# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Josue Gomez Blanco (josue.gomez-blanco@mcgill.ca)
# * Estrella Fernandez Gimenez (me.fernandez@cnb.csic.es)
# * (produce residuals improved with projection subtraction)
# * Daniel Marchan Torres (da.marchan@cnb.csic.es)
# *
# * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
from math import floor
import os
import json
import numpy as np
from pwem.protocols import ProtAnalysis3D
from pwem.objects import (SetOfClasses2D, Image, SetOfAverages, SetOfParticles,
SetOfVolumes, SetOfClasses3D, Volume, EMSet, Class3D)
import pwem.emlib.metadata as md
from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
from pwem import emlib
from pyworkflow.protocol.constants import LEVEL_ADVANCED
from pyworkflow import UPDATED, PROD
from pyworkflow import VERSION_3_0
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam, StringParam, FloatParam, BooleanParam, EnumParam)
from pyworkflow.utils.path import cleanPath, cleanPattern
from xmipp3.base import ProjMatcher
from xmipp3.convert import setXmippAttributes, xmippToLocation, getXmippAttribute
from ..convert import writeSetOfClasses2D, writeSetOfParticles
OUTPUTS_FN = "outputs.txt"
[docs]class XmippProtCompareReprojections(ProtAnalysis3D, ProjMatcher):
"""Compares a set of classes or averages with the corresponding projections of a reference volume.
The set of images must have a 3D angular assignment and the protocol computes the residues
(the difference between the experimental images and the reprojections). The zscore of the mean
and variance of the residues are computed. Large values of these scores may indicate outliers.
The protocol also analyze the covariance matrix of the residual and computes the logarithm of
its determinant [Cherian2013]. The extremes of this score (called zScoreResCov), that is
values particularly low or high, may indicate outliers."""
_label = 'compare reprojections'
_lastUpdateVersion = VERSION_3_0
_devStatus = PROD
_possibleOutputs = {}
BOTH = 2
def __init__(self, **args):
ProtAnalysis3D.__init__(self, **args)
self._classesInfo = dict()
# --------------------------- DEFINE param functions --------------------------------------------
def _defineParams(self, form):
form.addParam('inputSet2D', PointerParam, label="Input images", important=True,
pointerClass='SetOfClasses2D, SetOfClasses3D, SetOfAverages, SetOfParticles')
form.addParam('inputSet3D', PointerParam, label="Volume to compare images to", important=True,
pointerClass='Volume, SetOfVolumes, SetOfClasses3D',
help='Volume to be used for class comparison')
form.addParam('useAssignment', BooleanParam, default=True, label='Use input angular assignment (if available)')
form.addParam('optimizeGray', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Optimize gray scale')
form.addParam('ignoreCTF', BooleanParam, default=True, label='Ignore CTF',
help='By ignoring the CTF you will create projections more similar to what a person expects, '
'while by using the CTF you will create projections more similar to what the microscope sees')
form.addParam('doDownSample', BooleanParam, default=True, label='Downsample',
help='If accepted the input volumes and the input 2d classes will be downsample to 3 A/px. '
'This will help to reduce the computation time.')
form.addParam('doEvaluateResiduals', BooleanParam, default=False, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED,
label='Evaluate residuals',
help='If this option is chosen, then the residual covariance matrix is calculated and '
'characterized. But this option takes time and disk space')
form.addParam('symmetryGroup', StringParam, default="c1", label='Symmetry group',
help='See http://xmipp.cnb.uam.es/twiki/bin/view/Xmipp/Symmetry for a description of the symmetry'
' groups format. If no symmetry is present, give c1')
form.addParam('angularSampling', FloatParam, default=5, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED,
label='Angular sampling rate',
help='In degrees.'
' This sampling defines how fine the projection gallery from the volume is explored.')
form.addParam('resol', FloatParam, label="Filter at resolution: ", default=3, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED,
help='Resolution (A) at which subtraction will be performed, filtering the volume projections.'
