Symmetry group', help='If no symmetry is present, give c1') form.addParam('numEpochs', IntParam, label="Number of epochs for training", default=10, help="Number of epochs for training.", condition=self._cond_modelPretrainFalse) form.addParam('batchSize', IntParam, label="Batch size for training", default=128, help="Batch size for training.", condition=self._cond_modelPretrainFalse) form.addParam('spanConesTilt', FloatParam, label="Distance between region centers", default=30, help="Distance in degrees between region centers.", condition=self._cond_modelPretrainFalse) form.addParam('numConesSelected', IntParam, label="Number of selected regions per image", default=2, help="Number of selected regions per image.") form.addParam('applyCTF', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Correct CTF', help='Setting "yes" a wiener filter will be applied to correct the ctf in the input particles. ') form.addParam('gpuAlign', BooleanParam, label="Use GPU alignment", default=True, help='Use GPU alignment algorithm to determine the final 3D alignment parameters') form.addParam('myMPI', IntParam, label="Xmipp MPIs", default=8, help='Number of MPI to run the Xmipp programs to prepare the input images sets.') form.addParallelSection(threads=8, mpi=1) # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): deps = [] deps2 = [] self.lastIter = 0 self.imgsFn = self._getExtraPath('input_imgs.xmd') self.trainImgsFn = self._getExtraPath('train_input_imgs.xmd') firstStepId = self._insertFunctionStep("convertStep") firstStepId = self._insertFunctionStep("computeTrainingSet", 'projections', prerequisites=[firstStepId]) # Trainig steps firstStepId = self._insertFunctionStep("prepareImagesForTraining", prerequisites=[firstStepId]) if self.useQueueForSteps() or self.useQueue(): myStr = os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] else: myStr = self.gpuList.get() os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = self.gpuList.get() numGPU = myStr.split(',') for idx, gpuId in enumerate(numGPU): stepId = self._insertFunctionStep("trainNClassifiers2ClassesStep", idx, gpuId, len(numGPU), prerequisites=[firstStepId]) deps.append(stepId) # Predict step predictStepId = self._insertFunctionStep("predictStep", numGPU[0], prerequisites=deps) # Correlation step if self.gpuAlign: for idx, gpuId in enumerate(numGPU): stepId = self._insertFunctionStep("correlationCudaStep", idx, str(idx), len(numGPU), prerequisites=[predictStepId]) deps2.append(stepId) else: stepId = self._insertFunctionStep("correlationSignificantStep", prerequisites=[predictStepId]) deps2.append(stepId) stepId = self._insertFunctionStep("createOutputMetadataStep", prerequisites=deps2) self._insertFunctionStep("createOutputStep", prerequisites=[stepId]) # --------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------------------------------- def _getProjectionsExp(self, num): return self._getExtraPath('projectionsExp%d.xmd' % num) def _getConePrediction(self): return self._getExtraPath('conePrediction.txt') def _getOutCone(self, num): return 'outCone%d.xmd' % num def _resize(self, Xdim, fnCorrected, prefix, fnTarget): if self.newXdim != Xdim: self.runJob("xmipp_image_resize", "-i %s -o %s --save_metadata_stack %s --fourier %d" % (fnCorrected, self._getExtraPath(prefix + '.stk'), self._getExtraPath(prefix + '.xmd'), self.newXdim), numberOfMpi=self.myMPI.get()) moveFile(self._getExtraPath(prefix + '.xmd'), fnTarget) def _correctWiener(self, hasCTF, fn, Ts): if