Source code for xmipp2.protocols.protocol_mltomo

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Estrella Fernandez Gimenez (
# *
# *  BCU, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, CSIC
# *
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# **************************************************************************

import os
from os.path import exists
from pyworkflow import BETA
from pyworkflow.utils.path import makePath
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import PointerParam, BooleanParam, IntParam, StringParam, LEVEL_ADVANCED
from pwem.objects import SetOfVolumes, Volume
from tomo.objects import AverageSubTomogram, SetOfClassesSubTomograms
from tomo.protocols import ProtTomoSubtomogramAveraging
from ..convert import writeVolume, writeDocfile, writeSetOfVolumes, readDocfile

[docs]class Xmipp2ProtMLTomo(ProtTomoSubtomogramAveraging): """ Protocol to align subtomograms using MLTomo. It only supports alignment on the axis Y. MLTomo aligns and classifies 3D images with missing data regions in Fourier space, e.g. subtomograms or RCT reconstructions, by a 3D multi-reference refinement based on a maximum-likelihood (ML) target function.""" _label = 'mltomo' _devStatus = BETA def __init__(self, **args): ProtTomoSubtomogramAveraging.__init__(self, **args) # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions ------------------------ def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input volumes') form.addParam('inputVolumes', PointerParam, pointerClass="SetOfSubTomograms, SetOfVolumes", label='Set of volumes', help="Set of subtomograms to align with MLTomo") form.addParam('randomInitialization', BooleanParam, default=True, label='Random initialization of classes:', help="Initialize randomly the first classes. If you don't initialize randomly, you must supply " "a set of initial classes") form.addParam('initialRef', PointerParam, label="Initial references", condition="not randomInitialization", pointerClass='SetOfClassesSubTomograms, SetOfVolumes, Volume', help='Set of initial classes to start the classification') form.addParam('numberOfReferences', IntParam, label='Number of references', default=10, condition="randomInitialization", help="Number of references to generate automatically") form.addParam('numberOfIters', IntParam, label='Number of iterations', default=15, help="Number of iterations to perform") form.addParam('angularSampling', IntParam, label='Angular sampling rate', default=15, help="Angular sampling rate (in degrees)") form.addParam('downscDim', IntParam, label='Downscaled dimension', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, allowsNull=True, help="Use downscaled (in fourier space) images of this size") form.addParam('inputMask', PointerParam, label="Mask", allowsNull=True, pointerClass='VolumeMask', help='Optionally, select a mask. If a mask is used, the program will keep ' 'rotations and translations from docfile fixed, only classify') form.addParam('extraParams', StringParam, label='Extra parameters', default='-perturb -dont_impute', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help="Any of the parameters of the MLTomo ( )") form.addParam('cleanFiles', BooleanParam, label='Keep intermediate files?', default=True, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help="Keep intermediate files generated during execution once the execution is finished, this " "can be useful to evaluate the progression of the results during the different iteration" "but can occupy a considerable sum of disk space, specially if the input set is big.") form.addParallelSection(threads=0, mpi=8) # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('convertInputStep') self._insertFunctionStep('runMLTomo') self._insertFunctionStep('createOutput') # --------------------------- STEPS functions -------------------------------
[docs] def convertInputStep(self): fnDir = self._getExtraPath("inputVolumes") makePath(fnDir) fnRoot = os.path.join(fnDir, "subtomo") writeSetOfVolumes(self.inputVolumes.get(), fnRoot) self.fnSel = self._getExtraPath("subtomograms.sel") self.runJob("xmipp_selfile_create", '"%s*.vol">%s' % (fnRoot, self.fnSel), numberOfMpi=1) if self.initialRef.get() is not None: fnRootRef = os.path.join(fnDir, "reference") if isinstance(self.initialRef.get(), Volume): writeVolume(self.initialRef.get(),self._getExtraPath("reference.vol")) else: if isinstance(self.initialRef.get(), SetOfVolumes): writeSetOfVolumes(self.initialRef.get(), fnRootRef) elif isinstance(self.initialRef.get(), SetOfClassesSubTomograms): writeSetOfVolumes(self.initialRef.get().iterRepresentatives(), fnRootRef) self.runJob("xmipp_selfile_create", '"%s*.vol">%s' % (fnRootRef, self._getExtraPath("references.sel")), numberOfMpi=1) if self.inputMask.get() is not None: self.fnMask = os.path.join(fnDir, "mask.vol") writeVolume(self.inputMask.get(), self.fnMask)
