# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Pablo Conesa (pconesa@cnb.csic.es)
# *
# * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
import datetime
import platform
import abc
from abc import ABC
from pyworkflow.gui.project.constants import STATUS_COLORS, WARNING_COLOR
from pyworkflow.protocol import STATUS_FAILED
from pyworkflow.viewer import ProtocolViewer
[docs]def getStatusColorFromNode(node):
# If it is a run node (not PROJECT)
return getStatusColorFromRun(node.run)
[docs]def getStatusColorFromRun(prot):
""" Returns the color associated with the status. """
if prot:
if prot.hasSummaryWarnings():
return getStatusColor(prot.status.get(STATUS_FAILED))
return getStatusColor()
[docs]def getStatusColor(status=None, default='#ADD8E6'):
status status of the protocol
Returns the color associated with he status
return STATUS_COLORS[status] if status else default
# OS dependent behaviour. Add any OS dependent method here and later we might move
# or refactor this to a class or something else
[docs]class OSHandler(abc.ABC):
""" Abstract class: Handler for OS specific actions"""
[docs] def maximizeWindow(root):
[docs]class LinuxHandler(OSHandler, ABC):
[docs] def maximizeWindow(root):
root.attributes("-zoomed", True)
[docs]class MacHandler(OSHandler, ABC):
[docs] def maximizeWindow(root):
[docs]class WindowsHandler(OSHandler, ABC):
[docs] def maximizeWindow(root):
[docs]class OS:
_handler = None
_handlers = {"Linux": LinuxHandler,
"Darwin": MacHandler,
"Windows": WindowsHandler} # Until testing this on windows
[docs] @classmethod
def handler(cls):
if cls._handler is None:
cls._handler = cls._handlers[cls.getPlatform()]
return cls._handler
[docs]def isAFinalProtocol(v, k):
if (issubclass(v, ProtocolViewer) or
v.isBase() or v.isDisabled()):
return False
return v.__name__ == k
[docs]def inspectObj(object, filename, prefix='', maxDeep=5, inspectDetail=2, memoryDict=None):
""" Creates a .CSV file in the filename path with
all its members and recursively with a certain maxDeep,
if maxDeep=0 means no maxDeep (until all members are inspected).
inspectDetail can be:
- 1: All attributes are shown
- 2: All attributes are shown and iterable values are also inspected
prefix and memoryDict will be updated in the recursive entries:
- prefix is a compound of the two first columns (DEEP and Tree)
- memoryDict is a dictionary with the memory address and an identifier
END_LINE = '\n' # end of line char
COL_DELIM = '\t' # column delimiter
INDENT_COUNTER = '/' # character append in each indention (it's not written)
NEW_CHILD = ' |------> ' # new item indention
BAR_CHILD = ' | ' + INDENT_COUNTER # bar indention
END_CHILD = (' -- ' + COL_DELIM) * 4 + END_LINE # Child ending
column1 = ' - Name - ' + COL_DELIM
column2 = ' - Type - ' + COL_DELIM
column3 = ' - Value - ' + COL_DELIM
column4 = ' - Memory Address -'
# Constants to distinguish the first, last and middle rows
IS_LAST = -1
memoryDict = memoryDict or {}
def writeRow(name, value, prefix, posList=False):
""" Writes a row item. """
# we will avoid to recursively print the items wrote before
# (ie. with the same memory address), thus we store a dict with the
# addresses and the flag isNew is properly set
if str(hex(id(value))) in memoryDict:
memorySTR = memoryDict[str(hex(id(value)))]
isNew = False
# if the item is new, we save its memory address in the memoryDict
# and we pass the name and the line on the file as a reference.
memorySTR = str(hex(id(value)))
file = open(filename, 'r')
lineNum = str(len(file.readlines()) + 1)
nameDict = str(name)[0:15] + ' ...' if len(str(name)) > 25 else str(name)
memoryDict[str(hex(id(value)))] = '>>> ' + nameDict + ' - L:' + lineNum
isNew = True
if posList:
# if we have a List, the third column is 'pos/lenght'
thirdCol = posList
# else, we print the value avoiding the EndOfLine char (// instead)
thirdCol = str(value).replace(END_LINE, ' // ')
# we will print the indentation deep number in the first row
indentionDeep = prefix.count(INDENT_COUNTER)
deepStr = str(indentionDeep) + COL_DELIM
# the prefix without the indentCounters is
# the tree to be printed in the 2nd row
prefixToWrite = prefix.replace(INDENT_COUNTER, '')
file = open(filename, 'a')
file.write(deepStr + prefixToWrite + COL_DELIM +
str(name) + COL_DELIM +
str(type(value)) + COL_DELIM +
thirdCol + COL_DELIM +
memorySTR + END_LINE)
return isNew
def recursivePrint(value, prefix, isFirstOrLast):
""" We print the childs items of tuples, lists, dicts and classes. """
# if it's the last item, its childs has not the bar indention
if isFirstOrLast == IS_LAST: # void indention when no more items
prefixList = prefix.split(INDENT_COUNTER)
prefixList[-2] = prefixList[-2].replace('|', ' ')
prefix = INDENT_COUNTER.join(prefixList)
