Source code for pyseg.protocols.protocol_pre_seg

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Scipion Team
# *
# * National Center of Biotechnology, CSIC, Spain
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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# **************************************************************************
import glob
from os.path import abspath

from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
from pwem.protocols import EMProtocol
from pyworkflow import BETA
from pyworkflow.protocol import FileParam, NumericListParam, IntParam, FloatParam, GT, LEVEL_ADVANCED, EnumParam, \
from pyworkflow.utils import Message, removeBaseExt, removeExt
from scipion.constants import PYTHON
from tomo.objects import SetOfTomoMasks, TomoMask, SetOfSubTomograms, SubTomogram, SetOfTomograms, Tomogram

from pyseg import Plugin
from relion.convert import Table
import numpy as np
from pyseg.convert import _getVesicleIdFromSubtomoName

[docs]class ProtPySegPreSegParticles(EMProtocol): """pre-process segmented circular membranes""" _label = 'preseg circular membranes' _devStatus = BETA _starFile = None # -------------------------- DEFINE param functions ---------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): """ Define the input parameters that will be used. Params: form: this is the form to be populated with sections and params. """ # You need a params to belong to a section: form.addSection(label=Message.LABEL_INPUT) form.addParam('segmentationFrom', EnumParam, choices=['Scipion Protocol', 'Star file'], default=FROM_SCIPION, label='Choose pre seg data source', important=True, display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_HLIST) form.addParam('inTomoMasks', PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfTomoMasks', label='Segmented and annotated tomograms', condition='segmentationFrom == %i' % FROM_SCIPION, important=True, allowsNull=False, help='Pointer to segmented and annotated tomograms within Scipion.') form.addParam('inStar', FileParam, label='Seg particles star file', condition='segmentationFrom == %i' % FROM_STAR_FILE, important=True, allowsNull=False, help='Star file obtained in PySeg graphs step.') group = form.addGroup('Sub-volume splitting') group.addParam('spSplit', NumericListParam, default='-1', allowsNull=False, label='Number of splits (X, Y, Z)', help='Parts in which the tomogram will be split, respecting X, Y and Z axis. Value -1' 'is used to indicate no splitting.') group.addParam('spOffVoxels', IntParam, label='Offset voxels', allowsNull=False, validators=[GT(0)], help='Margin to ensure that the desired entities, e. g. membranes, proteins, are included.') group = form.addGroup('Membrane segmentation') group.addParam('sgVoxelSize', FloatParam, label='Voxel size (Å/voxel)', condition='segmentationFrom == %s' % FROM_STAR_FILE, important=True) group.addParam('sgThreshold', IntParam, default=-1, label='Density threshold', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help='All the voxels with density equal to or higher than the threshold are set to 1. ' 'The remaining voxels are set to 0.') group.addParam('sgSizeThreshold', IntParam, default=-1, label='Size threshold (voxels)', condition='sgThreshold > 0', help='It sets the minimal size for a component to be considered as membrane.') group.addParam('sgMembThk', FloatParam, label='Segmented membrane thickness (Å)', allowsNull=False, validators=[GT(0)]) group.addParam('sgMembNeigh', FloatParam, label='Segmented mebmrane neighbours (Å)', allowsNull=False, validators=[GT(0)], help='Thickness around the membrane to represent the in-membrane and out-membrane surroundings ' 'desired to be included in the analysis.') def _insertAllSteps(self): self._initialize() self._insertFunctionStep(self.pysegPreSegStep) self._insertFunctionStep(self.getMembraneCenterStep) self._insertFunctionStep(self.pysegPreSegCenteredStep) self._insertFunctionStep(self.createOutputStep) def _initialize(self): if self.segmentationFrom.get() == FROM_SCIPION: self._starFile = self._convertInput2Star() else: self._starFile = self.inStar.get()
