Source code for relion.convert.convert_deprecated

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. de la Rosa Trevin ( [1]
# *              Laura del Cano ( [2]
# *              Grigory Sharov ( [3]
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# * [2] Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# * [3] MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC-LMB
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

from os.path import basename
import numpy as np

from pyworkflow.object import ObjectWrap, String, Integer
from pwem.constants import ALIGN_2D, ALIGN_3D, ALIGN_PROJ, ALIGN_NONE
import pwem.convert.transformations as tfs
import pwem.objects as pwobj

from relion.constants import *
from .convert_utils import *

[docs]def objectToRow(obj, row, attrDict, extraLabels=[]): """ This function will convert an EMObject into a XmippMdRow. Params: obj: the EMObject instance (input) row: the XmippMdRow instance (output) attrDict: dictionary with the map between obj attributes(keys) and row MDLabels in Xmipp (values). extraLabels: a list with extra labels that could be included as _xmipp_labelName """ row.set(md.RLN_IMAGE_ENABLED, obj.isEnabled()) for attr, label in attrDict.items(): if hasattr(obj, attr): valueType = md.label2Python(label) row.set(label, valueType(getattr(obj, attr).get())) attrLabels = attrDict.values() for label in extraLabels: attrName = '_' + md.label2Str(label) if label not in attrLabels and hasattr(obj, attrName): value = obj.getAttributeValue(attrName) row.set(label, value)
[docs]def rowToObject(row, obj, attrDict, extraLabels=[]): """ This function will convert from a XmippMdRow to an EMObject. Params: row: the XmippMdRow instance (input) obj: the EMObject instance (output) attrDict: dictionary with the map between obj attributes(keys) and row MDLabels in Xmipp (values). extraLabels: a list with extra labels that could be included as properties with the label name such as: _rlnSomeThing """ obj.setEnabled(row.getValue(md.RLN_IMAGE_ENABLED, 1) > 0) for attr, label in attrDict.items(): value = row.getValue(label) if not hasattr(obj, attr): setattr(obj, attr, ObjectWrap(value)) else: getattr(obj, attr).set(value) attrLabels = attrDict.values() for label in extraLabels: if label not in attrLabels and row.hasLabel(label): labelStr = md.label2Str(label) setattr(obj, '_' + labelStr, row.getValueAsObject(label))
[docs]def setObjId(obj, mdRow, label=md.RLN_IMAGE_ID): obj.setObjId(mdRow.getValue(label, None))
[docs]def setRowId(mdRow, obj, label=md.RLN_IMAGE_ID): mdRow.set(label, int(obj.getObjId()))
[docs]def acquisitionToRow(acquisition, ctfRow): """ Set labels values from acquisition to md row. """ objectToRow(acquisition, ctfRow, ACQUISITION_DICT)
[docs]def rowToAcquisition(acquisitionRow): """ Create an acquisition from a row of a meta """ if acquisitionRow.containsAll(ACQUISITION_DICT): acquisition = pwobj.Acquisition() rowToObject(acquisitionRow, acquisition, ACQUISITION_DICT) else: acquisition = None return acquisition
[docs]def setPsdFiles(ctfModel, ctfRow): """ Set the PSD files of CTF estimation related to this ctfModel. The values will be read from the ctfRow if present. """ for attr, label in CTF_PSD_DICT.items(): if ctfRow.containsLabel(label): setattr(ctfModel, attr, String(ctfRow.getValue(label)))
[docs]def ctfModelToRow(ctfModel, ctfRow): """ Set labels values from ctfModel to md row. """ # Refresh phase shift! phaseShift = ctfModel.getPhaseShift() if phaseShift is not None: ctfRow.set(md.RLN_CTF_PHASESHIFT, phaseShift) objectToRow(ctfModel, ctfRow, CTF_DICT, extraLabels=CTF_EXTRA_LABELS)
