Source code for relion.convert.convert_base

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. de la Rosa Trevin ( [1]
# *              Grigory Sharov ( [2]
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# * [2] MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC-LMB
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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# **************************************************************************
New conversion functions dealing with Relion3.1 new star files format.

import os
from emtable import Table

import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pyworkflow.object import ObjectWrap

from pwem.constants import ALIGN_NONE
from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler

[docs]class WriterBase: """ Helper class to convert from Scipion SetOfImages subclasses into Relion>3.1 star files (and binaries if conversion needed). """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new instance with some configuration parameters. Keyword Args: rootDir: Specify a directory that will be used as "root" for setting the path values in the star file pointing to the binaries convertPolicy: By default, conversion of binary files will create symbolic links if no conversion is required. By passing convertPolicy=CONVERT_ALWAYS, it will force the conversion. useBaseName: (bool) By default the writer will use the id to generate shorter names. If this option is True, then the images base name will be used instead. This option might be useful in export protocols. """ self._optics = kwargs.get('optics', None) # Not used now # self.convertPolicy = kwargs.get('convertPolicy', self.CONVERT_IF_NEEDED) self.rootDir = None self.outputDir = None self.outputStack = None self.useBaseName = False self.extensions = ['mrc'] self.update(['rootDir', 'outputDir', 'userBaseName', 'extensions'], **kwargs) self._ih = ImageHandler() # used to convert images self._filesDict = {} # used to map file names (converted or linked) self._dimensionality = 2 self._imageSize = None
[docs] def update(self, attrsList, **kwargs): """ Update the some attributes with values from kwargs. """ for attr in attrsList: if attr in kwargs: setattr(self, attr, kwargs[attr])
[docs] def writeSetOfMovies(self, moviesIterable, starFile, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def writeSetOfMicrographs(self, micsIterable, starFile, **kwargs): pass
def _writeSetOfMoviesOrMics(self, imgIterable, starFile, tableName, imgLabelName, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def writeSetOfParticles(self, partsSet, starFile, **kwargs): """ Convert a set of particles into a star file and maybe binary files. Params: partsSet: input particles set starFile: the filename of the star file that will be written. Keyword Arguments: blockName: The name of the data block (default particles) fillMagnification: If True set magnification values (default False) outputStack: A file name to write all particles. If this option is passed, then the outputDir will be ignored. """ pass
def _convert(self, image): imageFn = image.getFileName() if self.outputDir is None: return imageFn ext = pwutils.getExt(imageFn)[1:] if ext in self.extensions: finalExt = ext convertFunc = pwutils.createAbsLink else: finalExt = self.extensions[0] convertFunc = self._ih.convert if self.useBaseName: newName = pwutils.replaceBaseExt(image.getFileName(), finalExt) else: newName = "%s_%06d.%s" % (self._prefix, image.getObjId(), finalExt) newPath = os.path.join(self.outputDir, newName) convertFunc(os.path.abspath(imageFn), newPath) # If there is a rootDir defined, we should return the path relative # to that location, probably to be used from the star file if self.rootDir is not None: newPath = os.path.relpath(newPath, self.rootDir) return newPath def _createTableFromDict(self, rowDict): """ Helper function to create a Table instance from an input dict with keys as columns names and type the type of the values in the dict. """ return Table(columns=[ Table.Column(k, type=type(v)) for k, v in rowDict.items()]) def _micToRow(self, mic, row): row['rlnImageId'] = mic.getObjId() def _ctfToRow(self, ctf, row): psd = ctf.getPsdFile() if psd: row['rlnCtfImage'] = psd dU, dV, dAngle = ctf.getDefocus() row['rlnDefocusU'] = dU row['rlnDefocusV'] = dV row['rlnCtfAstigmatism'] = abs(dU-dV) row['rlnDefocusAngle'] = dAngle row['rlnCtfFigureOfMerit'] = ctf.getFitQuality() or 0 row['rlnCtfMaxResolution'] = ctf.getResolution() or 0 phaseShift = ctf.getPhaseShift() if phaseShift is not None: row['rlnPhaseShift'] = phaseShift
[docs]class ReaderBase: """ Helper class to grab information from star file rows and fill the required values in Scipion objects (e.g particles, micrographs, etc) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ self._alignType = kwargs.get('alignType', ALIGN_NONE) self._pixelSize = kwargs.get('pixelSize', 1.0) self._invPixelSize = 1. / self._pixelSize self._extraLabels = []
[docs] def readSetOfParticles(self, starFile, partsSet, **kwargs): """ Convert a star file into a set of particles. Params: starFile: the filename of the star file partsSet: output particles set Keyword Arguments: blockName: The name of the data block (default particles) alignType: removeDisabled: """ pass
[docs] def setParticleTransform(self, particle, row): """ Set the transform values from the row. """ pass
[docs] def createExtraLabels(self, item, row, extraLabels): """ Create new Objects for each extra label if contained in the columnObj. It will set the self._extraLabels property. Args: item: Object item that will have new extra labels objects row: column object that should have a method hasColumn extraLabels: list of label names that will be set if present in columnObj """ self._extraLabels = [l for l in extraLabels if row.hasColumn(l)] for label in self._extraLabels: setattr(item, '_' + label, ObjectWrap(getattr(row, label)))
[docs] def setExtraLabels(self, item, row): """ Set values for already computed extraLabels with self.createExtraLabels. """ for label in self._extraLabels: getattr(item, '_' + label).set(getattr(row, label))