[docs] def pysegPreSegStep(self): outDir = self._getExtraPath() # Script called Plugin.runPySeg(self, PYTHON, self._getPreSegCmd(self._starFile, outDir))
[docs] def getMembraneCenterStep(self): inStar = self.getPresegOutputFile(self._starFile) self._findVesicleCenter(self._starFile, inStar)
[docs] def pysegPreSegCenteredStep(self): inStar = abspath(self.getVesiclesCenteredStarFile()) outDir = self._getExtraPath() # Script called Plugin.runPySeg(self, PYTHON, self._getPreSegCmd(inStar, outDir))
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): segVesSet, vesSet, tomogramSet = self._genOutputSetOfTomoMasks() self._defineOutputs(outputSetofTomoMasks=segVesSet) self._defineOutputs(outputSetofSubTomograms=vesSet) # If the input data is a star file, the corresponding set of tomograms is generated if tomogramSet: self._defineOutputs(outputSetofTomograms=tomogramSet)
# --------------------------- INFO functions ----------------------------------- def _validate(self): validationMsg = [] if self.segmentationFrom.get() == FROM_STAR_FILE: voxelSize = self.sgVoxelSize.get() msg = 'Voxel size must be greater than 0.' if voxelSize: if voxelSize <= 0: validationMsg.append(msg) else: validationMsg.append(msg) return validationMsg # --------------------------- UTIL functions ----------------------------------- def _getPreSegCmd(self, inStar, outDir): preSegCmd = ' ' preSegCmd += '%s ' % Plugin.getHome(PRESEG_SCRIPT) preSegCmd += '--inStar %s ' % inStar preSegCmd += '--outDir %s ' % outDir preSegCmd += '--spSplit %s ' % self.spSplit.get() preSegCmd += '--spOffVoxels %s ' % self.spOffVoxels.get() preSegCmd += '--sgVoxelSize %s ' % (float(self._getSamplingRate())/10) # required in nm preSegCmd += '--sgThreshold %s ' % self.sgThreshold.get() preSegCmd += '--sgSizeThreshold %s ' % self.sgSizeThreshold.get() preSegCmd += '--sgMembThk %s ' % self._checkValue4PySeg(self.sgMembThk.get()) # required in nm preSegCmd += '--sgMembNeigh %s ' % self._checkValue4PySeg(self.sgMembNeigh.get()) # required in nm return preSegCmd def _convertInput2Star(self): inStar = self._getExtraPath('') outputTable = self._createTable(isConvertingInput=True) # Generate the star file with the vesicles centered for the second pre_seg execution for tomoMask in self.inTomoMasks.get(): vesicle = tomoMask.getFileName() for materialIndex in self._getMaterialsList(vesicle): # Get annotated materials from txt file and add one # line for each one # Add row to output table outputTable.addRow(tomoMask.getVolName(), vesicle, int(materialIndex), vesicle ) outputTable.write(inStar) return inStar @staticmethod def _getMaterialsList(vesicle): # Get annotated materials from txt file and add one line for each one materialsFile = removeExt(vesicle) + '.txt' with open(materialsFile) as matFile: materialsList = # Expected format is a string like 'ind1,ind2,...,indn\n, so it's necessary to transform it into a list of # material indices return materialsList.replace('\n', '').split(',') def _findVesicleCenter(self, starFileInit, starFilePreseg1): ih = ImageHandler() outputTable = self._createTable() # Read preseg (vesicles not centered) table presegTable = Table() # Read initial data initTable = Table() # Generate the star file with the vesicles centered for the second pre_seg execution for row, rowp in zip(initTable, presegTable): tomo = row.get(TOMOGRAM, NOT_FOUND) vesicle = row.get(VESICLE, NOT_FOUND) materialIndex = row.get(PYSEG_LABEL, NOT_FOUND) # Get the upper left corner of the vesicle in the original tomogram: _psSegOffX #7 _psSegOffY #8 _psSegOffZ # #9 from output star file of that do not distinguish inner and outer densities xdimCorner = rowp.get(PYSEG_OFFSET_X, 0) ydimCorner = rowp.get(PYSEG_OFFSET_Y, 0) zdimCorner = rowp.get(PYSEG_OFFSET_Z, 0) # Get the box dimensions, be sure that the Dimensions format is Dimensions: 239 x 1 x 298 x 298 # ((N)Objects x (Z)Slices x (Y)Rows x (X)Columns) x, y, z, _ = ih.getDimensions(rowp.get(MASK, NOT_FOUND)) # Add row to output table outputTable.addRow(tomo, vesicle, materialIndex, vesicle, xdimCorner + x / 2, ydimCorner + y / 2, zdimCorner + z / 2, ) outputTable.write(self.getVesiclesCenteredStarFile())
[docs] def getPresegOutputFile(self, inStar): return self._getExtraPath(removeBaseExt(inStar) + '')
[docs] def getVesiclesCenteredStarFile(self): return self._getExtraPath('')
@ staticmethod def _createTable(isConvertingInput=False): if isConvertingInput: # Headers for the input star file to the first pre seg when the input data is from Scipion return Table(columns=[TOMOGRAM, VESICLE, PYSEG_LABEL, MASK]) else: # Headers for pySeg pre_seg centered star file return Table(columns=[TOMOGRAM, VESICLE, PYSEG_LABEL, MASK, RLN_ORIGIN_X, RLN_ORIGIN_Y, RLN_ORIGIN_Z ]) @staticmethod def _checkValue4PySeg(value): return value if value == -1 else value/10 def _getTomogramsFromStar(self): """Get the tomograms names to generate the output setOfTomograms and vesicles subtomogras ref tomograms""" tomoFileList = [] tomoTable = Table() for row in tomoTable: tomoFileList.append(row.get(TOMOGRAM)) return tomoFileList def _genOutputSetOfTomoMasks(self): # TODO: check why sometimes the suffix is _mb and sometimes it is _seg tomogramSet = [] tomoFileList = self._getTomogramsFromStar() suffix = '_seg' MRC = '.mrc' tomoMaskList = glob.glob(self._getExtraPath('segs', '*' + suffix + MRC)) if not tomoMaskList: suffix = '_mb' tomoMaskList = glob.glob(self._getExtraPath('segs', '*' + suffix + MRC)) vesicleSubtomoList = [tomoMask.replace(suffix + MRC, MRC) for tomoMask in tomoMaskList] ind = np.argsort([int(_getVesicleIdFromSubtomoName(vesicleName)) for vesicleName in vesicleSubtomoList]) tomoMaskSet = SetOfTomoMasks.create(self._getPath(), template='tomomasks%s.sqlite', suffix='segVesicles') subTomoSet = SetOfSubTomograms.create(self._getPath(), template='subtomograms%s.sqlite', suffix='vesicles') sRate = self._getSamplingRate() if self.segmentationFrom.get() == FROM_SCIPION: inTomoMaskSet = self.inTomoMasks.get() tomoMaskSet.copyInfo(inTomoMaskSet) subTomoSet.copyInfo(inTomoMaskSet) else: tomoMaskSet.setSamplingRate(sRate) subTomoSet.setSamplingRate(sRate) # Generate the set of tomograms tomogramSet = SetOfTomograms.create(self._getPath(), template='tomograms%s.sqlite') tomogramSet.setSamplingRate(sRate) counter = 1 for tomoFile in sorted(set(tomoFileList)): tomo = Tomogram() tomo.setLocation(counter, tomoFile) tomo.setSamplingRate(sRate) tomogramSet.append(tomo) counter += 1 counter = 1 for i in ind: # TomoMask tomoMask = TomoMask() vesicleFile = vesicleSubtomoList[i] tomoMask.setSamplingRate(sRate) tomoMask.setLocation((counter, tomoMaskList[i])) tomoMask.setVolName(vesicleFile) tomoMaskSet.append(tomoMask) # Subtomogram subtomo = SubTomogram() subtomo.setFileName(vesicleFile) subtomo.setSamplingRate(sRate) subtomo.setClassId(counter - 1) subtomo.setVolName(tomoFileList[counter - 1]) subTomoSet.append(subtomo) counter += 1 return tomoMaskSet, subTomoSet, tomogramSet def _getSamplingRate(self): if self.segmentationFrom.get() == FROM_SCIPION: return self.inTomoMasks.get().getFirstItem().getSamplingRate() else: return self.sgVoxelSize.get()