# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (delarosatrevin@scilifelab.se) [1]
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
from os.path import relpath, abspath
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pwem.protocols import ProtParticlePickingAuto
from pwem.constants import RELATION_CTF
from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
from pyworkflow.utils.properties import Message
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pyworkflow.constants import PROD
import relion.convert
from ..constants import *
from .protocol_autopick import ProtRelionAutopickBase
[docs]class ProtRelion2Autopick(ProtRelionAutopickBase):
""" This protocol runs Relion autopicking (version > 3.0).
This Relion protocol uses the 'relion_autopick' program to pick particles
from micrographs, either using references (2D averages or 3D volumes)
The wrapper implementation does not read/write any FOM maps compared to Relion
_label = 'auto-picking'
_devStatus = PROD
# -------------------------- DEFINE param functions ------------------------
def _defineParams(self, form):
form.addParam('inputMicrographs', params.PointerParam,
label='Input micrographs', important=True,
help='Select the input micrographs. '
'If using the *Optimize* mode, just a subset of '
'micrographs are used to compute the FOM maps. '
'If in *Compute* mode, all micrographs will be '
form.addParam('ctfRelations', params.RelationParam,
label='CTF estimation',
help='Choose some CTF estimation related to the '
'input micrographs.')
# From Relion 3.+, references can be 2D or 3D
# need to add these parameters
refCondition = 'referencesType==%s' % REF_AVERAGES
ref3dCondition = 'referencesType==%s' % REF_VOLUME
form.addParam('referencesType', params.EnumParam,
choices=['2D', '3D'],
help='The preferred way to autopick is '
'by providing 2D references images that were '
'obtained by 2D classification. \n'
'The Gaussian blob references may be useful to '
'kickstart a new data set.')
# In Relion 3 it is also possible to pass a volume as reference for
# autopicking
form.addParam('inputReferences', params.PointerParam,
label='Input references', important=True,
help='Input references (SetOfAverages) for auto-pick. \n\n'
'Note that the absolute greyscale needs to be correct, \n'
'so only use images with proper normalization.')
form.addParam('inputReferences3D', params.PointerParam,
label='Input references', important=True,
help='Input volume from which 2D references will be '
'made by projection. Note that the absolute '
'greyscale needs to be correct, so only use '
'maps created by RELION itself from this data set.')
form.addParam('symmetryGroup', params.StringParam, default='c1',
help="Symmetry point group of the 3D reference. "
"Only projections in the asymmetric part of the "
"sphere will be generated.")
form.addParam('angularSamplingDeg', params.EnumParam, default=0,
label='3D angular sampling (deg)',
help="There are only a few discrete angular samplings "
"possible because we use the HealPix library to "
"generate the sampling of the first two Euler "
"angles on the sphere. The samplings are approximate "
"numbers and vary slightly over the sphere.\n"
"For autopicking, 30 degrees is usually fine enough, "
"but for highly symmetrical objects one may need to "
"go finer to adequately sample the asymmetric part of "
"the sphere.")
form.addParam('particleDiameter', params.IntParam, default=-1,
label='Mask diameter (A)',
help='Diameter of the circular mask that will be applied '
'around the templates in Angstroms. When set to a '
'negative value, this value is estimated '
'automatically from the templates themselves.')
form.addParam('lowpassFilterRefs', params.IntParam, default=20,
label='Lowpass filter references (A)',
help='Lowpass filter that will be applied to the '
'references before template matching. \n'
'Do NOT use very high-resolution templates to '
'search your micrographs. \n'
'The signal will be too weak at high resolution '
'anyway, and you may find Einstein from noise...')
form.addParam('highpassFilterMics', params.IntParam, default=-1,
label='Highpass filter (A)',
help='Highpass filter that will be applied to the '
'micrographs. This may be useful to get rid of '
'background ramps due to uneven ice distributions. '
'Give a negative value to skip the highpass '
'filter. Useful values are often in the range '
'of 200-400 Angstroms.')
form.addParam('angularSampling', params.IntParam, default=5,
label='Angular sampling (deg)',
help='Angular sampling in degrees for exhaustive searches '
'of the in-plane rotations for all references.')
form.addParam('refsHaveInvertedContrast', params.BooleanParam,
label='References have inverted contrast?',
help='Set to Yes to indicate that the reference have '
'inverted contrast with respect to the particles '
'in the micrographs.')
form.addParam('refsCtfCorrected', params.BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Are References CTF corrected?',
help='Set to Yes if the references were created with '
'CTF-correction inside RELION.\n'
'If set to Yes, the input micrographs should contain '
'the CTF information.')
form.addParam('ignoreCTFUntilFirstPeak', params.BooleanParam,
label='Ignore CTFs until first peak?',
help='Set this to Yes, only if this option was also used '
'to generate the references.')
