Source code for tomo3D.viewers.viewer_vtk

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     David Herreros Calero (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************

import pyvistaqt as pvqt
import pyvista as pv
from pyvista.utilities import generate_plane
import vtk
import numpy as np

[docs]class VtkPlot(object): ''' Class to visualize VTK files Input paramters: - vti_file (Path (Str) - Optional): File containing a Volume (Volume VTK Object) - graph_file (Path (Str) - Optional): File containing a Graph (PolyData VTK Object) - net_file (Path (Str) - Optional): File containing a Net (PolyData VTK Object) - peaks_file (Path (Str) - Optional): File containing Peaks - Coordinates (PolyData VTK Object) - surf_file (Path (Str) - Optional): File containing a Surface (PolyData VTK Object) Usage: import VtkPlot plt = VtkPlot(vti_file=path_vti, graph_file=path_graph, net_file=path_net, peaks_file=path_peaks) plt.initializePlot() ''' def __init__(self, vti_file=None, graph_file=None, net_file=None, peaks_file=None, surf_file=None): self.vti = if vti_file is not None else None self.graph = if graph_file is not None else None = if net_file is not None else None self.peaks = if peaks_file is not None else None = if surf_file is not None else None self.vti_actor = None self.graph_actor = None self.net_actor = None self.net_slice_actor = None self.peaks_actor = None self.vectors_actor = None self.surf_actor = None self.plane_widgets = [] self.cut_origin = None self.cut_normal = None self.plt = pvqt.BackgroundPlotter(title='Scipion tomo3D viewer', window_size=(1200, 800)) self.plt.main_menu.clear() pos = 0. def function_builder(vtk_obj, vtk_actor, vtk_button, vtk_actor_name, prop): ''' Function to create in a automatic manner the contents of the different custom menus in pyvistaqt ''' def function(): self.plt.remove_actor(vtk_actor) setattr(self, vtk_actor_name, self.plt.add_mesh(vtk_obj, show_scalar_bar=False, colormap="cool", scalars=prop)) vtk_button.GetRepresentation().SetState(True) return function if self.vti: pos += 45. self.buttonVti = self.plt.add_checkbox_button_widget(callback=self.plotVti, position=(pos, 10.)) self.plt.add_text('Tomogram', position=(pos, 65.), font_size=12) pos += 170. self.buttonSliceVti = self.plt.add_checkbox_button_widget(callback=self.toogleTomoSlice, position=(pos, 10.)) self.plt.add_text('Tomo Slice', position=(pos, 65.), font_size=12) if self.graph: pos += 170. if pos != 0 else 45. self.plt.add_text('Graph', position=(pos, 65.), font_size=12) self.buttonGraph = self.plt.add_checkbox_button_widget(callback=self.plotGraph, position=(pos, 10.)) # Color By Menu self.callbacks_graph = {} graph_properties = np.sort(self.graph.array_names) graph_menu = self.plt.main_menu.addMenu('Color Graph By') for prop in graph_properties: if 'normal' not in prop: self.callbacks_graph[prop] = function_builder(self.graph, self.graph_actor, self.buttonGraph, 'graph_actor', prop) graph_menu.addAction(prop, self.callbacks_graph[prop]) if pos += 170. if pos != 0 else 45. self.plt.add_text('Net', position=(pos, 65.), font_size=12) self.buttonNet = self.plt.add_checkbox_button_widget(callback=self.plotNet, position=(pos, 10.)) pos += 170. self.buttonSliceNet = self.plt.add_checkbox_button_widget(callback=self.toogleNetSlice, position=(pos, 10.)) self.plt.add_text('Net Slice', position=(pos, 65.), font_size=12) # Color By Menu self.callbacks_net = {} net_properties = np.sort( net_menu = self.plt.main_menu.addMenu('Color Net By') for prop in net_properties: if 'normal' not in prop: self.callbacks_net[prop] = function_builder(, self.net_actor, self.buttonNet, 'net_actor', prop) net_menu.addAction(prop, self.callbacks_net[prop]) if self.peaks: self.peaks.set_active_vectors('smb_normal') pos += 170. if pos != 0 else 45. self.plt.add_text('Peaks', position=(pos, 65.), font_size=12) self.buttonPeaks = self.plt.add_checkbox_button_widget(callback=self.plotPeaks, position=(pos, 10.)) pos += 170. self.buttonVectors = self.plt.add_checkbox_button_widget(callback=self.plotVectors, position=(pos, 10.)) self.plt.add_text('Directions', position=(pos, 65.), font_size=12) if pos += 170. if pos != 0 else 45. self.plt.add_text('Surface', position=(pos, 65.), font_size=12) self.buttonPeaks = self.plt.add_checkbox_button_widget(callback=self.plotSurface, position=(pos, 10.))
[docs] def plotVti(self, value): if value: self.vti_actor = self.plt.add_mesh_slice(self.vti, normal='z', cmap="bone", show_scalar_bar=False, outline_translation=False, origin_translation=False) # In order to set our own callback to the widget, we need to turn off the current widget # And turning it on again with the custom function we want to use self.plt.plane_widgets[-1].Off() del self.plt.plane_widgets[-1] self.buttonSliceVti.GetRepresentation().SetState(True) self.toogleTomoSlice(True) self.plt.reset_camera() else: idx = self.plane_widgets.index(self.vti_actor) self.plt.plane_widgets[idx].Off() del self.plt.plane_widgets[idx] del self.plane_widgets[idx] self.plt.remove_actor(self.vti_actor) self.buttonSliceVti.GetRepresentation().SetState(False) self.vti_actor = None # We need to check if we have a Net Slice and remove if it exists if self.buttonSliceNet.GetRepresentation().GetState(): self.plt.remove_actor(self.net_slice_actor) self.net_slice_actor = None self.buttonSliceNet.GetRepresentation().SetState(False) # We remove all the slice meshes and restore the plane widget variable of the viewer del self.plt.plane_sliced_meshes self.plane_widgets = []
