Source code for tomo.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     David Herreros Calero (
# *              Estrella Fernandez Gimenez (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os
import re
import importlib
import numpy as np

import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils

import tomo.constants as const
from pyworkflow.object import Pointer, RELATION_SOURCE, OBJECT_PARENT_ID
from tomo.objects import SetOfCoordinates3D, SetOfSubTomograms, SetOfTiltSeries

[docs]def existsPlugin(plugin): return importlib.util.find_spec(plugin)
def _getUniqueFileName(pattern, filename, filePaths=None): if filePaths is None: filePaths = [re.split(r'[$*#?]', pattern)[0]] commPath = pwutils.commonPath(filePaths) return filename.replace(commPath + "/", "").replace("/", "_") def _matchFileNames(originalName, importName): return os.path.basename(importName) in originalName
[docs]def normalFromMatrix(transformation): rotation = transformation[:3, :3] axis = np.array([0, 0, 1]) normal = np.linalg.inv(rotation).dot(axis) return normal
[docs]def initDictVesicles(coordinates): tomos = coordinates.getPrecedents() volIds = coordinates.aggregate(["MAX"], "_volId", ["_volId"]) volIds = [d['_volId'] for d in volIds] tomoNames = [pwutils.removeBaseExt(tomos[volId].getFileName()) for volId in volIds] dictVesicles = {tomoField: {'vesicles': [], 'normals': [], 'ids': [], 'volId': volIds[idt]} for idt, tomoField in enumerate(tomoNames)} return dictVesicles, tomoNames
[docs]def extractVesicles(coordinates, dictVesicles, tomoName): # tomoId = list(dictVesicles.keys()).index(tomoName) + 1 tomoId = dictVesicles[tomoName]['volId'] groupIds = coordinates.aggregate(["MAX"], "_volId", ["_groupId", "_volId"]) groupIds = [d['_groupId'] for d in groupIds if d['_volId'] == tomoId] if not dictVesicles[tomoName]['vesicles']: for idv in groupIds: vesicle = [] normals = [] ids = [] for coord in coordinates.iterCoordinates(volume=coordinates.getPrecedents()[tomoId]): if coord.getGroupId() == idv: vesicle.append(coord.getPosition(const.SCIPION)) trMat = coord.getMatrix() normals.append(normalFromMatrix(trMat)) ids.append(coord.getObjId()) dictVesicles[tomoName]['vesicles'].append(np.asarray(vesicle)) dictVesicles[tomoName]['normals'].append(np.asarray(normals)) dictVesicles[tomoName]['ids'].append(np.asarray(ids)) return dictVesicles
[docs]def fit_ellipsoid(x, y, z): """ Fit ellipsoid in the form Ax^2 + By^2 + Cz^2 + 2Dxy + 2Exz + 2Fyz + 2Gx + 2Hy + 2Iz + J = 0 and A + B + C = 3 constraint removing one extra parameter (from Matlab function "Fit Ellipsoid"). """ # OUTPUT: # center: ellispoid center coordinates[xc, yc, zc] # radii: ellipsoid radii[a, b, c] # evecs: the radii directions as columns of the 3x3 matrix # v: the 10 parameters describing the ellipsoid algebraically: # Ax^2 + By^2 + Cz^2 + 2Dxy + 2Exz + 2Fyz + 2Gx + 2Hy + 2Iz + J = 0 # chi2: residual sum of squared errors(chi^2), in the coordinate frame in which the ellipsoid is a unit sphere D = np.array( [x * x + y * y - 2 * z * z, x * x + z * z - 2 * y * y, 2 * x * y, 2 * x * z, 2 * y * z, 2 * x, 2 * y, 2 * z, 1 + 0 * x]) D = D.transpose() # Solve the normal system of equations d2 = x * x + y * y + z * z # The RHS of the llsq problem (y's) cD = D.conj().transpose() a = cD @ D b = cD @ d2 u = np.linalg.lstsq(a, b, rcond=None)[0] # Solution to the normal equations # Find the ellipsoid parameters # Convert back to the conventional algebraic form v = np.zeros(10) v[0] = u[0] + u[1] - 1 v[1] = u[0] - 2 * u[1] - 1 v[2] = u[1] - 2 * u[0] - 1 v[3:10] = u[2:9] # Form the algebraic form of the ellipsoid A = np.array([[v[0], v[3], v[4], v[6]], [v[3], v[1], v[5], v[7]], [v[4], v[5], v[2], v[8]], [v[6], v[7], v[8], v[9]]]) # Find the center of the ellipsoid center = np.linalg.lstsq(-A[0:3, 0:3], v[6:9], rcond=None)[0] # Form the corresponding translation matrix T = np.eye(4) T[3, 0:3] = center.conj().transpose() # Translate to the center R = T * A * T.conj().transpose() # Solve the eigenproblem [evals, evecs] = np.linalg.eig(R[0:3, 0:3] / -R[3, 3]) radii = np.sqrt(1 / abs(evals)) sgns = np.sign(evals) radii = radii * sgns # Calculate difference of the fitted points from the actual data normalized by the conic radii d = np.array([x - center[0], y - center[1], z - center[2]]) # shift data to origin d = d.transpose() @ evecs # Rotate to cardinal axes of the conic d = d.transpose() d = np.array([d[:, 0] / radii[0], d[:, 1] / radii[1], d[:, 2] / radii[2]]) # normalize to the conic radii chi2 = np.sum( np.abs(1 - np.sum( ** 2), np.tile(sgns.conj().transpose(), (d.shape[0], 1)).transpose()), 1))) if np.abs(v[-1]) > 1e-6: v = -v / v[-1] # Normalize to the more conventional form with constant term = -1 else: v = -np.sign(v[-1]) * v return center, radii, v, evecs, chi2
[docs]def generatePointCloud(v, tomoDim): ygrid = np.linspace(0, 1, 100, dtype=float) zgrid = np.linspace(0, 1, 100, dtype=float) pointCloud = [] epsilon = 1e-6 # a*x*x + b*y*y + c*z*z + 2*d*x*y + 2*e*x*z + 2*f*y*z + 2*g*x + 2*h*y + 2*i*z + j = 0 if abs(v[0]) > epsilon: v = v / v[0] a = 1 b = v[1] c = v[2] d = v[3] e = v[4] f = v[5] g = v[6] h = v[7] i = v[8] j = v[9] print('X^2') for z in zgrid: for y in ygrid: A = a B = (2 * d * y) + (2 * e * z) + (2 * g) C = (b * y * y) + (c * z * z) + (2 * f * y * z) + (2 * h * y) + (2 * i * z) + j D = B * B - (4 * A * C) if D == 0: x = (-1) * B / 2 * A pointCloud.append([int(x * tomoDim[0]), int(y * tomoDim[1]), int(z * tomoDim[2])]) if D > 0: sqrtD = np.sqrt(D) x1 = ((-1) * B + sqrtD) / 2 * A x2 = ((-1) * B - sqrtD) / 2 * A pointCloud.append([int(x1 * tomoDim[0]), int(y * tomoDim[1]), int(z * tomoDim[2])]) pointCloud.append([int(x2 * tomoDim[0]), int(y * tomoDim[1]), int(z * tomoDim[2])]) elif abs(v[3]) > epsilon: v = v / v[3] b = v[1] c = v[2] d = 1 e = v[4] f = v[5] g = v[6] h = v[7] i = v[8] j = v[9] print('X') for z in zgrid: for y in ygrid: A = (2 * d * y) + (2 * e * z) + (2 * g) B = b * y * y + c * z * z + 2 * f * y * z + 2 * h * y + 2 * i * z + j x = (-1) * B / A pointCloud.append([int(x * tomoDim[0]), int(y * tomoDim[1]), int(z * tomoDim[2])]) elif abs(v[4]) > epsilon: v = v / v[4] b = v[1] c = v[2] e = 1 f = v[5] g = v[6] h = v[7] i = v[8] j = v[9] print('X') for z in zgrid: for y in ygrid: A = (2 * e * z) + (2 * g) B = b * y * y + c * z * z + 2 * f * y * z + 2 * h * y + 2 * i * z + j x = (-1) * B / A pointCloud.append([int(x * tomoDim[0]), int(y * tomoDim[1]), int(z * tomoDim[2])]) elif abs(v[6]) > epsilon: v = v / v[6] b = v[1] c = v[2] f = v[5] g = 1 h = v[7] i = v[8] j = v[9] print('X') for z in zgrid: for y in ygrid: A = 2 * g B = b * y * y + c * z * z + 2 * f * y * z + 2 * h * y + 2 * i * z + j x = (-1) * B / A pointCloud.append([int(x * tomoDim[0]), int(y * tomoDim[1]), int(z * tomoDim[2])]) elif abs(v[1]) > epsilon: v = v / v[1] b = 1 c = v[2] f = v[5] h = v[7] i = v[8] j = v[9] print('Y^2') for z in zgrid: A = b B = (2 * f * z) + (2 * h) C = (c * z * z) + (2 * i * z) + j D = B * B - (4 * A * C) if D > 0: sqrtD = np.sqrt(D) y1 = ((-1) * B + sqrtD) / 2 * A y2 = ((-1) * B - sqrtD) / 2 * A pointCloud.append([0, int(y1 * tomoDim[1]), int(z * tomoDim[2])]) pointCloud.append([0, int(y2 * tomoDim[1]), int(z * tomoDim[2])]) elif abs(v[5]) > epsilon: v = v / v[5] c = v[2] f = 1 h = v[7] i = v[8] j = v[9] print('Y') for z in zgrid: A = (2 * f * z) + (2 * h) B = (c * z * z) + (2 * i * z) + j y = (-1) * B / A pointCloud.append([0, int(y * tomoDim[1]), int(z * tomoDim[2])]) elif abs(v[7]) > epsilon: v = v / v[7] c = v[2] h = 1 i = v[8] j = v[9] print('Y') for z in zgrid: A = 2 * h B = (c * z * z) + (2 * i * z) + j y = (-1) * B / A pointCloud.append([0, int(y * tomoDim[1]), int(z * tomoDim[2])]) elif abs(v[2]) > epsilon: v = v / v[2] c = 1 i = v[8] j = v[9] print('Z^2') # if algDesc with z2 = 0 for z values, x=y=0 for z in zgrid: result = c * z * z + 2 * i * z + j if result == 0: pointCloud.append([0, 0, int(z * tomoDim[2])]) elif abs(v[8]) > epsilon: v = v / v[8] i = 1 j = v[9] print('Z') # if algDesc with z = 0 for z values, x=y=0 for z in zgrid: result = 2 * i * z + j if result == 0: pointCloud.append([0, 0, int(z * tomoDim[2])]) return pointCloud
[docs]def isMatchingByTsId(set1, set2): return True if getattr(set1.getFirstItem(), _getTsIdLabel(set1), None) and \ getattr(set2.getFirstItem(), _getTsIdLabel(set2), None) else False
def _getTsIdLabel(setObject): """This attribute is named tsId in all the tomography objects excepting in coordinates or subtomograms (via the corresponding coordinate)""" return '_tomoId' if type(setObject) in [SetOfCoordinates3D, SetOfSubTomograms] else '_tsId'
[docs]def recoverTSFromObj(child_obj, protocol): p = protocol.getProject() graph = p.getSourceGraph(False) relations = p.mapper.getRelationsByName(RELATION_SOURCE) n = graph.getNode(child_obj.strId()) connection = [] while n is not None and not n.getParent().isRoot(): n = n.getParent() connection.append(n.pointer.getUniqueId()) connection.append(n.pointer.get().strId()) for rel in relations: pObj = p.getObject(rel[OBJECT_PARENT_ID]) pExt = rel['object_parent_extended'] pp = Pointer(pObj, extended=pExt) if pp.getUniqueId() in connection: if isinstance(pObj, SetOfTiltSeries) and pObj.getFirstItem().getFirstItem().hasTransform(): return pObj return None