hasCTF and self.applyCTF.get(): fnCorrectedStk = self._getExtraPath(self._fnCorrectedParticlesStk) fnCorrected = self._getExtraPath(self._fnCorrectedParticlesXmd) args = "-i %s -o %s --save_metadata_stack %s --keep_input_columns" % ( fn, fnCorrectedStk, fnCorrected) args += " --sampling_rate %f --correct_envelope" % Ts if self.inputSet.get().isPhaseFlipped(): args += " --phase_flipped" self.runJob("xmipp_ctf_correct_wiener2d", args, numberOfMpi=self.myMPI.get()) def _removeCorrectedParticles(self): if exists(self._getExtraPath(self._fnCorrectedParticlesStk)): remove(self._getExtraPath(self._fnCorrectedParticlesStk)) remove(self._getExtraPath(self._fnCorrectedParticlesXmd))
[docs] def convertStep(self): if self.modelPretrain.get() is True: fnPreProtocol = self.pretrainedModels.get()._getExtraPath() preXDim = readInfoField(fnPreProtocol, "size", emlib.MDL_XSIZE) self.inputTrainSet = self.pretrainedModels.get().inputTrainSet from ..convert import writeSetOfParticles inputParticles = self.inputSet.get() writeSetOfParticles(inputParticles, self.imgsFn) Ts = inputParticles.getSamplingRate() row = getFirstRow(self.imgsFn) hasCTF = row.containsLabel(emlib.MDL_CTF_DEFOCUSU) or emlib.containsLabel( emlib.MDL_CTF_MODEL) fnCorrected = self.imgsFn self._correctWiener(hasCTF, self.imgsFn, Ts) Xdim = inputParticles.getXDim() newTs = self.targetResolution.get() * 1.0 / 3.0 newTs = max(Ts, newTs) self.newXdim = int(preXDim) if self.modelPretrain.get() else int( float(Xdim * Ts / newTs)) self.firstMaxShift = int(round(self.newXdim / 10)) writeInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "sampling", emlib.MDL_SAMPLINGRATE, newTs) writeInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "size", emlib.MDL_XSIZE, self.newXdim) self._resize(Xdim, fnCorrected, 'scaled_particles', self.imgsFn) self._removeCorrectedParticles() fnVol = self._getTmpPath(self._fnVolumeVol) self._ih.convert(self.inputVolume.get(), fnVol) Xdim = self.inputVolume.get().getDim()[0] if Xdim != self.newXdim: self.runJob("xmipp_image_resize", "-i %s --fourier %d" % (fnVol, self.newXdim), numberOfMpi=self.myMPI.get()) inputTrain = self.inputTrainSet.get() writeSetOfParticles(inputTrain, self.trainImgsFn) row = getFirstRow(self.trainImgsFn) hasCTF = row.containsLabel(emlib.MDL_CTF_DEFOCUSU) or emlib.containsLabel( emlib.MDL_CTF_MODEL) fnCorrected = self.trainImgsFn self._correctWiener(hasCTF, self.trainImgsFn, Ts) self._resize(Xdim, fnCorrected, 'scaled_train_particles', self.trainImgsFn) self._removeCorrectedParticles()
[docs] def generateConeCenters(self, fn): fnVol = self._getTmpPath(self._fnVolumeVol) fnCenters = self._getExtraPath(fn + ".stk") fnCentersMd = self._getExtraPath(fn + ".doc") # if self.spanConesTilt.get()>30: # sampling_rate = 30 # else: # sampling_rate = self.spanConesTilt.get() self.runJob("xmipp_angular_project_library", "-i %s -o %s --sym c1 --sampling_rate %d" % (fnVol, fnCenters, self.spanConesTilt.get()), numberOfMpi=self.myMPI.get()) mdExp = emlib.MetaData(fnCentersMd) return mdExp.size()