'Value 0 implies no filtering.')
form.addParam('sigma', FloatParam, label="Decay of the filter (sigma): ", default=3, condition='resol',
help='Decay of the filter (sigma parameter) to smooth the mask transition',
form.addParam('doRanking', BooleanParam, default=True, label='Rank the set of Volumes/3D Classes',
help='If accepted please check that you have an input set with several 3D objects '
'(Classes 3D or Volumes). It will rank all the Volume 3D Class/Volume.')
form.addParam('doExtraction', BooleanParam, default=True, label='Extract best Volume/3D Class',
help='If accepted please check that you have an input set with several 3D objects '
'(Classes 3D or Volumes). It will extract the Volume and/or the Particles from '
'the best rated 3D Class/Volume.')
form.addParam('extractOption', EnumParam,
choices=['Particles', 'Volume', 'Both'],
condition='doExtraction and doRanking',
label="Extraction option", display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO,
help='Select an option to extract from the 3D Classes: \n '
'_Particles_: Extract the set of particles from the selected class. \n '
'_Volume_: Extract the volume from the selected class. \n'
'_Both_: Extract the volume and particles from the selected class.')
form.addParallelSection(threads=0, mpi=8)
# --------------------------- INSERT steps functions --------------------------------------------
def _insertAllSteps(self):
""" Convert input images if necessary """
if self.doDownSample:
self._insertFunctionStep(self.downSampleStep, self.imgsOrigFn)
if self._useProjMatching():
self._insertFunctionStep(self.insertProjMatchStep, self.fnVolDict, self.angularSampling.get(),
self.symmetryGroup.get(), self.anglesDict, self.galleryDict)
tmpDict = self.anglesDict
self.anglesDict = {volId: self.imgsFn for volId in tmpDict}
self._insertFunctionStep(self.produceResiduals, self.anglesDict,
NEW_SAMPLING_RATE if self.doDownSample else self.inputSet3D.get().getSamplingRate())
if self.doEvaluateResiduals.get():
# --------------------------- STEPS functions ---------------------------------------------------
[docs] def initialStep(self):
self.samplingRateVol = self.inputSet3D.get().getSamplingRate()
self.samplingRateAverages = self.inputSet2D.get().getSamplingRate()
self.imgsOrigFn = self._getExtraPath('residuals.xmd')
self.fnVolDict = {}
self.anglesDict = {}
self.galleryDict = {}
self.outputNamesDict = {}
volSet = self.inputSet3D.get()
self.xDim = self._getWorkingDimensions(self.samplingRateAverages, self.samplingRateVol, self.doDownSample.get())
if self.doDownSample and self.samplingRateAverages < NEW_SAMPLING_RATE:
self.imgsFn = self._getExtraPath('residuals_downsample.xmd')
self.imgsFn = self.imgsOrigFn
if isinstance(volSet, EMSet):
for vol in volSet.iterItems(orderBy='id', direction='ASC'):
vid = vol.getObjId()
self.fnVolDict[vid] = self._getTmpPath("volume_%d.vol" % vid)
self.anglesDict[vid] = self._getExtraPath('angles_%d.xmd' % vid)
self.galleryDict[vid] = self._getExtraPath('gallery_%d.stk' % vid)
self.outputNamesDict[vid] = "reprojections_vol%d" % vid
vid = volSet.getObjId()
self.fnVolDict[vid] = self._getTmpPath("volume_%d.vol" % vid)
self.anglesDict[vid] = self._getExtraPath('angles_%d.xmd' % vid)
self.galleryDict[vid] = self._getExtraPath('gallery_%d.stk' % vid)
self.outputNamesDict[vid] = "reprojections_vol%d" % vid
with open(self._getExtraPath(OUTPUTS_FN), 'w'):
pass # Creates output file for visualizations warnings
[docs] def convertStep(self):
# Convert input images (SetOfClasses2D, SetOfAverages and SetOfParticles)
imgSet = self.inputSet2D.get()
imgsFn = self.imgsOrigFn
if isinstance(imgSet, SetOfClasses2D):
writeSetOfClasses2D(imgSet, imgsFn, writeParticles=True)
writeSetOfParticles(imgSet, imgsFn)