[docs] def toogleTomoSlice(self, value): if value: if self.buttonVti.GetRepresentation().GetState(): if self.vti_actor in self.plane_widgets: idx = self.plane_widgets.index(self.vti_actor) self.plt.plane_widgets[idx].On() else: # Since Tomo button will toggle this automatically, it is safe to append here the tomo # actor to the currently active plane widgets self.plane_widgets.append(self.vti_actor) # Create all the vtkCutter objects that will be updated alg_tomo, alg_net = vtk.vtkCutter(), vtk.vtkCutter() alg_tomo.SetInputDataObject(self.vti) alg_net.SetInputDataObject( # This callback is called everytime the Tomo Slice (Cut) is updated # by the user (move, rotation) or because it is newly created def callback(normal, origin): # Update cut normal and origin stored in the widget self.cut_normal = normal self.cut_origin = origin # Create a new Plane based on new normal/origin plane = generate_plane(normal, origin) # Update Tomo Slice (Cut) position based on new plane alg_tomo.SetCutFunction(plane) alg_tomo.Update() idx = self.plane_widgets.index(self.vti_actor) plane_sliced_tomo = self.plt.plane_sliced_meshes[idx] plane_sliced_tomo.shallow_copy(alg_tomo.GetOutput()) # This callback also takes into account the Net Plane # In case it exists, it is update so it matches the current orientation of the # Tomogram Slice if self.buttonSliceNet.GetRepresentation().GetState(): alg_net.SetCutFunction(plane) alg_net.Update() idx = self.plane_widgets.index(self.net_slice_actor) plane_sliced_net = self.plt.plane_sliced_meshes[idx] plane_sliced_net.shallow_copy(alg_net.GetOutput()) self.plt.add_plane_widget(callback=callback, bounds=self.vti.bounds, factor=1.25, normal='z', origin_translation=False, outline_translation=False, else: self.buttonSliceVti.GetRepresentation().SetState(False) else: idx = self.plane_widgets.index(self.vti_actor) self.plt.plane_widgets[idx].Off()
[docs] def plotGraph(self, value): if value: self.graph_actor = self.plt.add_mesh(self.graph, show_scalar_bar=False, colormap="cool") else: self.plt.remove_actor(self.graph_actor) self.graph_actor = None
[docs] def plotNet(self, value): if value: self.net_actor = self.plt.add_mesh(, show_scalar_bar=False, colormap="cool") if self.buttonSliceNet.GetRepresentation().GetState(): self.buttonSliceNet.GetRepresentation().SetState(False) self.plt.remove_actor(self.net_slice_actor) self.net_slice_actor = None else: self.plt.remove_actor(self.net_actor) self.net_actor = None
[docs] def toogleNetSlice(self, value): if value: if self.buttonVti.GetRepresentation().GetState(): # We create a new Plane to perform a cut to Net alg = vtk.vtkCutter() alg.SetInputDataObject( plane_sliced_mesh = pv.wrap(alg.GetOutput()) plane = generate_plane(self.cut_normal, self.cut_origin) alg.SetCutFunction(plane) alg.Update() plane_sliced_mesh.shallow_copy(alg.GetOutput()) # Create the actor and add the plane to Pyvista plane_slice_meshes and plane_widgets to update # it in the future self.net_slice_actor = self.plt.add_mesh(plane_sliced_mesh, show_scalar_bar=False, colormap="cool") self.plt.plane_sliced_meshes.append(plane_sliced_mesh) self.plane_widgets.append(self.net_slice_actor) if self.buttonNet.GetRepresentation().GetState(): self.buttonNet.GetRepresentation().SetState(False) self.plt.remove_actor(self.net_actor) self.net_actor = None else: self.buttonSliceNet.GetRepresentation().SetState(False) else: self.plt.remove_actor(self.net_slice_actor) self.net_slice_actor = None # Since we only add the tomo before the Net Slice, we know that the last appended element to # the sliced meshes is going to be the Net Slice Mesh del self.plt.plane_sliced_meshes[-1] del self.plane_widgets[-1]
[docs] def plotPeaks(self, value): mag = 0.02 * self.vti.dimensions[0] if value: self.peaks_actor = self.plt.add_points(self.peaks, color="orange", point_size=mag, render_points_as_spheres=True, show_scalar_bar=False) else: self.plt.remove_actor(self.peaks_actor) self.peaks_actor = None
[docs] def plotVectors(self, value): mag = 0.05 * self.vti.dimensions[0] if value: self.vectors_actor = self.plt.add_arrows(self.peaks.points, self.peaks.active_vectors, color="red", mag=mag) else: self.plt.remove_actor(self.vectors_actor) self.vectors_actor = None
[docs] def plotSurface(self, value): if value: self.surf_actor = self.plt.add_mesh(, opacity=0.6, color="white", show_scalar_bar=False) else: self.plt.remove_actor(self.surf_actor) self.surf_actor = None
[docs] def initializePlot(self):