[docs] def angularDistance(self, rot, tilt, mdCones): # Angular distance between particle and region center dist = [] for row in iterRows(mdCones): rotCenterCone = row.getValue(emlib.MDL_ANGLE_ROT) tiltCenterCone = row.getValue(emlib.MDL_ANGLE_TILT) if rotCenterCone < 0: rotCenterCone = rotCenterCone + 360 if tiltCenterCone < 0: tiltCenterCone = tiltCenterCone + 360 srot = math.sin(math.radians(rot)) crot = math.cos(math.radians(rot)) stilt = math.sin(math.radians(tilt)) ctilt = math.cos(math.radians(tilt)) srotCone = math.sin(math.radians(rotCenterCone)) crotCone = math.cos(math.radians(rotCenterCone)) stiltCone = math.sin(math.radians(tiltCenterCone)) ctiltCone = math.cos(math.radians(tiltCenterCone)) aux = (stilt * crot * stiltCone * crotCone) + ( stilt * srot * stiltCone * srotCone) + ( ctilt * ctiltCone) auxA = aux if aux < -1: auxA = -1 elif aux > 1: auxA = 1 auxAcos = math.degrees(math.acos(auxA)) dist.append(auxAcos) minDist = min(dist) finalCone = dist.index(minDist) + 1 return finalCone
[docs] def computeTrainingSet(self, nameTrain): totalCones = self.generateConeCenters('coneCenters') self.numCones = totalCones fnCentersMd = self._getExtraPath(self._fnConeCenterDoc) mdCones = emlib.MetaData(fnCentersMd) auxList = [] mdTrain = emlib.MetaData(self.trainImgsFn) mdList = [] for i in range(totalCones): mdList.append(emlib.MetaData()) for row in iterRows(mdTrain): rot = row.getValue(emlib.MDL_ANGLE_ROT) tilt = row.getValue(emlib.MDL_ANGLE_TILT) flip = row.getValue(emlib.MDL_FLIP) if flip: tilt = tilt + 180 if rot < 0: rot = rot + 360 if tilt < 0: tilt = tilt + 360 numCone = self.angularDistance(rot, tilt, mdCones) mdCone = mdList[numCone - 1] auxList.append(numCone - 1) row.addToMd(mdCone) for i in range(totalCones): fnTrain = self._getExtraPath(nameTrain + self._tempNumXmd % (i + 1)) mdList[i].write(fnTrain)
[docs] def prepareImagesForTraining(self): fnCentersMd = self._getExtraPath(self._fnConeCenterDoc) mdCones = emlib.MetaData(fnCentersMd) span = self.spanConesTilt.get() counterCones = 0 for row in iterRows(mdCones): rotCenter = row.getValue(emlib.MDL_ANGLE_ROT) tiltCenter = row.getValue(emlib.MDL_ANGLE_TILT) if rotCenter < 0: rotCenter = rotCenter + 360 if tiltCenter < 0: tiltCenter = tiltCenter + 360 iniRot = rotCenter - span endRot = rotCenter + span iniTilt = tiltCenter - span endTilt = tiltCenter + span if iniRot < 0: iniRot = iniRot + 360 if iniTilt < 0: iniTilt = iniTilt + 360 if endRot < 0: endRot = endRot + 360 if endTilt < 0: endTilt = endTilt + 360 mdProj = emlib.MetaData(self._getExtraPath('projections%d.xmd' % (counterCones + 1))) sizeProj = mdProj.size() if sizeProj > 0: lastLabel = counterCones + 1 self.projectStep(300, iniRot, endRot, iniTilt, endTilt, 'projectionsCudaCorr', counterCones + 1) if self.modelPretrain.get() is False: self.generateExpImagesStep(10000, 'projections', 'projectionsExp', counterCones + 1) else: remove(self._getExtraPath('projections%d.xmd' % (counterCones + 1))) counterCones = counterCones + 1 if self.modelPretrain.get() is False: fnToFilter = self._getProjectionsExp(lastLabel) self.runJob("xmipp_transform_filter", " -i %s --fourier low_pass %f" % (fnToFilter, 0.15), numberOfMpi=self.myMPI.get())
[docs] def projectStep(self, numProj, iniRot, endRot, iniTilt, endTilt, fn, idx): newXdim = readInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "size", emlib.MDL_XSIZE) fnVol = self._getTmpPath(self._fnVolumeVol) uniformProjectionsStr = """ # XMIPP_STAR_1 * data_block1 _dimensions2D '%d %d' _projRotRange '%d %d %d' _projRotRandomness random _projRotNoise '0' _projTiltRange '%d %d 1' _projTiltRandomness random _projTiltNoise '0' _projPsiRange '0 0 1' _projPsiRandomness random _projPsiNoise '0' _noisePixelLevel '0' _noiseCoord '0' """ % (newXdim, newXdim, iniRot, endRot, numProj, iniTilt, endTilt) fnParams = self._getExtraPath("uniformProjections%d.xmd" % idx) fh = open(fnParams, "w") fh.write(uniformProjectionsStr) fh.close() fnProjs = self._getExtraPath(fn + "%d.stk" % idx) self.runJob("xmipp_phantom_project", "-i %s -o %s --method fourier 1 0.5 " "--params %s" % (fnVol, fnProjs, fnParams), numberOfMpi=1) fnProjsXmd=fnProjs[:-3]+'xmd' self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities", "-i %s --fill ref lineal 1 1 " % (fnProjsXmd), numberOfMpi=1) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath('uniformProjections*'))