[docs]def rowToCtfModel(ctfRow): """ Create a CTFModel from a row of a meta """ if ctfRow.containsAll(CTF_DICT): ctfModel = pwobj.CTFModel() rowToObject(ctfRow, ctfModel, CTF_DICT, extraLabels=CTF_EXTRA_LABELS) if ctfRow.hasLabel(md.RLN_CTF_PHASESHIFT): ctfModel.setPhaseShift(ctfRow.getValue(md.RLN_CTF_PHASESHIFT, 0)) ctfModel.standardize() setPsdFiles(ctfModel, ctfRow) else: ctfModel = None return ctfModel
[docs]def geometryFromMatrix(matrix, inverseTransform): from pwem.convert.transformations import translation_from_matrix, euler_from_matrix if inverseTransform: matrix = np.linalg.inv(matrix) shifts = -translation_from_matrix(matrix) else: shifts = translation_from_matrix(matrix) angles = -np.rad2deg(euler_from_matrix(matrix, axes='szyz')) return shifts, angles
[docs]def matrixFromGeometry(shifts, angles, inverseTransform): """ Create the transformation matrix from a given 2D shifts in X and Y...and the 3 euler angles. """ radAngles = -np.deg2rad(angles) M = tfs.euler_matrix(radAngles[0], radAngles[1], radAngles[2], 'szyz') if inverseTransform: M[:3, 3] = -shifts[:3] M = np.linalg.inv(M) else: M[:3, 3] = shifts[:3] return M
[docs]def alignmentToRow(alignment, alignmentRow, alignType): """ is2D == True-> matrix is 2D (2D images alignment) otherwise matrix is 3D (3D volume alignment or projection) invTransform == True -> for xmipp implies projection -> for xmipp implies alignment """ is2D = alignType == ALIGN_2D is3D = alignType == ALIGN_3D inverseTransform = alignType == ALIGN_PROJ matrix = alignment.getMatrix() shifts, angles = geometryFromMatrix(matrix, inverseTransform) alignmentRow.set(md.RLN_ORIENT_ORIGIN_X, shifts[0]) alignmentRow.set(md.RLN_ORIENT_ORIGIN_Y, shifts[1]) if is2D: angle = angles[0] + angles[2] alignmentRow.set(md.RLN_ORIENT_PSI, -angle) flip = bool(np.linalg.det(matrix[0:2, 0:2]) < 0) if flip: print("FLIP in 2D not implemented") elif is3D: raise Exception("3D alignment conversion for Relion not implemented. " "It seems the particles were generated with an " "incorrect alignment type. You may either re-launch " "the protocol that generates the particles " "with angles or set 'Consider previous alignment?' " "to No") else: alignmentRow.set(md.RLN_ORIENT_ORIGIN_Z, shifts[2]) alignmentRow.set(md.RLN_ORIENT_ROT, angles[0]) alignmentRow.set(md.RLN_ORIENT_TILT, angles[1]) alignmentRow.set(md.RLN_ORIENT_PSI, angles[2])
[docs]def rowToAlignment(alignmentRow, alignType): """ is2D == True-> matrix is 2D (2D images alignment) otherwise matrix is 3D (3D volume alignment or projection) invTransform == True -> for xmipp implies projection """ if alignType == ALIGN_3D: raise Exception("3D alignment conversion for Relion not implemented.") is2D = alignType == ALIGN_2D inverseTransform = alignType == ALIGN_PROJ if alignmentRow.containsAny(ALIGNMENT_DICT): alignment = pwobj.Transform() angles = np.zeros(3) shifts = np.zeros(3) shifts[0] = alignmentRow.get(md.RLN_ORIENT_ORIGIN_X, 0.) shifts[1] = alignmentRow.get(md.RLN_ORIENT_ORIGIN_Y, 0.) if not is2D: angles[0] = alignmentRow.get(md.RLN_ORIENT_ROT, 0.) angles[1] = alignmentRow.get(md.RLN_ORIENT_TILT, 0.) angles[2] = alignmentRow.get(md.RLN_ORIENT_PSI, 0.) shifts[2] = alignmentRow.get(md.RLN_ORIENT_ORIGIN_Z, 0.) else: angles[2] = - alignmentRow.get(md.RLN_ORIENT_PSI, 0.) M = matrixFromGeometry(shifts, angles, inverseTransform) alignment.setMatrix(M) else: alignment = None return alignment
[docs]def coordinateToRow(coord, coordRow, copyId=True): """ Set labels values from Coordinate coord to md row. """ if copyId: setRowId(coordRow, coord) objectToRow(coord, coordRow, COOR_DICT, extraLabels=COOR_EXTRA_LABELS) if coord.getMicName(): micName = coord.getMicName() coordRow.set(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_NAME, str(micName.replace(" ", ""))) else: if coord.getMicId(): coordRow.set(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_NAME, str(coord.getMicId()))