# recursive step with the new prefix and memory dict.
inspectObj(value, filename, prefix + BAR_CHILD, maxDeep, inspectDetail,
if isFirstOrLast == IS_FIRST:
deepStr = str(indentionDeep) + COL_DELIM
# When it was not the first item, the deep is increased
# to improve the readability when filter
deepStr = str(indentionDeep + 1) + COL_DELIM
prefix = prefix.replace(INDENT_COUNTER, '') + COL_DELIM
# We introduce the end of the child and
# also the next header while it is not the last
file = open(filename, 'a')
file.write(deepStr + prefix + END_CHILD)
if isFirstOrLast != IS_LAST:
# header
file.write(deepStr + prefix +
column1 + column2 + column3 + column4 + END_LINE)
def isIterable(obj):
""" Returns true if obj is a tuple, list, dict or calls. """
isTupleListDict = (isinstance(obj, tuple) or
isinstance(obj, dict) or
isinstance(obj, list)) and len(value) > 1
# FIX ME: I don't know how to assert if is a class or not...
isClass = str(type(obj))[1] == 'c'
return isClass or (isTupleListDict and inspectDetail < 2)
indentionDeep = prefix.count(INDENT_COUNTER)
if indentionDeep == 0:
prefix = ' - Root - '
# dict with name and value pairs of the members
if len(object) == 1:
# if only one obj is passed in the input list,
# we directly inspect that obj.
obj_dict = object[0].__dict__
object = object[0]
# setting the header row
treeHeader = ' - Print on ' + str(datetime.datetime.now())
prefixHeader = '-DEEP-' + COL_DELIM + treeHeader + COL_DELIM
col1 = ' - Name - (value for Lists and Tuples)' + COL_DELIM
col3 = ' - Value - (Pos./Len for Lists and Tuples) ' + COL_DELIM
# writing the header row
file = open(filename, 'w')
file.write(prefixHeader + col1 + column2 + col3 + column4 + END_LINE)
# writing the root object
writeRow(object.__class__.__name__, object, prefix)
# adding the child bar to the prefix
prefix = ' ' + BAR_CHILD
# firsts settings depending on the type of the obj
if str(type(object))[1] == 'c':
obj_dict = object.__dict__
elif (isinstance(object, tuple) or
isinstance(object, list)):
column1 = ' - Value - ' + COL_DELIM
column3 = ' - Pos./Len. - ' + COL_DELIM
elif isinstance(object, dict):
column1 = ' - Key - ' + COL_DELIM
obj_dict = object
else: # if is not of the type above it not make sense to continue
indentionDeep = prefix.count(INDENT_COUNTER)
deepStr = str(indentionDeep) + COL_DELIM
isBelowMaxDeep = indentionDeep < maxDeep if maxDeep > 0 else True
prefixToWrite = prefix.replace(INDENT_COUNTER, '') + COL_DELIM
file = open(filename, 'a')
file.write(deepStr + prefixToWrite +
column1 + column2 + column3 + column4 + END_LINE)
# we update the prefix to put the NEW_CHILD string ( |----> )
prefixList = prefix.split(INDENT_COUNTER)
prefixList[-2] = NEW_CHILD
# we return to the string structure
# with a certain indention if it's the root
prefixToWrite = ' ' + INDENT_COUNTER.join(prefixList) if indentionDeep == 1 \
else INDENT_COUNTER.join(prefixList)
isNew = True
if str(type(object))[1] == 'c' or isinstance(object, dict):
counter = 0
for key, value in obj_dict.items():
counter += 1
# write the variable
isNew = writeRow(key, value, prefixToWrite)
# managing the extremes of the loop
if counter == 1:
isFirstOrLast = IS_FIRST
elif counter == len(obj_dict):
isFirstOrLast = IS_LAST
isFirstOrLast = IS_MIDDLE
# show attributes for objects and items for lists and tuples
if isBelowMaxDeep and isNew and isIterable(value):
recursivePrint(value, prefix, isFirstOrLast)
for i in range(0, len(object)):
# write the variable
isNew = writeRow(object[i], object[i], prefixToWrite,
str(i + 1) + '/' + str(len(object)))
# managing the extremes of the loop
if i == 0:
isFirstOrLast = IS_FIRST
elif len(object) == i + 1:
isFirstOrLast = IS_LAST
isFirstOrLast = IS_MIDDLE
# show attributes for objects and items for lists and tuples
if isBelowMaxDeep and isNew and isIterable(object[i]):
recursivePrint(object[i], prefix, isFirstOrLast)