# Convert input volumes (SetOfClasses3D, SetOfVolumes and Volume)
volSet = self.inputSet3D.get()
for volId, fnVol in self.fnVolDict.items():
if isinstance(volSet, Volume):
vol = volSet
volCl = volSet.getItem("id", volId)
if isinstance(volCl, Class3D):
vol = volCl.getRepresentative().clone()
vol = volCl
img = ImageHandler()
fnVol = self.fnVolDict[volId]
self.info("Registering volume %s" % fnVol)
img.convert(vol, fnVol)
# In case input volume does not match 2D references size (If downsample is activated this is not needed)
xdimVol = vol.getDim()[0]
xdimImg = self._getDimensionsImages()
if xdimVol != xdimImg and not self.doDownSample:
self.xDim = xdimImg
self.runJob("xmipp_image_resize", "-i %s --dim %d"
% (fnVol, self.xDim), numberOfMpi=1)
[docs] def downSampleStep(self, imgsOrigFn):
# Calculate new sampling rate
if NEW_SAMPLING_RATE < self.samplingRateVol or NEW_SAMPLING_RATE < self.samplingRateAverages:
newSamplingRate = max(self.samplingRateVol, self.samplingRateAverages)
self.info("The target sampling rate is smaller than the inputs sampling rate, new target sampling rate "
"is set to the biggest one of both inputs %f" % newSamplingRate)
newSamplingRate = NEW_SAMPLING_RATE
# Downsample the average 2D classes
if self.samplingRateAverages < newSamplingRate:
imgsFn = self._getExtraPath('residuals_downsample.mrcs')
self.info('Downsampling the input images...')
self.runJob("xmipp_image_resize", "-i %s -o %s --dim %d"
% (imgsOrigFn, imgsFn, self.xDim), numberOfMpi=1)
self.info('The target sampling rate %f <= %f the current one, skipping downsample for the 2D Images.'
% (newSamplingRate, self.samplingRateAverages))
# Downsample Volume/s
if self.samplingRateVol < newSamplingRate:
self.info('Downsampling the input volumes...')
for fnVol in self.fnVolDict.values():
self.runJob("xmipp_image_resize", "-i %s --dim %d" # Should we store somewhere the resized Vol?
% (fnVol, self.xDim), numberOfMpi=self.numberOfMpi)
self.info('The target sampling rate %f <= %f the current one, skipping downsample for the 3D Volumes.'
% (newSamplingRate, self.samplingRateVol))
[docs] def insertProjMatchStep(self, volumesDict, angularSampling, symmetryGroup, fnAnglesDict, galleryDict):
xDim = self.xDim
images = self.imgsFn
for volId, fnVol in volumesDict.items():
self.info('Generating a gallery of projections for volume %s' % fnVol)
fnAngles = fnAnglesDict[volId]
fnGallery = galleryDict[volId]
self.projMatchStepAdapted(fnVol, angularSampling, symmetryGroup, images, fnAngles, fnGallery, xDim, volId)
[docs] def projMatchStepAdapted(self, volume, angularSampling, symmetryGroup, images, fnAngles, fnGallery, xDim, volId):
# Generate gallery of projections
if volume.endswith('.mrc'):
volume += ":mrc"
"-i %s -o %s --sampling_rate %f --sym %s --method fourier 1 0.25 bspline "
"--compute_neighbors --angular_distance -1 --experimental_images %s"
% (volume, fnGallery, angularSampling, symmetryGroup, images))
# Assign angles
"-i %s -o %s --ref %s --Ri 0 --Ro %s --max_shift 1000 "
"--search5d_shift %s --search5d_step %s --append"
% (images, fnAngles, fnGallery, str(xDim / 2),
str(int(xDim / 10)), str(int(xDim / 25))))
cleanPath(self._getExtraPath('gallery_%d_sampling.xmd' % volId))
cleanPath(self._getExtraPath('gallery_%d_angles.doc' % volId))
cleanPath(self._getExtraPath('gallery_%d.doc' % volId))
# Write angles in the original file and sort
MD = emlib.MetaData(fnAngles)
for id in MD:
galleryReference = MD.getValue(emlib.MDL_REF, id)
MD.setValue(emlib.MDL_IMAGE_REF, "%05d@%s" % (galleryReference + 1, fnGallery), id)
[docs] def produceResiduals(self, anglesDict, tS):
self.fnResidualsDict = {}
for volId, fnAngles in anglesDict.items():
anglesOutFn = self._getExtraPath("anglesCont_%d.stk" % volId)
projectionsOutFn = self._getExtraPath("projections_%d.stk" % volId)