[docs]def rowToCoordinate(coordRow): """ Create a Coordinate from a row of a meta """ # Check that all required labels are present in the row if coordRow.containsAll(COOR_DICT): coord = pwobj.Coordinate() rowToObject(coordRow, coord, COOR_DICT, extraLabels=COOR_EXTRA_LABELS) micName = None if coordRow.hasLabel(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_ID): micId = int(coordRow.get(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_ID)) coord.setMicId(micId) # If RLN_MICROGRAPH_NAME is not present, use the id as a name micName = micId if coordRow.hasLabel(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_NAME): micName = coordRow.get(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_NAME) coord.setMicName(micName) else: coord = None return coord
[docs]def readSetOfCoordinates(coordSet, coordFiles, micList=None): """ Read a set of coordinates from given coordinate files associated to some SetOfMicrographs. Params: micSet and coordFiles should have same length and same order. coordSet: empty SetOfCoordinates to be populated. """ if micList is None: micList = coordSet.getMicrographs() for mic, coordFn in zip(micList, coordFiles): if not os.path.exists(coordFn): print("WARNING: Missing coordinates star file: ", coordFn) try: readCoordinates(mic, coordFn, coordSet) except Exception: print("WARNING: Error reading coordinates star file: ", coordFn)
[docs]def readCoordinates(mic, fileName, coordsSet): for row in md.iterRows(fileName): coord = rowToCoordinate(row) coord.setX(coord.getX()) coord.setY(coord.getY()) coord.setMicrograph(mic) coordsSet.append(coord)
[docs]def imageToRow(img, imgRow, imgLabel=md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME, **kwargs): # Provide a hook to be used if something is needed to be # done for special cases before converting image to row preprocessImageRow = kwargs.get('preprocessImageRow', None) if preprocessImageRow: preprocessImageRow(img, imgRow) setRowId(imgRow, img) # Set the id in the metadata as MDL_ITEM_ID index, fn = img.getLocation() # check if the is a file mapping filesDict = kwargs.get('filesDict', {}) filename = filesDict.get(fn, fn) imgRow.set(imgLabel, locationToRelion(index, filename)) if kwargs.get('writeCtf', True) and img.hasCTF(): ctfModelToRow(img.getCTF(), imgRow) # alignment is mandatory at this point, it should be check # and detected defaults if not passed at readSetOf.. level alignType = kwargs.get('alignType') if alignType != ALIGN_NONE and img.hasTransform(): alignmentToRow(img.getTransform(), imgRow, alignType) if kwargs.get('writeAcquisition', True) and img.hasAcquisition(): acquisitionToRow(img.getAcquisition(), imgRow) # Write all extra labels to the row objectToRow(img, imgRow, {}, extraLabels=IMAGE_EXTRA_LABELS + kwargs.get('extraLabels', [])) # Provide a hook to be used if something is needed to be # done for special cases before converting image to row postprocessImageRow = kwargs.get('postprocessImageRow', None) if postprocessImageRow: postprocessImageRow(img, imgRow)
[docs]def volumeToRow(vol, volRow, **kwargs): """ Set labels values from Micrograph mic to md row. """ imageToRow(vol, volRow, writeAcquisition=False, **kwargs)
[docs]def rowToVolume(volRow, **kwargs): """ Create a Volume object from a row of metadata. """ return rowToParticle(volRow, particleClass=pwobj.Volume, **kwargs)
