Source code for xmipp3.programs

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os
from glob import glob

import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from .base import getXmippPath

# Create some short-cut functions to colors
failStr =
greenStr =

[docs]class LabelData(): def __init__(self): pass
[docs]def getXmippLabels(): ''' Parse the labels definition from the 'libraries/data/metadata_label.h' file ''' labelHeader = getXmippPath('libraries', 'data', 'metadata_label.h') f = open(labelHeader) labels = [] comments = {} labelsPrefixes = ['MDL_', 'RLN_', 'BSOFT_'] for line in f: line = line.strip() for prefix in labelsPrefixes: if line.startswith(prefix) and '///<' in line: parts = line.split('///<') mdl = parts[0].strip()[:-1] # remove last comma comm = parts[1].strip() comments[mdl] = comm if line.startswith('MDL::addLabel(' + prefix): l = line.find('(') r = line.find(')') parts = line[l + 1:r].split(',') label = {} label['name'] = parts[2].replace('"', '').strip() label['type'] = parts[1].strip() label['enum'] = parts[0].strip() label['comment'] = comments.get(label['enum'], "") labels.append(label) return labels
[docs]def getXmippLabelsName(): ''' Parse the labels name from the 'libraries/data/metadata_label.h' file ''' labelHeader = getXmippPath('libraries', 'data', 'metadata_label.h') f = open(labelHeader) labels = [] comments = {} for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('MDL_') and '///<' in line: parts = line.split('///<') mdl = parts[0].strip()[:-1] # remove last comma comm = parts[1].strip() comments[mdl] = comm if line.startswith('MDL::addLabel(MDL_'): l = line.find('(') r = line.find(')') parts = line[l + 1:r].split(',') labels.append(parts[2].replace('"', '').strip()) return labels
[docs]def getXmippPrograms(): '''Return the list of Xmipp's programs, taken from from bin/ folder''' programs = [os.path.basename(p) for p in glob(getXmippPath('bin', 'xmipp_*'))] programs.sort() return programs
#FIXME: this is only while development
[docs]def skipProgram(programName): if programName in ['xmipp_sqlite3', 'xmipp_mpi_steps_runner', 'xmipp_angular_commonline', 'python', 'xmipp_transform_threshold', 'xmipp_mpi_write_test', 'xmipp_chimera_client', 'xmipp_imagej', 'xmipp_mpi_classify_CLTomo', 'xmipp_classify_CLTomo']: return True for p in ['xmipp_test', 'xmipp_template']: if programName.find(p) != -1: return True return False
[docs]def getProgramsDbName(): return getXmippPath('.xmipp_programs.sqlite')
#Some helper functions
[docs]def createProgramsDb(dbName=None): if dbName is None: dbName = getProgramsDbName() db = ProgramDb(dbName) print('Created db with name: %(dbName)s' % locals()) db.create() #Create categories dictionary to classify programs #looking in program name and category prefixes categories = db.selectCategories() categoryDict = {} for c in categories: prefixes = c['prefixes'].split() for p in prefixes: categoryDict[p] = c programs = getXmippPrograms() for p in programs: p = os.path.basename(p) try: print(greenStr(p), skipProgram(p)) if not skipProgram(p): cmd = [p, "--xmipp_write_definition"] if p.find('_mpi') != -1: cmd = ['mpirun', '-np', '1'] + cmd print(' '.join(cmd)) from subprocess import Popen, PIPE ps = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stderrdata = ps.communicate()[1] if stderrdata != '': raise Exception(stderrdata) for prefix, category in categoryDict.items(): if prefix in p: db.updateProgramCategory(p, category) break except Exception as e: print(failStr("PROGRAM: " + p)) print(failStr("ERROR: " + str(e))) labels = getXmippLabels() for l in labels: db.insertLabel(l) db.commit() return db
[docs]def createProgramsAutocomplete(script='.xmipp_programs.autocomplete'): programs = getXmippPrograms() if os.path.exists(script): os.remove(script) for p in programs: p = os.path.basename(p) try: print(greenStr(p), skipProgram(p)) if not skipProgram(p): cmd = [p, "--xmipp_write_autocomplete", script] if '_mpi' in p: cmd = ['mpirun', '-np', '1'] + cmd print(' '.join(cmd)) from subprocess import Popen, PIPE ps = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stderrdata = ps.communicate()[1] if stderrdata != '': raise Exception(stderrdata) except Exception as e: print(failStr("PROGRAM: " + p)) print(failStr("ERROR: " + str(e)))