fnVol = self.fnVolDict[volId]
xDim = self.xDim
args = "-i %s -o %s --ref %s --optimizeAngles --optimizeShift --max_shift %d --oprojections %s --sampling %f" \
% (fnAngles, anglesOutFn, fnVol, floor(xDim*0.05), projectionsOutFn, tS)
fnResiduals = self._getExtraPath("residuals_%d.mrcs" % volId)
self.fnResidualsDict[volId] = fnResiduals
if self.doEvaluateResiduals:
args += " --oresiduals %s" % fnResiduals
if self.ignoreCTF:
args += " --ignoreCTF "
if self.optimizeGray:
args += "--optimizeGray --max_gray_scale 0.95 "
self.runJob("xmipp_angular_continuous_assign2", args)
[docs] def evaluateResiduals(self):
for volId, fnResiduals in self.fnResidualsDict.items():
# Evaluate each image
fnAutoCorrelations = self._getExtraPath("autocorrelations_%d.xmd" % volId)
stkAutoCorrelations = self._getExtraPath("autocorrelations_%d.mrcs" % volId)
stkResiduals = fnResiduals
anglesOutFn = self._getExtraPath("anglesCont_%d.xmd" % volId)
self.runJob("xmipp_image_residuals", " -i %s -o %s --save_metadata_stack %s"
% (stkResiduals, stkAutoCorrelations, fnAutoCorrelations), numberOfMpi=1)
self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities", '-i %s --operate rename_column "image imageResidual"'
% fnAutoCorrelations, numberOfMpi=1)
self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities", '-i %s --set join %s imageResidual'
% (anglesOutFn, fnAutoCorrelations), numberOfMpi=1)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self):
fnImgs = self._getExtraPath('images.stk')
if os.path.exists(fnImgs):
imgSet = self.inputSet2D.get()
for volId, anglesFn in self.anglesDict.items():
imgFn = self._getExtraPath("anglesCont_%d.xmd" % volId)
self.newAssignmentPerformed = os.path.exists(anglesFn)
# Special case for 2D classes
if isinstance(imgSet, SetOfClasses2D):
outputSet = self._createSetOfClasses2D(imgSet.getImages(), suffix="_vol%d" % volId)
outputSet.appendFromClasses(imgSet, updateClassCallback=lambda clazz: self._updateClass(clazz, imgFn))
self._classesInfo = dict() # For every output you need to reset this value so the _updateClass works
# Particles or Averages
if isinstance(imgSet, SetOfAverages):
outputSet = self._createSetOfAverages(suffix="_vol%d" % volId)
outputSet = self._createSetOfParticles(suffix="_vol%d" % volId)
if not self.newAssignmentPerformed:
outputSet.setDim((self.xDim, self.xDim, 1))
outputSet.setObjLabel("") # To avoid renaming based on the label
self.iterMd = md.iterRows(imgFn, md.MDL_ITEM_ID)
self.lastRow = next(self.iterMd)
outputSet.copyItems(imgSet, updateItemCallback=self._processRow)
name = self.outputNamesDict[volId]
self._possibleOutputs[name] = outputSet
self._defineOutputs(**{name: outputSet})
self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputSet2D, outputSet)
if self.doRanking:
bestVolId = self.computeRankingVolumes(self._possibleOutputs)
if self.doExtraction:
volCl = self.inputSet3D.get().getItem("id", bestVolId) # It may be a Volume or a 3D Class
outputParticles, outputVol = self._extractElementsFrom3D(volCl)
if outputParticles:
particlesName = "particles_bestVol"
self._defineOutputs(**{particlesName: outputParticles})
self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputSet3D, outputParticles)
if outputVol:
volName = "bestVolume"
self._defineOutputs(**{volName: outputVol})
self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputSet3D, outputVol)
self.writeOutputDict() # For visualization purpose
def _updateClass(self, clazz, mdFile):
""" Callback to update the class"""
classId = clazz.getObjId()
if classId not in self._classesInfo:
self._classesInfo[classId] = clazz
# Get the row
row = self._getMdRow(mdFile, classId)
self._createItemMatrix(clazz, row)
def _getMdRow(self, mdFile, id):
""" To get a row. Maybe there is way to request a specific row."""