[docs]def particleToRow(part, partRow, **kwargs): """ Set labels values from Particle to md row. """ coord = part.getCoordinate() if coord is not None: coordinateToRow(coord, partRow, copyId=False) if part.hasMicId(): partRow.set(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_ID, int(part.getMicId())) # If the row does not contains the micrograph name # use a fake micrograph name using id to relion # could at least group for CTF using that if not partRow.hasLabel(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_NAME): partRow.set(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_NAME, 'fake_micrograph_%06d.mrc' % part.getMicId()) if part.hasAttribute('_rlnParticleId'): partRow.set(md.RLN_PARTICLE_ID, int(part._rlnParticleId.get())) if part.hasAttribute('_rlnRandomSubset'): partRow.set(md.RLN_PARTICLE_RANDOM_SUBSET, int(part._rlnRandomSubset.get())) if part.hasAttribute('_rlnBeamTiltX'): partRow.set('rlnBeamTiltX', float(part._rlnBeamTiltX.get())) partRow.set('rlnBeamTiltY', float(part._rlnBeamTiltY.get())) imageToRow(part, partRow, md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME, **kwargs)
[docs]def rowToParticle(partRow, particleClass=pwobj.Particle, **kwargs): """ Create a Particle from a row of a meta """ img = particleClass() # Provide a hook to be used if something is needed to be # done for special cases before converting image to row preprocessImageRow = kwargs.get('preprocessImageRow', None) if preprocessImageRow: preprocessImageRow(img, partRow) # Decompose Relion filename index, filename = relionToLocation(partRow.get(md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME)) img.setLocation(index, filename) if partRow.containsLabel(md.RLN_PARTICLE_CLASS): img.setClassId(partRow.get(md.RLN_PARTICLE_CLASS)) if kwargs.get('readCtf', True): img.setCTF(rowToCtfModel(partRow)) # alignment is mandatory at this point, it should be check # and detected defaults if not passed at readSetOf.. level alignType = kwargs.get('alignType') if alignType != ALIGN_NONE: img.setTransform(rowToAlignment(partRow, alignType)) if kwargs.get('readAcquisition', True): img.setAcquisition(rowToAcquisition(partRow)) if kwargs.get('magnification', None): img.getAcquisition().setMagnification(kwargs.get("magnification")) setObjId(img, partRow) # Read some extra labels rowToObject(partRow, img, {}, extraLabels=IMAGE_EXTRA_LABELS + kwargs.get('extraLabels', [])) img.setCoordinate(rowToCoordinate(partRow)) # copy micId if available from row to particle if partRow.hasLabel(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_ID): img.setMicId(partRow.get(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_ID)) # copy particleId if available from row to particle if partRow.hasLabel(md.RLN_PARTICLE_ID): img._rlnParticleId = Integer(partRow.get(md.RLN_PARTICLE_ID)) # Provide a hook to be used if something is needed to be # done for special cases before converting image to row postprocessImageRow = kwargs.get('postprocessImageRow', None) if postprocessImageRow: postprocessImageRow(img, partRow) return img
[docs]def readSetOfParticles(filename, imgSet, rowToFunc=rowToParticle, **kwargs): """read from Relion image meta filename: The metadata filename where the image are. imgSet: the SetOfParticles that will be populated. rowToParticle: this function will be used to convert the row to Object """ imgMd = md.MetaData(filename) # By default remove disabled items from metadata # be careful if you need to preserve the original number of items if kwargs.get('removeDisabled', True): imgMd.removeDisabled() for imgRow in md.iterRows(imgMd): img = rowToFunc(imgRow, **kwargs) imgSet.append(img) imgSet.setHasCTF(img.hasCTF()) imgSet.setAlignment(kwargs['alignType'])