[docs]class ProgramKeywordsRank(): def __init__(self, keywords=None): self.keywords = keywords self.weights = {'name': 5, 'keywords': 3, 'usage': 1}
[docs] def getRank(self, program): if not self.keywords: return 1 rank = 0 for k in self.keywords: for wkey, wvalue in self.weights.items(): if program[wkey].find(k) != -1: rank += wvalue return rank
[docs]def escapeStr(text): return "'%s'" % text.replace("'", "''")
[docs]class ProgramDb(): ''' Class to handle Programs DB in the Xmipp installation folder ''' DB_TIMEOUT = 1000 # ms for timeout waiting def __init__(self, dbName=None): if dbName is None: dbName = getProgramsDbName() self.dbName = dbName from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite self.connection = sqlite.Connection(dbName, timeout=self.DB_TIMEOUT) self.connection.row_factory = sqlite.Row self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() self.cursor.execute('pragma foreign_keys=ON')
[docs] def create(self): self.createTables()
[docs] def commit(self): self.connection.commit()
[docs] def createTables(self): sqlCommand = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Category; CREATE TABLE Category ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT UNIQUE, desc TEXT, prefixes TEXT); INSERT INTO Category VALUES(NULL, 'Classification', NULL, 'classify_ ml_ mlf_'); INSERT INTO Category VALUES(NULL, 'CTF', NULL, 'ctf_'); INSERT INTO Category VALUES(NULL, 'Images', NULL, 'image_ micrograph_'); INSERT INTO Category VALUES(NULL, 'Metadatas', NULL, 'metadata_'); INSERT INTO Category VALUES(NULL, 'Phantoms', NULL, 'phantom_ pdb_'); INSERT INTO Category VALUES(NULL, 'Angular assignment', NULL, 'angular_'); INSERT INTO Category VALUES(NULL, 'Tomography', NULL, 'tomo_ xray_'); INSERT INTO Category VALUES(NULL, 'Transformations', NULL, 'transform_'); INSERT INTO Category VALUES(NULL, 'Volumes', NULL, 'volume_ reconstruct_ resolution_'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Program; CREATE TABLE Program ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC AUTOINCREMENT, category_id INTEGER, name TEXT UNIQUE, usage TEXT, examples TEXT, keywords TEXT); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Label; CREATE TABLE Label ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT UNIQUE, type TEXT, enum TEXT UNIQUE, comment TEXT); """ self.cursor.executescript(sqlCommand) self.connection.commit()
[docs] def insertProgram(self, program): program['desc'] = escapeStr(program['desc']) sqlCommand = """INSERT INTO Program VALUES ( NULL, %(category_id)d, %(name)s, %(desc)s, %(keywords)s); """ % program self.cursor.execute(sqlCommand)
[docs] def selectPrograms(self, category=None): categoryWhere = "" if category: categoryWhere = "WHERE category_id=%d" % category['id'] sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM Program %s ORDER BY name;""" % categoryWhere self.cursor.execute(sqlCommand) return self.cursor.fetchall()
[docs] def selectProgram(self, program_name): sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM Program WHERE name='%s';""" % program_name self.cursor.execute(sqlCommand) return self.cursor.fetchone()
[docs] def selectCategories(self): sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM Category;" self.cursor.execute(sqlCommand) return self.cursor.fetchall()
[docs] def updateProgramCategory(self, program_name, category): sqlCommand = "UPDATE Program SET category_id = %d WHERE name='%s';" % (category['id'], program_name) self.cursor.execute(sqlCommand) self.connection.commit()
[docs] def selectLabels(self): sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM Label;" self.cursor.execute(sqlCommand) return self.cursor.fetchall()
[docs] def insertLabel(self, labelData): labelData['comment'] = escapeStr(labelData['comment']) sqlCommand = """INSERT INTO Label VALUES ( NULL, '%(name)s', '%(type)s', '%(enum)s', %(comment)s); """ % labelData self.cursor.execute(sqlCommand)