[docs] def runMLTomo(self): self._createFilesForMLTomo() args = ' -i ' + self._getExtraPath("subtomograms.sel") + \ ' -o ' + self._getExtraPath("mltomo") + \ ' -doc ' + self._getExtraPath("subtomograms.doc") + \ ' -iter ' + str(self.numberOfIters.get()) + \ ' -ang ' + str(self.angularSampling.get()) + \ ' ' + self.extraParams.get() if self.downscDim.get() is not None: args = args + ' -dim ' + str(self.downscDim.get()) if self.initialRef.get() is not None: if isinstance(self.initialRef.get(), Volume): args = args + ' -ref ' + self._getExtraPath("reference.vol") else: args = args + ' -ref ' + self._getExtraPath("references.sel") else: args = args + ' -nref ' + str(self.numberOfReferences.get()) if self.inputMask.get() is not None: args = args + ' -mask ' + self.fnMask + ' -dont_align' fhWedge = self._getExtraPath("wedge.doc") if exists(fhWedge): args = args + ' -missing ' + fhWedge self.runJob("xmipp_ml_tomo", args, numberOfMpi=self.numberOfMpi.get())
[docs] def createOutput(self): self.subtomoSet = self._createSetOfSubTomograms() inputSet = self.inputVolumes.get() self.subtomoSet.copyInfo(inputSet) if self.numberOfIters < 10: self.fnDoc = '%s/mltomo_it00000%d.doc' % (self._getExtraPath(), self.numberOfIters) else: self.fnDoc = '%s/mltomo_it0000%d.doc' % (self._getExtraPath(), self.numberOfIters) self.docFile = open(self.fnDoc) self.subtomoSet.copyItems(inputSet, updateItemCallback=self._updateItem) self.docFile.close() classesSubtomoSet = self._createSetOfClassesSubTomograms(self.subtomoSet) classesSubtomoSet.classifyItems(updateClassCallback=self._updateClass) self._defineOutputs(outputSubtomograms=self.subtomoSet) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputVolumes, self.subtomoSet) self._defineOutputs(outputClassesSubtomo=classesSubtomoSet) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputVolumes, classesSubtomoSet) if self.cleanFiles.get(): self._cleanFiles()
# --------------------------- INFO functions -------------------------------- def _summary(self): summary = [] if hasattr(self, 'outputClassesSubtomo'): summary.append("Input subtomograms: *%d* \nRequested classes: *%d*\nGenerated classes: *%d* in *%d* " "iterations\n" % (self.inputVolumes.get().getSize(), self.numberOfReferences, self.outputClassesSubtomo.getSize(), self.numberOfIters)) else: summary.append("Output classes not ready yet.") return summary def _methods(self): methods = [] if hasattr(self, 'outputClassesSubtomo'): methods.append('We classified %d subtomograms from %s into %d classes %s using *MLTomo*.' % (self.inputVolumes.get().getSize(), self.getObjectTag('inputVolumes'), self.outputClassesSubtomo.getSize(), self.getObjectTag('outputClassesSubtomo'))) else: methods.append("Output classes not ready yet.") return methods def _citations(self): return ['Scheres2009c'] # --------------------------- UTILS functions ---------------------------------- def _createFilesForMLTomo(self): inputVols = self.inputVolumes.get() mw = 0 if isinstance(inputVols, SetOfVolumes): mw = 1 fhWedge = open(self._getExtraPath("wedge.doc"), 'w') fhWedge.write(" ; Wedgeinfo\n ; wedge_y\n") fhWedge.write("1 2 -90 90\n") fhWedge.close() elif inputVols.getFirstItem().getAcquisition().getAngleMin(): mw = 1 wedgeDict={} for subtomogram in inputVols: key = (subtomogram.getAcquisition().getAngleMin(), subtomogram.getAcquisition().getAngleMax()) if not key in wedgeDict: wedgeDict[key] = [] wedgeDict[key].append(subtomogram) fhWedge = open(self._getExtraPath("wedge.doc"), 'w') fhWedge.write(" ; Wedgeinfo\n ; wedge_y\n") i=1 for key in wedgeDict: fhWedge.write("%d 2 %d %d\n" %(i,key[0],key[1])) i+=1 fhWedge.close() fhDoc = open(self._getExtraPath("subtomograms.doc"), 'w') fhSel = open(self._getExtraPath("subtomograms.sel"), 'r') if inputVols.getFirstItem().getTransform() is None: j = 1 fhDoc.write(" ; Headerinfo columns: rot (1), tilt (2), psi (3), Xoff (4), Yoff (5), Zoff (6), Ref (7), " "Wedge (8), Pmax/sumP (9), LL (10)\n") for line in fhSel: imgName = line.split()[0] fhDoc.write(" ; %s\n%d 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %d 0 0\n" % (imgName, j, mw)) j += 1 else: writeDocfile(self, fhSel, fhDoc, inputVols, mw) fhDoc.close() fhSel.close() def _updateItem(self, item, row): readDocfile(self, item) def _updateClass(self, item): classId = item.getObjId() item.setAlignment3D() directory = self._getExtraPath() fnRep = ('%s/mltomo_ref00000%d.vol' % (directory, classId)) representative = AverageSubTomogram() representative.setLocation(1, fnRep) representative.copyInfo(self.subtomoSet) representative.setClassId(classId) item.setRepresentative(representative) def _cleanFiles(self): for iter in range(0, int(self.numberOfIters)+1): os.remove(self._getExtraPath('mltomo_it00000%d.sel' % iter)) for ref in range(1, int(self.numberOfReferences)+1): os.remove(self._getExtraPath('mltomo_it00000%d_ref00000%d.vol' % (iter, ref))) os.remove(self._getExtraPath('mltomo_it00000%d_wedge00000%d.vol' % (iter, ref))) for iter in range(1, int(self.numberOfIters)+1): os.remove(self._getExtraPath('mltomo_it00000%d.fsc' % iter)) for ref in range(1, int(self.numberOfReferences) + 1): if os.stat(self._getExtraPath('mltomo_it00000%d_ref00000%d.sel' % (self.numberOfIters, ref))).st_size == 0: os.remove(self._getExtraPath('mltomo_it00000%d_ref00000%d.sel' % (self.numberOfIters, ref))) os.remove(self._getExtraPath('mltomo_ref00000%d.vol' % ref)) continue else: continue for iter in range(1, int(self.numberOfIters)): os.remove(self._getExtraPath('mltomo_it00000%d.doc' % iter)) for ref in range(1, int(self.numberOfReferences) + 1): os.remove(self._getExtraPath('mltomo_it00000%d_ref00000%d.sel' % (iter, ref)))