[docs] def generateExpImagesStep(self, Nimgs, nameProj, nameExp, label): fnProj = self._getExtraPath(nameProj + self._tempNumXmd % label) fnExp = self._getExtraPath(nameExp + self._tempNumXmd % label) fnLabels = self._getExtraPath('labels.txt') mdIn = emlib.MetaData(fnProj) mdExp = emlib.MetaData() NimgsMd = mdIn.size() Nrepeats = int(Nimgs / NimgsMd) # if Nrepeats<10: # Nrepeats=10 print("Nrepeats", Nrepeats) if (label == 1 and exists(fnLabels)): remove(fnLabels) fileLabels = open(fnLabels, "a") self._processRows(label, fnExp, mdIn, mdExp, Nrepeats, fileLabels) mdExp.write(fnExp) fileLabels.close() if (label - 1) > 0: labelPrev = -1 for n in range(1, label): if exists(self._getExtraPath(nameExp + self._tempNumXmd % (label - n))): labelPrev = label - n break if labelPrev != -1: lastFnExp = self._getExtraPath( nameExp + self._tempNumXmd % (labelPrev)) self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities", " -i %s --set union %s -o %s " % (lastFnExp, fnExp, fnExp), numberOfMpi=1) remove(fnProj)
def _processRows(self, label, fnExp, mdIn, mdExp, Nrepeats, fileLabels): newXdim = readInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "size", emlib.MDL_XSIZE) maxPsi = 180 maxShift = round(newXdim / 10) for row in iterRows(mdIn): fnImg = row.getValue(emlib.MDL_IMAGE) myRow = row I = emlib.Image(fnImg) Xdim, Ydim, _, _ = I.getDimensions() Xdim2 = Xdim / 2 Ydim2 = Ydim / 2 if Nrepeats == 0: myRow.addToMd(mdExp) idx += 1 fileLabels.write(str(label - 1) + '\n') else: for i in range(Nrepeats): psiDeg = np.random.uniform(-maxPsi, maxPsi) psi = psiDeg * math.pi / 180.0 deltaX = np.random.uniform(-maxShift, maxShift) deltaY = np.random.uniform(-maxShift, maxShift) c = math.cos(psi) s = math.sin(psi) M = np.float32([[c, s, (1 - c) * Xdim2 - s * Ydim2 + deltaX], [-s, c, s * Xdim2 + (1 - c) * Ydim2 + deltaY]]) newFn = ('%06d@' % idx) + fnExp[:-3] + 'stk' self._ih.applyTransform( fnImg, newFn, M, (Ydim, Xdim), doWrap=True) myRow.setValue(emlib.MDL_IMAGE, newFn) myRow.setValue(emlib.MDL_ANGLE_PSI, psiDeg) myRow.setValue(emlib.MDL_SHIFT_X, deltaX) myRow.setValue(emlib.MDL_SHIFT_Y, deltaY) myRow.addToMd(mdExp) idx += 1 fileLabels.write(str(label - 1) + '\n')
[docs] def trainNClassifiers2ClassesStep(self, thIdx, gpuId, totalGpu): mdNumCones = emlib.MetaData(self._getExtraPath(self._fnConeCenterDoc)) self.numCones = mdNumCones.size() for i in range(self.numCones): idx = i + 1 if (idx % totalGpu) != thIdx: continue modelFn = 'modelCone%d' % idx if self.modelPretrain.get() is True: if exists(self.pretrainedModels.get()._getExtraPath(modelFn + '.h5')): copy(self.pretrainedModels.get()._getExtraPath(modelFn + '.h5'), self._getExtraPath(modelFn + '.h5')) expCheck = self._getProjectionsExp(idx) if exists(expCheck) and not exists(self._getExtraPath(modelFn + '.h5')): self._coneStep(gpuId, idx, modelFn)
