# ******************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (delarosatrevin@scilifelab.se) [1]
# * Authors: Grigory Sharov (gsharov@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) [2]
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# * [2] MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC-LMB
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# ******************************************************************************
import os
import json
from emtable import Table
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pyworkflow.constants import PROD
from pwem.protocols import ProtParticles
import pwem.emlib.metadata as md
from pwem.constants import ALIGN_PROJ
import relion.convert as convert
from .protocol_base import ProtRelionBase
[docs]class ProtRelionBayesianPolishing(ProtParticles, ProtRelionBase):
Wrapper protocol for the Relion's Bayesian Polishing.
As of release 3.0, Relion also implements a new Bayesian approach to beam
induced motion correction. This approach aims to optimise a regularised
likelihood, which allows us to associate with each hypothetical set of
particle trajectories a prior likelihood that favors spatially coherent
and temporally smooth motion without imposing any hard constraints.
The smoothness prior term requires three parameters that describe the
statistics of the observed motion. To estimate the prior that yields the
best motion tracks for this particular dataset, we can first run the
program in 'training mode'. Once the estimates have been obtained, one
can then run the program again to fit tracks for the motion of all
particles in the data set and to produce adequately weighted averages of
the aligned movie frames.
_label = 'bayesian polishing'
_devStatus = PROD
def _createFilenameTemplates(self):
""" Centralize how files are called for iterations and references. """
myDict = {
'input_mics': self._getPath('input_corrected_micrographs.star'),
'input_particles': self._getPath('input_particles.star'),
'bfactors': self._getExtraPath('bfactors.star'),
'shiny': self._getExtraPath('shiny.star'),
def _defineParams(self, form):
form.addParam('inputMovies', params.PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfMovies',
label='Input ALIGNED movies',
help='Provide a set of movies that have at '
'least global alignment information.')
form.addParam('inputParticles', params.PointerParam,
important=True, pointerCondition='hasAlignmentProj',
label='Input particles',
help='Provide a set of particles from 3D auto-refine '
'or CTF refinement.')
form.addParam('inputPostprocess', params.PointerParam,
label='Input Postprocess',
help='Select a PostProcess job. The mask used for this '
'postprocessing will be applied to the unfiltered '
'half-maps and should encompass the entire complex. '
'The resulting FSC curve will be used for weighting '
'the different frequencies. ')
line = form.addLine('Movie frames',
help='First and last frames to take into account '
'in motion fit and combination step. '
'(starts counting at 1 and 0 as last '
'means util the last frame in the movie).')
line.addParam('frame0', params.IntParam, default=1,
line.addParam('frameN', params.IntParam, default=0,
form.addParam('extrSize', params.IntParam, default=-1,
label="Extraction size (px)",
help="Size of the extracted particles in the "
"unbinned original movie(in pixels). "
"This should be an even number.")
form.addParam('rescaledSize', params.IntParam, default=-1,
label="Re-scaled size (px)",
help="The re-scaled value needs to be an even number.")
form.addSection(label='Train or Polish')
form.addParam('operation', params.EnumParam, default=1,
choices=['Train optimal parameters',
'Perform particle polishing'],
help="If *train optimal parameters* , then "
"relion_motion_refine will estimate optimal "
"parameter values for the three sigma values above "
"on a subset of the data (determined by the minimum "
"number of particles to be used below).\n\n"
"If *perform particle polishing* then "
"relion_motion_refine will be run to estimate "
"per-particle motion-tracks using the parameters "
"below, and polished particles will be generated. ")
condTrain = "operation==%s" % self.OP_TRAIN
group = form.addGroup('Train', condition=condTrain)
group.addParam('fractionFourierPx', params.FloatParam, default=0.5,
label='Fraction of Fourier pixels for testing',
help="This fraction of Fourier pixels (at higher "
"resolution) will be used for evaluation of the "
"parameters (test set), whereas the rest (at lower "
"resolution) will be used for parameter estimation "
"itself (work set).")
group.addParam('numberOfParticles', params.IntParam, default=10000,
label='Use this many particles',
help='Use at least this many particles for the '
'meta-parameter optimisation. The more particles '
'the more expensive in time and computer memory '
'the calculation becomes, but the better the results '
'may get.')
condPolish = "operation==%s" % self.OP_POLISH
group = form.addGroup('Polish', condition=condPolish)
group.addParam('sigmaVel', params.FloatParam, default=0.2,
label='Sigma for velocity (A/dose)',
help='Standard deviation for the velocity regularisation. '
'Smaller values requires the tracks to be shorter.')
group.addParam('sigmaDiv', params.FloatParam, default=5000,
label='Sigma for divergence (A)',
help='Standard deviation for the divergence of tracks '
'across the micrograph. Smaller values requires '
'the tracks to be spatially more uniform in a '
group.addParam('sigmaAcc', params.FloatParam, default=2,
label='Sigma for acceleration (A/dose)',
help='Standard deviation for the acceleration '
'regularisation. Smaller values requires the '
'tracks to be straighter.')
line = group.addLine("Resolution for B-factor fit (A)",
help='The minimum and maximum spatial frequencies '
'(in Angstrom) used in the B-factor fit.'