for row in md.iterRows(mdFile):
if row.getValue(md.MDL_ITEM_ID) == id:
return row
raise Exception("Missing row %s at %s" % (id, mdFile))
def _processRow(self, particle, row):
count = 0
while self.lastRow and particle.getObjId() == self.lastRow.getValue(md.MDL_ITEM_ID):
count += 1
if count:
self._createItemMatrix(particle, self.lastRow)
self.lastRow = next(self.iterMd)
except StopIteration:
self.lastRow = None
particle._appendItem = count > 0
def _createItemMatrix(self, particle, row):
setXmippAttributes(particle, row,
if self.doEvaluateResiduals:
setXmippAttributes(particle, row,
def __setXmippImage(label):
attr = '_xmipp_' + emlib.label2Str(label)
if not hasattr(particle, attr):
img = Image()
setattr(particle, attr, img)
img = getattr(particle, attr)
if self.doEvaluateResiduals:
def _useProjMatching(self):
""" Determine if it is necessary to perform projection matching step (because there is not input alignment)"""
imgSet = self.inputSet2D.get()
if not self.useAssignment or isinstance(imgSet, SetOfClasses2D) \
or (isinstance(imgSet, SetOfAverages) and not imgSet.hasAlignmentProj()) or \
(isinstance(imgSet, SetOfParticles) and not imgSet.hasAlignmentProj()):
return True
return False
def _computeResiduals(self, fnVol):
if fnVol.endswith('.mrc'):
fnVol += ':mrc'
program = "xmipp_subtract_projection"
args = '-i %s --ref %s -o %s --save %s --max_resolution %f --sigma %d --oroot %s' % \
(self.imgsFn, fnVol, self._getExtraPath("residuals.xmd"), self._getExtraPath(''), self.resol.get(),
self.sigma.get(), self._getExtraPath("residual_part"))
self.runJob(program, args, numberOfMpi=1)
mrcsresiduals = self._getExtraPath("residuals.xmd")
args2 = " -i %s -o %s" % (mrcsresiduals, self.fnResiduals)
self.runJob("xmipp_image_convert", args2, numberOfMpi=1)
fnNewParticles = self._getExtraPath("images.stk")
if os.path.exists(fnNewParticles):
if os.path.exists(mrcsresiduals):
[docs] def computeRankingVolumes(self, outputSetDict):
self.info('Ranking the best volumes...')
resultsDict = {}
meanCostDict = {}
for outname, outputSet in outputSetDict.items():
mdLabel = emlib.MDL_COST
xmippCostValues = {avg.getObjId(): getXmippAttribute(avg, mdLabel).get()
for avg in outputSet}
resultsDict[outname] = xmippCostValues
meanCostDict[outname] = np.mean(list(xmippCostValues.values()))
# Find the key-value pair with the maximum value
bestVolume, bestScore = max(meanCostDict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])
bestVolume = bestVolume.split('_')[-1]
volumeId = int(bestVolume[3:])
msg = "The volume with the best score has id %d and score %f" % (volumeId, bestScore)
return volumeId
def _extractElementsFrom3D(self, volCl):
""" Extract the elements (particles and/or volume) from the 3D class and create the output """
outputParticles, outputVol = self._getOutputSet()
if isinstance(volCl, Class3D):
self.info('The extraction 3D class have id %d with size %d' % (volCl.getObjId(), volCl.getSize()))
vol = volCl.getRepresentative().clone()
if outputParticles is not None:
# Go through all items and append them
for image in volCl:
newImage = image.clone()
self.info('The extraction 3D Volume have id %d' % volCl.getObjId())
vol = volCl.clone()
if outputVol is not None:
# Get the corresponding volume from the 3D class
if vol.hasOrigin():
return outputParticles, outputVol
def _getOutputSet(self):
""" Creates the output sets so they can be filled """
outputParticles = None
outputVol = None
if self.extractOption.get() == self.PARTICLES:
self.info("Creating set of particles")
outputParticles = createSetOfParticles(self.inputSet3D.get(), self._getPath())
elif self.extractOption.get() == self.VOLUME:
self.info("Creating volume")
outputVol = createRepresentativeVolume(self.inputSet3D.get())
else: # Both
self.info("Creating both the volume and the set of particles")
outputParticles = createSetOfParticles(self.inputSet3D.get(), self._getPath())
outputVol = createRepresentativeVolume(self.inputSet3D.get())
return outputParticles, outputVol
[docs] def getOutputNamesDict(self):
return self.outputNamesDict
[docs] def writeOutputDict(self):
"""Write a dictionary to a text file."""