def _coneStep(self, gpuId, idx, modelFn): fnLabels = self._getExtraPath('labels.txt') fileLabels = open(fnLabels, "r") expSet = self._getProjectionsExp(self.numCones) if not exists(expSet): for n in range(1, self.numCones): if exists(self._getProjectionsExp(self.numCones - n)): expSet = self._getProjectionsExp(self.numCones - n) break newFnLabels = self._getExtraPath('labels%d.txt' % idx) newFileLabels = open(newFnLabels, "w") lines = fileLabels.readlines() for line in lines: if line == str(idx - 1) + '\n': newFileLabels.write('1\n') else: newFileLabels.write('0\n') newFileLabels.close() fileLabels.close() newXdim = readInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "size", emlib.MDL_XSIZE) fnLabels = self._getExtraPath('labels%d.txt' % idx) print("Training region ", idx, " in GPU ", gpuId) sys.stdout.flush() try: args = "%s %s %s %s %d %d %d %d " % ( expSet, fnLabels, self._getExtraPath(), modelFn+'_aux', self.numEpochs, newXdim, 2, self.batchSize.get()) #args += " %(GPU)s" args += " %s " % (gpuId) #args += " %s " %(int(idx % totalGpu)) self.runJob("xmipp_cone_deepalign", args, numberOfMpi=1, env=self.getCondaEnv()) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "ERROR: Please, if you are suffering memory problems, " "check the target resolution to work with lower dimensions.") moveFile(self._getExtraPath(modelFn + '_aux.h5'), self._getExtraPath(modelFn + '.h5'))
[docs] def predictStep(self, gpuId): if not exists(self._getConePrediction()): # if self.useQueueForSteps() or self.useQueue(): # myStr = os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] # else: # myStr = self.gpuList.get() # numGPU = myStr.split(',') # numGPU = numGPU[0] # print("Predict", myStr, numGPU) # sys.stdout.flush() mdNumCones = emlib.MetaData(self._getExtraPath(self._fnConeCenterDoc)) self.numCones = mdNumCones.size() imgsOutStk = self._getExtraPath('images_out_filtered.stk') imgsOutXmd = self._getExtraPath('images_out_filtered.xmd') self.runJob("xmipp_transform_filter", " -i %s -o %s " "--save_metadata_stack %s " "--keep_input_columns " "--fourier low_pass %f " % (self.imgsFn, imgsOutStk, imgsOutXmd, 0.15), numberOfMpi=self.myMPI.get()) numMax = int(self.numConesSelected) newXdim = readInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "size", emlib.MDL_XSIZE) args = "%s %s %d %d %d " % (imgsOutXmd, self._getExtraPath(), newXdim, self.numCones, numMax) #args += " %(GPU)s" args += " %s "%(gpuId) self.runJob("xmipp_cone_deepalign_predict", args, numberOfMpi=1, env=self.getCondaEnv())
[docs] def correlationCudaStep(self, thIdx, gpuId, totalGpu): mdNumCones = emlib.MetaData(self._getExtraPath(self._fnConeCenterDoc)) self.numCones = mdNumCones.size() # Cuda Correlation step - creating the metadata predCones = np.loadtxt(self._getConePrediction()) mdConeList = [] numMax = int(self.numConesSelected) for i in range(self.numCones): mdConeList.append(emlib.MetaData()) mdIn = emlib.MetaData(self.imgsFn) for i in range(self.numCones): idx = i + 1 if (idx % totalGpu) != thIdx: continue #modelFn = 'modelCone%d_aux' % idx #f = open(join(self._getExtraPath(), modelFn+'.txt'),'r') #mae = float(f.readline()) #f.close() modelFn = 'modelCone%d' % idx positions = [] for n in range(numMax): posAux = np.where(predCones[:, (n * 2) + 1] == (i + 1)) positions = positions + (np.ndarray.tolist(posAux[0])) if len(positions) > 0 and exists(self._getExtraPath(modelFn + '.h5')): print("Classifying cone ", idx, "in GPU ", gpuId) for pos in positions: id = pos + 1 row = md.Row() row.readFromMd(mdIn, id) row.addToMd(mdConeList[i]) fnExpCone = self._getExtraPath('metadataCone%d.xmd' % (i + 1)) mdConeList[i].write(fnExpCone) fnProjCone = self._getExtraPath('projectionsCudaCorr%d.xmd' % (i + 1)) self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities", "-i %s --fill ref lineal 1 1 " % (fnProjCone), numberOfMpi=1) fnOutCone = self._getOutCone(i + 1) if not exists(self._getExtraPath(fnOutCone)): params = ' -i %s' % fnExpCone params += ' -r %s' % fnProjCone params += ' -o %s' % self._getExtraPath(fnOutCone) params += ' --dev %s '%(gpuId) self.runJob("xmipp_cuda_align_significant", params, numberOfMpi=1)