group = form.addGroup('Autopick')
group.addParam('pickingThreshold', params.FloatParam, default=0.25,
label='Picking threshold:',
help='Use lower thresholds to pick more particles '
'(and more junk probably)')
group.addParam('interParticleDistance', params.IntParam, default=-1,
label='Minimum inter-particle distance (A):',
help='Particles closer together than this distance \n'
'will be consider to be a single cluster. \n'
'From each cluster, only one particle will be '
group.addParam('maxStddevNoise', params.FloatParam, default=1.1,
label='Maximum stddev noise:',
help='This is useful to prevent picking in carbon areas, '
'or areas with big contamination features. Peaks in '
'areas where the background standard deviation in '
'the normalized micrographs is higher than this '
'value will be ignored. Useful values are probably '
'in the range 1.0 to 1.2. Set to -1 to switch off '
'the feature to eliminate peaks due to high '
'background standard deviations.')
group.addParam('minAvgNoise', params.FloatParam, default=-999,
label='Minimum avg noise:',
help='This is useful to prevent picking in carbon areas,'
' or areas with big contamination features. Peaks '
'in areas where the background standard deviation '
'in the normalized micrographs is higher than this'
' value will be ignored. Useful values are '
'probably in the range -0.5 to 0. Set to -999 to '
'switch off the feature to eliminate peaks due to '
'low average background densities.')
group = form.addGroup('Computing')
group.addParam('shrinkFactor', params.FloatParam, default=0,
validators=[params.Range(0, 1, "value should be "
"between 0 and 1. ")],
label='Shrink factor',
help='This is useful to speed up the calculations, '
'and to make them less memory-intensive. The '
'micrographs will be downscaled (shrunk) to '
'calculate the cross-correlations, and peak '
'searching will be done in the downscaled FOM '
'maps. When set to 0, the micrographs will de '
'downscaled to the lowpass filter of the '
'references, a value between 0 and 1 will '
'downscale the micrographs by that factor. '
'Note that the results will not be exactly '
'the same when you shrink micrographs!')
group.addParam('doGpu', params.BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Use GPU acceleration?',
help='If set to Yes, the job will try to use GPU '
group.addParam('gpusToUse', params.StringParam, default='',
label='Which GPUs to use:', condition='doGpu',
help='This argument is not necessary. If left empty, '
'the job itself will try to allocate available GPU '
'resources. You can override the default '
'allocation by providing a list of which GPUs '
'(0,1,2,3, etc) to use. MPI-processes are '
'separated by ":", threads by ",". '
'For example: "0,0:1,1:0,0:1,1"')
form.addParam('extraParams', params.StringParam, default='',
label='Additional arguments:',
help='In this box command-line arguments may be provided '
'that are not generated by the GUI. This may be '
'useful for testing developmental options and/or '
'expert use of the program. \n'
'The command "relion_autopick" will print a list '
'of possible options.')
form.addParallelSection(threads=0, mpi=4)
# -------------------------- INSERT steps functions -----------------------
def _insertAllSteps(self):
self.inputStreaming = self.getInputMicrographs().isStreamOpen()
if self.streamingBatchSize > 0 or self.inputStreaming:
# If the input is in streaming, follow the base class policy
# about inserting new steps and discovery new input/output
self.createOutputStep = self._doNothing
# If not in streaming, then we will just insert a single step to
# pick all micrographs at once since it is much faster
self.micDict = {}
self.micDict, _ = self._loadInputList()
nameList = [mic.getMicName() for mic in self.getMicrographList()]
self._insertFunctionStep('pickMicrographListStep', nameList,
# Disable streaming functions:
self._insertFinalSteps = self._doNothing
self._stepsCheck = self._doNothing
def _insertInitialSteps(self):
# Convert the input micrographs and references to
# the required Relion star files
inputRefs = self.getInputReferences()
convertId = self._insertFunctionStep('convertInputStep',
return [convertId]
def _doNothing(self, *args):
def _loadInputList(self):
""" This function is re-implemented in this protocol, because it have
a SetOfCTF as input, so for streaming, we only want to report those
micrographs for which the CTF is ready.