[docs]def setOfImagesToMd(imgSet, imgMd, imgToFunc, **kwargs): """ This function will fill Relion metadata from a SetOfMicrographs Params: imgSet: the set of images to be converted to metadata md: metadata to be filled rowFunc: this function can be used to setup the row before adding to meta """ if 'alignType' not in kwargs: kwargs['alignType'] = imgSet.getAlignment() for img in imgSet: objId = imgMd.addObject() imgRow = md.Row() imgToFunc(img, imgRow, **kwargs) imgRow.writeToMd(imgMd, objId)
[docs]def writeSetOfImages(imgSet, filename, imgToFunc, blockName='Images', **kwargs): """ This function will write a SetOfImages as metadata. Params: imgSet: the set of images to be written (particles, micrographs or volumes) filename: the filename where to write the metadata.` rowFunc: this function can be used to setup the row before adding to metadata. """ mdFn = md.MetaData() setOfImagesToMd(imgSet, mdFn, imgToFunc, **kwargs) mdFn.write('%s@%s' % (blockName, filename))
[docs]def writeSetOfVolumes(volSet, filename, blockName='Volumes', **kwargs): writeSetOfImages(volSet, filename, volumeToRow, blockName, **kwargs)
[docs]def writeReferences(inputSet, outputRoot, useBasename=False, **kwargs): """ Write references star and stack files from SetOfAverages or SetOfClasses2D/3D. Params: inputSet: the input SetOfParticles to be converted outputRoot: where to write the output files. basename: If True, use the basename of the stack for setting path. """ refsMd = md.MetaData() stackFile = outputRoot + '.stk' stackName = basename(stackFile) if useBasename else stackFile starFile = outputRoot + '.star' ih = ImageHandler() row = md.Row() def _convert(item, i, convertFunc): index = i + 1 ih.convert(item, (index, stackFile)) item.setLocation(index, stackName) convertFunc(item, row, **kwargs) row.writeToMd(refsMd, refsMd.addObject()) if isinstance(inputSet, pwobj.SetOfAverages): for i, img in enumerate(inputSet): _convert(img, i, particleToRow) elif isinstance(inputSet, pwobj.SetOfClasses2D): for i, rep in enumerate(inputSet.iterRepresentatives()): _convert(rep, i, particleToRow) elif isinstance(inputSet, pwobj.SetOfClasses3D): for i, rep in enumerate(inputSet.iterRepresentatives()): _convert(rep, i, imageToRow) elif isinstance(inputSet, pwobj.SetOfVolumes): for i, vol in enumerate(inputSet): _convert(vol, i, imageToRow) elif isinstance(inputSet, pwobj.Volume): _convert(inputSet, 0, imageToRow) else: raise Exception('Invalid object type: %s' % type(inputSet)) refsMd.write(starFile)
[docs]def copyOrLinkFileName(imgRow, prefixDir, outputDir, copyFiles=False): index, imgPath = relionToLocation(imgRow.get(md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME)) baseName = os.path.basename(imgPath) newName = os.path.join(outputDir, baseName) if not os.path.exists(newName): if copyFiles: pwutils.copyFile(os.path.join(prefixDir, imgPath), newName) else: pwutils.createLink(os.path.join(prefixDir, imgPath), newName) imgRow.set(md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME, locationToRelion(index, newName))
[docs]def setupCTF(imgRow, sampling): """ Do some validations and set some values for Relion import. """ imgRow.set(md.MDL_SAMPLINGRATE, sampling) # TODO: check if we want to move this behaviour to setup CTFModel by default hasDefocusU = imgRow.containsLabel(md.MDL_CTF_DEFOCUSU) hasDefocusV = imgRow.containsLabel(md.MDL_CTF_DEFOCUSV) hasDefocusAngle = imgRow.containsLabel(md.MDL_CTF_DEFOCUS_ANGLE) if hasDefocusU or hasDefocusV: if not hasDefocusU: imgRow.set(md.MDL_CTF_DEFOCUSU, imgRow.get(md.MDL_CTF_DEFOCUSV)) if not hasDefocusV: imgRow.set(md.MDL_CTF_DEFOCUSV, imgRow.get(md.MDL_CTF_DEFOCUSU)) if not hasDefocusAngle: imgRow.set(md.MDL_CTF_DEFOCUS_ANGLE, 0.)