dictionary = self.getOutputNamesDict()
filePath = self._getExtraPath(OUTPUTS_FN)
with open(filePath, 'w') as file:
json.dump(dictionary, file)
[docs] def readOutputDict(self):
"""Read a dictionary from a text file."""
filePath = self._getExtraPath(OUTPUTS_FN)
with open(filePath, 'r') as file:
dictionary = json.load(file)
return dictionary
# --------------------------- INFO functions --------------------------------------------
def _summary(self):
summary = []
summary.append("Images evaluated: %i" % self.inputSet2D.get().getSize())
summary.append("Volume: %s" % self.inputSet3D.getNameId())
return summary
def _storeSummaryInfo(self, rankingMsg):
def _validate(self):
errors = []
if self.doRanking:
if not isinstance(self.inputSet3D.get(), EMSet):
errors.append("The input 3D must be a Set of Volumes or 3D classes to run the ranking option.")
if self.doExtraction:
if (isinstance(self.inputSet3D.get(), SetOfVolumes) and
(self.extractOption.get() == self.PARTICLES or self.extractOption.get() == self.BOTH)):
errors.append("The input 3D must be a Set of Classes 3D in order to extract its particles. "
"Please change to extract Volume option.")
return errors
def _methods(self):
methods = []
if hasattr(self, 'outputParticles'):
methods.append("We evaluated %i input images %s regarding to volume %s." %
(self.inputSet2D.get().getSize(), self.getObjectTag('inputSet2D'),
methods.append("The residuals were evaluated according to their mean, variance and covariance structure "
return methods
# --------------------------- UTILS functions --------------------------------------------
def _getDimensionsImages(self):
imgSet = self.inputSet2D.get()
if isinstance(imgSet, SetOfClasses2D):
xDim = imgSet.getImages().getDim()[0]
xDim = imgSet.getDim()[0]
return xDim
def _getDimensionsVol(self):
volSet = self.inputSet3D.get()
if isinstance(volSet, EMSet):
vol = volSet.getFirstItem()
vol = volSet
xDimVol = vol.getDim()[0]
return xDimVol
def _getWorkingDimensions(self, srImages, srVol, doDownSample):
if doDownSample:
if srImages < srVol:
newDim = self._getDimensionsVol()
factor = srVol / NEW_SAMPLING_RATE
newDim = self._getDimensionsVol() * factor
if NEW_SAMPLING_RATE < srImages:
newDim = self._getDimensionsImages()
factor = srImages / NEW_SAMPLING_RATE
newDim = self._getDimensionsImages() * factor
if srImages < srVol:
newDim = self._getDimensionsVol()
newDim = self._getDimensionsImages()
return newDim
# ---------------------------- HELPERS --------------------------------------
[docs]def createRepresentativeVolume(classesSet):
""" Creates a Volume from the corresponding set from the representative of a set of classes """
volInput = classesSet.getFirstItem()
vol = Volume() # Create an instance of the volume
return vol
[docs]def createSetOfParticles(classesSet, path):
""" Creates the corresponding set of particles from the input set of classes """
images = classesSet.getImages()
particles = SetOfParticles.create(outputPath=path)
return particles