'If a negative value is given as the maximum,'
'it is determined from the input FSC curve.')
line.addParam('minResBfactor', params.FloatParam, default=20, label='min')
line.addParam('maxResBfactor', params.FloatParam, default=-1, label='max')
form.addParallelSection(threads=1, mpi=1)
# -------------------------- STEPS functions -------------------------------
def _insertAllSteps(self):
self._insertFunctionStep('trainOrPolishStep', self.operation.get())
if self.operation == self.OP_POLISH:
self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep', 3)
[docs] def trainOrPolishStep(self, operation):
postProt = self.inputPostprocess.get()
args = "--i %s " % self._getFileName('input_particles')
args += "--o %s " % self._getExtraPath()
postStar = postProt._getExtraPath('postprocess.star')
args += "--f %s " % postStar
args += "--angpix_ref %0.5f " % postProt.outputVolume.getSamplingRate()
args += "--corr_mic %s " % self._getFileName('input_mics')
args += "--first_frame %d --last_frame %d " % (self.frame0, self.frameN)
if self.extrSize.get() != -1:
args += "--window %d " % self.extrSize.get()
if self.rescaledSize.get() != -1:
args += "--scale %d " % self.rescaledSize.get()
if self.operation == self.OP_TRAIN:
args += "--min_p %d " % self.numberOfParticles
args += "--eval_frac %0.3f " % self.fractionFourierPx
args += "--align_frac %0.3f " % self.fractionFourierPx
args += "--params3 "
else: # OP_POLISH
args += "--s_vel %0.3f " % self.sigmaVel
args += "--s_div %0.3f " % self.sigmaDiv
args += "--s_acc %0.3f " % self.sigmaAcc
args += "--bfac_minfreq %0.3f " % self.minResBfactor
args += "--bfac_maxfreq %0.3f " % self.maxResBfactor
args += "--combine_frames "
args += "--j %d " % self.numberOfThreads
self.runJob(self._getProgram('relion_motion_refine'), args)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self, id=1):
imgSet = self.inputParticles.get()
outImgSet = self._createSetOfParticles()
pixSize = self._getOutputPixSize()
outImgsFn = md.MetaData('particles@' + self._getFileName('shiny'))
rowIterator = md.SetMdIterator(outImgsFn, sortByLabel=md.RLN_IMAGE_ID,
self._defineTransformRelation(self.inputParticles, outImgSet)
# --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------
def _summary(self):
summary = []
def _params(label, *params):
summary.append('*%s params:*' % label)
summary.append(' Sigma for velocity: %0.3f' % params[0])
summary.append(' Sigma for divergence: %0.1f' % params[1])
summary.append(' Sigma for acceleration: %0.2f' % params[2])
if self.operation != self.OP_TRAIN:
_params('Input', self.sigmaVel, self.sigmaDiv, self.sigmaAcc)
outputFn = None
for fn in ['opt_params.txt', 'opt_params_all_groups.txt']:
if os.path.exists(self._getExtraPath(fn)):
outputFn = self._getExtraPath(fn)
if outputFn is None:
summary.append('Output is not ready yet.')
with open(outputFn) as f:
line = [float(x) for x in f.readline().split()]
_params('Output', *line)
return summary
def _validate(self):
errors = []
win = self.extrSize.get()
scale = self.rescaledSize.get()
if win * scale <= 0:
errors.append("Please specify both the extraction box size and "
"the downsampled size, or leave both the default (-1)")
if win != -1 and scale != -1:
if win % 2 != 0:
errors.append("ERROR: The extraction box size must be an "
"even number")
if scale % 2 != 0:
errors.append("ERROR: The downsampled box size must be an "
"even number")
if scale > win:
errors.append("ERROR: The downsampled box size cannot be "
"larger than the extraction size")
if self.operation == self.OP_TRAIN and self.numberOfMpi > 1:
errors.append("MPI is not supported for parameters estimation.")
return errors
def _warnings(self):
warnings = ['If you have provided a gain reference or defects file during '
'movie import or motion correction, please *make sure to '
'run first "assign optics groups" protocol for aligned '
'movies*, specifying the gain file etc. Currently, Scipion '
'has no other way of knowing if you have e.g. rotated the '
'gain during motion correction.\n\nOutput movies then can be '
'used in this polishing protocol.']
return warnings
# -------------------------- UTILS functions ------------------------------
def _getInputPath(self, *paths):
return self._getPath('input', *paths)
def _getMovieStar(self, movie):
return self._getInputPath(pwutils.replaceBaseExt(movie.getMicName(),
def _updatePtcl(self, particle, row):
newLoc = convert.relionToLocation(row.getValue('rlnImageName'))
def _updateMic(self, mic, row):
row['rlnMicrographName'] = os.path.basename(mic.getMicName())
row['rlnMicrographMetadata'] = self._getMovieStar(mic)
def _getOutputPixSize(self):
parts = self.inputParticles.get()
movies = self.inputMovies.get()
if self.rescaledSize.get() == -1:
# no scale or window, return particle pix size
return parts.getSamplingRate()
if self.rescaledSize.get() == self.extrSize.get():
# window only, return movie pix size
return movies.getSamplingRate()
# rescale and window
return movies.getSamplingRate() * self.extrSize.get() / self.rescaledSize.get()