[docs] def correlationSignificantStep(self): mdNumCones = emlib.MetaData(self._getExtraPath(self._fnConeCenterDoc)) self.numCones = mdNumCones.size() # Cuda Correlation step - creating the metadata predCones = np.loadtxt(self._getConePrediction()) mdConeList = [] numMax = int(self.numConesSelected) for i in range(self.numCones): mdConeList.append(emlib.MetaData()) mdIn = emlib.MetaData(self.imgsFn) for i in range(self.numCones): print("Classifying cone ", i + 1) positions = [] for n in range(numMax): posAux = np.where(predCones[:, (n * 2) + 1] == (i + 1)) positions = positions + (np.ndarray.tolist(posAux[0])) if len(positions) > 0: for pos in positions: id = pos + 1 row = md.Row() row.readFromMd(mdIn, id) row.addToMd(mdConeList[i]) fnExpCone = self._getExtraPath('metadataCone%d.xmd' % (i + 1)) mdConeList[i].write(fnExpCone) fnProjCone = self._getExtraPath('projectionsCudaCorr%d.xmd' % (i + 1)) fnOutCone = self._getOutCone(i + 1) if not exists(self._getExtraPath(fnOutCone)): # Correlation step - calling significant program args = '-i %s --initgallery %s --odir %s --dontReconstruct --useForValidation %d ' \ '--dontCheckMirrors --maxShift 30' % (fnExpCone, fnProjCone, self._getExtraPath(), 1) self.runJob('xmipp_reconstruct_significant', args, numberOfMpi=self.myMPI.get()) copy(self._getExtraPath('images_significant_iter001_00.xmd'), self._getExtraPath(fnOutCone)) remove(self._getExtraPath('angles_iter001_00.xmd')) remove(self._getExtraPath('images_significant_iter001_00.xmd'))
[docs] def createOutputMetadataStep(self): mdNumCones = emlib.MetaData(self._getExtraPath(self._fnConeCenterDoc)) self.numCones = mdNumCones.size() numMax = int(self.numConesSelected) mdIn = emlib.MetaData(self.imgsFn) allInFns = mdIn.getColumnValues(emlib.MDL_IMAGE) coneFns = [] coneCCs = [] mdCones = [] shiftX = [] shiftY = [] fnFinal = self._getExtraPath('outConesParticles.xmd') for i in range(self.numCones): fnOutCone = self._getOutCone(i + 1) if exists(self._getExtraPath(fnOutCone)): self._updateCone(numMax, coneFns, coneCCs, mdCones, shiftX, shiftY, fnFinal, i, fnOutCone) elif numMax > 1: mdCones.append(None) coneFns.append([]) coneCCs.append([]) shiftX.append([]) shiftY.append([]) if numMax > 1: self._writeMDFinal(allInFns, coneFns, coneCCs, mdCones, shiftX, shiftY, fnFinal) else: mdCones = emlib.MetaData(fnFinal) mdCones.removeObjects(emlib.MDValueGT(emlib.MDL_SHIFT_X, 30.)) mdCones.removeObjects(emlib.MDValueGT(emlib.MDL_SHIFT_Y, 30.)) mdCones.removeObjects(emlib.MDValueLT(emlib.MDL_SHIFT_X, -30.)) mdCones.removeObjects(emlib.MDValueLT(emlib.MDL_SHIFT_Y, -30.)) mdCones.write(fnFinal)