micDict, micClose = self._loadMics(self.getInputMicrographs())
ctfDict, ctfClosed = self._loadCTFs(self.ctfRelations.get())
# Keep the micrographs that have CTF
# and set the CTF property for those who have it
readyMics = dict()
for micKey, mic in micDict.items():
if micKey in ctfDict:
readyMics[micKey] = mic
# Return the updated micDict and the closed status
return readyMics, micClose and ctfClosed
# -------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------
[docs] def getAutopickParams(self):
# Return the autopicking parameters except for the interactive ones:
# - threshold
# - minDistance
# - maxStd
params = ' --pickname autopick'
params += ' --odir "./"'
params += ' --particle_diameter %d' % self.particleDiameter
params += ' --angpix %0.5f' % self.getInputMicrographs().getSamplingRate()
params += ' --shrink %0.3f' % self.shrinkFactor
if self.doGpu:
params += ' --gpu "%s"' % self.gpusToUse
if self.useInputReferences():
params += ' --ref %s' % abspath(self._getPath('reference_2d.stk'))
else: # 3D reference
params += ' --ref %s' % abspath(self._getPath('reference_3d.mrc'))
params += ' --sym %s' % self.symmetryGroup
params += ' --healpix_order %d' % (int(self.angularSamplingDeg.get()) + 1)
ps = self.getInputReferences().getSamplingRate()
params += ' --angpix_ref %0.5f' % ps
if self.refsHaveInvertedContrast:
params += ' --invert'
if self.refsCtfCorrected:
params += ' --ctf'
if self.ignoreCTFUntilFirstPeak:
params += ' --ctf_intact_first_peak'
params += ' --ang %d' % self.angularSampling
# Negative values for filters means no-filter
if self.lowpassFilterRefs > 0:
params += ' --lowpass %d' % self.lowpassFilterRefs
if self.highpassFilterMics > 0:
params += ' --highpass %d' % self.highpassFilterMics
# Add extra params is any
params += ' %s' % self.extraParams
return params
def _getPickArgs(self):
basicArgs = self.getAutopickParams()
threshold = self.pickingThreshold.get()
interDist = self.interParticleDistance.get()
maxStd = self.maxStddevNoise.get()
minAvg = self.minAvgNoise.get()
return [basicArgs, threshold, interDist, maxStd, minAvg]
def _pickMicrographsFromStar(self, micStarFile, cwd, params,
threshold, minDistance,
maxStddevNoise, minAvgNoise):
""" Launch the 'relion_autopick' for micrographs in the inputStarFile.
If the input set of complete, the star file will contain all the
micrographs. If working in streaming, it will be only one micrograph.
params += ' --i %s' % relpath(micStarFile, cwd)
params += ' --threshold %0.3f' % threshold
params += ' --min_distance %0.3f' % minDistance
params += ' --max_stddev_noise %0.3f' % maxStddevNoise
params += ' --min_avg_noise %0.3f' % minAvgNoise
program = self._getProgram('relion_autopick')
self.runJob(program, params, cwd=cwd)
# -------------------------- STEPS functions -------------------------------
[docs] def createOutputStep(self):
micSet = self.getInputMicrographs()
outputCoordinatesName = 'outputCoordinates'
coordSet = self._createSetOfCoordinates(micSet)
self.readCoordsFromMics(None, micSet, coordSet)
self._defineOutputs(**{outputCoordinatesName: coordSet})
# -------------------------- INFO functions --------------------------------
def _validate(self):
errors = []
if self.useInputReferences():
if self.particleDiameter > self.getInputDimA():
errors.append('Particle diameter (%d) can not be greater than '
'size (%d)' % (self.particleDiameter,
if self.getInputReferences().isOddX():
errors.append("Relion only works with even values for the "
"average dimensions!")
if self.particleDiameter <= 0:
errors.append('When using Gaussian blobs, you need to specify '
'the particles diameter manually. ')
if self.ctfRelations.get() is None and self.refsCtfCorrected:
errors.append("References CTF corrected parameter must be set to "
"False or set ctf relations.")
return errors
def _summary(self):
summary = []
return summary
def _citations(self):
return ['Scheres2015']
def _methods(self):
methodsMsgs = []
if self.getOutputsSize() > 0:
output = self.getCoords()
methodsMsgs.append("%s: User picked %d particles with a particle "
"size of %d px."
% (self.getObjectTag(output), output.getSize(),
return methodsMsgs
# -------------------------- UTILS functions -------------------------------
[docs] def getBoxSize(self):
""" Return a reasonable box-size in pixels. """
inputRefs = self.getInputReferences()
inputMics = self.getInputMicrographs()
micsSampling = inputMics.getSamplingRate()
if inputRefs is None:
boxSize = int(self.particleDiameter.get() * 1.25 / micsSampling)
# Scale boxsize if the pixel size of the references is not the same
# of the micrographs
scale = inputRefs.getSamplingRate() / micsSampling
boxSize = int(inputRefs.getXDim() * scale)
if boxSize % 2 == 1:
boxSize += 1 # Use even box size for relion
return boxSize
[docs] def getMicrographList(self):
""" Return the list of micrographs (either a subset or the full set)
that will be used for optimizing the parameters or the picking.
# Use all micrographs only when going for the full picking
inputMics = self.getInputMicrographs()
return inputMics
def __getMicListPrefix(self, micList):
n = len(micList)
if n == 0:
raise Exception("Empty micrographs list!")
micsPrefix = 'mic_%06d' % micList[0].getObjId()
if n > 1:
micsPrefix += "-%06d" % micList[-1].getObjId()
return micsPrefix
def _getMicStarFile(self, micList):
return self._getTmpPath(self.__getMicListPrefix(micList) + '.star')
def _createTmpMicsDir(self, micList):
""" Create a temporary path to work with a list of micrographs. """
micsDir = self._getTmpPath(self.__getMicListPrefix(micList))
return micsDir