Source code for sphire.convert

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Peter Horvath [1]
# *          Pablo Conesa [1]
# *
# * [1] I2PC center
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os
import csv
import re
import emtable

import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
import pwem.objects as emobj
from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
from pwem.convert import Ccp4Header

import sphire.constants as constants

with pwutils.weakImport('tomo'):
    from tomo.objects import Coordinate3D

[docs]class CoordBoxWriter: """ Helper class to write a .BOX file for cryolo. """ def __init__(self, boxSize, yFlipHeight=None): """ :param boxSize: The box size of the coordinates that will be written :param yFlipHeight: if not None, the y coordinates will be flipped """ self._file = None self._boxSize = boxSize self._halfBox = int(boxSize / 2) self._yFlipHeight = yFlipHeight
[docs] def open(self, filename): """ Open a new filename to write, close previous one if open. """ self.close() self._file = open(filename, 'w')
[docs] def writeCoord(self, coord): box = self._boxSize half = self._halfBox x = coord.getX() - half if self._yFlipHeight is None: y = coord.getY() - half else: y = self._yFlipHeight - coord.getY() - half score = getattr(coord, '_cryoloScore', 0.0) self._file.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (x, y, box, box, score))
[docs] def close(self): if self._file: self._file.close()
[docs]class CoordBoxReader: """ Helper class to read coordinates from .BOX files. """ def __init__(self, boxSize, yFlipHeight=None, boxSizeEstimated=False): """ :param boxSize: The box size of the coordinates that will be read :param yFlipHeight: if not None, the y coordinates will be flipped """ self._file = None self._boxSize = boxSize self._halfBox = boxSize / 2.0 self._yFlipHeight = yFlipHeight self._boxSizeEstimated = boxSizeEstimated
[docs] def open(self, filename): """ Open a new filename to write, close previous one if open. """ self.close() self._file = open(filename, 'r')
def _getDataLength(self): try: head = next(self._file) # Read the first line cols = re.split(r'\t+', head.rstrip('\t')) # Strip it by tab # Return to the top of the file return len(cols) except StopIteration: return None
[docs] def iterCoords(self): reader = csv.reader(self._file, delimiter='\t') if self._getDataLength() == 7: # crYOLO generates .cbox files with 7 columns from version > 1.5.4 for x, y, _, _, score, _, _ in reader: # USE the imageHeight to flip or not to flip! sciX = float(x) sciY = float(y) if not self._boxSizeEstimated: sciX += self._halfBox sciY += self._halfBox if self._yFlipHeight is not None: sciY = self._yFlipHeight - sciY yield round(sciX), round(sciY), float(score) elif self._getDataLength() == 5: # crYOLO generates .cbox files with 4 columns from version <= 1.5.4 for x, y, _, _, score in reader: # USE the imageHeight to flip or not to flip! sciX = round(float(x) + self._halfBox) sciY = round(float(y) + self._halfBox) if self._yFlipHeight is not None: sciY = self._yFlipHeight - sciY yield sciX, sciY, float(score) else: # crYOLO generates .cbox files with 11 columns from version = 1.8.0 table = emtable.Table( for row in table.iterRows(, tableName='cryolo'): x = float(row.CoordinateX) y = float(row.CoordinateY) score = float(row.Confidence) if not self._boxSizeEstimated: x += self._halfBox y += self._halfBox sciX = round(x) sciY = round(y) if self._yFlipHeight is not None: sciY = self._yFlipHeight - sciY yield sciX, sciY, score
[docs] def iter3DCoords(self): table = emtable.Table( for row in table.iterRows(, tableName='cryolo'): x = float(row.CoordinateX) y = float(row.CoordinateY) z = float(row.CoordinateZ) if not self._boxSizeEstimated: x += self._halfBox y += self._halfBox sciX = round(x) sciY = round(y) sciZ = round(z) if self._yFlipHeight is not None: sciY = self._yFlipHeight - sciY yield sciX, sciY, sciZ
[docs] def close(self): if self._file: self._file.close()
[docs]def writeSetOfCoordinates(boxDir, coordSet, micList=None): """ Convert a SetOfCoordinates to Cryolo box files. Params: boxDir: the output directory where to generate the files. coordSet: the input SetOfCoordinates that will be converted. micList: if not None, only coordinates from this micrographs will be written. """ # Get the SOM (SetOfMicrographs) micSet = coordSet.getMicrographs() micIdSet = micSet.getIdSet() if micList is None else set(m.getObjId() for m in micList) # Get first mic from mics mic = micSet.getFirstItem() # Get fileName from mic writer = CoordBoxWriter(coordSet.getBoxSize(), getFlipYHeight(mic.getFileName())) lastMicId = None doWrite = True # Loop through coordinates and generate box files for coord in coordSet.iterItems(orderBy='_micId'): micId = coord.getMicId() mic = micSet[micId] if micId != lastMicId: doWrite = micId in micIdSet if doWrite: # we need to close previous opened file, getMicIdName(mic, suffix='.box'))) lastMicId = micId if doWrite: writer.writeCoord(coord) writer.close()
[docs]def readSetOfCoordinates3D(tomogram, coord3DSetDict, coordsFile, boxSize, origin=None): reader = CoordBoxReader(boxSize) coord3DSet = coord3DSetDict[tomogram.getObjId()] coord3DSet.enableAppend() coord = Coordinate3D() for x, y, z in reader.iter3DCoords(): # Clean up objId to add as a new coordinate coord.setObjId(None) coord.setVolume(tomogram) coord.setPosition(x, y, z, origin) # Add it to the set coord3DSet.append(coord) reader.close()
[docs]def needToFlipOnY(filename): """ Returns true if need to flip coordinates on Y""" ext = pwutils.getExt(filename) if ext in ".mrc": header = Ccp4Header(filename, readHeader=True) return header.getISPG() != 0 # ISPG 1, cryolo will not flip the image return ext in constants.CRYOLO_SUPPORTED_FORMATS
[docs]def getFlipYHeight(filename): """ Return y-Height if flipping is needed, None otherwise """ x, y, z, n = ImageHandler().getDimensions(filename) return y if needToFlipOnY(filename) else None
[docs]def convertMicrographs(micList, micDir, prefix='mic'): """ Convert (or simply link) input micrographs into the given directory in a format that is compatible with crYOLO. """ ih = ImageHandler() ext = pwutils.getExt(micList[0].getFileName()) def _convert(mic, newName): ih.convert(mic, os.path.join(micDir, newName)) def _link(mic, newName): pwutils.createAbsLink(os.path.abspath(mic.getFileName()), os.path.join(micDir, newName)) if ext in constants.CRYOLO_SUPPORTED_FORMATS: func = _link else: func = _convert ext = '.mrc' for mic in micList: func(mic, getMicIdName(mic, prefix=prefix, suffix=ext))
[docs]def convertTomograms(micList, micDir): prefix = pwutils.removeBaseExt(micList[0].getFileName()) convertMicrographs(micList, micDir, prefix=prefix)
[docs]def getMicIdName(mic, prefix='mic', suffix=''): """ Return a name for the micrograph based on its IDs. """ return '%s%05d%s' % (prefix, mic.getObjId(), suffix)
[docs]def roundInputSize(inputSize): """ Returns the closest value to inputSize th is multiple of 32""" rounded = roundTo(inputSize, 32) if rounded != inputSize: print("Input size (%s) will be rounded to %s, the closest " "multiple of 32." % (inputSize, rounded)) return rounded
[docs]def roundTo(number, base=1.0): """ Returns the closest int value to number that is multiple of base""" return int(base * round(float(number) / base))