def _updateCone(self, numMax, coneFns, coneCCs, mdCones, shiftX, shiftY, fnFinal, i, fnOutCone): if numMax == 1: if not exists(fnFinal): copy(self._getExtraPath(fnOutCone), fnFinal) else: params = ' -i %s --set union %s -o %s' % (fnFinal, self._getExtraPath(fnOutCone), fnFinal) self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities", params, numberOfMpi=1) else: mdCones.append(emlib.MetaData(self._getExtraPath(fnOutCone))) coneFns.append(mdCones[i].getColumnValues(emlib.MDL_IMAGE)) shiftX.append(mdCones[i].getColumnValues(emlib.MDL_SHIFT_X)) shiftY.append(mdCones[i].getColumnValues(emlib.MDL_SHIFT_Y)) coneCCs.append(mdCones[i].getColumnValues(emlib.MDL_MAXCC)) def _writeMDFinal(self, allInFns, coneFns, coneCCs, mdCones, shiftX, shiftY, fnFinal): mdFinal = emlib.MetaData() row = md.Row() for myFn in allInFns: myCCs = [] myCones = [] myPos = [] for n in range(self.numCones): if myFn in coneFns[n]: pos = coneFns[n].index(myFn) myPos.append(pos) if abs(shiftX[n][pos])<30 and abs(shiftY[n][pos])<30: myCCs.append(coneCCs[n][pos]) else: myCCs.append(0) myCones.append(n + 1) if len(myPos) > 0: if max(myCCs)==0: continue coneMax = myCones[myCCs.index(max(myCCs))] objId = myPos[myCCs.index(max(myCCs))] + 1 row.readFromMd(mdCones[coneMax - 1], objId) row.addToMd(mdFinal) mdFinal.write(fnFinal)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath('*.stk')) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath('projectionsCudaCorr*')) inputParticles = self.inputSet.get() fnOutputParticles = self._getExtraPath('outConesParticles.xmd') outputSetOfParticles = self._createSetOfParticles() outputSetOfParticles.copyInfo(inputParticles) outputSetOfParticles.setAlignmentProj() Xdim = inputParticles.getXDim() newXdim = readInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "size", emlib.MDL_XSIZE) Ts = readInfoField(self._getExtraPath(), "sampling", emlib.MDL_SAMPLINGRATE) if newXdim != Xdim: self.scaleFactor = Ts / inputParticles.getSamplingRate() self.iterMd = md.iterRows(fnOutputParticles, emlib.MDL_ITEM_ID) self.lastRow = next(self.iterMd) outputSetOfParticles.copyItems(inputParticles, updateItemCallback=self._updateItem) else: readSetOfParticles(fnOutputParticles, outputSetOfParticles) self._defineOutputs(outputParticles=outputSetOfParticles)
def _updateItem(self, particle, row): count = 0 while self.lastRow and particle.getObjId() == self.lastRow.getValue( emlib.MDL_ITEM_ID): count += 1 if count: self._createItemMatrix(particle, self.lastRow) try: self.lastRow = next(self.iterMd) except StopIteration: self.lastRow = None particle._appendItem = count > 0 def _createItemMatrix(self, particle, row): row.setValue(emlib.MDL_SHIFT_X, row.getValue(emlib.MDL_SHIFT_X) * self.scaleFactor) row.setValue(emlib.MDL_SHIFT_Y, row.getValue(emlib.MDL_SHIFT_Y) * self.scaleFactor) setXmippAttributes(particle, row, emlib.MDL_SHIFT_X, emlib.MDL_SHIFT_Y, emlib.MDL_ANGLE_ROT, emlib.MDL_ANGLE_TILT, emlib.MDL_ANGLE_PSI) createItemMatrix(particle, row, align=ALIGN_PROJ) # --------------------------- INFO functions -------------------------------- def _summary(self): summary = [] summary.append("Images evaluated: %i" % self.inputSet.get().getSize()) summary.append("Volume: %s" % self.inputVolume.getNameId()) return summary def _methods(self): methods = [] if hasattr(self, 'outputParticles'): methods.append("We classify %i input images %s regarding to volume %s." \ % (self.inputSet.get().getSize(), self.getObjectTag('inputSet'), self.getObjectTag('inputVolume'))) return methods def _validate(self): errors = [] if self.numberOfMpi>1: errors.append("You must select Threads to make the parallelization in Scipion level. " "To parallelize the Xmipp program use MPIs in the form.") if self.spanConesTilt.get()>30: errors.append("The distance between region centers should be lower than 31 degress.") return errors